Turn Towards the Sun: Book Three- Forever in Bloom (The Sunflower Trilogy) (7 page)

BOOK: Turn Towards the Sun: Book Three- Forever in Bloom (The Sunflower Trilogy)
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I turn around to find some shoes and see Enzo standing behind me, leaning against the closet door. “What?” I ask as I slide into my cream colored Tory flats- another one of my expensive purchases. I’m clearly over my fear of spending money.

“Nothing, amore. I was just watching you dress. We need to fatten you up again, no?”

Frowning, I respond, “I guess.”

“What did I say to make you sad?”

“Nothing. It’s just that…” I run my fingers through my hair. “I shouldn’t be so thin right now. I should be gaining weight.”

He moves towards me and wraps his arms around me. “I know, bella, and you will eventually. You’ll be as big as a house!”

“Is that supposed to be comforting?”

He shrugs and chuckles. “It’s the best I could do.”

“It’s perfect actually. Let me fix my face a bit and then we can go.”

“There is absolutely nothing broken about your sweet face.”

I roll my eyes and run past him before he can say anything else. I quickly add some eye cream, lip gloss and a little blush to my tired face and finger brush my hair leaving it wavy. Back in the bedroom, I put on some earrings and my prized diamond necklace.

I slide into the passenger seat of our car, happy to be heading back to La Bellissima. We drive silently down the freeway to the site of the hotel and even though only a few days have passed, it feels like a hundred. I pull out my notebook and look at the notes of where I left off, wondering how much Checca has accomplished since I’ve been out of work. We pull into the drive and I wait as Enzo walks around to my side to open my door. I see workers in the back tiling the pool and Dax standing nearby surveying their work.

We walk inside and are greeted in the lobby by Checca. Rushing towards us, she hugs and kisses both of us. “Ava, are you sure you’re up for this? I can handle things here, no?”

“I’m fine and I’m quite sure you can’t handle things here. There is too much work for one person and we both know it. Besides, I really need to get back into a rhythm. So if it’s alright with you, I’d like to get back to work.”

“It’s more than alright. I need you so much,” she says, giggling.

I turn and smile at Enzo. “We’re fine here, amore. Go do what you need to do.”

Enzo leans in and kisses my cheek. “I’ll see you soon. Don’t push yourself and take breaks.”

“I will.” I set my handbag down on a nearby table. “So, what needs to be done?”

Francesca and I sit down and start looking over our task list. She explains in her animated way what things are finished and what she still wants to do. We are getting to the final details and the hotel is still way ahead of schedule. Francesca gets that wild look in her eyes that I call her designing high, and speaks so fast I can barely keep up. She’s on designer overload.

“Checca, why don’t you go and take a couple of hours off. Go get a massage or a pedi or take a nap. You are clearly overworked and the last thing this hotel project needs is both of us collapsing,” I suggest.

Looking up at me with her big blue eyes, she starts to argue but then stops. “Yes, Ava, I think you are right. I’m exhausted. I don’t want to leave you so soon though. You need your rest too, no?”

Picking up our task list, I look it over quickly. “Most of this is supervision. I’ll go up to the rooms and check on the painters, the flooring installers, and tiling in the bathrooms. Then I’ll go check with chef that we got the table linens and centerpieces. I promise I’ll take a break and eat lunch with my husband. After that, I’ll make calls on all the outstanding purchase orders and update the database.” I put down the list and take Francesca’s hand in mine. “I have it under control and I will pace myself. So go home, okay?”

Francesca leans in and kisses my cheek. “Okay. I’ll be back in the morning, no?”

“Yes.” I smile and watch as she gathers her things before I take a deep breath and start my day.

The time passes quickly and I can’t believe there is still so much work to do. I survey the bathrooms while the workers finish installing the tiles we chose for the showers. Running my hands over the marble covered vanity, I smile, pleased with how my design is coming to life. Sometimes I still can’t wrap my head around my new career. I design rooms. Me. Ava Bradshaw from Denver, Colorado. I shake my head as I remember that’s not even my name anymore. This time last year I was in the midst of the worst relationship of my life. Now, I’m in the midst of the best one.

“Signora, are you ready for lunch?”

I turn around and face the breathtaking male beauty that is Enzo. His smile lights up his entire face and for a moment, I simply stare at him, soaking in his presence.

“You are unbelievably good looking, you know that?” I say as I walk closer to him.

“As long as you think so, I’m happy.”

I laugh. “I don’t think I’m in the minority on that opinion, Enzo.”

“Ah, but signora, yours is the only opinion that matters.” He holds out his arm for me. “Shall we go?”

“We shall.”

As we walk towards the elevators I realize my eyes are taking in every detail and making note of things to follow up on. I’m becoming Francesca! I chuckle softly attracting Enzo’s attention.

“What’s funny, bella?”

“I was just thinking how I’m morphing into your sister with her crazy designing eye. Everywhere I look now I see things that need to be done or things that are perfect. It’s amazing to me how I see everything so differently now.”

“I told you before you would be suited for this job. You have the right instinct. Checca told me she won’t be surprised if you branch off on your own someday.”

“That’s ridiculous. I have no intention of doing that.” I push the call button to go down to the lobby. “Besides, I designed A. Singular. Bathroom. She designed an entire hotel.”

“Someday, Ava. We’ll be partners in life and in business. You’ll see.”

I simply smile and choose not to respond. We take the elevator down to the lobby and walk towards the restaurant, Dolce Az. Looking around the room, I spot all the tiny details that Checca designed. The chairs are this beautiful deep ebony color, with an ornate carving in the back. Each cushion is wrapped in a luxurious ocean blue silk that pops out nicely against the dark wood. I didn’t tell Francesca when she showed it to me, but it reminded me very much of Enzo’s eyes and I knew I would love seeing it every day.

