Trust (7 page)

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Authors: Terry Towers

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Tucking my hands under my head, I snuggled into the bed. In a bed that was halfway cozy and speaking casually with Lance, I was almost able to block out everything else and relax. “What about your mom?”

His eyes seemed to grow dark, his body tensing.

Shit, shit, shit
. As soon as the question came out I immediately regretted it.

There was silence for a couple of minutes. I’d decided he wasn’t going to answer, but to my surprise he eventually did. “She’s dead.” By the tone in his voice, I knew that wasn’t a topic open for discussion.

“How old are you?”


“So do you have a girlfriend or anything?”

The question was greeted by a roar of laughter. “No. I don’t think there’s a woman in the world who deserves someone like me.”

A frown spread across my face. “What do you mean?”

His laughter trailed off to a chuckle. “I mean, when you do what I do for a living, you give up the privilege of having someone in your life. Can you imagine the first date conversation? What do you do? Ahhh, well, I kidnap and rape women then sell them off to people even worse than me.” He cocked a brow at me. “Please don’t tell me there would be a second date after that.”

“But you’ve never actually raped anyone before, have you? I’m your first, right?”

“Semantics, Gwen. I’m guilty by association. Every time one of the women here is raped or murdered that’s also on me. And I have other duties within the organization that have nothing to do with the sex trade. This place is just a central point of the U.S. operation.”

“I don’t understand. Then why are you here?”

“You ask a lot of questions. Many more than you’re privileged to.” Despite his teasing tone, I could see my bombarding him with questions was making him uneasy. That’s the last thing I wanted. If he decided I was too much to handle, he could pass me off to Tanner, or Jazz or god forbid Connor. The idea of being passed off to someone made me shiver in fear. 

“Are you cold?”

Not wanting him to know the real reason, I nodded.

“This whole floor is centrally heated so I have no control of it right now.” He rubbed his chin and was about to get up, but on impulse I grabbed his arm. His head turned and he looked down at me.

Pulling the blanket aside, I patted the mattress beside me.
I shouldn’t be doing this,
I thought, but I needed the contact even if there was the danger of sparking something within him I’d later regret awakening.

He rubbed the back of his neck with his free hand. “I don’t think –”

“Just for a minute. Might as well get used to each other considering what we’ll be doing tomorrow, right?” I held my breath.

His eyes lowered to take in the sight of my exposed breasts, my nipples beginning to harden from the chill in the
air. With a sigh he nodded. “You’re right.”

Slipping in beside me, he gathered me into his arms and I eagerly snuggled tight to his warm, hard body, all the while thin
king about how fucked up this was – cuddling with a virtual stranger, in a sex room while biding my time before I was sent back to my cell and ultimately sold.

Laying my head on his shoulder, I fingered the contours of muscle in his chest and lower to his abdominals; the muscle rippled and jerked at my touch, as he ran his fingertips up and down along my upper arm, not even attempting to touch me more intimately. It felt so nice, almost relaxing.

He just didn’t seem to fit in here. As much as he stated otherwise, I felt in my heart of hearts he wasn’t like the others, known it from the moment I set eyes on him. So what was his deal? Had he known about his father’s activities from a young age or was he gradually introduced into it? So many questions and no answers.

I was so lost in my ponderings over him that it wasn’t until his body tensed and his free hand grabbed mine that I realized I’d absentmindedly reached the waistband of his jogging pants.

“As much as I’m trying to restrain myself, you’re making this hard. I can only hold myself back for so long.” Removing my hand from his stomach and placing it on his chest, he stroked the side of my face with the palm of his hand, his thumb tracing my bottom lip. His blue eyes caught mine and I could see the hunger flaring up in them, sending a tremor through me.

What was with this man? I never trembled at Brandon’s hand like this. Maybe it was the danger hovering around us, knowing that in less than a week my body would no longer be mine; as it was Lance was the only reason it still was to a small extent. Maybe this was one of the only opportunities I had left that I could make the decision myself on who touched me and how.

