Trueblood 01-The-Consolation-Prize (11 page)

BOOK: Trueblood 01-The-Consolation-Prize
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Her arm started to itch like crazy. What if she was allergic to him? Too bad. She’d take medication. As she leaned to rub her belly along his cock, still slippery with oil, she felt her body tighten. Luka lifted his head, reached for her mouth, and Chloe dropped her breasts to his chest, her mouth to his. The moment his lips touched hers, she was lost, swept away on a riptide of delight.

Chloe didn’t think she’d ever been kissed like this. He sucked and nibbled, each touch of his tongue and lips electrifying every nerve ending. He stole her air, but then she forgot to breathe; he stole her control and she forgot she ever had it. Luka tasted intoxicatingly different. It filtered through her mind she could be tasting her blood; then the thought washed away in the ecstasy of the moment. He growled into her mouth and Chloe felt the echoing pull between her legs.

When Chloe dragged her head back to gulp air into her struggling lungs, she saw in the deep pools of his eyes how much he needed her and knew this went beyond anything she’d ever experienced. Not just sex, there was a connection between them.

“Chloe, my angel, I could spend a lifetime kissing you but if those murderous bitches turn up now, they’ll get what they want from me. I have to be inside you.”

She knew that he wasn’t a let-someone-else-take-control kind of guy, but he had no choice and a little bit of Chloe was glad that this first time everything was up to her.
First time, huh, as if
there was going to be a load more
. So this might be all she got and she was determined to enjoy it.

Chloe wrapped her fingers around his hot, hard shaft and held it against the entrance to her body.

Ah God, he was big
. She hesitated, rubbing him along her folds.

“Don’t tease,” he said with a grunt.


“Not when I don’t get to tease you back.”

Chloe took her eyes from his cock and looked at his face. He smiled. She eased herself down a little further onto his silky cock. It was wet with precum, but she was wetter. She clenched around him, and as she relaxed, let him sink a little deeper.

Luka gave a frustrated groan and yanked at his restraints. “I want to touch you.”

“Touch me with words.”

As Chloe eased her body down, she whimpered at the intrusion but her pussy gradually stretched to take him, inch by beautiful inch.

Luka exhaled, a long noisy outrush of air. “You’re a precious gift, Chloe. I can hardly believe you’re real and I don’t know what I’ve done to deserve you, but if I don’t get all the way inside you in the next half a second, my dick will never forgive me.”

Chloe gave one last push and groaned as he slid completely inside her.

“Luka,” she gasped.

“Chloe, sweetling, my angel.” He gulped the words. “Oh God, you’re my love.”

As her body adjusted to the size of him, Chloe began to move, slow at first, lifting her hips a little and then pressing down. Everywhere tingled. Her heart pounded and her lungs struggled to draw enough air. Her hands trembled on his shoulders.

“Harder,” Luka whispered.

He canted his hips up to meet hers as she began to drive herself down more firmly. Chloe reached to lock her hands with his and Luka gripped her fingers. She could feel him swelling inside her, every nerve ending responding to his cock’s steely caress. Ribbons of pleasure twisted inside her, winding tighter. Chloe shifted position, changed the angle of her hips to rock and grind her mound against him, allow him to press closer to her clit, and he gave a throaty groan.

“Come for me, my love,” Luka groaned. “Take me with you. This has to be fast. I need to come inside you now.”

The words “inside you” slammed into her head and she dragged herself off him, holding herself above his body, his purple-headed cock bereft beneath her. The look on his face froze Chloe’s breath.

“You bitch. This was a trick?”

“What?” she gasped, alarmed at his words.

Luka’s gaze shifted to the door. “Are they out there waiting to take over? Are you priming me for them? I’ve been tricked by a whore?”

“Luka, no, no. What the hell are you talking about? You were going to come inside me and you can’t do that. I don’t have any protection. I’m not on the pill or anything. I don’t want to get pregnant.”

Relief smoothed out his face. He dropped his head to the pillow, closed his eyes, and released a choked sigh. “Oh God. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. Chloe, you’re not going to get pregnant. You’re not a vampire.”

“Are you sure?”

He opened one eye. “Do you drink blood and have to sleep in the daytime?”

