Truth vs Falsehood (25 page)

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Authors: David Hawkins

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A survey of the evolution of consciousness throughout human history reveals a relentless drive to discover truth in all areas of human activity. There is a persistent intention to translate potentiality into actuality. Intuitively, humanity has sensed that within its core is the innate capacity to evolve to greater levels of perfection. Curiosity leads to discovery and the desire to know more about reality, such as the exploration of outer space, advancing scientific knowledge, the discovery of cures for diseases, and the constant attempt to perfect political and governmental ideologies. The search for truth is the central theme of the greatest intellects of history, as demonstrated by
The Great Books of the Western World
, and currently, by the incredibly rapid expansion of information on the Internet, the content of which is surpassing the world’s greatest libraries. Mankind has great faith that life will get better and that the royal road to that success is through the accumulation of knowledge, education, learning, and research.

In current worldwide events, the focus is incessantly on the necessity of learning the truth behind events, many of which have international consequences and are of grave concern. Ethics is very much a part of national and international dialogs. One senses that in its frustration, society is about ready to dump sophistry, political rhetoric, and pretense in exchange for a verifiable reality in the interest of survival. There is a pressing need for closure of many major events of recent history that still leave nagging uncertainties and doubts. When facts cannot be ascertained, conspiracy theories (cal. 165) proliferate for decades.

It is significant that society’s need for truth expresses as concern about morality, along with a need to feel certain that justice is being served, sometimes to an obsessive degree. International courts of justice and tribunals frequently take years (e.g., Milosevic) in searching the minute evidence, which in itself is indicative that mankind is indeed quite preoccupied with truth, ethics, and spiritual responsibility. When society is frustrated in its search for the truth, it sometimes resorts to desperate measures, such as threats of intimidation, execution, war, and, in the case of war prisoners, torture.

As would be expected, science has been called upon to try to solve the problem. The lie detector has been a rudimentary attempt in that direction, but it is fallible as well as unreliable and, in some situations, useless for persons with delusions or for criminals who lack a conscience. The efforts of science are now focused in the direction of brain physiology, including the use of MRI and other scans to detect subtle areas of change in the brain physiology when a person intends to lie or deceive.

As we have already seen from consciousness research, the truth and falsehood of a response can be instantly detected by a third-party investigative team skilled in the use of muscle testing, which stems from a biological science rather than a traditional science based on mathematics and mechanical principles. More advanced techniques require an explanation based on a higher and more inclusive paradigm, which necessitates an understanding of the nature of consciousness itself. It is not possible to arrive at truth and ignore consciousness because truth is the very product of consciousness. Basic to this awareness is the fact already described, that truth is a consequence of both content and field, and the calibratable level of consciousness expressed indicates its level of verifiability.

Levels of Truth and Social Institutions

Everything that exists in the physical (e.g., buildings, parks, and animals), mental (e.g., beliefs, thoughts, and motives), emotional (e.g., hate, fear, and desire), or spiritual domains (e.g., love, trust, or compassion) is calibratable. Each calibratable level reflects the essence of the degree of truth that is being expressed on a spectrum that is of great pragmatic value. Consciousness instantly discerns not only falsehood from truth, but also the level of the degree of truth and, therefore, its verifiability.

By trial and error, the practicality and range of usefulness of a new instrument can be derived from experimentation. In the process, new information arises that reveals not only specifics but also implications, nuances, and a new dimension of perspective. This was the path that was followed after the invention of the microscope, the telescope, the X-ray, and the silicone chip. Historically, this has been a fruitful approach that stems from the application of a new research technique to a wide variety of topics, followed by the study and correlation of the results. When that data shows a confirmable, internal consistency, pragmatic benefits ensue and result in a progression of further discovery as an ongoing process.

The following calibrations were part of eighty-five hundred that were done as a research study in 2003 and 2004 by an expert team. Other investigative teams sometimes get slightly different results, but they are also internally consistent due to variations in details of the technique. The results are the same whether the statement is made verbally or held silently in mind—the so-called ‘blind’ technique. Thus, a blind technique with a naïve test subject, such as a small child, gives about the same results. For accuracy, the focus has to be on the integrity of intention, and both investigators have to calibrate over 200. The details of the technique were described briefly in
Power vs. Force
(Hawkins, 1995; also see Appendix C), and more extensively by Dr. John Diamond (Diamond, 1979).

The science of calibration of levels of truth is based on a relatively simple phenomenon: All life radiates an invisible field of energy, and the intensity increases with the level of consciousness or truth. The effect is similar to a light bulb where brightness varies with the voltage. This radiant energy can be read at a distance because of the nonlocality of the infinite nonlinear dimension. There is a major change of radiance at calibration level 200, so that just as light increases from level 200 on up, it decreases quickly from level 200 down. Thus, the simple muscle test merely indicates when the ‘light’ is ‘on’ (truth) or ‘off’ (falsehood) because the basic energy field of consciousness is nonlocal (i.e., everywhere present).

The radiant energy of each living being is not only in the public domain but leaves a permanent, identifiable track undiminished by temporal time or duration to which the infinite field of consciousness is not subject or restricted. Even objects, buildings, and localities reflect the input of collective human intention and therefore imprint the effects of love, devotion, aesthetics, and integrity, as well as concepts, thoughts, and feelings.

