Trust Me (Finding my way) (5 page)

BOOK: Trust Me (Finding my way)
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“Are you going to eat all that?” Matt asks, staring at my plate overflowing with sausages, eggs, bacon, mushrooms, and beans.

Nope,” I shake my head, and on cue Tucker grabs one of my sausages.

Now I understand. What would you have done if he didn’t come?”

He would have; you mentioned food.” I slap Tucker’s hand away when he reaches for my coffee. “Don’t touch. Get your own,” I practically growl at him, but he just pouts.

What are we doing today?” Matt asks, tucking in to his own breakfast.

I was actually going to go for a walk or something, if you lot think you can entertain yourselves for a few hours?” I catch Sophie’s eye and she winks at me.

Sure we can,” she smiles to the boys.

What did Jason say?” Matt asks me, grimacing.

Nothing, really. Just asked if I was having fun and he wants to meet up when I get back tomorrow,” I answer, looking back down at my food pushing it around, no longer hungry.

I’m really sorry, Brooke, we did try to avoid him,” Matt apologises.

Don’t worry about it,” I mutter, pushing the whole plate to Tucker. Now I’m not hungry. My phone beeps, cutting off any further questions from anyone; but I’m not expecting the message.


Jason: You refuse to stay overnight with me, won’t even let me touch you, but yet you spend a whole weekend with the person everyone thinks you’re having sex with behind my back. Explanation time, when you get back.


I’m not quite sure what the correct reply would be to that. I could reply that he should trust me, but then we haven’t been together any longer than a month. Is that long enough to trust someone? Well, he obviously thinks so if he wants me to have sex with him. But if I agree to sleeping with him, he’ll be discovering more than one of my secrets.

Everything okay?” I look up at Sophie and notice everyone at the table is staring at me and I’m frowning.

I smooth my features and cock my head at her.

“I pretty much trusted you from day one, didn’t I?” I say it aloud, although it’s where my thoughts are taking me. I pretty much trusted her, Matt, and even Tucker from day one.

Yeah. Why?” she’s frowning now.

I shrug.

“Brooke, if this is about what I think it is, then please make sure you’re ready. You think it’s bad now. Just remember why you do it in the first place.” 

I know. I guess sometimes when you don’t trust someone from day one, part of you knows that there’s a reason not to.”

Are you two going to be cryptic all day?” Tucker grumbles finishing off the breakfast.

Nope, I’m going for a walk. I’ll catch up with you all later. I have my phone if you need me.” I smile and walk out of the pub looking forward to a day where I don’t have to hide from anyone.


After spending way too much money in town and changing into my new bikini in the public toilets - which was a struggle, I finally get to the beach. I settle down onto my towel and tuck into my new book, removing my tee in the hopes of catching a tan. It’s a nice day and the beach is full of families and groups of friends. After getting a text from Sophie confirming that she will keep them away from the beach today, I feel myself relax for the first time in what feels like years. The reality is that it actually has been years.

Two little feet in front of me catch my attention and I look up into the eyes of a little blonde haired boy who can
’t be much older than six.

Hello,” I smile at him and sit up, putting me at eye level with him. “Are you okay?”

He twirls his foot in the sand for a few minutes just looking at me.
“My daddy told me to give you this.” He holds his hands out with a football in between them.

And where is your daddy?” I ask him, taking the football.

I follow the direction he points to with my eyes and laugh at Dave, who
’s sitting there doing an impression of sending a prayer. “Come on. Let’s go say hi to daddy.” I shove my things into my bag and head over to Dave with the little boy in hand. “Shouldn’t you be teaching him not to talk to strangers?”

You’re not a stranger; it’s just been so long since you’ve seen him. He wants to play, but I’m knackered,” he says, slipping his sunglasses back on.

It was a good show last night. I really enjoyed it; you guys just keep getting more amazing every time I see you.”

’s the lead singer of Heaven’s Devil’s; he’s had it hardest of them all. He got his girlfriend pregnant when they were just sixteen; then she died in a car accident when she was eighteen, leaving Dave to look after Dave Jr. by himself. His parents help out when he has a show, but he’s never away from him overnight.

