Twas The Knight Before Christmas (Something Great Series) (4 page)

BOOK: Twas The Knight Before Christmas (Something Great Series)
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Chapter 7



“Connor, eat your breakfast. We need to hurry or you’re going to be late,” I said sternly. Connor was frowning. Something was bothering him. I shifted my attention to the nanny. “Carry, can you make sure to have Cassie dressed and ready for tonight? We need to leave by five. Also, I need you to pick up Connor and Christopher.”

“Will do, Jenna,” Carry said, picking up the mess Cassie had dropped from her high chair.

“Mommy, Mommy, Mommy.” Cassie laughed, banging her spoon on the tray.

“Cassie. Mommy has to go. I’ll be back soon. Be a good girl.” I kissed her cheek and turned to Connor, but Cassie started to sob. “No, Mommy,” she whined.

I sighed and turned back to Connor. “Come on, sweetheart. What’s taking you so long?”

“Mommy.” Cassie raised her hands, demanding to be picked up. I had to ignore her to talk to Connor.

With his elbow on the table, Connor rested his head on his fist and released a long tired breath. “Daddy isn’t coming tonight, is he?”

“Why would you say that? Of course he is.” I bent down to meet his gaze. His eyes were pooling with tears. “Daddy promised to be there tonight. Don’t you remember what he said last night on the phone?”

Connor shook his head, covering his ears. Cassie was screaming for attention. Her cry was cut short when Carry picked her up.

“I’ll distract her,” Carry said and walked away.

“Thank you,” I said to Carry and looked at Connor. “Oh, sweetheart.” I caressed his hair, feeling guilty for not attending to Cassie. “You were so tired when you spoke to Daddy on the phone. You forgot. But I promise, he’ll be there tonight.”

I offered him a fist, just like how Max did it. Connor bumped his fist to mine lightly, but not as enthusiastically as he did with Max.

“That’s a good boy,” I mimicked Max. “I’m going to text Dad to let him know we’re on our way to drop you off at school before I head to work, and then I’m going to get my purse and workbag. So please be finished with your cereal when I get back.”

Connor’s lips slightly curled into a hint of a smile. “Okay, Mom.”

Thank God!
“Okay.” I nodded and turned to Christopher who had already finished his breakfast and was playing with his toy. I loved my children more than anything in this world, but there were days when I just wished they were a little bit older. I knew each stage had its challenges, and I should cherish them before they flashed before my eyes, but sometimes I just needed Mommy time. I couldn’t wait till Christmas, when we could finally relax and make happy family memories.




It was the first time I didn’t get to hear my children’s voices while I was home. I’d had a late night at work and I had to leave again early in the morning. When I had arrived home, Cassie and Christopher were in Jenna’s bed so I slept in the guest bedroom. I couldn’t wait for the busiest time of the year to be over so I could spend some quality time with my family.

Jenna had texted me to let me know she was on her way to work. I knew it seemed possessive of me, but I always wanted to know when she was leaving and when she had arrived safely to and from work. Today had gone by so fast, I couldn’t believe it was almost time for me to leave. I had been on conference calls and in meetings all day. I would have to work this weekend, but at least I would have some time to spend with my family. I couldn’t wait to see my little boy on the stage. He had performed at preschool, but this was different. This was kindergarten. He was going to perform like a big boy with other big kids. I knew he was excited. He couldn’t stop talking about it all week, especially since he had a speaking part.

When the phone rang in my office, I knew it was Thomas. I had emailed everyone not to disturb me since I was waiting to speak to Thomas. He was the last person on my agenda for the day.

“Thomas. I hope you have good news for me,” I said without greeting him. We’d been talking throughout the day. Sometimes it was in a conference call with Matthew.

“You know what they’re asking for. I’m just letting you know they haven’t made a decision yet,” Thomas said over the phone.

“You can tell that bastard of a lawyer we’re not giving his client a penny. He has no case. They’re fishing for anything they can grab on to.” I tried not to sound irate, especially since I was speaking to Thomas. I knew he was working overtime, not just on our case but others as well.

“I know, Max. Just calm down. As your lawyer, I have to let you know. I’m not saying to give him anything. I agree with you—they have no case. I’ll do anything to make sure this doesn’t go to court or to the press. I’m making your case top priority.”

