Twice Bitten Not Shy [Vampires of Eternity] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (3 page)

BOOK: Twice Bitten Not Shy [Vampires of Eternity] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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Well, I think we need to get her back here. Instead of lunch, we’ll have her here for dinner tomorrow night

Excellent idea. I can’t wait to be in her presence again. I had forgotten what it is like to be pain-free

Yes, I know. Once she was gone, the pain seemed to have come back tenfold. I feel weaker as well

As do I. However, I think I am still stronger than you.

I don’t understand that, but there is not much I understand about the damn curse. I’ll be glad when it can just be a memory and not a concern.

They continued their tour of Eternity. They wandered from room to room and inspected the work that had been completed and what was still left. A little less than a week to go and then this town would be in for a big surprise.


* * * *


Back at the office, Gwen explained to Bree what the project for Eternity was going to be, and after some raised eyebrows, she got to work. They had a lot of ground to cover before tomorrow’s lunch meeting.

The tap on the door startled Gwen out of her reverie. “Yes?”

“Sorry to disturb you, Gwen, but Roger is on the phone, and this is the third time he’s called. I told him you were tied up, but honestly, he’s not going to take no for an answer today.”

Gwen let out a deep sigh. “No, I’m sure he won’t. He’s probably dying to see how the meeting went this morning. One of these days my ex will remember he’s my ‘ex’ and that I don’t have to share everything with him anymore. But then we were always better friends than anything else.”

Bree nodded. “Well, at least he isn’t an ass usually. Anyway, he’s on line one.”

“I might as well get it over with so we can get some work done. Can you stay late tonight? We can order some Chinese food.”

“Sure, no problem. Only the cats are waiting for me at home.” Smiling, Bree shut the office door as she left.

I guess there is no time like the present.
There would be no putting off Roger, that was for sure.

“Gwen Harris.”

“Hey, Gwen.” Roger sounded his usual cheerful self.

“Yes, Roger,” Gwen sighed. “Of course it’s you. When isn’t it you? Trying to snoop around about today’s meeting?”

“Geesh, Gwen, take it easy. You know you liked those guys. They are damn intriguing.”

“Yes, I’ll give you that. But you could have at least warned me, a freakin’ fetish club?”

“True, but you might not have agreed to go to the meeting, and then you would have missed out on all that fun.”

“I don’t know. I’m not a prude. But I didn’t like being surprised, either. But you did score points with them that you hadn’t briefed me about it ahead of time either. And one more thing. How did they find you, anyway? This whole thing seems a little strange to me.”

“Sebastian called my office last week to schedule a meeting to set up the financials for the club. They apparently knew George Robinson, and he told them if they needed anyone to look me up.”

“And then, of course, you couldn’t resist telling them about me, right?”

Roger chuckled. “Well, of course. But when was the last time you had a new project that is going to be as exciting as this one will be?”

“I don’t know,” Gwen huffed, “but the business is doing just fine, you know.”

“I know. I do your taxes, after all,” Roger replied, “and I will try to stay out of your business. That’s all I can promise. We’ve been together too long to just walk away. Besides, you’re my best friend. And for some reason, I couldn’t resist recommending Affairs to Remember for this job.”

“Fine, I just don’t want you to think you still have to take care of me. It has been two years, and I’m doing just fine.”

“I know, Gwen. Believe me, I know. Better than I ever thought you would.”

Satisfied that he seemed to finally get it, she decided to let him off the hook a bit. “Okay, but this is the last time. I’m so busy now I can’t think straight, so until I ask for help, no more helping. Got it?”

“Yup, got it. So we’re cool again?”

“For now”—Gwen grinned, knowing he couldn’t see it over the phone—“but you’d better stick to your promise this time.”

“Okay, okay. So what did you think of them?”

“Honestly, I was in awe. They were both so…hmm…not sure how to describe it other than overwhelming to be around.”

“I agree. Sandy couldn’t take her eyes off of them when they came to the office.”

“Ha, that’s no surprise your secretary can’t take her eyes off of anything that has three legs.”

“You may be right there”—Roger laughed—“but they are definitely interesting and very well off.”

“That’s a good thing, because with a project like this and less than a week to get it off the ground, they are going to be paying plenty. Although, ethically, you shouldn’t be talking to me about their finances. Shame on you. And speaking of work, I have a shitload to do on this, and two other proposals to finish before I can even think of being finished for the day. So let me go.”

“All right, and, Gwen, for what it’s worth, I am sorry, but I honestly thought you’d like this job.”

“Okay, Roger. Just remember what we agreed to.”

“Yup…unless, of course, there is another amazing opportunity like this one.” She could hear him laughing as he hung up the phone.

One of these days I’m going to kill that man. It’s a good thing he’s so charming, or he’d be dead already.


* * * *


“Dinner is served,” Bree announced as she opened the office door.

Gwen looked at her watch and couldn’t believe that it was 6:00 p.m. already. At least she had gotten the plans finalized for the other two events she had under contract. Now she could devote all her time to the Eternity opening. Owning her own business had been a lifelong dream, and Gwen loved it like the child she could never have. Yes, it would be great to have a larger staff, but that would come. For now, she and Brianna did just fine together. Affairs to Remember was even on track to make a significant profit for the first time since its inception.
Yup, this is a good year so far. My life is coming together—mostly.
Gwen grinned to herself. After the Eternity opening, she might even take a long weekend for some much needed R & R.

“Earth to Gwen…are you coming, or do I have to invite a few other people to help me eat all this food I ordered?”

“Yeah, yeah, I’m coming. Let me just save this, and I’ll be right there.”