So you wanna play, huh?” I ask little Dave ruffling his hair; he ducks out of my reach and runs away.

You’re my hero,” Daddy Dave sighs, collapsing back down on his back.

Yeah, yeah,” I mutter good naturedly, dropping my bag down on his stomach. “Keep an eye on that. I’ll swap you for a bit.”

I still have
the football in my hands, so I drop kick it in the direction of Dave and watch as he attempts to catch it; laughing when he runs away from it at the last minute. I run over to grab it, but he’s quicker than me.

No fair, you have to catch it!” I shout over to him, but he just laughs at me and runs for a chase.

I let him outrun me for a little bit, but when I see that he
’s running out of breath, I pick up my speed and throw him over my shoulder making a run into the sea. He starts giggling when I run further in and drop us both down so we get soaked to the head.

We’re still dressed!” he screams laughing in my ear.

Ooops. Guess I forgot.” I swing him around so I’m now giving him a piggyback. “Too late now though,” I yell over to him and drop us again.

When the breeze picks up a little, I walk us back out to the beach and pretend to collapse dropping us both into the sand.

I’m not expecting it when a load of sand comes down over my head, sticking in my hair and on my face; but while I’m registering the first attack, he throws another load onto my bikini top and stomach, then a third lot on my legs. I’m plastered head to toe in sand.

I’d get you back but I don’t think your dad would be happy with me if I did,” I tell him, getting up but then catching him and tickling him instead.

Can we build sandcastles?” I can only just make out the question through the laughing.

Sure, have you got a bucket and spade?” I pause the tickling attack.

Yeah, it’s by daddy.” He waves his hands in his dad’s direction.

Race you there!” I call over my shoulder running away from him, but I let him win at the last minute.

Ahh…I see he got you.” Dave laughs when I finally reach them.

I don’t know what you mean,” I sniff and move some wet sand and soaked hair out of my face.

What did you do?” he asks, although his laughter is getting louder.

I dunked us,” I pout and poke my tongue out at Dave Jr.

She did, lots of times daddy. Look, my hair’s all wet!” he points his little finger at me, looking so affronted it makes me giggle a little.

I may have got a little carried away,” I admit.

You’re phone has been ringing,” Dave says, passing me my bag.

I slip my tee back on and struggle to put my jean shorts back on.
“Looks like real life is calling me back.”

Thanks for entertaining him for a while.”

It’s not a problem. I had more fun than I do with my own friends,” I wink at them both. “Don’t forget to build your sandcastles! And make sure there’s a moat too!” I ruffle Dave’s hair once more before I stand up.

I’ll see you tonight?” Dave asks, gathering the buckets and spades.

You bet,” I call over my shoulder and check my phone to see where I’m meeting Sophie and the guys for dinner. I’m surprised to find that so much time has gone by.


“What happened to you?” Sophie bursts into hysterics when I reach their table that is thankfully outside the restaurant; I’m not sure I’d be allowed inside to join them otherwise.

What? This is the new look.” I poke my tongue out at her still feeling playful.

Glad that you’re in a better mood,” Matt notes while Tucker just looks vaguely amused.

You’re just jealous because I spent the day with a very handsome man and had the best time of my life.”

Handsome you say?” Sophie asks sitting up with interest.

Very,” I nod.

Who was it? Anyone I know?”

Yup. Dave’s little boy. He’s six now and grown up so much since we last saw him.” Matt and Tucker both laugh at Sophie’s clear disappointment at not getting any gossip.

Where did you see him?” she asks, looking happy now.

They were on the beach. Dave sent him over to me with a football, hoping I could keep an eye on him for an hour. I dunked us in the sea a few times and well; this is what I got back for it,” I point to my hair. “He got the whole of me. I’m covered in sand underneath all my clothes, it’s so uncomfortable, but it was worth it to see him laugh for a while.”

