Truth vs Falsehood (61 page)

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Authors: David Hawkins

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God is the Ultimate Reality, as confirmed by consciousness research, which also validates the existence of the Omnipresence of God as both transcendent and immanent (it could hardly be otherwise), i.e., Jesus said, “Heaven is within you.”

The terms “immanent” and “transcendent” are merely mentations of dualistic thinking and obviously do not denote two different realities. In the Western world, however, God is conceived as being ‘up there’ in some distant realm of time and space, having thrown the dice of Creation. God is thought to retire until that awesome confrontation on Judgment Day. In the meantime, he ‘sits up there’ where he is bombarded with requests, advice, solicitations, and entreaties, as well as epithets.

The calibrations of the levels of angels and archangels indicate that the energies of Reality are analogous to a step-down-transformer type of stratification between man and God. The celestial or heavenly realms are identifiable and known to mankind. Throughout history, it is recorded that successful contact has been made by individuals with a karmically gifted talent to make conscious contact with teachers from celestial realms. Unfortunately, some individuals have used the gift to contact lower realms, and they hear an impersonator of God, as happens in a psychotic state. The terms “Jehovah” and “Yahweh” calibrate lower because of mythological connotations and origins, as explained in the section on religious legends and mythology.

Avatars and Great Spiritual Teachers


Jesus Christ








The Twelve Christian Apostles


Name of God as “Om”


John, the Baptist






St. Paul (Saul of Tarsus)


Muhammad (at the time he dictated the Koran)


Muhammad (after age 38)


The list is not exhaustive but includes those who are best known. The term “avatar” is from Sanskrit and means “incarnation by virtue of crossing over by descent of Divinity.” The result in the human race is a fully illumined being who, because of the knowledge revealed, embodies the power of that level of truth and its concordant field of consciousness and radiates it out to mankind, thereby supporting and catalyzing the evolution of consciousness.

Veneration and respect are appropriate responses because they acknowledge the value of the innate gift to mankind of such an uplifting energy. Interpretation and comprehension of the revealed truths of these great teachers fall within a spectrum that reflects not only the level of truth of the original teaching but also the consciousness level of its cultural expression and comprehension.

Other References to Divinity


Greek Gods


Germanic Gods


Scandinavian Gods


Gods of War


Pagan Gods of Rome


By historical analysis, the evolution of human consciousness over great expanses of time has been documented and verifies collective experience and wisdom. It would therefore be expected that religious and spiritual error would be a natural consequence, because it would be the byproduct of the progressive levels of the advancement of consciousness.

Spiritual Reality is omnipotent and omniscient. Its reality has no opposite; there is no opposite of truth but only its absence. Consequently, in Reality, there is no war between Reality and that which has no reality. Even as perceived, heaven and hell are completely different dimensions,
, and realms, e.g., there can be no war between whales and birds anymore than there can be a war between Divinity and its absence; they represent totally different levels of conceptualization.

The spiritual catastrophe of Muhammad has already been noted, and the consequences to civilization are ongoing in today’s world. Also, not unexpectedly, the consciousness level of paganism is reflected in the invention of its historic gods of various cultures.

The meaning of “He” in reference to God is generic and not indicative of gender. The Infinite is obviously beyond gender and therefore the designation “He” is linguistically analogous to the term “man” for mankind. The term “human” includes the same generic designation, just as the term “woman” already is inclusive of man, i.e., she is the female expression of mankind, and out of her
mb is birthed

Genderization of nouns is not prevalent in English like it is in other languages, such as German, where all pronouns or nouns are identified as feminine, masculine, or neutral (“die” = feminine, “der” = masculine, and “das” = neutral). Even the designations of Yin and Yang indicate positionalities and arbitrary points of observation. Thus, positionalities obscure the reality that is beyond both.

Reverence for God is reflected in the pronouns “Thy,” “Thou,” and “Thee,” e.g., “Thou art my salvation; in Thee do I trust for Thine is the Kingdom”; and, “Thy will be done.”

Spiritual Experiences


Buddha Nature


Christ Consciousness


The Supreme


Near-death Experience






Christian Communion




Durga Puja Festival






Sweat Lodge Ceremony




Christmas: Peace on Earth, Goodwill to Men


Sound of Tibetan Buddhist Horns


Nirbija Samadhi


“Amazing Grace” (Hymn)


The following spiritual concepts calibrate as true:

1. Chi Energy (“Shakti”) energizes the acupuncture systems.
2. Kundalini (spiritual) energy activates the chakras and produces the pure-energy etheric brain and shifts brain physiology (see diagram,
Chapter 7
3. Negative interference with acupuncture energy flow precedes physical illness.
4. Etheric Body.
5. Reincarnation.
6. Karma.
7. Jesus’ thirty-three miracles.
8. Jesus miraculously fed the thousands.
9. The miracles of the Christian apostles.
10. Speaking in tongues.
11. Pentecostal flame.
12. John, the Baptist, was killed for revealing the truth.
13. Jesus was killed for revealing the truth.
14. Wait three days before burial or cremation of the body after physical death.
15. The consciousness level is already set at birth.
16. The exact time of bodily “death” is karmically set at birth.