His hand slipped from my cheek to settle at my neck. I gasped as his hand gently closed around my neck. It would be so easy for him to hurt me right now. All he had to do was tighten his grip around my neck and I’d be done for, but I knew he wouldn’t. And he didn’t.

He rolled to his side facing me, and his fingertips began to trace my collarbone, his gaze leaving mine and concentrating on the travel of his fingers. I closed my eyes and focused on the feel of him touching me. His fingers wandered along the side of my breast, and down my side to my hip, pushing the blanket down and exposing me fully to him in the process, taking care not to touch the large bruise forming along my bottom rib. Despite normally being naked in front of him, the feeling of being revealed to him this way seemed more intimate. How could a monster touch me with such tenderness?

I almost drifted to sleep being soothed by his touch exploring me, while avoiding my most intimate areas. I could only imagine how hard he must be, but I didn’t attempt to touch him any lower than his chest.

“I need to take you back.” His proclamation cut into my tranquil state and my body tensed, as my eyes flew open.
I don’t want to go back. I don’t understand why he can’t keep me with him. He seems to like me.


“Yeah. I have matters to attend to.” He leaned forward and placed a chaste kiss on my forehead before slipping out of the bed.

I wanted to protest, but didn’t, instead I slid out after him. I still had a few days, maybe.



Chapter 7


I woke up on my cot in my little cell to high-pitched screams and shouts of vulgarity. My eyes sprang open and I sat up on the cot to see Tanner unceremoniously throwing a screaming redhead into the cell beside me. The girl, who appeared to be just out of high school, fell backwards against the brick of the back wall. Looking over at Becca, she didn’t even bother to open her eyes to see what was going on. No doubt she’d been through a drop-off more than once.

Switching my gaze
back to the redhead I watched as she got up off the floor and raced up to the front of the cell, which was already closed and locked, called Tanner a
fucking prick
and spit in his face. My eyes widened in terror, waiting to see the repercussions of her insolence.

Tanner grunted
as he wiped his face with his bare hand. “That’s a free one, bitch.”

you…” Her body vibrated with anger. Unlike me, she’d been stripped before being brought down here. “I’m going to fucking kill you! You hear me!”

I glance
d over at Jazz guarding the door with Connor and then back to Tanner, not even paying any mind to the fact that I was staring. I might get reprimanded for lifting my eyes, but the scene was too much to not watch, being this was the first time I’d seen a new arrival.

Glancing back over at
Becca, I noticed her eyes were now open, but she didn’t move from the cot. She’d been extremely subdued since they murdered the Asian woman, who I later found out from Becca was named Mia, the previous day. Apparently, before Mia lost her mind they’d been friends – or as much of friends as you could be in a place like this.

been avoiding looking at the spot where Mia was murdered. While there was no longer any blood, seeing that area brought the image back to my mind. Instead I’d been trying to focus on Lance and the feelings of reassurance that came with his embrace. It was the only light I had in this darkness and I knew I had to cling to it, whether it was mentally and emotionally healthy for me to do so or not.

One of the girls in a corner cell to the left of me, at the end of the line on the opposite side
, was extremely religious. She softly prayed constantly. She hadn’t lost it yet and I think it was due to the fact she had something to believe in. No matter how bad things got for her she was confident God would save her from the grasp of evil. In a fucked-up, twisted way, I think Lance was to me as God was to her – a small part of me felt he’d protect me.

Was thinking Lance may be my knight in shining armour stupid
? Most likely. A necessity to get through the horrors of each day – definitely.  

“Do you know who I am
, motherfucker! My father is a detective with the LAPD. He’ll find me, tear off your balls and feed them to you. You… you FUCK!”

I waited on bated breath to see Tanner’s response. To my surprise there was none, didn’t even give her the speech. Instead he spun on his heel and left, followed by Connor and Jazz
, slamming the door behind them.

I watched the redhead as she took a moment to explore her surroundings. Once done, she gave the bucket an angry kick. It slammed against the cell door and down to the floor with a clunk
, water spilling out over the floor and creeping into my cell. Fuck! Feeling my eyes on her, she returned the stare as she plunked herself down on the cot.

