Tudor Redemption (Tudor Dynasty Book 4) (17 page)

BOOK: Tudor Redemption (Tudor Dynasty Book 4)
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I’m flattered. Understand me when I say I can’t take this back and forth, the indecisions.
If you’re afraid of making a commitment, tell me now. I’ll slow it down, but I
won’t stop. Not unless you tell me to.”

watched her as she laid out the food containers on the counter. It was easy to
see she was nervous. I didn’t want to add to it, but I was going to be damn
sure we got on the same page.


changed your mind?”

got to thinking about how hard you’ve been trying and how I’ve been a flaming
idiot. I’ll be the first to admit, I’m scared to death of change. I suppose I’m
afraid to commit again as well.”

understand. I know what you’re feeling. I have a horrible track record with
women. Julia up and left me with the girls and little more. The house was about
to go into foreclosure, and I had no funds, nothing to get out of it. Thanks to
her. Lucky for me, Amadeus and Zara helped. Then, there was Alana, and that was
just another classic example of a woman using me for what she could get out of
me. I’ve been burned twice. Badly. I don’t intend for it to happen again. I
know it won’t with you, but you’ve got to trust me, Beth.” I dug around and
found the wine opener and two glasses.

suppose I haven’t been completely honest with you either, Dame. There was a guy
I was seeing about five years ago. I thought for sure this was a new chapter in
my life. What I got was verbal abuse. Ethan wasn’t old enough to be much help.
He was just a hormone-enraged teenager. But one night, he heard how Chuck was
belittling me, and confronted him. Ethan had seen things about him I hadn’t
because I thought I was in love. What I was feeling was nothing more than
wanting someone to fill a very deep void.”

sorry you had to go through that. What happened to ol’ Chuck?”

walked out after I wouldn’t make Ethan back down. He texted me the next day,
telling me the relationship I had with Ethan was unhealthy. If Ethan was his
son, he would have found himself on the floor for speaking to an adult that
way. I blocked his number and never heard from him again.”

passed her a glass of wine. I was torn, not knowing what to say, and for having
been such a complete ass. “I’m sorry you had to experience something like that.”

tried not to let it interfere in my judgments, but it really did make an impact
on me. That’s why, when you started going on about the fact I couldn’t make up
my mind, it made me think.”

what?” I asked as I lifted my glass and took a long sip.

I was allowing your real concern and compassion to be drowned out by what Chuck
had done. You’re nothing like him.”

I’m not. I apologize if I brought any of that experience back to life. I didn’t
know. It wasn’t my intention to beat you down with it. I love you and want you
in my life. I want you to share in everything that’s happening to me. And yeah,
I get a little headstrong about it.”

I knew what was happening, she had put her wine down and had her arms around my
waist. Fuck, yes. I set mine aside and responded in kind. We stood like that
for what seemed like forever.

I loosened my arms, I noted tears in those blue eyes of hers. I leaned down and
kissed her before wiping them away with my thumb.

do love you, Damien. I’m feeling like I’m on overload right now.”

I’ll try and not be so forceful, but I can’t promise anything.” I kissed her
again. This time, a little more passionately. “Why don’t we eat this great
smelling dinner you brought? I don’t know about you, but I’m starving.”

too. Show me where your silverware and plates are. You take everything to the


few minutes later, we were sitting at the dining room table eating Thai and
drinking the plum wine she’d brought.

this is great. Did you get it from the restaurant down the street?”

You’re not going to believe this, but Ethan and I have eaten there a few times.”

kidding?” I chuckled. “That’s wild.”

is.” She took a sip and put her glass down. “So, what have you been doing
besides getting everything to Zara?”

talked to the agent about the house.”


going to make an offer. In fact, I need to check my email after we finish to
see if she sent me the contract.”

When you make up your mind, you go with it.”

I do. I miss being out there. To be honest with you, Beth, Bainbridge is too
inhabited anymore. It lost some of its charm when it became such a tourist
trap. I miss my quiet cove and the quiet lifestyle.”

can see your point. Have you spoken to the girls?”

and they’re fine. Especially when I told them I was going to keep this place.
At least that’s my plan. Let’s face it, they’re grown young women, and like you
said, I think part of the reason they’ve stayed at home is they’re afraid to
leave me by myself. That and the fact they pay no rent.” I grinned, trying to
lighten the mood.

probably right, Dame. Speaking of them, where are they? Work?”

they went to some free concert at the university. Tried to get me to go along
with them.”

didn’t you go?”

were just feeling sorry for their old man. I assured them I had more than plenty
to keep me busy for the evening.”

swallowed the contents of my glass. I caught the time out of the corner of my
eye. “If you want me to take you home, we need to think about going. There are
only a couple more ferries this evening. I’m not letting you go back alone. Not
this late.”

you take me back, you’ll have to turn around and head back. Or drive the long
way through Tacoma. Or stay the night.”

not stay with me here? I’m sure we can find you something to wear, and if you’re
that uncomfortable about sleeping with me, you can sleep in one of the girls’
rooms. They won’t mind.”

stared at her, waiting for her response. “Why don’t we enjoy our wine? We can
clean this up shortly,” she said.

last, victory. “You’re sure?”

