Twice Bitten Not Shy [Vampires of Eternity] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (15 page)

BOOK: Twice Bitten Not Shy [Vampires of Eternity] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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“Holy shit, err, sorry. I hope I’m not interrupting.”

Gwen laughed, not used to ever seeing Bree caught off guard. “No, not at all. I see you did quite a bit of shopping.”

“Yeah, I did. Umm, I’ll show you later. Can I get anyone anything?”

“No, we’re good. Bree, I’d like you to meet Sebastian Ashford and Christian St. John, our clients for the Eternity event.”

Bree dropped the bags in the doorway and walked in to shake their extended hands. “Nice to meet you finally. I have certainly heard a lot about you.”

Sebastian quirked an eyebrow at her and then glanced at Gwen, who just shrugged her shoulders. “It’s nice to meet you as well. Gwen has told us what an enormous help you are to her.”

“I do try to be. So are you excited about the opening?”

Christian and Sebastian exchanged glances. “Yes and no, actually.” Christian was the one to speak this time. “There is a lot going on right now, but I’m sure the party will come off without a hitch.”

“Of course it will,” Gwen huffed. “All of my events are successes. There is no reason that this one wouldn’t be.”
As long as Roger keeps away from me.

Sebastian looked sharply at Gwen, and she realized he must have heard her thought. She really needed to work on her control.

“Actually, now that Bree is here and you have met her, I’m going to have her come over later to the club. I want her to check on the deliveries and make sure everything is in place for tomorrow.”

Sebastian nodded. “No problem, but we did still have some things we need to discuss with you before we leave.”

“Okay. Bree, I’ll be with you shortly. Thank you again for doing the shopping.”

Bree rolled her eyes at Gwen, picked up the bags, and backed out of her office. When the door clicked shut, Gwen turned her gaze on them. “So, what is going on?”

“Well, believe it or not, we did not come here with this in mind. There are some things you need to know for your own safety.”

“Go on.” Gwen leaned back in her chair, still basking in the afterglow of their lovemaking. She knew she needed to concentrate.

“Do you remember when we told you we were twice cursed, once by being turned?”

“Yes, of course.”

“Well, there is a second curse. A gypsy put a curse on our maker. All of her progeny need to find their key, their true love, before they are five hundred years old, or they will perish.”

Gwen could feel the color drain out of her face. “What?”

“Yes, and sure, five hundred years sounds like a long time, but it really isn’t. We started losing our energy and abilities at about three hundred and fifty years. We have been slowly deteriorating, but lately something has changed, and we have been weakened considerably.”

“Do you know why? What’s different?”

“That we’re not sure, but it has escalated. However, when we are with you we are strengthened. It is truly amazing.”

“So, umm, what are you saying?”

“That you’re our ‘one’.”

“How do you know that I’m the one?”

“We’ve been searching for a long time. And no one else has ever affected us as you have. We could feel you calling to us. This is why we are here, and why we opened Eternity here. You drew us to you.”

Gwen was speechless. She tried to be open-minded and let it all sink in. It was a lot for one person, who didn’t believe in anything, to take in.

“So what exactly does this mean? Since you’ve found me, you’re okay now?”

Christian replied, “No, not exactly.”

“Then what? If I’m your true love, hell, why isn’t the curse broken?”

They looked at each other.
Oh man, this isn’t good. They look like they lost their best friend.

Sebastian sighed. “It’s not enough for you to love us and us to love you. You have to want to become a vampire and join us. Complete the bond we started the other night. Without that, we will still perish.”

“Shit, really? I have to become a vampire or you both die? Talk about painting me into a corner.”

They had the grace to look chagrined, but she knew it wasn’t their fault, either. All of them were at the mercy of a twisted old gypsy with a very, very big grudge.

“Is there really no other solution?”

“Not that we’ve found, and believe me we have searched, as have the others.” Sebastian stood and stared out her window. His back was stiff. His shoulders looked like a brick wall. Gwen knew that this had to be horrible for them to have lived with the curse hanging over them for all of these years.

Christian came up to her and took her face in his hands. They felt smooth, firm and cool, but they were the hands of love. She knew it as clearly as she knew she loved them. But could she become a vampire and give up her life for them?

He leaned in and kissed her, his lips moving gently over hers. There was none of the passion which burned so brightly less than half an hour ago. This was a kiss of love, of hope.

She wrapped her arms around his waist and leaned her head against his chest. There was no heartbeat to hear, just a hard muscular chest to hold on to. Would it be enough for her? Could she spend eternity with these two men?

“How long do I have to decide?”

“It is purely up to you, Gwendolyn. We have no say whatsoever. We will not beg you.”

Christian breathed the words “I love you” into her ear. “We would rather die than have you forced to do something you don’t want.”

“Thank you. I do appreciate that. But right now, I just don’t know what to do. I need some time.”

“You have as much as you need,” Sebastian replied as he turned to see her in Christian’s arms. He moved closer so he could touch her as well. It was a comfort to all of them to be connected.

Gwendolyn wondered if this was what she had been searching for her entire life. Who would have figured it would turn out to be vampires.

“Wait. One other thing. Did I hear you correctly? There are others like you?”

“Yes”—Christian sat back further on the desk—“there are more than you realize. There are several others at Eternity as well.”

“Do they all have the same problem as you do?”

“Yes, unfortunately. Our maker is the vampire queen. Most vampires have come from her in some way. There have been some of us who have created others, but not many. And any that she created have the same curse upon them that we do.”

“That’s horrific. All because of this gypsy?”

Sebastian nodded. “Yes. And we understand that she is still around somewhere. She will be very dangerous. She has too much hate inside her to be anything else.”