The table bases are also ebony, but the table tops themselves are a striking white marble. Checca hunted down black plates which look amazing set against the stark white table. Stepping towards a table, I lift a fork off the blue cloth napkin and notice its hefty weight and stylish design. I need to ask her where she got them so I can order them for home. I smile to myself as I admire it. It’s the most amazing piece of silverware I’ve ever seen.

Everything in the room is very high end, from the table linens to the hanging crystal chandeliers. The floors are made of antique wood planks salvaged from Italian country farmhouses and shipped here. I love the imperfections and rustic look of them, yet somehow they still come across elegant when surrounded by everything else in the room. The light is low and moody and very soft Italian music plays over the speakers. This restaurant is sexy, sophisticated, and absolutely gorgeous- and we’re lucky enough to get to try new menu items as the chef tests them before the grand opening.

Enzo leads me to a table and pulls out my chair for me. I sit and continue to soak in all the details around me. My attention turns towards the kitchen where Chef Dolce is cooking a meal just for me and Enzo. I’m beyond excited for this. Based on our experience in Vegas, we are in for some seriously good food. The chef comes out to our table and greets us warmly. I know he has a reputation for being a hot head- stubborn, difficult, and extremely demanding. That image is contrasted starkly with the elegant, composed, soft spoken man before me. I get it, though. If there is one thing I’ve learned from Enzo, sometimes you have to break a few balls to get things the way you want them.

The meal begins with a bottle of wine, an incredible import from Sicily I’ve not heard of before, but it’s divine. I savor the rich, complex flavor notes on my tongue wondering if it’s truly the wine or just the fact that I haven’t had any for a few months. Either way, I’m loving it. As each dish comes to our table, I’m reminded of our Vegas trip and how much our relationship evolved there. Glancing over at Enzo, my heart fills with warmth thinking about how much he loves me. As sad as I am over our recent loss, I know in my heart that we can weather any storm and come out in tact on the other side.

“What are you thinking about, amore?” Enzo asks, breaking into my thoughts.

“I was just recalling Vegas and how much fun it was. How our relationship grew and how strong we are as couple. Just light stuff,” I add, smiling.

Enzo’s smile lights up his face. “Funny, I was thinking the same thing.” He reaches across the table and takes my hand. “My heart beats when yours does. We are so in tune with each other. It’s really quite astounding.”

“Astounding is a good word, my prince.” I swirl my fork through my Cacio e Pepe pasta, slurping the creamy sauce into my mouth. “Damn, this is good.”

“I do enjoy watching you eat,” he says grinning. I bet I know what’s coming next.

“There’s nothing sexier to me than a woman enjoying her food,” we say in unison, causing both of us to explode with laughter.

“You know me quite well, don’t you, bella?”

“I do. I think so anyway.”

“My life is completely open to you. I hide nothing. Ever.”

“I know.” I sip some more wine. “You know, maybe I shouldn’t drink anymore wine until after my six week checkup. It makes me horny for you.”

“Well, there are ways to handle this until then, no?”


After lunch, we go our separate ways again until it’s time to go home. I accomplished a lot, but I am officially exhausted. It felt really good getting back into my work. Excitement fills me as I finish up my notes for the day. La Bellissima is coming to life.





LOOKING AT THE calendar on the wall I realize that if I’m going to pull off something nice for Enzo’s birthday, I better get on it. I have an idea, but I know I need help obtaining it and since Enzo is always hovering over me, I think I know just the person to assist me.

Dialing the number, I wait patiently for Alex to answer. If I can trust anyone with this surprise, it’s definitely him.

“Hey, Ava. What’s going on?” Alex answers with curiosity in his voice. I’ve never called him directly so I’m sure he’s wondering why I am now.

“Hi, Alex. I need your help. Enzo’s birthday is coming up in April and I have an idea of what I want to get him, but it’s not going to be easy. Would you be able to help?”

“Yeah, sure. What is it?”

I explain in detail what I’m looking for and how I think I can get it. It will require a few phone calls and possibly some paperwork, but Alex assures me he can pull it off.

“That’s a fantastic idea, Ava. He’s going to flip when he sees it.”

“I think so too. He talks about it all the time,” I reply, smiling. “He works hard and he really deserves something like this. He’s done so much for me too.”

“He does deserve it. He deserves you too. I’ve known Enzo for years and I’ve never seen him so calm and focused since he met you. You mean the world to him, Ava.”

“I know and I feel the same about him. That’s why I want to do this for him.”

“Perfect. I’ll get on it right away. Is this the best number to reach you?”

“Yes, but if I don’t answer it’s because Enzo is with me so just leave me a message and I’ll call when I’m alone.”

“Sounds good. Talk to you soon.”

“Thank you, Alex.” I hang up my phone just as Enzo enters the office.

“Who were you talking to, amore?” he asks casually.

“Telemarketer,” I reply. This is one lie I feel okay about. “I need to get my number added to the do not call list.”

“Yes, good idea.” Enzo gathers several papers on his desk. “I’m tired and ready to go home. I can sign these invoices later. Shall we go?”

“I’m ready. We’re pretty well wrapped up for the day.”

“Va bene. Andiamo?”

“Yes, let’s go.” Grabbing my handbag, I kiss my husband’s cheek. He turns to me and smiles before returning my kiss. I smile to myself and take his hand as we walk to the car. He has no idea what’s coming. I just hope he likes it.



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