Twice Loved (29 page)

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Authors: Mari Brown

BOOK: Twice Loved
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“So wet…” he flips me to my back moving on top of me hovering looking down into my face “You’re so fucking beautiful.”

My heart leaps in my chest. His words are like liquid fire igniting me. “Tate… please.”

“Soon Princess.” his lips crash to mine. It’s a kiss filled with passion, lust and love. My hands wrap around his neck as we kiss pulling him low into me. I want to have him filling me. I’m not sure what he’s waiting for.

It’s not long before both of us are kissing and caressing one another. Anywhere we can reach with our hands and lips. We are both lost in that instant. It’s not long before Tate raises up on his arms. I watch as one of his hands lifts off the bed and moves to his elongated cock. He strokes it slowly. I have to touch it. I can’t stop myself as my hand lazily travels to his cock. I join him in stroking it. He removes his hand. His head throws back as I slide my hand up and down. A low moan escapes him.

“Princess that’s so good.” He growls out. A lazy grin crawls over my lips. He shoves my hand out of the way gripping the base of his cock. He plunges into my waiting pussy. A low groan comes from both of us as he fills me completely. His rigid length slides against my inner walls. It’s so thick and long it rubs against every inch of me. Rapture. It’s the only word that comes to mind. It’s the most pleasurable torture I’ve ever felt.

He begins moving, sliding in and out of me. Going deeper with each inward thrust. Not that I’m complaining but I’m a little amazed that he’s taking it slow this morning. It’s usually hard and fast. I love the slow easy lovin’. I bring my legs around his waist wrapping them tight around him as he continues to piston in and out of me. Gripping with my legs I pull him into me. He smiles at me.

“Princess, are you trying to top me?” His cocky grin makes me want to smack him. Of course I’m trying to get the upper hand. I’m a brat it’s what I do. I go after what I want whatever it takes. Tate then pulls out of me standing up on the side of the bed. I gasp at the loss of him inside me.

“On your knees.” I flip over to do as he commands. I feel a slight smack on my ass. Then the bed dips as he climbs behind me. I glance over my shoulder and grin as I see the determined look on his face. It’s not long before he plunges back into me hard. I’m thankful that I stay wet for Tate or this could have been painful and not in a good way.

Tate picks up his pace a bit as he takes me from behind. His hand wraps in my hair pulling my head back toward him. The hair pulling turns me on. Even if it’s a little strain on my neck.

“Harder.” I call out. I need him to own my body as only he can. There is no other man who can own my body this way. Even as beautiful a relationship as I had with Steve he never owned my body in this way. The “I need control” urge was gone when Tate dominated me like this. I moan as Tate’s speed and force pick up. I find myself matching his rhythm. I want him impaling me as hard as he can.

“You feel so fuckin’ good.” Tate groans out as we continue.

No words leave me they aren’t needed the moans I’m letting out should be enough for him. His mouth comes down and claims mine once again. We are both on our knees. My back against his chest and he’s still moving in and out of me. Gawd who knew it could be so good. It’s not long before we both shatter together. Collapsing on the bed next to one another. Panting breath is all the sound in the room.

“That won’t hurt the baby will it?” Tate asks me quietly.

“I should think not.” I say half laughing. I roll off the bed and pad into the bathroom to clean up. As I walk back into the bedroom I see that Tate is sitting up on the side of the bed his hands rubbing across his eyes. “I’m going down to start your breakfast”

“Thank you Princess.”

“Welcome.” I say before pulling the door open.

“I love you.” Tate calls out to me. I stop for a moment turning back to look at my man.

“I love you too.” then I head off to the kitchen. I am thankful that the coffee has started brewing for him. I open the fridge to see what’s in there. It’s not long before I’m mixing up pancake batter, enough to make everyone breakfast as they get up. I throw some sausage links into a pan to fry.

Brandy is actually the first one to join me in the kitchen.

“Morning doll.” I say to the sleepy eyed little girl.

“What you makin’?” she asks.


“Yay! I love Pancakes.” her little voice raises a notch, and she bounces excitedly.

“What’s all this noise?” Tate asks as he comes into the kitchen swooping his daughter into his arms. Brandy’s squeals and laughter echo off the kitchen walls. Tate tosses her over his shoulder as he grabs a coffee mug and pour his coffee. He leans over and kisses my cheek. “I love that you make breakfast but you know you don’t have to do it for me on the weekend too right?”