I released the long breath I’d been holding. “I know,” I groaned, feeling bad for slightly blowing up at him. I needed to get things cleared up early enough that I could go to Connor’s Christmas show. I wasn’t going to miss his first show for anything, and I certainly didn’t want to take phone calls during it either. “Do me a favor, Thomas. Please don’t contact me between six and seven. I’m going to be at my kid’s show. I can’t take any calls during that hour. Matthew will be with me, so don’t call him either.”

I heard him lightly chuckle over the phone. “I know, Max. Matthew emailed me this morning. He told me not to bother you. I think it’s awesome how you two look out for each other. I wish I had a brother.”

I smiled at that fact. Matthew and I had a strong relationship. Knowing how some of my friends weren’t as close to their siblings, I appreciated the fact I was lucky to have a brother like Matthew. Though we’d driven each other nuts in younger days, having the right wives and families kept us on a straight line to happy lives.

“Anyway,” Thomas continued, “have a great time and enjoy your family. You’ll never get a first Christmas show ever again with Connor.”

I looked at my watch. “Thomas. I need to get going. You know how traffic is at this time of the year.”

“Yeah, I know. Get going. I’ll email you later if I get good news.”

After we hung up, I rushed out of there, hoping the traffic would be in my favor. Sure enough, just like always, it wasn’t. On the way to Connor’s school, I honked at a car that cut in front of me. He almost made me hit another car to the left of me. Why couldn’t people just drive like they had brains? Finally, I arrived and parked the car. However, unable to find a parking space, I made my own. They could fine me, I didn’t care. I was probably the last dad to enter, but at least I was there. Releasing a sigh of relief for making it there on time, I had to calm down. I texted Jenna.

I’m here

We’re up in the front. Matthew is here. I have a seat saved for you

Are my parents here?

Your father called. Your mom isn’t feeling well. They can’t make it.

I clenched my teeth.
I kept forgetting to call my parents. Guilt crept into me. I hadn’t been a good son this past month. A simple phone call would suffice. My parents were relaxed and not demanding in any way. I made a mental note to call them after Connor’s performance.

I’ve entered. I’ll find you

Walking down to the cafeteria, I noted how full the room was, filled with exhilarated parents who were eager and ready to see their children show off their talents and cuteness. The stage was elevated high enough so that everyone in the audience had a great view. On the stage, the background was decorated like a village and a large festive banner was hung that read “Christmas Carol.” The dim lights indicated the show was about to start. Finding Jenna, I slipped into my seat and planted a kiss on her lips. God, she smelled so good.

“Hi, family.” I gave them a big smile.

“Daddy,” Cassie squealed softly.

I kissed her cheek. Christopher came to me and gave me a hug, and then went back to his seat. He used to want to sit on my lap, but he claimed to be a big boy now. I missed those days. Then I turned behind me to greet Matthew and his family.

“Don’t forget to turn off your cell,” Matthew reminded, holding on to Mason who was sitting on his lap.

“I’ve already done that,” I said. “No one is reaching us. I was talking to Thomas just before I left.”

“Got any good news?”

“Nope.” I rolled my eyes and changed the subject, “Mom is sick? Did Dad call you?”

“I called them when Becky told me she got a phone call from Dad, but there was no answer. Dad told Becky that Mom’s just under the weather and was going to stay home so it wouldn’t get worse. I’m sure everything is fine.”

“Okay,” I nodded, agreeing with him. Then I turned when the music began. Jenna and I had our phones ready to record.

The curtains opened. All the kindergarten students were in the first row. I could see Connor’s eyes scanning the audience.
Was he scared?
He was singing but he didn’t look happy. When his eyes met mine, his whole face and demeanor lit up.

“Daddy,” he mouthed and gave me a quick wave close to his chest, trying not to draw attention to himself.

I melted. Connor filled me with a joy that was indescribable. When I gave him a thumbs up, his smile grew bigger. I was a proud father and so was Matthew. Addy was standing next to Connor, dressed in Christmas PJs, just like everyone else. Everyone cheered and clapped when the song was over. When they cleared the stage for the Christmas story to begin, I shifted my attention to Jenna. We stared into each other’s eyes. Her eyes were glistening with happy tears. I knew how she felt because I was feeling the same way.

We took loads of pictures and videotaped from the beginning to end, especially when Addy and Connor were singing or had a speaking part. Not only was I a proud father, but a proud uncle. These were the precious moments I wouldn’t give up for anything.

Chapter 8



After the show was over, Max’s family and mine went out to dinner. Max and I took turns calling our parents, but there was no answer. After we went home, I told him I would stop by our parents’ house. When I got there all the lights were out, and I didn’t want to wake them, so I went back home. I texted Max to let him know what had happened. Tomorrow was Saturday. I was sure we would get ahold of them in the morning.

