Twell and the Rebellion

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Authors: Kate O'Leary

Tags: #future, #war, #forbidden love, #alien invasion, #army, #psychic, #rebellion, #esp, #teen army, #telekentic

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and the Rebellion
The Como Chronicles #2
by Kate O'Leary





Published by

Fire and Ice

A Young Adult Imprint of Melange
Books, LLC

White Bear Lake, MN 55110


Twell and the Rebellion, Copyright
2014 Kate O'Leary


ISBN: 978-1-61235-965-6


Names, characters, and incidents
depicted in this book are products of the author’s imagination or
are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales,
organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental
and beyond the intent of the author or the publisher. No part of
this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any
means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording,
or by any information storage and retrieval system, without
permission in writing from the publisher.


Published in the United States of


Cover Design by Caroline



To my father, who is my rock. Thank
you for always believing in me, and teaching me never to give up on
my beliefs and dreams.



Table of


"Twell and the Rebellion"



Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen


About the Author





by Kate O'Leary


Twell's life is complicated. Her world has
been attacked for precious water resources, and loved ones have
died. Thrown into the Army Of Powers, Twell is forced to continue
training her telekinetic gifts for the looming war.


As if that wasn't stressful enough, she's in
love with a boy who was not chosen for her, and her genetic match
believes in obeying the Governing Body's laws, and fighting for
Twell, whether she likes it or not.


When Twell begins to question her rights, she
manages to invoke a rebellion against the Governing Body she never
could have imagined. Twell finds herself in more danger than ever,
both from the enemy planet who want to destroy her world, and her
own people, who will punish her for fighting for love and free


To save the ones she loves, Twell must choose
what's worth fighting for, despite the consequences.



They taught us that war was to be left in
the past, to be buried with our ancestors as we paved a new way in
a new world.


But our true natures could not
be entirely abandoned, and too soon we rediscovered our old


Retaliation awakened, revenge burning like
fire through our veins.


But the rage was no longer contained to our
enemies, because where the will was imprisoned, spirits would
always rise up in rebellion and battle for the hope in our


What a frightening world we lived in. A
world where we thought we had come so far, yet there was still so
far to go...





I looked up into the eyes of my
genetic match and discovered I was very far from happy.

It wasn’t because I didn’t
choose him myself, or because the Governing Body had forced me into
it. As much as I resented and secretly planned to fight it, that
wasn’t the reason I was freaking out. It wasn’t because he was
hideous either, because he definitely wasn’t. I watched him rake
back a flop of fair hair from his face, while fathomless silver
eyes gazed back at me. His mouth turned up in a tentative smile of
wonder, and my heart beat faster in alarm. It wasn’t even because
he wasn’t the boy I was already in love with, the one I was going
to find a way to be with. It was because I
him. Or at least, I’d
already met him. And he had
made a good first

,” he breathed, his
voice soft with delight. His molten eyes swirled enticingly, luring
me into their depths.

But I was prepared this
time, my eyes narrowing to slits of warning as I took a rapid step
away from him. “
” I hissed. “You’ve got to be
kidding me.”

You’re mad?” He frowned,
considering the possibilities as to why. There could have been
several reasons, apart from the predicament of being unwillingly
matched to a virtual stranger. Such as the fact he tried to
hypnotize me with his fancy powers the first time he met me. Sooooo
not okay.

“Let me make my feelings
perfectly clear for you.” I conjured a tone cold enough to
intimidate ice off a berg. “If you so much as twinkle one of those
despicable weapons you call eyes at me again, I guarantee you’ll
experience front row tickets to the
Twell’s Power Show
.” If I said
something like that to Jonaz, he would’ve smirked at me in a way
that ignited my temper, or laughed in my face because he always saw
right through my defences. Because he
me. But Avin’s eyes
widened in shock at my threat and I was glad. I wouldn’t make it
easy for him. It was already too hard to bear.

“I didn’t mean to
hypnotize you in Aran.” Avin’s tone seemed earnest, as he studied
my face. “But there was so much in your expression that day. Loss,
fear…despair. I felt drawn to you… I thought we

“Well. You thought wrong.”
I folded my arms across my chest,
inexplicably cold, despite the matching room being
pleasantly heated. I shivered as I tried to conceal the panic and
fear behind my anger.

“I’m sorry then, Twell,”
Avin said softly.
“Perhaps we got off on
the wrong foot.”

I stared at him in surprise.
That phrase was totally vintage, an ancient saying from our
ancestors of old earth. It was a quirky expression for someone my
own age. But it was also a distraction, and I really needed to stay

Look,” I muttered,
avoiding his gaze. “Don’t waste your time bothering to be polite,
or trying to win me over. I’m in love with someone and when this
war is over we’re going to find a way to be together.”