She didn’t know what she’d do without Bree. She kept her organized and on track. Gwen was creative and tended to go off on tangents, but Bree was always there to rein her in again. She worked hard and deserved more than Gwen could afford to pay her right now, but it looked like that was about to change soon. At least she hoped so. She would have never guessed that Brianna—Bree—would have turned into not only her right arm but her best friend. Actually, besides Roger, she was really her only friend.

Bree had been one of about fifteen people to apply when she had placed her ad for an assistant. When Gwen had gotten her first look of Bree and the black hair, dark makeup, piercings, and Gothic clothing, her first instinct was to say, “thanks, but no thanks.” But she knew better than to judge people on how they appeared, and the girl had a great head on her shoulders. The fact that Bree believed that things that went bump in the night were real was just part of her charm.

“What did you order?” Gwen asked as she entered the conference room, following the aroma of the Chinese food.

“The usual. I think they see the number on their caller ID and just make up our order.” Bree laughed. “I mean, we’ve been doing this what? At least twice a week for the last six months. Their profit margin will drop once we stop working late.”

“You’re funny. We don’t really order that much. Not really.” But Gwen wasn’t so sure. Thinking about it, Bree could be right. They worked a lot of late nights getting the business up and running and then trying to keep up with the business they were getting. As much as she bitched about Roger’s interference, he had sent a lot of business her way in the last two years.

Bree rolled her eyes at Gwen and didn’t answer. Together they set out the repast, which quickly filled the conference room with piquant scents and made Gwen’s mouth water. They both loved their Chinese food hot and spicy. The more the tears welled up in their eyes and their noses ran, the better.

“I don’t see the chopsticks, dammit,” Gwen exclaimed as she got to the bottom of the box packed with their feast.

“I have some in my desk, no worries,” Bree said, and she headed back to her desk for the chopsticks. They were one of their must-haves to complete the ambiance of their meal.

After they had dished out what they each wanted, they settled down to enjoy their dinner. Gwen could tell it wouldn’t be peaceful for long. Bree had that look on her face. She had held off all day and hadn’t asked about the Eternity job, but it was only a matter of time before she was going to explode with questions.

“Okay, I know you’re dying to ask me,” Gwen said as she took a swig from her bottled water. “What do you want to know first?”

Bree laughed. “You know me way too well.”

“Of course. We’ve been working, what, fourteen-hour days at least, for the past two years. If I don’t know you by now, I’m in trouble.” Gwen laughed. “You are my right hand. I don’t know what I’d do without you. Thank you, Bree. I know I don’t tell you enough.”

“A big fat bonus check would be nice.”

“Yeah, yeah. If things keep up the way they have been, and this new job for Eternity, who knows. I think you will be getting a nice raise, and probably we’ll hire some more staff.”

“Really? That would be very cool. I mean, I love you, Gwen, but dammit, my ass would like to feel my couch. I’d enjoy getting back to my apartment before I’m ready to pass out, at least once in a while.”

“I know. I couldn’t tell you anything on TV these days, and I’m about three or four books behind on my favorite authors, too. But I really do think things will be different soon.”

“I’m really glad to hear that. You may be old”—Bree stuck her tongue out at Gwen—“but I’m still young enough to want to get out, play around, and, hell, get fucked once in a while.”

Gwen choked on her General Tsao’s chicken and broke out laughing.

“Shit. Cut it out before sauce comes out of my nose.” They both laughed. Gwen took a bite of a spring roll after dipping it into the hot mustard. “Mmm, this really hits the spot tonight. Thanks for ordering it.”

“Well, it’s not like I could have left it up to you, boss lady. You would still be in there working away if I hadn’t dragged you out of that office of yours. So tell me about the job.”

“It’s a club opening, but not just any club. This is all on the QT, so no blabbing to anyone.”

“Oh yeah? And who am I going to tell? Patches? No wait, I can’t tell her. If she gets out, she’ll tell all the other cats in the neighborhood.”

“You’re really on a roll tonight. Keep it up and you’ll go back to your desk, and I won’t tell you anything.”

Bree smirked. “You wouldn’t do that. I would, but you wouldn’t. You’re too nice.”

“You think I’m too nice? Seriously?”

“Yes, I do,” Bree said as she munched on her chicken. “You wouldn’t hurt a fly. You try to come across all tough, but no one buys it. Trust me.”

“Hmm, I really thought I was,” Gwen mused.

“Well, it’s not that it’s bad, Gwen, honestly. But you’re not a hard-boiled businesswoman. I’m glad. I wouldn’t have been able to work for you if you were. I don’t like bitches…well, except me.”

“Okay.” Gwen snagged a piece of the General Tsao’s with her chopsticks and popped it into her mouth. “Anyway, back to the new project. The club is called Eternity, and it is run by the two guys you spoke to on the phone, Christian and Sebastian.”

“Cool, are they single?”

“Geesh, Brianna, I hope you can show more restraint tomorrow when they come for lunch.”

Wait until she sees them, Gwen thought.
I’ll have to hand her a napkin to wipe up the drool.

“Have I ever let you down?”

“No, you haven’t, but these men are different. I’m not sure what it is. They are gorgeous, yes, but it’s something else, too. There is a charisma about them. Hell, I don’t know what it is. But they should do really well with the club, that’s for sure.”

“What kind of club is it? Did they tell you? We really could use a new dance club. There aren’t any good places to hang out anymore.”

“It’s not a dance club. It’s a fetish club.” Gwen waited, watching Bree’s face as the words sank in.

“You’re shitting me?”

Gwen giggled. “Nope. In fact, when they told me, I almost fell out of my chair.”

“Do you know anything about that stuff? I had a girlfriend in college who was really into it. Some of those people are really extreme. She took me to a couple of clubs then. It was cool, though.”

“Yes, I know. I’ve read some on it.”

“Damn. Is there a side to you I haven’t seen yet? I’ll get to be there opening night, right?”

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