I wrapped my arms around Becca while her head rested on my chest. I loved to see her head move to the rhythm of my breath. Caressing her back, I said, “I missed you. I feel like I haven’t been home in weeks.”

“I know,” she sighed. “It’s okay. It’s the busiest time of the year. After tomorrow, I get you all to myself.” She craned her neck to meet my gaze. “Well, not completely to myself. Addy and Mason miss you too. You haven’t read to them in a week.”

I sighed. “I know. But I’ll make it up to them. After tomorrow night, I’m taking a week off between Christmas and New Year’s. Though I might have to have a phone conference with Thomas. I really hope he gives us good news soon.”

Becca idly moved her fingers along my chest. “It’s out of your hands, Matt. It’s up to fate. You can’t control everything. Sometimes you just have to let it go.”

I caressed her hair. “And sometimes, I have to listen to my wife’s wisdom. She reads a lot of books, you know.”

Becca’s smile widened. “Does she now?”

I changed the subject, “You know…Addy and Mason won’t really appreciate us until they get married and have kids of their own.”

Becca lightly dug her fingers into my chest. “Trying to get rid of our kids already, huh?” She laughed.

I chuckled. “Of course not. Addy isn’t getting married until I tell her she’s ready. I feel sorry for her first date. You know that I’ll be driving them, don’t you?”

Becca shook her head with a smile. “Oh, Matt. You say that now, but Addy owns your heart. You won’t be able to say no to her.”

It was so true. Addy was Daddy’s little girl. “I know. She had my heart tonight. I was so proud of her. I can’t believe she remembered all those lines with your help. She’s so smart.”

“She takes after her daddy,” Becca praised and then changed the subject, “Going back to her dating, I plan to be in the passenger seat beside you. I bet Mason will be sitting in the back, between them.”

My eyes lit up. “That’s not a bad idea.” I paused. “Listen to us. Not so fast, okay? One day at a time. I want to remember and treasure these moments that are going by too fast. She’s already in kindergarten. Next year she’ll be in first grade, and then next thing we’ll know she’ll be in high school, college—”

Becca covered my mouth.
We’re aging her. She’s six right now, today, and tomorrow. Let’s not talk about the future, but just the present, okay?”

When I nodded, she released her hand. “Okay.” I tenderly stroked her arm. “As I was saying, you really don’t appreciate your parents until you’ve been through what they’ve been through. I used to wonder why my dad wasn’t at our Christmas shows or why my mother couldn’t be at the PTA meetings. They did the best they could under their circumstances. They both worked hard so we could have a great life. I can’t complain. I’ve had the best of everything. And that is what I want for our family. But my parents didn’t have that option. They were just building Knight Fashion Magazine. Now Max and I are able to have the benefit of a good life from it. Max and I are in the process of hiring managers so we’ll be able to delegate some of our responsibilities. We’ll still be on top of everything, but it won’t be like how it’s been this past month.”

“Good. ‘Cause we miss you.” Becca leaned closer to plant a soft kiss on my lips. “Just a reminder: Christmas is going to be different this year. We’ll be at Max’s house for Christmas Eve, and we’ll be with my side of the family on Christmas Day at our house.”

“I remember.” I winked and then pulled her in for a kiss.

“I hope your mom is okay.” Becca looked concerned.

“I’m sure she’s fine,” I reassured her, but it was more for myself. “I’ll call them first thing in the morning.”

Becca sat up, straddled me, and gave me one hell of a delicious smirk. “Okay. I’ll remind you. So, how about a naughty bedtime story?” Biting her bottom lip, she started to unbutton her PJ top.

“Becca,” I growled. “Don’t tease me like that. We haven’t in a while. Does this mean you’re done your period?” Usually I kept tabs on her cycle, but this month had been crazy. I couldn’t even keep track of my own stuff.

She ignored me, pulled up my shirt exposing my chest, and started to kiss and lick her way down.
Holy fuck!
I closed my eyes and savored her touch. When she got to my PJ bottoms, she peered up. “Tonight isn’t about pleasuring me. It’s all about you, Mr. Knight.” Her eyes darkened as she pulled them down just enough to put her mouth over my cock. 

“Becca.” I pulled her up. I needed to touch her. Before she could protest, I kissed her softly while my hands traveled the length of her body and stopped on her breast. Taking my time with each nipple, I licked, nipped, and sucked until she begged me to stop.