Correlation with the
(the basic dominant energies of life from the Sanskrit):

Tamas =
lower resistance, inertia energies below calibration level 200.

= energy of constructive action, levels 200-400.

” = calibration levels 400-499.

(peace, tranquility) calibrates at 500-599.

as enlightenment is 600 and over.

The list includes a great variety of reported subjective experiences and practices. Their value is corroborated by large numbers of people. They are therefore accepted as truth in some cultures but seemingly foreign to others.


The term “karma” is specific as well as generic and refers to the evolutionary and experiential continuity of the soul, to which all religions and spiritual truth are in agreement. The fate of the soul is a central focus of all religions. Awareness of its continuity was prominent in ancient Egypt and prehistoric cultures in which thanatology was a prominent element of the culture. It is to be differentiated from reincarnation, which is only one option of numerous possible courses of evolution that can take place on different planes of spiritual existence. Destiny is determined by the level of consciousness and choices thereby available, plus unknown factors, such as Grace, Salvation, Divine Mercy, and Intercessors via faith and worship. The karma of atheism as hatred of God, or denunciation of Divinity itself, all calibrate at very serious levels of 40-70, thus indicating a very dire spiritual destiny that calibrates at the lower astral level of Hells. (Calibrates as ‘true’) In contrast, atheism as an intellectual/philosophical position calibrates at 165-190, which is the level of (intellectual) pride.

Generically, karma is represented by the totality of one’s inheritance at birth, at which time everyone already has a calibratable level of consciousness. The circumstances are optimal for the progress of the individual’s soul and include multiple specifics that are the expression of the linear mechanics of pre-existing karmic propensities. These include parents, geography, physical build, I.Q., sex, health, genetic traits, religion, etc. That the collective factors are optimal has to do with not only ‘good karma’ but also the opportunity for the undoing of ‘bad karma’. (Calibrates as ‘true’.)

Other Phenomena and Belief Systems


Ghosts are real




Prophesied End Times


St. Matthew’s prophesied End Times


One can experience one’s own physical death.


Earth prophesies, DNA, Sphinx Mayan calendar, pyramids)


Reincarnation as lesser species


Popular Spiritual Fiction


Mary and Jesus were married


Jesus’ descendants became French rulers


da Vinci’s ‘Last Supper” contains a secret code


Knights Templar held secrets about Jesus and Mary


Hidden Bible code


Comparative Experiences


Alien Abduction


Ankh (the symbol)


Black Magic


Black Witchcraft




Cursing (using Lord's name in vain)


Damning other people to hell


Devil Worship


Divination Game Boards


Inquisition, The Historic






Tarot Readings




Most of these practices are avoided by people with even minimal spiritual intuition and conscious awareness. The advisability of avoiding these errors is emphasized within the Commandments themselves, e.g., to not abuse the name of God or bear false witness against one’s neighbor. They are also universally recognized as having negative karmic consequences, e.g., in Christianity, the fate of the soul after physical death.

Most of the prevalent negative spiritual practices attract the spiritually naïve by their ‘feel good’ glamour and uniqueness, e.g., get a psychic reading or Tarot card séance, have fortunes told, get ‘channeled’ advice from a ‘master’ on the ‘other side’, or dabble in the occult with various forms of magic, séances, or rituals.

The Paranormal

Paranormal phenomena are confused with the supernatural and are attractive to the curious. Traditional scripture, as well as highly evolved sages and teachers, warn “not to go there” because the astral realms are not spiritual and represent other realms and dimensions for which the human mind is not equipped with protective discernment. Thus, it is perilous to invoke spirits and otherworldly entities. Occult practices have a sizeable and unseen downside, despite the popularity of various Tantric exercises, “white magic,” incantations, Tarot cards, channeled masters, psychic readers, etc.

Altered states of consciousness and the paranormal phenomena are relatively complicated and are unique areas for study. They are further obscured by the glamour of specialness and are an attractive novelty to impressionable curiosity. Without a science of calibration of levels of truth, past erstwhile researchers themselves have been taken in and fooled by the appearances of unfamiliar phenomena, such as spiritualism replete with table tapping, the honking of horns, ectoplasmic apparitions of fortune tellers, séances with trance mediums, contact with the dead and ‘masters on the other side’, card readings, throwing of stones, tea-leaf reading, divination, etc.

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