Turn It Up (12 page)

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Authors: Vivian Arend

Tags: #Romance, #Adult, #Erotica, #Contemporary

BOOK: Turn It Up
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Neither of them seemed to be able to stop smiling and inside, he cheered. She seemed to have forgotten temporarily that she wasn’t interested in being more than friends. “You ass, is that going to be your standard answer when you want to win a fight?”

“Don’t see why not. It’s true, and it works.” Besides, it made her flush slightly every time he said it, and he was willing to use every weapon in his arsenal to get the upper hand. After flicking a glance at his watch, a happy idea overtook him. He pressed her back on his bed and buried his face between her breasts. In spite of having spent the morning packing, she smelled wonderful, a hint of jasmine rising on the air.

They’d been apart for far too long, at least twelve hours. “So…”

She wiggled under his touch. “So…what?”

“Are you, or aren’t you? Because we totally have enough time for a quickie, if you’re not having your period…”

She wasn’t, and they did, and he’d never been happier. Rolling with her on the bed in the midst of his college paraphernalia, it was like a homecoming and a hint at the future. Tasha seemed very willing to acknowledge the physical chemistry between them. Max wanted much more. The much more he was determined to achieve, one step at time, and luckily for both of them, each step was turning out to be very pleasurable.

“You’ve got to be kidding. I swear this is some kind of elaborate hoax you two have concocted.”

Tasha sighed into her teacup. Of all the people to have trouble with her situation, she didn’t expect Lila to be the one to freak so hard. Yeah, there had been a few warning grumbles when Tasha had shared that she and Max were dating, but she’d thought that was just from the initial surprise. Heaven knew Lila had heard her complain often enough over the past year that having a man in her life was a low priority.

Now that Saturday had rolled around it was less than a week before she and Max were supposed to make it official. She’d finally got up the courage to drop by Lila’s place and tell her their plans. “No, I’m not kidding. Max and I are getting married.”

“You can’t marry him!”

She raised a brow at her friend’s bold declaration. “I can’t? Why? Is he married already, with a passel of kids I don’t know about?”

Lila growled at her, leaning back in her chair and folding her arms. “If you’re not going to be serious about this…”

“I am being serious. Max and I have decided to get married. I want you to come and be one of our witnesses. It’s at two o’clock. Are you free?”

“You’ve been turning the boy down for dates for years, and now you’re not only dating, you’re getting married? Jumping the gun or what?”

Tasha sighed. Yeah, the tough questions were starting already, and she had only a few options. Either she told the plain and simple truth to Lila, or she lied her head off and pretended to be madly in love. She didn’t want to confess about the baby making to anyone—not even Lila. That topic was something that down the road neither she nor Max wanted trotted out at a Turner gathering. A bold-faced lie was also out of the question. Lila would never in a million years believe her to have fallen head over heels so fast.

Max had suggested a middle ground, and she’d thought it was a good idea. Unfortunately, Lila wasn’t buying.

“He’s not a boy anymore, as he very eloquently pointed out. When I finally agreed to date him, I realized we clicked. It doesn’t make any sense to wait around and make it a long drawn-out engagement and stuff. We’ve known each other for ten years.”

Lila wrinkled her nose. “Please, he was underage for most of that time.”

“You know nothing sexual happened back then.”

Her friend shook her head. “I don’t understand you. From wanting nothing to do with the Y chromosome to committing to marriage?” Lila narrowed her eyes. “You’re up to something, and I’m not sure why you’re not telling me the truth. You’ve had your damn head in the clouds for months. I figured it was stuff with your work or the house-building project. Now you want me to believe you’ve fallen in love with my cousin and that’s it?”

“Why is it so hard to believe?” Tasha scrambled a bit. Having to convince Lila was not on her list of things to do. She’d known it was a stretch—to hope for a quiet coffee break, a congratulatory hug, and then back on her way into a full day that included way too much work. While she and Max were keeping the wedding small and strictly businesslike, there still seemed to be a million things to do.

The fact she’d gotten her period that morning hadn’t added any joy to the day either. The complication of having to win over her friend seemed a little too much to take at the moment. “It’s happening. It’s real. I just want you to be happy for me.”

“I can’t condone this.” Lila glared at her. “He’s my freaking younger cousin, barely out of his teens.”

