Trust No One (42 page)

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Authors: Diana Layne

Tags: #Mystery; Thriller & Suspense, #Thrillers & Suspense, #Spies & Politics, #Espionage, #Romance, #Romantic Suspense, #Thrillers, #Mystery & Suspense, #Suspense

BOOK: Trust No One
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“Please sleep, Angel,” he murmured. “Don’t wake up.”

Ben gently lifted her out of the crib, placed her on his shoulder, wrapping blankets around her. Bracing her head, he crawled out the window and headed toward his car.

He imagined what Tex and Dottie were going to be feeling when they realized Angel was missing. Well, they’d know soon enough she was okay.

Oughta be interesting. Their day tomorrow, as well as his. He opened the car door and hoped he could buckle her into the car seat without her waking.

“Stay asleep, baby.”


* * *


Nice car.
MJ had slipped behind the Porsche’s steering wheel, taking over the driving before dawn. The Texas border was less than an hour away, meaning they were about four hours away from Whiddon and Angelina.

“You’re awfully cheery,” Tasha commented.

“I am. I’ve missed Angelina.”

“So you’re really into this mommy thing.”

“Yeah, it’s a lot of fun.”

“What made you go this route, adopting and all?”

MJ told her about how she found Angelina.

“One of those crack babies? Adoption? That had to be tough.”

“It wasn’t so bad. That crack baby thing is mostly myth. She was born premature, and was developmentally delayed, but that came from living so long in the hospital setting. She didn’t have any specific medical issues, none that aren’t easily dealt with. Dottie’s good with her, she’s been taking in babies with special needs forever. Given her situation.”

“What situation? Did she have special training?”

“Nothing more than life. She’s black and Tex is white. They got married back in the early 70s.”


“Gave them a lot of trouble. Dottie nearly died from a double ectopic pregnancy, I suspect the white doctors back then weren’t as careful with a poor black woman. Regardless, Dottie and Tex loved children, so she went into daycare.”

“I suppose adoption was out?”

“Yeah, mixed races and all that, though she did foster children for a while. Said ultimately it was too hard, she’d grow to love them and they’d have to move on. With daycare, she knows it’s temporary.”

“So what about you? Why’d you decide to saddle yourself with another life?”

“I was ready to settle down.”

“And you didn’t go the traditional route of getting married, having kids because . . . ?”

What an odd question. “Keith ruined all that.”

“I can see that, most men are useless anyway. But what about invitro, then you’d get at least part of the experience of having a baby if not the wedding and husband thing.”

MJ shot Tasha a look. “You don’t know?”

“Obviously not? What don’t I know?”

“Keith’s shot took out my uterus. I can’t have kids.” MJ pinched her lips together. Still bad memories. Still hurt to talk about it, think about it.

“Damn. I knew you’d been gut shot, but it didn’t even occur– No wonder . . .”


“The bastard. If he were still alive, I’d kill him for you.”

That comment drew a smile from MJ, and she felt warmth in her heart she never before associated with Tasha. “Thanks.”

Then MJ thought how weird was that. Feeling grateful, even loving, that her adopted sister wanted to kill the bad boyfriend for her. If she hadn’t already killed him herself. Definitely not your normal good old American family relationship here.

The sun was just peeping above the horizon when Tasha settled down to sleep, the little rat dog curled in her lap. MJ drove on, thinking it was time for a coffee break when her phone rang.

“Good morning,” said the man when she answered.

The tone of his voice set her nerves jangling. “Ben?”

“Getting close to home?”

“Why would you ask that?” she responded tightly, clamping down on her emotions.

“It’s pretty obvious you want to protect your little girl, and with those BOLO’s out, I figure you’re planning on hightailing it out of the country.”

“Why are you calling? You have no reason to be on the job. You were supposed to get me to go after Tasha, not bring her in yourself.”

“Maybe it became personal.”

Her heartstrings tugged, for some strange reason. Sex the other night was no reason, they made no connection. Her heart didn’t quite believe the lies.

“It’s not personal. No need for you to be involved.”

“For me, it’s personal. And I am involved.”

“I don’t agree.”

“Didn’t figure you would.”

“So why waste your time bothering? You won’t ever see me again.”

“Have to say you’re wrong there.”

“What’s that mean?”

“I’m pretty sure you’re going to want to see me, and soon.”

“Why you arrogant son-of-a-bitch, the sex was great, but–”

But the line went dead. Before she could decide what he meant, or if she wanted to call back and ask for a further explanation—of course she didn’t—the phone rang again.

“Damn, it’s hard to sleep around here,” Tasha complained.

“Sorry.” MJ figured it was Ben calling back and hadn’t decided whether she’d answer or not when she saw on the caller ID it was Tex’s number.

Angelina was MJ’s first thought.

When MJ answered, Dottie was almost incoherent with tears. “I wasn’t sure I’d dialed the right number,” she sobbed.

“Dottie, what’s wrong?”

“Oh, MJ.” A crying jag stole away any more words.

“Dottie, is Angel sick?” Injured? MJ couldn’t even fathom any other thoughts.

Tasha sat up. “What’s going on?”

“I don’t know.” Frustration circled rings around MJ’s throat. “Dottie’s called but she’s crying too much to say anything.”

“That doesn’t sound good.”

Just having Tasha say the words made MJ’s heart pound, made it harder to catch a breath.

“Dottie, is Tex there, can he talk?”

Dottie’s crying faded away. . .

MJ’s head spun. “Hello? Are you there?”

Tasha patted MJ’s shoulder, giving her a feeling of stability.

“MJ.” A new voice. One thick with tears but not out of control.

