Twilight of Kerberos - [Shadowmage 01-03] - The Shadowmage Trilogy (Shadowmage; Night's Haunting; Legacy's Price) (26 page)

BOOK: Twilight of Kerberos - [Shadowmage 01-03] - The Shadowmage Trilogy (Shadowmage; Night's Haunting; Legacy's Price)
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Moving quickly, Grayling tugged at the guard’s belt, freeing his weapons. The sword she passed to Lucius, while she grabbed a dagger for herself.

“Sure you don’t want the sword?” Lucius asked, surprised she had taken the smaller weapon. She gave him a disparaging look.

“You men are always so worried about size.”

Her smile might have been meant purely in jest, but it retained such a look of viciousness that Lucius found himself swallowing involuntarily. Grayling glanced over her shoulder, looking down the corridor.

“Grab that and pull it into the shadows,” she said, indicating the motionless guard. “I’ll scout ahead.”

As quietly as he could, Lucius dragged the guard next to the buttress Grayling had used to ambush him, deeply aware of the grating sound the man’s mail made on the stone floor. He tried lifting and shuffling the man as best he could, but it was a dead weight, and he kept flicking glances up and down the passageway, expecting to see half the Vos army bearing down upon him.

By the time he had finished, Grayling had returned, and he noted a triumphant look in her eyes.

“I know how we are getting out of here,” she said. “But there is a problem. Come.”

Pacing down the corridor behind her, Lucius followed Grayling past two junctions in the mazelike arrangement of the tower. They came to a half-open door, from which he heard the voices of several men. Following her gesture, he looked inside.

Lucius saw the problem immediately. Four more guards were inside, in various states of unreadiness. Two were reclined on cots, propped up against the far wall as they spoke with their colleagues, while the other pair were seated at a table, evidently finishing off their evening meal. Only one was fully armoured, his helmet lying discarded on the table, while another wore only his mail coat. The two on the cots wore only leather under-tunics, their mail hung from crosspieces on one side of the room. Quickly scanning the room for weapons, Lucius saw a wooden rack against the far wall in which rested a variety of swords, maces and daggers.

Grayling nudged him in the side, and he followed her eyes to a corner of the barracks. A ladder rose from the floor to a large trapdoor in the ceiling.

“To the roof,” she mouthed.

Lucius frowned at her and jerked his head to the guards. Despite having the advantage of surprise, he was not sure they could defeat all of the men inside before they could launch a highly effective counterattack. If it were just him, with both armour and magic as his allies, he would be confident. However, he had nothing but the sword Grayling had managed to recover for him, and he did not fancy her chances at all, fighting well-trained soldiers with only a dagger.

She grabbed his arm and pulled him back down the corridor. When they were a safe distance away, she whispered her idea to him.

“I go in first. You move as soon as they spot me, got it?”

He nodded, but she took hold of his arm again, squeezing it to underline her point. “As soon as they see me, understand? If I am caught alone in there, I’m dead. I’m relying on you – can I do that?”

Lucius took a breath, still not liking their odds, but he nodded. “You can count on me.”

“Good,” she said, smiling. “I had heard that.”

He frowned at that, but Grayling had already left his side, pacing stealthily back towards the door, dagger held low. Watching as she reached the door, Lucius saw her drop into a crouch and then, slowly, silently, she passed the threshold and entered the room.

Using the half-open door to shield his presence, Lucius watched in amazement as Grayling padded towards the men in the cots. She moved with exceptional grace, each footstep slow and deliberate. He had heard tales in the common room of some thieves with the ability to blend into their environments to such a degree that they practically became invisible, but he had not really believed it up to now. Keeping her back to the wall, Grayling moved with a slow but irresistible motion. Never completely still, yet never drawing attention to herself. One foot was placed in front of the other in total silence. Lucius marvelled at her ability, but felt her luck could not last.

It didn’t. A casual glance from one of the men at the table became a double take as he focussed on the creeping woman who, battered and bruised with a naked dagger, must have looked for all the world like some evil spirit come to exact vengeance.

“Assassin!” the man cried out, stunning his comrades into inaction as he whirled around for the weapons rack.

Lucius was already moving, sprinting for the table. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Grayling uncoil from her crouch, turning her stealthy pose into a killing strike in an instant. The man in the first cot was dead a second later, blood gushing down his tunic.