She pretended to swipe him over the head and Luka laughed. “I’m sure,” he said.

Chloe dropped back into place, impaling herself on his length in one smooth movement that made them both shudder.

“You feel so good,” he whispered. “So soft and wet and hot and I’d like this to last forever but sweetheart, you have to hurry.”

Chloe put her hands on his chest, gripped with her thighs, and rode him. She could feel the coil twisting inside her, the sensual tingling between her legs as the muscles in her belly began to contract. Because she’d delayed coming, her body’s need for release was greater, the sensation more intense. She jerked as a biting spasm gripped her uterus. The one following was stronger, the one after felt as though her body was about to break apart. Chloe fell into a firestorm of pleasure as he thrust his hips towards her, forcing her to completion.

She catapulted towards nirvana, her muscles clenching around him in a tightening spasm, and Luka cried out, arching his hips off the bed. As he came, she felt each warm spurt. Her sheathe wrapped around his cock in a perfect fit, milking every last drop of his cum before she collapsed on his chest.

Neither of them moved. Chloe doubted she’d be capable of moving for quite some time.

“Oh, Chloe,” he whispered. “I wish I could hold you.”

She attempted to get her breathing under control. Her heart was beyond hope, pounding in her chest as though she’d run up a mountain. Chloe felt as though she’d been wearing spectacles all her life that blurred her vision and had suddenly taken them off. Sex had never been like this before. Luka looked, felt, tasted different. She put her arms around him and held him tighter, imagining he was hugging her.

His hair brushed against her cheek, silky soft, softer than hers. His mouth feather-touched the line of her chin, then dropped to her neck and nuzzled there. He smelt so good. How could that be when he’d been chained up for so long? It really felt as though Luka was touching her back and Chloe knew that wasn’t possible. His hands and legs were tied to the bed, but she could swear he had his fingers on her bum.

Luka’s mouth pressed more firmly against her neck. He was breathing hard, panting while Chloe’s breathing eased. She lifted her hands to his head, ran her fingers through his hair, and shifted her head.

“Give him better access to your neck.”

Her head buzzed. He was kissing her, licking, sucking, biting. Biting!

Chloe tensed and grabbed his ears. “Luka!”

“Hush, love. It’s all right. I won’t hurt you.”

“Trust him.”

Her extra voice talking, the female. She felt Luka’s lips at her neck, brushing her skin, then something sharp.

“Ouch,” she gasped and began to struggle. Was he turning her into a vampire, killing her?

“Luka,” she gasped but an instant wash of pleasure swamped her fears and dissolved her bones.

Killing her was okay. His cock, still inside her, had hardened once more, and Chloe’s muscles clamped around it. She couldn’t come again, not so fast and he definitely couldn’t, yet a wave of rapture crashed over her body as she felt him surge inside her. She was imagining his hands on her breasts, his fingers between her legs, but it still felt good. Oh God, she was going to come and she could feel Luka tensing. Maybe she was wrong. Maybe vampire books were right. What had he said? He could keep going for hours? Did he need that long to wear him out? Chloe was exhausted already.

Luka couldn’t help it. He really couldn’t. He had to bite her. In part through a need to feed, in part in a desire to complete the mating. His cock surged into her again and he shuddered as her pussy contracted around him, a tight wet glove. She came as he jetted into her. It wasn’t enough.

He wanted her blood. It was beyond his ability to resist, though Luka knew he should. Once his lips had brushed the vein in her neck, her blood began to sing to him, a siren call impossible to resist. In some dim, distant part of his brain that was still capable of rational thought, Luka pondered how this could be so, why he wanted her so much and then desire overwhelmed sense.

His tongue found her pulse and even as he made a desperate effort to pull back, his teeth sank deep into her delicate neck and his cock surged into her pussy. He felt her resist, the little minx pulled his ears, but nothing could have stopped him. Blood gushed into his mouth and Luka drank as if it was the only means to save his life. Maybe it was. She was sweet and tangy, the nearest he’d get to heaven, the most wonderful thing he’d ever tasted. In his mind, his hands roamed her body as he drank; fingers caressed her breasts, her backside, slid to her clit, and teased the sensitive nub. He wanted to hold her more than anything. He’d have died for the chance to wrap his arms around her.