“That is why you needed to know all of this,” Christian continued, “she will do anything to ensure we don’t complete our bond.”

“Great. Vampires, gypsies, what’s next, werewolves?”

“You never know.”

“I guess not. Well as much as I’d love to stay here with you all day, I have a lot to get ready for tomorrow. Don’t forget I’m sending Bree over there later.”

“Of course, we understand. But please, if anything out of the ordinary happens, call us. All you have to do is say our names, and we will hear you.”

“I promise. If anything happens, I will call you.” She kissed them both one last time and then led them out of her office.

Once they were out the door and in their car, Bree was all over her.

Chapter 23


“Holy shit, Gwen. You weren’t kidding me. They’re gorgeous.”

“Yes, I know.” Gwen leaned on the corner of Bree’s desk and debated on whether or not to tell her the rest of what she’d just found out. It was getting more and more complicated. She hadn’t told the guys that she had run in to the gypsy last night. Gwen was worried what would happen if they found out. She really hoped she had done the right thing.

“So did something happen in your office? You all looked like you’d had a good fuck when I first walked in.”

Gwen blushed. “Maybe. So what?”

Bree laughed. “Glad to see you let out your wild side a bit. I mean, you did, didn’t you?”

“Yes, I did. And all I can say is wow. They are amazing.”

“Oh my God. You are in love with them, aren’t you?

“Maybe.” Gwen wasn’t sure she wanted to share it with anyone else yet, but it was certainly true. “Anyway, I need you to go by there this afternoon and make sure all the deliveries arrived. Then tomorrow afternoon we’ll check one last time.”

“Okay, no problem. I’m looking forward to seeing the place.”

“It’s just a brownstone from the outside. But it is a real trip when you go inside. Oh, and there are other vampires who work there, so please be careful.”

“Yeah, yeah, I’ll be careful. No worries.


* * * *


Bree pulled up in front of the address for Eternity. Gwen was right. It looked like any other ordinary brownstone. No one would expect that it was home to a brand new fetish club.

The door opened as she approached it, which made it easier for her, since her arms were full with the box of party supplies.

She had expected to see Christian or Sebastian but was surprised to find someone else holding the door. She looked him up and down and took every inch of the tall, well-built, sexy male.
Wow, what a stud.

“Hi, I’m Brianna McKenzie from Affairs to Remember.”

He smiled and winked at her. “Yes, I know. We were expecting you.”

“Cool.” She slightly lifted the box in her arms. “I have a few more things for tomorrow night.”

“Can I help you with anything?”

“I’m good, thanks. It’s just this stuff. But you could show me the way.”

“Sure, follow me.”

Bree enjoyed the view of his ass in his tight jeans as she followed him into the club.
Mmm, wait ’til I tell Gwen about this one.

“I’m glad you approve.” He chuckled.

“Oh, shit. You heard that?”

“Yeah, I did.”

“But how?”

“Hmm, guess I’m just clairvoyant.”

“Oh really, so can you tell me what my thoughts are now?”

“No.” He shrugged.

She followed him down the carpeted hallway. Bree wondered if he was a vampire. Gwen had said that there were others who worked at Eternity, but Gwen hadn’t met any of the others yet.

“So you know?”

Well, that answers that.
“Yes, I do. There aren’t any secrets between Gwen and I.” She put the box down on one of the tables and unpacked the votive candles that Gwen had ordered for each of the tables.

“I wasn’t sure. You aren’t as easy to read as most women.”

“I hope that’s a compliment.” She smirked as she walked to the next table. She stopped and looked around the room. It was going to be quite a party. Opening night at Eternity was going to shake up this town.

“Of course. Please forgive me. I never introduced myself. I’m Rafael Verratti, but please call me Rafe.”

“Hi, Rafe. So are you into all of this stuff?”

“Yes and no. I don’t do it twenty-four-seven. I’ve known Sebastian and Christian for many years. When they said they were going to open this place, I figured I’d come and check it out. See if I could give them a hand.”

“That was…”

“Hey, Rafe, have you seen Henri? Christian is looking for him.”

Bree and Rafe turned toward the voice.

“Oops, I apologize. I didn’t realize that I was interrupting anything.” He sauntered up to Bree. “I’m Lucian Carpino.”

Bree was hypnotized by his amethyst eyes, and she couldn’t look away. “I’m Bree, uh Brianna McKenzie. It’s nice to meet you.”

Rafe cleared his throat, and it broke the spell. “No, I haven’t. Next time knock or something.”

Lucian flashed a quick smile. “Sorry. But I couldn’t resist.”

“Yeah, well, that was apparent.”

Bree looked from one to the other. They were both attractive. Lucian was striking with movie star looks, and Rafe had that chiseled, rugged look. She hoped she would get to see much more of each of them.

Lucian laughed again and winked at Rafe.
She’s a feisty one, isn’t she?

Rafe gave him an almost imperceptible nod.
Yes, she is. Can you feel it?

Yes I can. Finally…

Bree watched them. They seemed to be communicating with each other. “Okay, so what’s the deal with you two?”

Rafe shot Lucian a look. “Nothing, why would you ask that?”

“Well, hell, I don’t know, maybe because you both shut up and look like you have a huge secret going on between you.”

Lucian strolled over and held out his hand. He flashed her a smile that melted her insides. “Hi, Brianna. It’s wonderful to meet you. But I’m afraid I have to take care of this thing for Christian. Hopefully we’ll see each other tomorrow evening.”

“Oh, you can bet on it.”

“Ciao, Rafe. When you’re done here, you know where to find me.”

“Yup, no problem.”
Now get the hell out before you ruin everything.

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