“Bastards,” the redhead grumbled, batting away her tears with the back of her hand. “Where are we?”

I shrugged. “Some place in the woods. That’s all I know.”

She nodded

“I’m Gwe
n.” I jerked my thumb back at Becca. “That’s Becca.” I would have introduced her to the other girls, but I still hadn’t learned their names. I could have told you their slave numbers, though. From what I could tell, the longer girls were here, the less likely they were to continue using their real names. After time they became the numbers assigned to them.

...” the girl mumbled. Her head cocked to the side and she eyed me carefully. Suddenly her eyes lit up with recognition, taking me by surprise. “Are you her? The cheerleader?”

I crinkle
d my nose up and I shrugged. “I… umm… I’m not sure. What are you talking about?”

Ohmygod, it’s all in the news! Your face is plastered everywhere. Your dad’s a mayor, right?”

“Yeah.” I tried
not to let my mind go where it wanted to and think about my family. I’d cried so much over the past almost week that I wasn’t even sure I would have any tears left to cry anyhow.

A smile crossed her face and she bounce
d with excitement, not an emotion I’d seen from one of us before. “Oh yeah, you’re almost famous! And your boyfriend. Ohmygod! Fucking hot! He was on TV
with whoever it was that took you to bring you back. He had a ring and everything and told reporters he was going to propose as soon as you’re found.”

Brandon was going to propose?
Guilt rushed through me. He was planning on proposing and I was considering breaking up with him. Pulling my legs up against my chest, I placed my forehead on my knees, closing my eyes as if in an attempt to make myself as tiny as possible – as tiny as I felt. He was worried about me, my family was worried and here I was entertaining some sort of twisted fucking relationship with Lance. Had I truly lost my mind so quickly?

“Gwen?” I heard
Becca’s soft voice behind me, but I couldn’t turn to answer her. I was frozen; memories kept flooding my consciousness and I begin to hyperventilate.

No air! No air! Where’s the fucking air in this room!

Ohmygod am I having a panic attack?

Becca’s voice was in the distance. I heard her, but it didn’t really register.

I’d been so concerned about myself and what was going to happen to me that I hadn’t given it much thought on what friends and family must be going through. Everyone I was leaving behind.

“Breathe, Gwen. Damn girl. Breathe!”

My heart rate
began to slow and I could finally breathe again.
I gotta get out of here. Somehow.
But how? I’d gone through a million scenarios and none of them ended with me getting away alive.

Cuntmongers!” My head shot up and I opened my eyes at the sound of Jenny’s voice, to see Lance strutting into the room followed by the two men I’d seen a couple of days ago with him. I swear my heart stopped as I cast my gaze onto him, grabbing a leash from the wall and coming for me. As per the routine the other two men stood by the door, their rifles at the ready.

He stopped outside my cell and paused before inserting the key into the lock. He was expecting me to get up, but I was frozen, staring at him.

“On your feet, slave.” He growled as if I were no one to him. As if I’d imagined yesterday.

I’d been a fool. Such a fucking fool.

Slowly I rose to my feet and eyes to the ground I walked to the door of the cell. The leash was linked onto the front of my collar and he gave it a tug, urging me forward. Yup, human cattle. I had a good man at home waiting and worrying for me and I was lusting over a man who regarded me as his cute little pet for the week.

This time when we entered the BDSM room I didn’t hesitate.

“You two can bugger off. I’m fine with her.” Lance closed the door to the room and locked it without waiting for a reply from them. He quickly shut off the cameras and then approached me. Taking my hand he led me over to the bed and motioned for me to sit down.

Once sitting
, he removed my leash and collar. As soon as my collar was off I lowered my gaze; I couldn’t look at him. Grasping my chin in his hands he tilted my face upward, forcing my eyes to meet his.

“How are you?”

“Good, Master.”

He paused, tilting his head to the side and eyeing me
, a peculiar look in his expression. “What’s going on, Gwen?”

“What do you mean
, Master?”

He cursed under his breath. “Stop the bullshit. Talk to me.”

“I’m doing what I’m supposed to do. I’m your slave, your pet to be trained. Isn’t this how I’m supposed to act?”