Tasha covered her wince as best she could. This was not going to be easy, not with Lila shooting back all the concerns she thought she’d finally convinced herself weren’t issues. Now she got to try saying her responses out loud, like she meant them. She hoped they sounded as convincing this time around as they had when she’d jumped into the relationship with Max.

“Oh, bullshit, you know he’s not a teen. He’s twenty-four, and he’s more mature than most of the thirty-year-olds we’ve been dating. If you pull off the blinders, you’d have to admit that he’s an adult, and a great guy.”

“There’s no way I’m admitting anything. This is simply way too weird.”

Damn it all
. “Look, we’re not asking for your permission, I’m asking if you want to be my witness—”

“I’m sorry, but I don’t see why you’re doing this. Unless you guys had sex and you got knocked up or something, I see no reason for you to get married. Hell, even if that’s the case, I still see no reason for you to get married.”

The streak of pain that flashed through Tasha was real, and made her angry all over again. There was no way someone who wasn’t longing for a child could understand how much it hurt to have to spit out the words. “I’m not pregnant.”

“What the hell is going on then? And why aren’t you telling me the truth? I mean, one minute you’re sworn off guys and the next you’re getting married? How come I didn’t hear a word about your change of heart before now?”

. “I just…”

“Just what? Didn’t think you could tell me? Didn’t think you should talk to someone before you made a life-changing decision?”

Tasha froze, her fingers clutching the edge of her cup. It was true. She hadn’t told Lila, not a word, about her plans for artificial insemination. All through the debating and questions, she’d clutched the idea tightly to herself and kept it a secret. Why hadn’t she disclosed her thoughts to Lila? The question had bothered her until she’d realized she didn’t want to tell out of fear Lila would try to talk her out of it.

Lila had always acted like she was the voice of reason, stilling many of the exciting new adventures Tasha wanted to try. Coaxing her back to far more ordinary paths. Some of the time Tasha was grateful, but there were times that she’d wondered if the safe route Lila insisted on was really the one to take.

Like she was trying to talk her out of this now.

Was she correct in this circumstance? Maybe, but it was still Tasha’s decision. Somehow, she needed to get that across.

She blew out a long slow breath. “I’m sorry. I have been keeping secrets, but I think this is what I need to do.”

“How can it be the right thing? Tash—you’re way older than him. You’re settled in your life. You’ve got everything you need. Why throw it away and make this kind of radical change?”

Tasha frowned.
What the hell?
“At thirty-four I’m settled? I’m not supposed to change or grow from here on? That doesn’t make any sense. There’s a whole lot of life in front of us still, Lila, and I never planned on staying stagnant. I know it seems like a stretch, but can you trust me? I’ve given it a ton of thought and—”

Lila rose to her feet, disgust written on her face. “Jesus, I didn’t know you were so desperate for a guy that you had to go cradle robbing. Don’t do this. You’re making a huge mistake.”

Tasha fought the tears that threatened. “Never in a million years did I expect you to respond like this.”

“Never in a million years did I expect you to go trolling through my family to find—”

“Enough!” Holy shit, where had this gone so wrong, so fast? Tasha stood and grabbed her purse, swinging it over her shoulder and stiffening her spine. “I’m sorry this upset you. That wasn’t my intention.”

Lila shook her head. “Then stop what you’re doing and listen for a minute. You don’t need to go racing off into marriage. Just…put it on the back burner for a while. Tell Max you need more time. You and I can take a holiday. Plan some fun things to do together. I don’t know, maybe some retail therapy. A bunch of girls’ time out and you’ll be able to see things in a clearer light.”

Fuck. She wasn’t getting it. “What light is that, Lila?”

Her friend rounded the table, as if coming in for a hug. “You need something to get you back to normal.”

A laugh burst out, shaky around the edges. Tasha backed away. Lila didn’t understand, and she was talking crazy-talk. Shopping was supposed to be an alternative to getting married? “Normal? What’s normal? Hanging out with you and—?”

“Yes. There’s nothing wrong with that. Nothing wrong with how things were going in our lives before you decided you needed a guy around again. It’s not worth it, Tasha. Just give up trying to find that kind of happiness, okay?”