“Matt,” she moaned. “You can’t do this to me. Now I’m going crazy. It’s my turn.”

I wasn’t going to fight with my firecracker. She showed me who was boss that night.




The next day we all lazily stayed in bed. Connor, Christopher, and Cassie were sandwiched between Jenna and me, and we were kissing and hugging them until they had had enough. We went shopping but came home shortly after lunch. It was crazy out there. Then we cuddled in the family room and even took a short nap. Now it was time to get ready. Jenna went upstairs to get dressed first, while I waited for Carry to prepare the kids’ dinner. Shortly after, I went upstairs, leaving the kids in Carry’s hands.

With hair and makeup all done, Jenna was slipping into her ball gown I had picked out for her. She had no idea I was staring at her as she tried to zip the back of her dress. Her red silk mesh and chiffon spaghetti-strap dress was long and flowing. It was perfect for Jenna.

“How about I help zip you up?” I whispered in her ear. Jenna twitched. I had startled her. Gripping the dress lightly, my other hand slowly moved the zipper, but just before I reached the top, I kissed her bare back. She moaned and slightly quivered under my touch.

“You shouldn’t sneak up on me like that, Mr. Knight. I might do some kind of
Star Wars
move on you and bring you down.”

I whipped her around and took in her beauty. It had been a while since we’d had any private time together, and my mind was whirling with dirty thoughts. But Jenna talking about
Star Wars
movies made me chuckle. She had no idea she was raising my lust level right now.

“Really?” I entertained her playfulness, my stare piercing at her heatedly. Taking a step closer, I pinned her against the closet door. Licking my lips, I was ready to dive into her neck. Her smile was intoxicating, making my hunger for her grow tenfold. I was the hunter and she was my prey.

“Yup,” she whimpered, closing and opening her eyes as if she had been drugged. “I might even have something
Star Wars
related for you.” Her chest rose and fell just as fast as mine. It got worse when she blurted, “I’m so wet, Max. You look so hot in that tuxedo all I can do is think about you inside me.”

That was all I could handle. I reached for her, but she ducked and left me with a cold breeze.

“Jenna. What kind of game are you playing?” I growled softly and turned to find her there.

“Well, look at that.” Jenna was smiling at Connor, but her cheeks were flushed. Right behind Connor was Christopher. “See. Sometimes Mommy and Daddy think about what kind of games we should play with you, Christopher, and Cassie.”

Connor’s eyes grew wider. “You do?”

“Yes, we do,” I added. How had Connor and Christopher snuck in without a sound? They were each holding a lightsaber, dressed like…. It was a good thing Jenna had spotted them. The boys would have seen my hands all over their mommy. Jenna had a keen sense of them. I guessed all good mothers were like that.

“Mommy, you look pretty. And Daddy looks handsome,” Connor complimented. “Where is Daddy’s work party? Can we go too?”

I bent lower and touched both my boys on their cheeks. “When you get a little older.”

“But I’m a big boy.” Connor swung his saber and Christopher followed suit. “I go to a big-boy school now.”

Connor and Christopher reminded me so much of the times when Matthew and I were their age. I had wanted to attend my parents’ work parties too. “I meant when you are old enough to work.” I smiled, ruffling his hair.

“Ohhh. Okay.” Connor nodded in understanding. “Are you coming home late?”

“Probably while you’re sleeping. Make sure to be a good boy for Carry. Remember, Santa is watching,” I said, making sure both of them were listening, looking from Connor to Christopher.

“We will.” Connor lifted his saber. “‘May the force be with you,’ Dad.” Then he took off.

“We will.” Christopher copied Connor. “‘May the force be with you,’ Dad.” He ran after Connor.

“Well.” I turned to Jenna. “That was close. We should put a bell on them or something so we know when they’re around.” I chuckled, making Jenna laugh.

“Silly Max.”

I pinned her to the wall again. She had no idea that was coming. Her gasp was sharp and unexpected. “It’s
Hot Max
to you.”

“Arrogant,” she said, smiling, but looking boldly into my eyes.

“Confident,” I retorted.

“It’s time to go, Mr. Knight. I got the text our limo is waiting out front. We will continue this tonight. I might even use my lightsaber in a duel with you.”

I arched my brows. “You have one I don’t know about?”

“Princess Leia does. I’m going to leave that for your imagination, Mr. Knight.”

Jenna slipped past me so fast she left me staring at the wall. I couldn’t wait for tonight to be over. My imagination was already running wild and crazy. We would be coming home early, that was for sure.

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