Who are Dave and Dave Junior?” Matt asks, noting that Sophie and I both know them.

The lead singer of the band, it’s sad really. He’s the quietest of the group and got his high school sweetheart pregnant. They were really happy even though they were so young. She died two years later though; in a car accident, it was terrible. He hasn’t really been with anyone since either. He’s dated a few women but he doesn’t really seem interested in anyone and little Dave doesn’t really remember his mom,” Sophie fills them in while I order.

He’s sweet; he’s like the instant big brother,” I nod at them. “Hey, I wonder if he will kick Jason’s ass for me when I get back?” I wink, only half joking.

Why?” Sophie asks frowning.

I got a few texts off him today. I missed his calls when I was in the sea and obviously Dave didn’t go in my bag to answer my phone. So he’s been going a bit crazy, but after what he sent me this morning, I don’t really care anymore,” I shrug.

Jason is starting to get on my nerves now; if I don
’t answer my phone, I’m automatically having sex with someone else. While I’m not entirely convinced that I believe him when he denies what he’s done behind my back; why would he be so convinced I’m doing it if he’s not?

Well, if there’s any ass kicking that needs to get done, you have us, remember,” Matt says gesturing to himself and Tucker.

Aww that’s really sweet guys…but, I wouldn’t want any of you to get hurt.” I can’t help but laugh at how offended they both look.

What are you wearing tonight?” Sophie asks me, changing the subject.

I bought a blue chiffon dress this morning.”

Aww Brooke, just one night!” she pleads. She doesn’t have to say anything else because I know what she’s asking; to forget about the guys and wear something that I really want to wear, without having to worry about hiding my body.

No,” I say firmly and roll my eyes when she pouts and gives me puppy dog eyes.



Walking into the caf
é, I notice that Jason’s best friend is eyeing me curiously. I turn my head and approach Sophie’s table, she looks up, surprised at my approach.

Why are you blushing?” she demands amused.

Umm…I…eh…need your help with…something,” I stammer as I sit down and nod my greeting to Matt and a few of his friends.

Okay, what’s going on?” she asks giving me her full attention now that I have her interest piqued.

I need to go out tonight.”

Right…what’s that got to do with me? You want me to come with you?” I can see the confusion on her face and I take a deep breath for what I’m about to do.

Yeah, but I wanted you to dye my hair for me.”

What, why?” she asks whilst looking at my blonde hair and mindlessly picking up a strand and running it through her fingers.

JasonandIbrokeup,” I rush out so it sounds like one word.

What did he do? And what’s that got to do with you dying your hair?” she demands.

Umm well, he kind of knows now…so I want to stop the secret before he does and I figured…” I’m cut off by her extremely loud squeal in my ear. I watch amazed as she jumps up from her seat and starts dancing on the spot, clapping excitedly.

“This is going to be the best night ever! You have no idea how long I have waited for this!” she squeaks still dancing.

What are you talking about?” Matt asks, watching Sophie looking slightly confused but unable to hide his grin at her obvious happiness.

I’ll tell you later. I have to go,” Sophie rushes to explain and grabs my hand at the same time, pulling me out of the café. I manage a feeble wave in the direction of the table and blush again at the attention we are getting from all the other students.


* * *


“I can’t believe you’re finally doing this!” Sophie exclaims squeezing my hand in the back of the taxi. I can’t help but smirk at her. After hours of shopping, pampering, dying my hair, then choosing the perfect outfit and getting ready, I just want this to be over.

My normally pulled up into a ponytail light blonde hair, is now a chocolate brown with red highlights and pulled over my shoulder in loose messy curls giving it a bed head look. I
’ve finally switched the baggy clothes that hid my figure so well. The clothes that always have made me known as the chubby plain girl, to a black short sleeve shirt that is tied into a knot just above my belly button. The first three buttons are undone showing a bit a cleverage and I’ve paired it with a black and white plaid skater skirt. Setting off my outfit are black ankle boots with a four-inch heel, decorated with silver studs.

