Truth or Dare (2 page)

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Authors: ReShonda Tate Billingsley

BOOK: Truth or Dare
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Chapter 2

in't no party like a spring break party 'cause a spring break party don't stop!”

I laughed as several of my friends sang our signature It Clique song while the baggage handlers loaded our luggage onto the party bus. I'd invited along a select group—the “in” crowd—and they were all hyped when they saw the bus.

My friends and I had really been hyped the whole plane ride here to Cancun. Most of us travelled quite often—all over the world, in fact—but it was nothing like being able to spend a week on a sandy beach with your friends. Yeah, we had some chaperones, but we had made it very clear that with the kind of money our parents shelled out for our exclusive private school, Miami High, those chaperones were just here to make sure nobody died and nothing more.

“Come on, Maya!” Sheridan called out, heading toward the bus.

Kennedi had already gotten comfortable in the front seat. I wanted to laugh. That was so Kennedi, staking her claim. I was just about to say something when I saw the cameraman and sound guy from my station approach us. I'd known they were sending these two and one undercover cameraman. I hadn't warned any of my friends that
Rumor Central
was sending a production crew. I knew they wouldn't be happy about it so I wasn't going to say anything until the last possible moment. And it looked like the last possible moment was here.

“What's up, Maya?” the cameraman, a guy named Quincy, said as they walked up to the van. “I see you guys just made it.”

“Yeah,” was all I could say.

“Our flight just got in, too,” Quincy said.

Sheridan and several of my other classmates stopped in their tracks, looked at them, at me, and then back at them.

“Oh, unh-uh,” my friend Zenobia said. “Is that a
Rumor Central

“I know they're not here to film us,” Shay said.

I wanted to tell Shay that she was lucky to even be on this party bus, since I didn't like her ghetto-fabulous behind anyway. She was only here because I'd invited her and Evian Javid. Our relationship had never been the same since all of that drama with
Miami Divas
. Sheridan had gotten over it. Bali had moved away. And while I was back speaking to Shay and Evian, we weren't cool like
. Still, I invited them along because I was trying to be the bigger person (and of course, I wanted them to see how I was rolling).

“I know that's right, no filming,” Sheridan echoed as she handed her Vera Bradley bag to the driver. She turned to face me. “Please tell me they are not here for work.”

“Chill,” I said to everybody standing around staring at me. “Yes, they are here for work. We are taking
Rumor Central
on the road, but this is actually a win-win for everybody.”

All of them gave me a “yeah, right” look. I'd known I was going to catch some flak about the
Rumor Central
crew being here. I had shared a lot of people's secrets since my show started eight months ago and that had caused a whole lot of drama. I immediately went into the speech that I had worked on in my head the entire plane ride here.

“Look, we're about to have a blast.” I pointed at the party bus. “That's compliments of
Rumor Central.
And wait until you see the room they got us.” I figured if I could win over Kennedi and Sheridan, who were staying in the suite with me, they'd be more likely to convince the others that this wasn't such a bad idea. “I just have to film a little somethin' for the show. But you guys are straight.”

“I don't care! No cameras!” this basketball player named Jock said after he bounced up next to Sheridan. “I'm 'bout to get into some mayhem and mischief up in Mexico. I don't need any documented proof. Matter of fact”—he took off his baseball hat and held it out toward us—“all of y'all, give me your iPhones and your Droids.”

Of course, nobody paid him any attention, so he ended up putting his hat back on his head.

Evian stepped forward. She had her arms folded across her chest and was giving major attitude. She looked like she should be in some beach commercial with her butt-length hair pulled up into a loose ponytail and her Diane Von Furstenberg peach wrap dress. Evian's dad was a Persian billionaire, and so she always carried herself like some princess (although we'd heard lately that her family had some ties to the mafia).

“Mm-mm, Maya, this is so not cool,” Evian said.

“For real,” Shay said as she stepped up next to Evian. Shay should've been the poster child for ghetto royalty. Her thug-turned-NBA father was Jalen Turner, one of the hottest players in the NBA. Somebody should've told her that bleach-blond hair was so not a good look for black girls. Even now, she had on some Daisy Dukes shorts, a Run-D.M.C. tank top, and some high-top Converse. Just ghetto. Shay had been the saltiest about me getting my own show, but whatever.

“You're not about to blast our business all up over the world,” Shay continued. “We all agreed that what happens in Cancun stays in Cancun.”

“Yeah,” Zenobia added. “And it can't stay in Mexico if you're catching it all on tape.”

“It's not like you guys aren't going to be recording and posting stuff on Instagram anyway,” I snapped back.

Quincy just stood there like he was enjoying the show.

“Look, you guys,” I said, trying a different approach to calm everyone down. “I would've preferred that they didn't come either, but they're here and I didn't have a say-so in it, but what I did get them to agree to is a cut-off time. So anything that's scandalous in Cancun
stay here. I promise.”