Tasha closed her eyes for a second and prayed for strength. “You don’t understand.”

“No, I don’t, and if you insist on going ahead with this stupidity, you’re on your own. I won’t be a party to it.” Lila’s arms were folded again, red flushing her cheeks.

“I take that as a no to witnessing then.”

“Damn straight.”

She waited for one more second, hoping that there would be some sign of weakening. Something that she could say to redeem this fuck-fest of a conversation. Nothing. Lila turned her back and slipped into the kitchen.

Tasha forced herself to walk calmly away, wondering if this was indicative of what she could expect in the days to come. So much for the entire Turner family being supportive and welcoming. Her friend had not only dismissed her and Max as a couple, but reawakened everything she’d worried about in terms of a long-term relationship with him.

What the hell had she done?

She escaped into her car before she gave into her tears, indulging for a moment. There wasn’t anything more she could do about Lila, but it hurt.

Damn hormones anyway. Getting her period hadn’t helped the situation either.

Her phone rang and she cleared her throat carefully before answering it.

“Hey, Max, what’s up?”

His voice sounded light and happy on the line. “I was wondering how it went with Lila. Does she need a ride or anything to the office for Friday?”

So much for having a clear throat. Her response stuck. “She’s not coming.”

“Damn, that’s too bad. I was worried with it being short notice people might have trouble. Did she already have a commitment?”

Tasha leaned her head on the cool glass of her side window. “She thinks I’m an idiot and cradle-robber. She does not approve of us getting married, and I think she hates me a little right now.”

“No way. Are you kidding? Lila would never hate you.”

“Yeah, well, she’s not coming.”

“Oh, Tasha, I’m so sorry.”

“Me too.” They sat in silence for a minute.

He coughed, his voice gentle when he spoke again. “I’m not sure if this is the right time, but I actually called because someone had something they wanted to say to you. Are you okay if I put them on? I think…you might like to hear this.”

Right now? All she wanted to do was crawl back into bed and pull the covers over her head. “Fine.”

“Hey,” he whispered, “it’s going to be okay, all right?”

She sighed.

Suddenly her ear was filled with a long, loud squeal of delight. “Oh my word, Tasha, are you guys serious? You’re getting married? That is so fantastic, I swear I’m shaking.”

If a phone could produce bubbles, she’d have been buried in a flash, the sheer enthusiasm and excitement pouring over the line sending tiny smacks of refreshment against her weary soul. “Maxine?”

“I’m sorry, I should have said it was me. Junior just told me, and asked if I’d come and witness, along with Mom and Dad, and I’m so excited for you guys. This is perfect. I’ve been telling Max for years to get his butt in gear and stop farting around, and ask you out again, and now you’re not just dating, you’re getting married? I’m so happy for you.”

Tasha clung to the phone, not sure what to say. Which didn’t seem to matter because Max’s sister seemed to have enough to say for the both of them.

“I know you want to keep it pretty low-key and all, and I guess I can see that. I mean, a Turner wedding? Insanity times ten. But can I at least convince you to take some spa time with me on Thursday? Did you pick out what you’re going to wear yet? Oh my, what about some flowers—let me take care of that, okay? And if you’d like, I’ll ask Maxamin to come and take a few pictures. He’ll be happy to, and that way you can still have something to flash for the clan when they all ask.”

Tasha forced herself to cut in before the bubbly outburst continued for too long. “So…you’re okay with the idea of Max and I getting married?”

“Are you crazy? I think it’s awesome. Tasha, you’ve been around forever, and you guys fit perfect, really. Only I’m a little choked that I didn’t notice that you were dating. He only told me the night of Gramma’s party, and I thought that was like your first date. You guys have been sneaky, but I don’t care too much. It’s your life, and again, that whole Turner thing… Secrets can be a good thing.”

A short laugh escaped Tasha, the tightness in her chest easing. “Maxy, I can’t tell you how much this means to me. I’m touched.”

“You’re touched? I’m going to have a sister! I’m over the moon. It may seem like I’ve got people around all the time, what with the clan and everyone, but you’re special. You’ve always been special.”

Damn it, the girl was going to have her in tears again without even trying. “I’m very glad you’re pleased. Thank you for being willing to witness for us. And the pictures sound like a great idea. The spa as well.”

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