Just hearing Tex choked up made the tears MJ had been holding back leak out. “Tex, what’s wrong? Is Angel sick? Is she hurt?”

“MJ, the baby is gone. Someone broke into the house and took her. Angel’s missing.”










Chapter 24


“No!” Gone? “No.” No, no, no.

MJ swerved violently, nearly lost control of the car. The dog yapped as he was thrown against the door.

“Goddamn, woman, pull over before you kill us,” Tasha snapped.

MJ obeyed, steering the car to the shoulder and stepping on the brakes, glad Tasha was there to tell her what to do when her mind blanked.

“Only killing going to be done is me killing Ben,” MJ vowed.

“What’s happened?”

MJ didn’t take the time to answer. She realized the phone was still to her ear, and Tex was still talking. “The police are here now.”

“The police?” MJ felt like sinking through the floorboard. The local yokels. Terrific.

“Officer Jenkins wants to talk to you.”

Great. Mike Jenkins, getting better and better. He probably already had a hard-on over that BOLO and now this. She didn’t want to talk to Mike. She knew who had her baby. But the longer she had to screw around with the cop, the longer it would be before she could find Angel.


“Mike, what’s going on?”

“There’s more Tex didn’t tell you. There was a rental car stranded here in the driveway.”


“Spark plug wires ripped out. And signs of a struggle. You know anything about that?”

“Why would I?”

“The disabled car?”

“You said the wires were ripped out. I’m a mechanic, I can disable a car in a less destructive way.”

“Had to ask. Have to ask this, too, do you have the baby?”

“Why the hell would I kidnap my own child?” MJ imagined she heard that spooky Twilight Zone music. “No, I don’t have Angelina, why don’t you find her instead of bugging me?”

“I told you I had to ask. Where are you?”

“With my sister. Family emergency.”

“We’re putting out an Amber Alert for Angelina. Can you get back to town?”

“As soon as I can.”

“When I put your name in the system, NCIC popped on a BOLO in West Virginia.”

Yeah, she already knew that, thanks.

Why the hell had he looked up her name in the first place? “West Virginia?” she said with mock surprise. “It’s a mistake.”

“Obviously. It listed you as a nurse. I’m going to have to talk to you, see if we can get this mess straightened out.”

“I’ll be there as soon as I can. Find my baby!” She added the last bit for effect, knowing a mom who really didn’t know where her baby was, would be frantic. MJ was frantic all right. Frantic to get her hands on Ben. There was no doubt in her mind who had Angelina.

“Wow, your baby’s gone?” Tasha murmured while before MJ could disconnect the call. “Who took her?”

MJ shot her a look that said she had a good idea while Jenkins continued, “We’re looking. In the meantime, stay where we can reach you.”

“Yes, of course. Tell Dottie I’ll call back later.”

“She’s in bad shape.”

“I can imagine.”

MJ disconnected, then immediately punched Ben’s number, talking to Tasha while she waited on the phone to connect. “Yes, Angel’s disappeared. Ben said he thought I’d be wanting to see him soon. He has to have her. But he left a disabled car behind.”

“And that means . . . he left on foot?”

“Don’t think so. Jenkins said there were signs of a scuffle.”

“So Ben was scuffling with . . . ?”

“Someone else who had kidnapping in mind?”

“Or worse,” Tasha suggested.

“Yes,” MJ conceded, not so irritated that Jenkins was on the scene to keep Tex and Dottie safe at least.

Ben answered.

“You bastard, what happened? She better be all right.”

“Of course she’s all right, why wouldn’t she be?”

“A few things don’t make sense, like a disabled car, signs of a scuffle?”

“You’re lucky I was a step ahead of you this time. There was a man already there trying to get her.”

Shock held her silent while she processed what he said. She’d suspected, but to have it confirmed. “Trying to get her?”

“I thought that was his intent, yes, but I called the cops in case he meant to come back and hurt the Myers. Are they okay?”

“Yes, physically. Emotionally they’re a wreck.” She remembered something. “This man, what’d he look like?”

“It was dark, but once I pulled his cap off, he looked blond. The most noticeable thing about him was a scar on his forehead.”


“Yeah, do you know him?”

“No, but Dottie said earlier a man with a scar ran them off the road. She thought there was going to be trouble but a cop came along in time.”

“So he was already in place.”

“Looks like it. And you fought with him, you okay? Your shoulder?”

“I’m fine. And you’re welcome.”

“Thank you.” Relief warred with chagrin. “Where is she?”

“With me, of course. And finally sleeping. She doesn’t do well in the carseat.”

“I could have told you.”

“Like I had the opportunity to ask?”

“She has a dog she likes. Plays music.”

“That little black and white thing? I stuffed it in the diaper bag. She uses it in the carseat?”

“She uses it in the carseat, yes. And to sleep. I want her back.”

“Of course, meet me.”

“I’m not stupid.”

“I just want to be involved. I have suspicions.”

“I’m suspicious myself and that means not to trust you.”

“Don’t see you have a choice.”

Blood rushed to her head so fast, she saw red. So that’s what it felt like, a detached part of her brain thought. She brought herself under control, managed to sound reasonable she thought. “This doesn’t concern you.”

“Jeff made it my concern when he gave me the job.”

She found herself screaming, “You mean he sent you to kidnap Angelina? And you did it, knowing how that would make me feel?” So much for any real caring on his part.

At the moment, she felt she was being manipulated like a puppet. On a string, every move she made choreographed. Now that she knew the circumstances of her parents’ deaths, she realized she’d been manipulated most of her life. The idea of any control over her life, over the last years of being “retired” had only been an illusion. Despair clawed its way up through her stomach, settled with a dull thud behind her ribcage.

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