To use Sophie
’s words, I look like a bad girl that’s waiting to find some sexy trouble to get into.

I just hope it works.

We get out of the taxi at JD’s bar, a favourite amongst our fellow students that frequent it most nights. Luke is waiting for us outside the door. His jaw drops when he sees me, making Sophie giggle and once again squeak about how amazing this is going to be. Taking a deep breath, we open the door and walk inside. I immediately spot Matt at the bar with a few of his friends.

Hey baby,” Sophie shouts over the music to him.

I watch, holding my breath to see what his reaction will be because even though it has been hard, we
’ve managed keep my figure a secret from him. I’m relieved and can’t help but smile when he turns and starts making his way over to Sophie. He stops when he sees me, but simply chuckles and shakes his head.

I assume we will be seeing you out a lot more now then,” he smirks at me as he grabs Sophie into a hug.

Something like that,” I mutter while trying not to blush at all the appreciative looks I’m getting from the men in the bar.

So, what happened to make you want to ‘come out’ if you will?”

I broke up with Jason and he didn’t take it so well. When he realised I wasn’t going to sleep with him, he said and I quote, ‘It’s okay to be nervous, but you have nothing to worry about. My friend told me that fat girls are the best in bed because they never know when they’re going to get it again.’” I smirk at him.

What did you say to that?” he asks and when Sophie snorts, he turns back to me looking very amused much to my own amazement.

Well…I had been avoiding him all week since we got back last weekend. He was waiting for me when I got out of the shower earlier and hit me with that bombshell. So I did what anyone in my position would do…I dropped my robe and got dressed in front of him, then left the dorm with him shouting apologies at me.” I shrug and he bursts out laughing, full on bent over, hands on knees laughing.

After several attempts of us all trying to get him to stop laughing, I shake my head and go to the bar where I
’m immediately approached by a tall, medium built man who looks a few years older than me; about twenty six I would guess.


Hi,” I smile back at him

I don’t think I’ve seen you here before have I? Are you new to the area?” he asks, while trying to keep his eyes on mine but failing several times.

No. it’s my first time here, but I go to the uni.”

Well, I can understand your boyfriend keeping you inside all to himself. I’m assuming you have one…”

Not as of a few hours ago,” I shrug and pay for my drink.

’m not all that surprised when Luke comes up to me and slings an arm around my shoulders. I pretty much worked it out that the guy I’m talking to is only interested in getting me into his bed.

I wondered where you got to,” Luke greets me, pulling me into his side.

Needed a drink.” I lift my glass to him and turn to guy still staring at me; I catch him looking down my shirt.

This is Luke, my friend,” I introduce him, then realise I don’t even know his name.

No I know. How’ve you been Luke, how’s Kate?”

She’s good, she’ll be here later.”

Okay, well I’ll catch up to you later,” he says to me as he makes his way over to a table full of men; none of who I can see because they are all facing away from me. I turn my attention back to Luke and smirk at him.

Nice. Very smooth by the way.” I nudge his shoulder with my own.

Just looking out for you, that’s Adam Jenks; stay away from him. He’ll try his hardest to get you into his bed and that’s all he’s interested in,” he warms me, looking very stern and fatherly, making me chuckle.

I kind of figured that out before you got here. I might be a virgin, but I’m not clueless”

Hey, don’t say the V word around here Brooke, these guys will have a field day with that,” he growls at me.

Okay, Okay.” I hold my hands up in defeat “Let’s go find Sophie. Lead the way, my knight in shining armour.” I follow him through the crowded bar to find Sophie near the back, talking to Matt and man I don’t recognise.

Hey, are you having fun?” Sophie asks, pulling me in for a quick hug.

I was until Luke spoilt it for me,” I complain, adding a pout for good measure making Luke sigh and roll his eyes.

What do you mean?”

She was talking to Adam Jenks at the bar,” Luke says as if that’s the only explanation he needs to give, which apparently it is.

Oh no Brooke, stay away from him. He’s a player,” Matt warns, but Sophie just rolls her eyes like I did.