The last man at the table reeled back from Lucius’ charge, falling from his chair and upending the table as he hit the floor. Kicking the table to one side, Lucius hacked the man down before he could cry out. The blade dug easily into the side of the guard’s skull, and blood flowed across the floor as he yanked it free.

A hiss from Grayling caused Lucius to look up, and it was by reflex alone that he managed to raise the blade of his sword in time to catch the downward swing of the other guard’s mace. The guard snarled at Lucius

spittle flying from his lips

before he reversed the direction of his weapon, and swung the mace again.

Unable to parry such a close blow, Lucius backed away and nearly tangled himself in the body at his feet. Seeing the guard advance and ready another swing, he reached down and grabbed the fallen chair, raising it just as the mace came towards his head.

The chair shattered into a dozen wooden splinters while the force of the attack caused him to stumble. As he went down on one knee, Lucius swung his sword in a backhanded blow intended to disembowel the guard, but the tip of his weapon just skittered off mail. Pressing home the advantage, the guard raised the mace above his head and brought it rushing down, perhaps hoping to blast Lucius straight through the floor and back into the cells.

Caught off balance, Lucius rolled back toward the door, hoping to gain a little ground. The guard followed immediately, seeing a helpless enemy before him. Kicking out, Lucius stalled the advance with a blow to the guard’s shin, but his foot just glanced off the metal greaves. Another swing forced him to dive to his left, and his sword clattered on the floor as it fell from his grasp. On his rump and completely defenceless now, Lucius desperately kicked at the floor, trying to drive himself back, away from the guard, whose face was now triumphant with victory.

He felt the wall at his back, and knew there was nowhere else to run. Raising his arms in a futile effort to ward away the guard’s finishing blow, he looked up to see the man staring down at him. The guard’s fury had disappeared and his expression was almost serene. Lucius frowned in puzzlement, then opened his mouth in shock as the man sank to his knees and collapsed at his feet. Behind the guard stood Grayling, her dagger dripping with blood.

“Can I help you up?” she said.

Grayling was the first to the ladder and after reaching the top, she heaved with her shoulder to force the trapdoor open. Lucius looked past her slight form to see the blue sphere of Kerberos leering down at him, and he felt a rush of relief as he breathed in fresh air.

Vaulting up the ladder, he found himself at the top of the tower beside Grayling, looking down from the parapets. The roof was dominated by a huge trebuchet

its timbers harvested from Vos forests

the massive stones it threw piled next to it, mined from quarries close to the city. A single pole rose higher even than the mighty war machine, but no flag flew from it this evening, that honour having currently been taken by one of the other towers of the Citadel.

The view of Turnitia from this height was spectacular. He could see the entire expanse of the city, from the ocean cliffs guarding it, up the slope to the townhouses on its far side. To the east and north, rows of blank-roofed warehouses held the wealth of the city, while the Five Markets lay empty below.

Closer, the construction of the Citadel was equally impressive. The four other towers stood silent and imposing, acting as sentinels for the entire city, while the main keep

invisible to the rest of the world behind vast stone walls

nestled between them. Those walls ringed the entire complex, high above the level of most buildings in Turnitia, and were lined with troops. More soldiers were scattered in the courtyards directly below, and Lucius saw the frantic movements of an ongoing battle. Some of the thieves had escaped from the tower at ground level, only to find themselves cut off and surrounded.

“We cannot help them,” Grayling said, perhaps wanting to forestall any foolish heroics Lucius might be tempted to perform.

“Agreed,” he said after a moment, nodding. “So, what now?”

“Still thinking,” Grayling said as she looked left and right for a solution to present itself.

“I thought you said you had a plan?”

“Got us this far, haven’t I?” she retorted, though there was no venom in her voice. Slowly, Lucius began to realise that she was actually enjoying the moment, their brush with danger and the bid for freedom. He could not decide whether that was a good thing.

“We’ve got this,” Grayling said, scooping up a coil of rope that lay next to the Vos banners that were draped down the sheer sides of the towers on special days marked by the Empire. “But we can’t just drop it down into the courtyard.”

Staring out at the city, an idea came to Lucius. “If we could stretch it to the walls, they would be the last obstacle.”