I didn't know how good I would make on that promise, but at this point, I needed to do my job and I didn't need the drama.

“And besides,” I continued, “I did get them to agree to give me final say on whatever they air.” I didn't really, but I needed to make them feel at ease.

“Oh yeah, because we know your judgment is on point,” Shay said, rolling her eyes.

I gave her the hand and turned back to Sheridan and Kennedi. “All I'm saying is this is our chance to show the world how we party, diva style.”

“I don't need anyone seeing me toasted,” some girl from the back yelled.

I wanted to tell her she had nothing to worry about because the camera would
be pointed in her direction at all with her busted-looking self. But I ignored her.

“Doesn't matter to me,” Kennedi finally said from the bus. Of course she'd be cool with it. Kennedi had my back all of the time, no matter what.

“I don't know, Maya. I'm not feeling this at all,” Sheridan said, shaking her head. I didn't know why she was trippin' anyway. It's not like she'd be doing anything TV worthy anyway with her boring self. Sheridan was making me mad, though, because considering we were BFFs, she could be so shady sometimes.

“Just trust me,” I said.

“Yeah, like that would ever happen,” Shay mumbled as she turned and walked away.

Kennedi slid her sunglasses on. “Whatever. Just can we roll? I'm ready to get my party on.”

I looked at Sheridan, waiting for a sign from her that she was cool with everything. Finally, she smiled and said, “Fine.”

I nodded toward Quincy. “All right. I'll catch up with you later.”

“Cool. Later.” Quincy didn't say anything else as he made his way over to their waiting taxi.

“You foul,” Jock said, wagging a finger at me. “But since you got this bus”—he broke out in a huge grin—“I forgive you.” He jumped on the bus. “Let's get this party started!”

His silliness was just enough to get everybody back in party mode as they pushed any reservations aside. I just hoped that it stayed that way.

Chapter 3

he InterContinental Presidente penthouse was off the chain. I had already upgraded to a suite for me and my girls before I found out that Tamara wanted
Rumor Central
to film, but nothing could compare to this.

is how a diva is supposed to rock it,” Sheridan said, tossing her purse onto the Italian leather sofa. She sure seemed okay with things now. She'd already claimed her bedroom. I pushed aside my thoughts. Sheridan was just being Sheridan. There was no sense in me tripping.

“Oh, it's about to be on!” Kennedi said, doing a slow twirl around the room just as Jock stuck his head in the door.

“Man,” he said. “Sweet!” He invited himself in and started looking around. “I know where the party's going to be tonight.”

“If you're lucky, you'll get invited,” I said, joking. I really hadn't planned on having a full-fledged party, but the way this suite was set up, that seemed like a no-brainer.

“Oh, I'm inviting myself.” Jock was the class clown so he kept everyone in stitches. He could be too silly sometimes, but he was always fun to be around. Jock plopped down on the sofa. “I hope the minibar is stocked 'cause your boy is ready to party.”

I heard several other people coming down the hall and I looked up to see several more of my classmates, who all began piling in like I had a
sign hanging on the door.

“Dang, can we get settled in first?” Sheridan said.

“Hey, we heard you guys were rocking the penthouse, so we came to see! Sweet,” someone said as they walked in.

“Dang, can I be like you when I grow up?” Zenobia said, running her finger over the porcelain lamp sitting on the end table.

“How did you get this?” Evian said. I knew she would be on the phone to her daddy right away, trying to get him to buy the hotel or something so she could get a suite like this.

I wanted to tell Evian that green (with envy) wasn't her color. Instead, I just flashed a huge smile. “Top of the line, baby! Only top of the line for Maya Morgan. And you know we're gonna be throwing down.” I walked over to the door, held it open, and said, “But for now we need to get changed and hit the beach, so can you guys exit to the left?” I motioned out into the hallway.

People started groaning and grumbling as they filed out. I was just about to say something to Jock, who hadn't moved off the sofa, when I saw my ex, Bryce, and his skanky new girlfriend, Callie, walking down the hall in front of my suite, holding hands.

Bryce was my first true love, a rich athlete with the swag of Chris Brown, the looks of Drake, and the fun-loving personality of Nick Cannon. I used to think that Bryce was the love of my life—until he played me for crazy and turned his back on me when he
I did him wrong. I didn't have two words for Bryce now. He and his D-list girlfriend could have each other.

“What are you guys doing in there?” Bryce said to Zenobia as she exited.

“Whatever it is,
won't be doing it,” I replied.

Callie turned her nose up when she noticed me. As if I really cared. “Nobody was talking to you,” she said.

“I'm not trying to be around you, Maya,” Bryce said, leaning in to peek in the suite.