I know. You lot do realise I’m not stupid, besides I was having fun. If he thinks he can charm me into his bed, then I’m not going to stop him trying. I have a feeling it would be fun to wind him up.”

What happened to the quiet, shy girl we all know and love?” Matt asks, looking far too serious.

Don’t worry, this one is way more fun,” Sophie reassures him. “It’s entertaining to watch,” she grins at me, making me remember a night out we went on during our first month of meeting. “And Adam Jenks is nothing, Brooke can handle much worse, trust me.”

Are you looking for a job?” The man that I didn’t recognise earlier asks me. It’s now that I notice he’s wearing a JD’s Bar T-shirt; he’s looking over me taking in my outfit and body in one swift look.

Umm…no, why?”

A girl like you could fit in well here and by the sounds of it, you can handle the men, so think about it and get back to me. My name’s Jeff,” he says to me and then turns to Sophie. “When will Haley be back?” he asks looking worried.

Tomorrow, I promise,” she assures him.

And what I am supposed to do tonight?” he asks her.

Sophie grins at him and points to me.

“Brooke,” she informs him in a way that makes me worry what she is promising him.

I need someone who knows what they are doing, not someone who’s going to mess about, Sophie,” he tells her while assessing me again.

Trust me.”

Okay, what are you talking about?” I ask, shifting uncomfortably from foot to foot under their combined stares.

We need you to fill in for our dancer; she’s ill.” Jeff smiles at me.

Come on Brooke, what better way to say ‘fuck you’ to everyone than this?” she asks.

My attention is drawn to the door when I hear a familiar voice; Jason strolls in with his arm over Cassie from my English class.

“Fine, I’ll do it,” I nod at Jeff.

Great, because you’re up. What songs do you want?” he points to a curtained off area behind us.   

Shakin Hands
first of all, and then
Pour Some Sugar on Me
Def Leopard
as the second one. I’m only doing two and I need Sophie for the second one.”

Jeff seems pleased with my answer and heads off to the DJ, while I make my way behind the curtain. I
’m stood on a small stage with a pole in the middle of it. I’m just thinking that I might just kill Sophie when she pops her head in the curtain.

Why didn’t you tell me I had to dance around a pole?” I demand with my hands on my hips.

Don’t worry, you’ll be fine. Remember the last time? Just do that again,” she insists with a small smile that makes me think she’s up to something.

Fine, but I need you for the second one, just like last time.”

No problem. Matt will love it,” she smirks at me and then disappears again.


I take my position sitting in front of the pole with my legs straight out in front of me and silently thank the lord that I put a pair of shorts on under my skirt before I left the dorm earlier. I keep my head down as the first few notes of the song drift through me and the curtain opens. Keeping my head down, I bring my feet up so my knees are bend in front of me and lift my legs up in the air hooking my feet around the pole. Using my hands I spin myself around, I bring my legs down one at a time slowly and then stand, wrapping my leg around the pole. I alternate between doing spins, holding myself up and dancing around it. I keep my head down the whole time and can only barely hear the music over the cheers in the bar. Soon enough, the song fades out and Sophie makes her way on to the stage.

Taking her position on the lower part of the pole we both alternate between dancing around each other and the pole during the second song. The cheers get louder every time Sophie and me come into contact with each other. So far, I have kept my face hidden from the crowd and only through Sophie
’s occasional giggles can I assume that they are enjoying the entertainment we are providing.

Jason’s watching, I don’t think he’s figured it out yet,” she says loud enough for only me to hear. I shrug and do one final twist down the pole as the song comes to an end.

Grabbing my hand Sophie and I stand at the front of the stage. When I lift my head to look at the crowd, I
’m rewarded by a few dropped jaw expressions from people who know me and can’t quite believe what they’re seeing. Looking down, Luke is stood with his arms wrapped around Kate; they’re both laughing at Adam stood next to them who just keeps blinking at me.

Matt and Jeff take a few steps forward, both sporting shocked and impressed expressions as they help us down from the stage.

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