He frowned, confused. “Yes, but…”

“Then why are you angry?”

“I’m not… fuck! I don’t understand what’s going on with you right now. Did one of those fuckers touch you last night?” Forcing me to stand he knelt before me and began to examine my body looking for any indication of abuse.

Once done with his inspection he rose back up. I could see his frustration building. A part of me wished I could just tell him to hold me and make it better. But that was just stupidity talking. Besides I didn’t deserve the mercy and I didn’t deserve compassion, not when Brandon and my parents were hurting.

“Just do what you have to and take me back to my cell, Master.”

His body tensed, becoming a giant coil. A low growl came from him as his eyes darkened.

“Why? Why are you acting like
this, Gwen?”

“It’s your job to prepare me for my buyer
, Master.”

“Goddammit! Are you losing your mind already?” Lance turned his back to me and paced back and forth in front of me
for a couple of minutes. I could see the stress of his confliction vibrating through him. I needed him to hurt me; I needed him to show me he was the monster he was supposed to be. I needed a reason to truly and completely hate him. I didn’t deserve the light.

“Fine. If you’re not Master enough to train me then maybe
Connor will!” A part of me screamed to stop this and that maybe I
going bat-shit crazy. I should apologize. I should open up to him, but I couldn’t. I just couldn’t.  I turned to leave, not sure if I was serious about going to find Connor or not.  His hand shot out and grasped my wrist. His grip was so tight I cried out, but he refused to loosen it. Instead he pulled me toward him and roughly threw me backwards onto the bed.

“This is what you want?” he growled through clenched teeth, pulling his shirt up and over his head
and tossing it to the floor, then proceeding to undo his belt. “This what you fucking want, Gwen?”

I cringe
d and lowered my head, not able to stand the anger and frustration in his eyes as he looked down at me. Yesterday he’d looked at me with kindness and affection, today it was pure rage.

“Look at me
, slave.”

I lift
ed my gaze and watched as he finished undoing his pants. I watched as he pulled out his semi-hard member. It grew to its full potential as he stroked himself; it was much bigger than I’d encountered before, in my limited experience. Once he was rock solid he finished undressing and kicked his clothing to the side.

was so damned beautiful. I hated myself for wanting him.

Despite the anger I c
ould see the anxiety in his expression. His free hand slipped behind my head and he fisted my hair, giving it a tug and forcing me to focus on his face. “Don’t mistake my kindness with weakness, slave. If you attempt to fight, to bite or escape you will be punished, severely. Are we clear? You want a true master? You want to be trained like everyone else, then make no mistake I’ll give you what you want.”

Tears welled up in my eyes as I nodded. “Yes, Master.”

His body pause
d when he saw my tears. Damned tears. He released his cock and it bobbed in front of my eyes. “Take me in your hand and stroke me.”

I gather
ed up my courage.
I can do this
Just get it over with and I can go back to my cage and be left alone
. Without a word I took him in hand and began to stroke him. He moaned softly, his hand fisting my hair tightening, becoming painfully tight. “Good, very good.” He was big, scary big. What if the person who bought me wanted me ready for anal? How in the hell could I handle his dick fucking my ass?

He slipped his free hand down my side and over the curve of my hips. My breath ca
ught in my throat as his hand traveled between my legs, cupping my mound. My hand froze on his cock and a tremor of terror rushed through me.

“Tell me you don’t want this.”

I refused to tell him no.

He sighed, the anger draining from him.
“It’s easier if you just give in, Gwen.” For some reason the use of my real name helped to relax me and tested my decision. I forced myself to relax as he massaged my mound, stroking me with two fingers along my slit from my anus to focus on my clit.

Closing my eyes I
attempted to forget where I was and tried to let go.
Just give in and feel
, I told myself. He stroked me again and I gasped, my hand tightening around his shaft as he dipped a couple of fingers into my core.

Opening my eyes, our gazes lock
ed and I saw the hunger building in his gaze. “Stroke me, from the base to the tip,” he ordered, his tone deep and desire-laced.

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