For the second time Chloe’s blood rushed through his body, renewing his strength, giving him life and energy. He exploded into her, his cock making up for lost time and the feeling of her body pulsing around his drove his desire even higher. He drank and fucked in an orgy of sensation that he didn’t want to end.

Forget the fact that he knew they had to hurry. He could do this forever. The sensation of his cock thickening yet again forced him away from her neck. Luka gave a mental groan.
. He lapped the punctures holes closed and nudged her with his head. When Luka saw Chloe’s pale face, his dick shrank.
Too much
. The knowledge that he’d drunk too deeply was an effective damper to his ardor.

“Chloe! Love! You need to wake up. Go back to your room, drink a pint of water, and sleep.”

She stirred on his chest.

“Do you hear me? Chloe, do as I tell you.” He pushed into her mind. He’d tried earlier when he knew she was in the arms of another man but something had tried to block him. He’d been afraid to push too hard, not sure whether his actions could be detected by others. If Chloe had walked away looking like a zombie, she might have attracted unwanted attention. Luka tried again to get into her mind.
“Chloe, leave me now. Go to your room.”

“Chloe, please hurry.”

She climbed off him and lurched to her feet, her eyes glazed as she swayed in front of him.

“Pick up your clothes, sweetheart,” he whispered.

Only when she’d closed the panel behind her, did Luka allow himself to relax.

The calm lasted two seconds.

What the hell was he playing at? This was juggling with fire and he couldn’t even juggle with balls. He’d put her in grave danger. His body had overruled his head. He’d needed sex and used her. He’d needed blood, taken it and left her too little. He’d endangered her life.

It might be some consolation if he was strong enough to break free.

Luka wrapped his hands around the chains at his wrists, ignored the stinging pain in his palms, and pulled. The power coursed through him, Chloe’s blood commingling with his, surging down every vein and artery.

The links stretched but didn’t break. He let go and relaxed. The wounds on his body had begun to heal, cuts sealing and bruises fading. He needed to sleep for the regeneration to complete, though there was no denying he felt better. Luka strained once more against the chains.

He was stronger, but not quite strong enough.

“Well, she did as you told her, Phoebe. She trusted him and he’s taken too much.”

“Typical male. Give them an inch and they take a mile. She needs to drink water. She’ll be fine.”

“They were sweet.”

“Rufus, are you mellowing in your old age?”

“Just remembering what you used to taste like.”

“Hah, that shut her up.”

“Shut up yourself, Angel.”

Chapter Twelve

Luka opened his eyes when the door opened. Krista came in carrying a large plastic cylinder. She had a smirk on her face. Luka liked neither the look of the thing she held nor her expression.

“God, don’t you ever give up?” he asked.

She stripped off her gown, climbed onto the bed, and planted her feet either side of his hips, a position intended to give him a view he didn’t want. Luka averted his eyes and thought about Chloe’s sweet body, the mole under her left breast that he’d ached to kiss, the hollow above her collarbone, her bright green eyes that clouded before she came, the little breathless pants she made afterwards.
Arrggh, not a good idea

Krista crouched down, picked up his cock and tried to shove it into the lubricated tube. Luka winced as her fingernails dug into his flesh. The one thing he didn’t want her to do had turned into two. He didn’t want her to get her hands on his sperm and he didn’t want her teeth in his neck. After only just emptying himself into Chloe, there was a chance he had no little breaststrokers left. If he could avoid losing any blood before Chloe came again, he might be able to feed from her once more and regain enough strength to break free.

He hoped Krista didn’t notice that his body looked less battered, yet he wondered how she could fail to do so. He’d have to make up some lie about the healing capability of Truebloods.

“Why are you doing this?” Luka gasped as Krista eventually managed to force his uncooperative dick inside the oily tube. “Why are you so desperate to have a child? You know you’ll be in trouble when the Council finds out. And you know what they’ll do to me.”

“But not to me,” she said with a grin. “You’d be the one who gets to see the sun, but don’t worry, that’s not what our mistress has in mind for you. Once you start producing you’ll be protected and pampered.”

? Was the thought of being pampered and protected supposed to make him feel better?

BOOK: Trueblood 01-The-Consolation-Prize
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