“Good, then you'll get your nose out of my room,” I snapped as I put my hand on his chest to push him back.

“Oh, this is your room?” Bryce said.

“It's my
, because that's how I roll,” I said with major attitude. Bryce made me so sick. He was the first guy I'd truly loved and the way he'd done me was just foul. Although I would never let him know, I still wasn't over it.

Just then, Jock approached the door. “Guess I'm out,” he said. “For now.”

“Okay, Jock,” I said, squeezing his arm, trying my best to make Bryce jealous. “I'm going to see you back for the party tonight, though, right?”

“You can see me for the party right now. We can make our own party,” Jock said, wiggling his hips in my direction.

I saw the veins in Bryce's neck stand up and I knew right away that Bryce was jealous as all get out. And even though we were no longer a couple, and it seemed like he had moved on, I could tell he couldn't stand to see me flirt with other guys. But then again, I was Maya Morgan, so that was understandable.

“Well, I need to get changed first,” I said. “Maybe we'll have a private party later on.”

“That's what I'm talking 'bout, baby, baby!” He walked out the door. “Who's the man?” he told his boys as they followed behind him. They all laughed.

Bryce had the nerve to lean in to me and whisper, “Desperation is so not becoming on you.”

I stepped back and said, “Callie, can you get your man? Tell him don't worry about who I'm dating.”

Callie swung her fake twenty-six-inch hair over her shoulder, crossed her arms, and glared at him. “Yeah, Bryce, why you all worried about what she's doing?”

“I'm not,” Bryce said.

“Whatever,” she huffed. “Let's go.” She turned and stomped away without waiting for a reply.

I smiled because I could tell that both of them now had attitudes. I didn't care. That just made this trip that much better. I was going to have the time of my life—and piss Bryce off in the process. It didn't get any better than that.


Thirty minutes later, we had all changed into our bathing suits and were now heading to the hotel's pool. I spotted the lounge chair where Bryce and Callie were. I wanted to make sure to sashay past them, flaunting my Christian Dior teeny bikini. I knew my body was banging and there was no way I'd be able to pass by Bryce without him salivating like a hungry dog.

“Are you guys ready to party?” Kennedi said.

“I was ready the minute I stepped off the plane,” I said. We laughed as we headed over to the pool.

“This way,” I said, pointing in the opposite direction that we were heading. “There are some seats right there.”

Sheridan frowned, and then she noticed Bryce and smiled. “My girl! I know that's right!” Sheridan said.

We walked past him and as expected, Bryce stopped talking mid-sentence and watched me. All I heard was Callie say, “No, you didn't!”

Me and my girls busted out laughing, but before we could get to some seats, the most gorgeous guy I'd ever seen in my life approached us.

“Today has got to be my lucky day,” he said, looking me dead in my face. He had the lightest gray eyes I'd ever seen. His wavy hair was cut just short enough and he had a body that was out of this world, which he had on full display since he was wearing only a pair of sagging swim trunks.

“You can't come up with a better line than that?” Kennedi said, raising an eyebrow.

“I'm not trying to come up with a line,” he said, not taking his eyes off me. He took my hand and slowly kissed it. “Because when you see something this fine, you're literally speechless.”

“Oh, give me a break,” Kennedi said. She was always the skeptical one of the group, but I actually found this guy's flirting kind of cute.

“I'm Carson,” he said extending his hand only at me. “Carson Wells.”

Sheridan stepped in front of me before I could shake his hand. “Carson, is she the only one that you see?

“No disrespect,” he said, still not taking his eyes off of me. “But she's the only one that matters.”

“Pow,” I said, laughing as I pushed Sheridan aside. I liked Carson already. “You have good taste, Carson.”

“Tell me something I don't know,” he said.

“Oh, and he's cocky,” Kennedi said.

Carson didn't seem fazed as he kept talking. “What's your name, baby?” he asked me.

“It's not baby,” I replied.

He smiled. His teeth could use a good whitening, but it was still one of the most beautiful smiles I'd ever seen. “My bad.”

“The name is Maya,” I said, deciding to hold off giving him my whole name. I
known worldwide now, after all.

“Umph, you here on Spring Break?” Kennedi asked, quizzing him.

“Yeah, I'm here with my school from Fulton County in Atlanta.”

Kennedi gave him the once-over like she wasn't sure if she should believe him.

“So, what are you ladies about to get into?” he asked.

“You tell us,” I said.

He took my hand again. “Why don't you come up to our cabana?” He pointed to a cabana in the corner of the pool area, overlooking the beach.

“I think I'd like that, but I don't know you like that, so my girls have to come with me,” I replied.

“Oh, trust and believe, I have plenty of friends who'd love to entertain your girls while I get to know you better,” he replied.

We giggled. This trip was definitely off to a good start, and when I saw the way Bryce was fuming, I knew it was only about to get better.

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