“I don’t mind.” I tell him softly with a smile. He takes Brandy and sets her at the kitchen counter. Haley walks into the room and grabs a cup of coffee before sitting on a bar stool. She gives all of us a tired grin but no words are spoken.

It’s not long before I have pancakes in front of Tate and Brandy. I refill Tate’s coffee and give Brandi a glass of milk. The only sounds are silverware scraping plates as food is shoveled into their mouths.

“I’m going to work at the cottage today.” Haley speaks up. “Now that Tate cleaned out the bedrooms I figure I can go ahead and get them set up. “

“Me and the guys are coming by after work to load up the rest and take it to the shop to store.” It’s mostly furniture he’s storing. However, I let him keep his leather couch he loves so much and it was now sitting in my home office. I’m not sure if that’s going to be a good or bad thing as I think about the fun times we have had on the couch it could be a huge distraction.

“Can you let me know when you’re headed that way?” Haley sighs. “I’m still not ready to see or talk to Jake.”

“Sure.” Tate responds.

I know since Tate took up permanent residence at my house he wasn’t able to have Jake over because of Haley. Haley was going to have to get over this not seeing and talking to him thing. It isn’t fair to Tate or me not to have our friends over at the same time. I think a lot of her was avoiding face to face interaction with Jake because she didn’t trust herself to turn him away. She was still determined she didn’t even want an explanation or to know if he was willing to change. Cheating was a no go to her. I understand to a certain point. However, she never even hear his side of events just took what she saw as gospel not realizing looks can be deceiving.

“Daddy can I come see you at work today?” Brandy asks.

“Sure you can baby,” he looks over at me “Can you bring her by for lunch?”

I shake my head and smile “Of course we’ll be there.”

Well looks like Brandy and I have a lunch date with Tate now. Olivia shuffles into the kitchen followed by Noah. Noah is dressed to go to work with Tate. He grabs a quick plate of food without saying a word. Olivia grabs coffee and a plate before taking a seat next to Brandy.

“I got to go Princess.” Tate leans over and kisses me on the lips “I loved this morning.”

A slight blush creep up my cheeks. “Me too.”

“Come give your dad a kiss girly.” Brandy jumps up and wraps her arms around Tate’s neck and smacks a big kiss on his cheek.

“Love you daddy.”

“Love you too and I’ll see you at lunch.”

“Walk me to the door Lori.” Tate is suddenly serious and I’m wondering what the hell is going on.

I follow him to the foyer. He stops and grabs my hands in his. A small tight grin crosses his face. Whatever he’s getting ready to tell me I’m not going to like.

“I want you to know LuAnn will be stopping by the cottage tonight to get her stuff out.” His head cocks to the side as he gazes into my eyes “I’m hoping that I can also somehow trip her up with her whole pregnancy thing. I don’t think she’s pregnant and I’m determined to prove it.”

“Umm okay.” what else is there to say?

“I didn’t want to hide it from you.” he’s right in telling me ahead of time even if I don’t like the idea.

“I appreciate that.” I lean in and kiss him. “Love you.”

“I love you too Princess.” I follow Tate with my eyes as he climbs in his truck and pulls out of the driveway. Tate doesn’t know it yet but I will be showing up this evening at his cottage. I had to make sure Olivia would be free to watch Brandy because I was making Haley go with me. We were both going to face our fears tonight.

Chapter Thirty-Four

Brandy and I arrive at the garage for lunch. I’m pleased for Tate that business is booming. I know its hard work but the busier they are the better his business is doing. Each bay has a car in in it with one of the guys working on it. Tate is actually talking to another customer at the counter when we walk in.

Brandy stays close to me since her daddy is busy. I lead us behind the counter. “Climb up on the stool and sit quietly.” she nods her little head as she does as I instructed. I find myself looking over at my son working on a car in bay one. He’s working diligently on whatever he is doing and my mother’s heart swells with pride at my boy.

“So you can either wait about 30 minutes and we can get you in today or you can make an appointment.” Tate speaks to the guy in front of him.

“I’d love to wait.”