Avin inhaled sharply, as
if I’d insulted him. It was his turn to take a step back and I
glanced up involuntarily, meeting his stricken gaze. “You mustn’t
say that.” His voice was already higher and smoother in comparison
to Jonaz’s voice, but his tone stepped up another level in hushed
warning as he glanced furtively around the small room containing
us. I noticed he didn’t say, ‘
you mustn’t do that
.’ I knew it
was because he didn’t believe I ever
Like Avin, I found myself
scanning the room for a window or camera where they could be
listening or watching. Even though they’d told us the matching
ceremony was one of few private moments we were allowed in our
carefully monitored lives, I wasn’t sure I had enough faith in them
left to believe it.

You’ll be punished.”
Avin’s tone dropped low, heavy with foreboding. “It will only lead
to heartbreak.”

“My heart’s already
breaking.” I struggled not to raise my voice at him. “So if they
want to punish me for desiring free will, then so be it. That’s

It closely resembled the one I’d received
from my trainer, Brazin, when I told him I wouldn’t follow all of
the Governing Bodies orders without questioning them; that I
couldn’t, for fear of losing my soul in the process.
It was a look of pity and it ticked me right

But that’s the thing,
Twell.” Avin’s luminous eyes darkened as though a storm was
brewing. “You don’t have to make a choice. You just need to obey
our leaders. They already know what’s best for us. I’m sure they’ve
matched us for a reason.”

Anxiety bloomed inside my ribs,
pushing against my lungs until I felt breathless. “They’ve matched
our DNA, Avin, not our hearts.” My voice shook despite my efforts
to sound firm. “That can never be enough for me and it’s too much
of me to give them.”

But they only want your
obedience.” Avin’s eyes, as they held mine, were uncomfortably
searching. “It’s me you would be giving your heart to.” I could
hear the desperation mixed with uncertainty in his tone. He didn’t
have a clue how to handle my insubordination. I knew it scared him,
but I couldn’t blame him. It scared me too.

I can’t give myself to
you if it was never my choice, don’t you see?” my voice finally
rose in agitation. “Are you really happy to be forced into a match
with someone you don’t even know or love?”

Give me a chance to know
you.” Avin raked a hand through his shoulder length hair and began
to pace the room, his features growing tight with distress. Guilt
pricked sharply at me as I observed him and I knew I had to be
careful my actions didn’t hurt him. As unsure of his sincerity as I
was, I didn’t want him or anyone else punished because of

Okay, you’re right.” I
sighed in insincere defeat. I’d pacify him now, while we needed to
be seen complying, and then fly for the stars later. Avin swung
back to face me and I prepared to look away again, but the storm
had been calmed, his eyes clear and still, and

Just give me a chance,”
he pleaded gently. “Give me a chance to earn your trust, even if
you don’t trust our leaders’ decisions right now.”

Yeah right.” I snorted,
giving no indication as to which of his words I didn’t


A panicky shiver rippled
over my skin as Avin stepped closer, my mind beginning to thrum in
warning as he cautiously extended his hand. My muscles coiled;
ready to block his powers if I had to. Instead, he
reached out, lightly touching my face in the
traditional Comian greeting…for those who were familiar with each
other. I froze, my body tensing up as stiff as a statue, as his
fingers brushed my cheek. They felt cool and firm, but his smile
was warm and gentle. I held my breath, willing myself not to react.
But deep inside of me, where I couldn’t hide my fear, my heart
drummed at a frantic pace.

For a tiny moment, caught
in his gaze, I imagined what it would be like to give in. I could
just accept him and the life already chosen for me. It would be so
easy and although I didn’t want to acknowledge it, there was
something compelling about him, a kind of gentleness that promised
an easier way. Then I thought of Jonaz Maven and how I knew I’d
fight everything I’d ever known, just to be with him. It wouldn’t
be easy at all. It would be impossibly hard. Unheard of. Dangerous…

But giving in was harder.
There was so much more to lose by giving
in. Jonaz had promised me we would find a way. Until then,
I knew I’d have to watch my mouth, as well as my behaviour. There
was so much to get through first, a war to fight, lives to protect,
enemies to defeat. So much to survive before there was even a
chance to fight for love. Before I could have any hope.

Hope for my future was the
thing driving me forward. Giving me strength. It wasn’t the only
thing, but it was everything.

I silently willed myself.
Be brave.
Looking up into the endless depths of Avin’s hopeful eyes,
I lifted my hand to his own cheek, forcing myself to smile. And so
my own battle began.



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