I’m quite sure. Now, why don’t we go sit in the living room?”

good. I need to check my email for that contract first.”

can’t wait until morning?”

but right now, there are no offers on the place. The agent mentioned, and I
agree, that once word gets out it’ll be gone fast. I don’t intend for my
brother to have strangers as neighbors.”

call then.”

walked over and checked my email. Sure enough, the contract was there. Printing
it out, I took it over to where Beth was waiting.

just need to read this first. Then, I’ll sign it, scan it, and get it back to

the wait begins.”

not for long.”

read through the document. Fairly standard, since I wasn’t asking for anything.
Then, I texted the agent, telling her how much money I’d put down to show them
I was serious. That had to wait until morning, but the contract was on its way.

poured us fresh glasses of wine and was studying a wall lined with family

finished,” I announced as I sat down. I leaned forward and picked up my drink,
taking a long swallow.

mother looks much the same as I remember her. Hard to imagine her married to a
rock icon. They look quite happy.”

are. Did I tell you that no one suspected a thing until Zara caught them
red-handed, kissing in the kitchen at a place Peter owns? She and Amadeus were
staying there. They confessed everything, and the rest is history. I think
Peter is a good influence. He knows how to get my mother unwound.”


mother’s a matriarch. At times, she gets a little too involved and concerned
about her cubs.”

can see that. Especially with you and all you’ve been through.”

she was overly protective of me for a long time.”

does she think about all this you’re doing now? The business, record label,
your solo album, Ethan.”

chuckled. “She’s so wrapped up in Mary’s triplets and helping her, I don’t
think she knows what’s up with any of the rest of us. Which is very good for
us. I’m sure she’ll try to scold me about Ethan like she did Amadeus and Logan.
In the end, she took Logan in as though he’d been in our family since birth.
She’ll do the same with Ethan.”

remember that about your mother. Kind, non-judgmental.”

I had to laugh. “Trust me, Grace Tudor can be a real snob when it suits her.
But for the most part, with family, she tries to listen to all sides. She may
not like certain things, but she accepts our choices in the end.”

you think she’ll like me? Coming back into your life and all?”

I do. She wasn’t fond of Julia, but tolerated her because of the girls. Alana,
she had no use for, but would have tolerated her if she’d been my choice. That’s
where Peter’s influence comes in.”

goodness for Peter then.”

I replied leaning down and covering her mouth with mine. The kiss started out
slow as we explored each other then became deeper and more passionate. My hand
found one of her breasts, cupping it, causing her to moan as I tweaked the
sensitive point. Her hand was on my thigh, slowly inching up to my now visible
hard on. She cupped my cock and squeezed, causing me to thrust my hips towards
her hand. I didn’t know how much more of this I could endure.

then, a phone rang. It was Beth’s. I recognized the ring as one of Ethan’s

sorry. He always checks in after a show.”

fine.” I watched her walk toward the windows overlooking the sound.

she was talking with him, the girls walked in, giggling. Seeing me and Beth,
they ceased all silliness.

was the concert?” I asked.

was pretty lame,” Britt said.

some Thai over on the table if you’re hungry. Just get a plate and heat it up.”

Court replied. She glanced at me and then at Beth, smiling.

pair looked in the cartons before clearing off the table and heading into the

got off the phone and sat back down next to me. She reached for her wine,
taking a long drink.

okay with Ethan?”

she answered, smiling smugly. “Everything is perfect.”

didn’t know what that meant. Women and their code could be confusing at times.
I didn’t know if that meant she’d told him where she was, and he was okay with
it, or what else. I just wanted the outside world to go to bed and let me take
her to mine and make love to her.

I spent over an hour listening to three women giggle and speak on such things
that made only them happy. I didn’t even begin to try to understand what it was
about. They spoke in some foreign language. I sighed, nodded my head at what I
hoped were appropriate times.

seeing how late it was, the girls said their goodnights and headed to their
bedrooms. I turned to Beth, who was seated at the end of the sofa, her legs
tucked underneath her.

suppose we should clean the kitchen.”

need. The girls and I did that while we were talking.”


what? That we cleaned the kitchen?” She giggled.

that you’re talking and seeming to enjoy each other’s company.”

be the first to admit I don’t know how to talk to young girls. The only
experience I’ve had are Ethan’s lust infused fans.”

you feel more at ease with them now?”

They’re very smart, sophisticated young women. They also know what they want to
do with their lives. Which says a lot.”

you. I am grateful. They could have just as easily gone in the opposite
direction. There were a few times with Britt I was afraid that just might

she didn’t.”

god.” I stretched out my arm toward her, beckoning her to come closer. “Do you
want to sit out here and talk for a while, or should we shut everything down
and retire to my room?”

think the second option is a far more inviting choice, Mr. Tudor.”

I went about shutting off lights. Beth waited patiently at the edge of the
hallway. Taking her hand, I led her down to my bedroom, shutting the door and
locking it.

don’t know how long I can wait. Take off your clothes. Now.”

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