“No problem. If you’ll go ahead and fill out the top half of this for me.” Tate hands him a clipboard and pen. Turning to us. “Hey how are my two favorite girls?”

“Daaaadddyyyyy!” Brandy squeals as he tickles her sides. “Stop!” she continues to giggle.

“You going to be able to break away for lunch?” I ask him.

“No it doesn’t look like it.” He says a little sadly looking at Brandy.

“It’s okay Daddy we can bring food here for everyone.” Brandy is sweet to think of bringing food back to the guys. Of course to her most of them are her uncles.

Tate turns back to the register hits a couple buttons and pulls money out of the till. “Here get something for everyone and bring me the receipt please.”

“Sure no problem.” I lift Brandy off to the stool and set her on the floor “Come along my lovely assistant lets go grab food for the men.”

Her hand wraps around mine. My heart warms she not only likes me as a teacher but she’s accepting me and my kids as part of her family. We climb back in the car. “What do you think Sub sandwiches?”

“Yes and cookies and chips and coke.” Brandy answers me.

With that decided I pull out and head to the local sub shop. Brandy and I go in and place an order for a party tray and two dozen cookie. We have twenty minutes before its ready so we walk a couple doors down to the grocery store in the same shopping center. We head to the chip and drink aisle with a buggy and load up on those items. I grab paper products because knowing Tate he doesn’t have any of that stuff at the shop.

Once we pick up our sandwiches we head back to the shop. Brandy helps me carry in some of the things we bought and I take them into Tate’s office to set up. Noah is semi free so I ask him to help me bring in the rest. Brandy and I begin clearing off the desk a little to make room for the lunch we have bought. The guys come in sporadically and make plates and eat as they can often setting it down to go work a bit more. Brandy and I enjoy our afternoon at the shop staying a lot longer than we planned on.

“Princess, we may be late tonight.” Tate has me cornered in his office while Noah has Brandy out in the shop.

“I wondered it’s pretty busy plus the final moving stuff.”

“Yea we need to finish each car here and I’m not taking any more new work today.” He moves closer to me.

He backs me up into his desk. My butt hits the edge making me fall down on top of the desk. His arms come around and trap me on either side.


“I love you Princess.” he kisses me softly on the lips. “I’m still over the moon about you being pregnant.”

“You might not be when I get moody.” I try to joke with him.

“You’re moody anyway.” he laughs a little at me.

I swat at him playfully. “Tate be careful with LuAnn tonight.”

“Don’t worry honey… I won’t be alone there with her. She won’t know what hit her.”

I sigh I’m really worried about tonight. He has no idea how nervous LuAnn makes me. She is unstable. Not just a woman scorned. Crazy is never predictable.

Brandy and I head back to the house. Haley is meeting me there. Olivia has plans to get Brandy to help make dinner tonight and then swim in the pool with her. Things should go smooth. Haley is even willing to face Jake to be there when I go to the cottage. Like me she wants to see LuAnn get hers and be out of Tate’s life and mine forever.


“Olivia we’re leaving.” I call out.

Her and Brandy walk to the kitchen door way both wearing aprons.

“Be careful mom.” Olivia warns softly.

“I will sweetie.” I bend down “Keep Olivia out of trouble while I’m gone.” I’m greeted with giggles. “Y’all have fun.”

Haley and I head out. The whole drive over to the cottage I’m filled with trepidation. It’s like elephants are dancing the nutcracker suite in my stomach. My fingers tap restlessly on the steering wheel. I have no idea what’s going to happen tonight but I hope that whatever the outcome is LuAnn’s gone from our lives for good.

There are two trucks pulled up in the front yard backed up to the door. But LuAnn’s car sits in the driveway. I pull up to the curb in front of the house. I don’t want to pull in the driveway and hinder any departure LuAnn might make.

I’m confused that Jake’s truck is still out front Tate said he wanted to make LuAnn think they were alone. I guess I’ll find out when I go inside. Haley and I glance at one another before leaving the car.

“You ready to do this?” she asks me.

“No, are you?” I ask her while I’m rubbing my hands together nervously. “But we have to do it.” It will look odd if we continue sitting out front in the car. We would be the ones looking like stalkers. Walking up the path together we speak quietly to one another.

“I got your back on this one girl.” Haley whispers.

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