She looked at him doubtfully, as if he had suddenly turned simple. “Even if we had a hook to tie to the end, could you throw it that far?”

Walking to the edge of the battlements lining the tower, Lucius stared at the wall, trying to gauge the distance. As a horizontal throw, it would be impossible, but from their vantage point, they had height on their side. If they had just a little help.

“Find something,” he said. “Anything that can act as a grappling hook. We need something that can dig into stone.”

Grayling disappeared back down the trapdoor while Lucius scouted the roof of the tower. He had hoped to find something useful among the tools and supplies surrounding the war machine, but he was unsuccessful. When Grayling reappeared, he could tell from her expression that she had been no luckier.

She looked up at the trebuchet. “You know, there are stories of thieves making their escape by using catapults.”

“Any thief telling that story is either a liar or a good deal shorter than he once was.”

Grayling sighed. “We might have to go back down into the tower.”

Closing his eyes, Lucius cursed. He knew what he had to do, but it would very likely mean an end to his place among the Hands.

“Grayling,” he began. “You counted on me before. I need to count on you now.”

“Of course,” she said without hesitation.

“I mean it.”

Something in his voice checked her, and she frowned at him. “What are you planning to do?”

It was his turn to sigh. “Stand back until I say. And you’ll need a strip of cloth or short length of rope.”

Still clearly puzzled, Grayling nevertheless followed his instructions, and dug around the trebuchet’s supplies until she found something suitable.

Lucius took a deep breath as he began coiling the rope in his hands, staring fixedly at a portion of the opposite wall that seemed to have few guards on its ramparts. He turned his attention inward, seeking the threads of magic that constantly turned and twisted, and, like an old friend, they came flooding back under his control.

He began to swing one end of the rope above his head, whipping it around faster and faster as he manipulated the threads to bring those he needed into the real world. An otherworldly strength flooded into his body briefly, hot and fast, and he felt himself shudder as the power whipped about in his chest. Then it was gone, the energy passed to the rope spinning above his head, and suddenly it was moving with its own momentum. Letting go with one hand, he retained a grip on its length with the other. The rope coiled above his head as it span, reaching ever higher speeds.

He heard Grayling gasp in astonishment but his conscious mind was elsewhere, directing the magic that now song along the entire length of the rope. With a command that was part gesture, part vocals the rope arced high in the sky across the face of Kerberos before plunging down towards the wall. A bright flash of light surged along its length, pulling it taut as the tip rocketed downwards, plunging deep into the battlements of the wall. Feeling the magic spent as the conjuration was completed, Lucius pulled hard on the rope to ensure it had taken hold, then ran to the trebuchet to tie the loose end firmly. He cut a short length from it, and then returned to the battlements.

Throughout this, he avoided eye contact with Grayling, but was aware that she was giving him suspicious sidelong looks.

“Come on,” he said. “You first.”

With the briefest of pauses, Grayling threw her legs over the side of the tower and wrapped the cloth she had gathered around the rope. He saw her shift her weight in preparation to throw herself into clear air but she stopped, and turned to face him.

“I think I know what you are,” she said.

He stopped for a moment, then looked directly into her eyes. “The others cannot know.”

She nodded in understanding. “I’ll make you a deal. We survive this and escape, it will be our secret. If not... well, it won’t matter either way.”

Cocking a half-smile, Grayling put her dagger in her mouth and pushed off. Grasping the cloth wrapped round the rope in each hand, she quickly gained speed as she flew through the air, down to the wall below.

Lucius sat on the edge of the battlements as he twisted his short cord around the rope then, testing the strain to ensure it could bear him as well as Grayling, he jumped.

He tried to pull the ends of the cord across one another in an attempt to control his speed, but he gathered pace at an alarming rate as he shot down the rope. Feet dangling helplessly in the air, he was aware of shouts rising up from the courtyard, but whether they were directed at him or were the result of the ongoing battle below, he could not tell. Ahead, Grayling had already reached the wall and had dropped from the rope into a graceful roll. Even now, she was throwing her dagger at the chest of a guard but Lucius had greater concerns on his mind.

BOOK: Twilight of Kerberos - [Shadowmage 01-03] - The Shadowmage Trilogy (Shadowmage; Night's Haunting; Legacy's Price)
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