America — U. S. Government


United States Constitution

Declaration of Independence

Bill of Rights

Signers of the U. S. Constitution

Gettysburg Address
Pledge of Allegiance
National Anthem
United States Flag
U. S. Supreme Court
Office of the Presidency

Congress/House of Representatives


Great Seal of the U. S.: “E Pluribus Unum” (out of many, one)


The United States Constitution and government calibrate higher than that of any country on earth or of any other country in history, which helps to explain why America is such a successful and powerful nation. It is also a fact to be respected and taken into consideration by factions that wish to tamper with this outstanding, integrous foundation from which has arisen such a cornucopia of benefits.

The above-cited documents can be analyzed sentence by sentence, and the core of the power becomes revealed as the spiritual truth upon which the documents were based, i.e., the equality of all men arises by virtue of the divinity of their Creator and thus specifies that the rights of Americans do not stem from political ideologies or arbitrary government fiat; they do not depend on secular authority; and they are inalienable by virtue of their origin and basis.

The statement that the source of the government is spiritual rather than religious results in freedom
religion as well as freedom
religion. This is a crucial differentiation. The word ‘God’ is actually a generic term for Divinity and is not innately religious as such. The word ‘God’ is a noun like any other noun, and the concepts of God are the subject of academic study in theology, comparative religion, history, and philosophy. Paradoxically, God is also the core subject of atheism and the target of secularism.

As a consequence of the Constitution, the word ‘God’ appears on court buildings, including the Supreme Court, and on currency and is thereby a reminder of the seat, the basis, and the fundamental origin of individual freedom; consequently, it is irrefutable and permanent. This is reflected in the research data that indicate that secular governments of other countries (see
Chapter 14
) calibrate only in the 300s.

There is a crucial difference between patriotism and nationalism. Patriotism includes and reflects love of one’s country and is therefore inclusive of respect, appreciation, value, meaning, and good will towards one’s fellowman. It also includes a self-esteem that is based on a commonality of reverence for all that the Constitution and the Bill of Rights specify—the equality of all men by virtue of the Divinity of their Creator.

This explains why patriotism (hand over heart) calibrates in the 500s, while secular nationalism (arm salute) calibrates at 305. Patriotism is of the heart, whereas nationalism, in contrast, stems from the mind and is therefore merely a political position. From the preceding calibration, one can see the error made by those who reject patriotism because they confuse it with nationalism. They are not the same thing at all. This comprehension was crystallized by Sir Walter Scott in
The Lay of the Last Minstrel
, the famous poem known by every school child:

Breathes there a man, with soul so dead, Who never to himself hath said, This is my own, my native land!

It is interesting that the political position that seeks to remove all reference to God in the public arena calibrates at only 190, the egoistic level of pride and arrogance that seeks to replace the reality and the power of truth by weak, narcissistic intellectualism.

As has been described, a ‘meme’ is a germinal idea or phrase that is catchy and tends to be repeated until, by sheer repetition, it becomes commonly accepted as if it were fact. An example is the meme “separation of Church and State,” which is accepted uncritically at face value as representing the law of the land. This phrase is utilized to leverage secular agendas. If examined, it will be found that there is no such statement in the U. S. Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, or the Bill of Rights. In fact, none of these three words appears at all—no ‘separation’, no ‘Church’, and no ‘State’. Instead it says, “Let Congress not establish any religion nor prohibit the free practice thereof” (cal. 640). Obviously, to abolish even the word ‘God’ from society violates the actual freedom “to practice,” as actually stated, as well as the First Amendment right to free speech. The intention of the actual wording is obvious: to avoid theocracy, yet guarantee religious freedom.

Paradoxically, if the secularist movement were to make any reference to God illegal in governmental or public life, it would invalidate the Constitution of the United States as well as the Declaration of Independence, Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address, official pronouncements of U. S. presidents throughout history, etc. If the equality of man stems from his creator, then abolishing “the Creator” would abolish the basis of equality also, because, from the ordinary viewpoint, people are decidedly very unequal in hundreds of ways, right from the moment of birth.

Oddly, on the very day the above was written, synchronistically, the nightly news reported that a school principal in California forbade the teaching of the Declaration of Independence because of its references to God (cal. 180). From the same extremist viewpoint then, the U. S. government is illegal and, therefore, so are the judiciary, the Congress, the Bill of Rights, etc. The American populace will have to decide whether to side with wisdom or sophomoric absurdity and fulfill Socrates’ dire prediction that democracies eventually fall due to giving equal voice and votes to the nonintegrous and ignorant segment of the population (cal. 465). Historians point out that the average duration of a democracy is thus usually only two-to-three hundred years before the self-centered voters deplete the country of its resources and political erudition. This weakness of democracy is why Socrates recommended the oligarchic form of government. (The United Nations is probably the most glaring example of Socrates’ prediction.)

The calibrations of the offices of the Presidency and the Supreme Court indicate a high level of integrity, reason, and objective-based high intelligence, and exclude emotionality. The High Court is charged with the analysis of intricate logic, reason, and language out of which law is constructed.

The majority of the presidents of the United States have calibrated in the mid-400s, with many in the high 400s or at just 500. Their function is dedication to the task of defending the country against attackers, against enemies, and to uphold the Constitution. To this end, the President takes an oath with his hand on the Bible, which is witnessed by a representative of the Supreme Court. The President is expected to sublimate political partisanship and move from politician to statesman for the good of the country. Thus, the President’s attitude is expected to be ‘the best possible course of action’ rather than ‘anti’ the opposition. Additionally, the President is expected to be inspirational and sincere, to unite the country by transcending factionalism and not responding in kind to vicious attack, slander, vociferous provocation, or being blamed for every social problem.

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