Twilight of the Gods: The Mayan Calendar and the Return of the Extraterrestrials (5 page)

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The Sumerologist Professor Samuel Kramer even translated a passage from one of the cuneiform tablets in which a rape leads to the birth of a giant. Enlil impregnates Ninlil. She rejects his advances, but that doesn't stop Enlil from forcing her to his will: " vagina is too small. She does not understand coitus. My lips are too small...."13

You can also read about primitive giants in the Popol Vuh of the K'iche' Maya. They raged among mankind until the god Ah Mucenab unleashed a devastating inferno to wipe them out. Some survived and "wandered around lost in the dingy twilight. When they came across men there were desperate skirmishes."14

The Book of the Eskimos puts it succinctly: "In the old days there were giants on the Earth.""

To be honest, I could go on all day this way. There are quotes about giants in practically all of the ancient texts-regardless of which peoples compiled them. But humor me, and let me give you two more examples, as they are more precise than most of the popular legends. In the venerable book of the Ethiopian kings, the Kebra Negast, chapter 100 tells the following:

And the daughters of Cain with whom the angels had coupled became with child, but were unable to bring forth their children, and they died. And some of the children who were in their wombs died, and some came forth; having split open the bellies of their mothers... and when they grew up and into manhood they became giants....'

The most unfathomable statement, however, can be found in the apocryphal Book of Baruch. Baruch actually states the number of giants who are said to have lived before the Flood: "God caused the deluge upon earth, and destroyed all flesh, and four hundred and nine thousand giants."" It remains a mystery as to where the venerable author got his figures from.

The allusions to giants in the ancient traditions are many and easy to find-for those who take the trouble to look. The difficulty is finding actual proof in terms of hard facts. Admittedly, many scientists have claimed to have made finds of giant bones or tools that could only have been made and used by giants, but they all remain controversial. For instance, German paleontologists Gustav von Koenigswald (1902-1982) and Franz Weidenreich (1873-1948) discovered several giant bones in apothecary shops in Hong Kong and China. Weidenreich even lectured on the subject to the American Ethnological Society in 1944.18

and Facts

Professor Denis Saurat, the renowned director of the Centre International d'Etudes Francaises in Nice, found hand axes weighing 8.4 pounds a little less than 4 miles south of Safita in Syria. And in Ain Fritissa in Eastern Morocco, he discovered some weighing 9.3 pounds (12.6 inches long and 8.7 inches wide)! In his expert opinion, axes of this size would only be suitable for use by giants.' Saurat supports the former existence of giants and even claimed that they could be responsible for the unexplained dolmens and huge menhirs that can be found throughout Europe. He also thought that it would account for the superhuman power required to build the cyclops walls that are dotted around the Mediterranean area. Bones from oversized early men were discovered as early as 1936 by German anthropologist L. Kohn-Larsen by Lake Eyasi in Tanzania. He even gave them a scientific name: Meganthropus africanus. Similar finds were made in Java (Meganthropus palaeojavanicus). The former delegate of the French Prehistoric Society, Dr. Louis Burkhalter, speaking in an article that appeared in the 1950 Revue du Musee de Beyrouth in Beirut, fully supported these bone findings: "I would like to make clear that the existence of giant humanoids in the Acheulean Epoch must be considered to be a scientifically proven fact."

In the middle of the last century, Australian archaeologist Dr. Rex Gilroy, director of the Mount York Natural History Museum in Bathurst, New South Wales, discovered huge prehistoric tools together with a skeleton and a molar tooth measuring 2.3 inches in length and 1.8 inches in breadth. He even found a huge footprint measuring 23.6 x 7.1 inches in the dried-up earth. Dr. Gilroy conjectured that the being that made this footprint would have had to have been 20 feet tall!

Another simply "impossible" finding involving massive footprints was made in Glen Rose, Texas. Here, in the riverbed of the Paluxy River, dinosaur footprints were discovered alongside those of giant human beings. All in the same sedimentary layer! Any anthropologist will tell you that that's just not possible: Dinosaurs and men never lived at the same time. Curiously, in this case it wasn't just one or two footprints; it was dozens! The direction of the dinosaur's flight is clearly identifiable-and the human footprints follow right behind as if they were chasing the beast.20 The findings in Glen Rose ignited a heated scientific debate. The evolution theorists were united: dinosaur footprints and human footprints in the same sedimentary layer? It could only be a forgery. And they even ascribed this fakery to the creationists, those people who-especially in the United States-do not believe in Darwin's theory of evolution but rather that all life on Earth came about as a result of divine creation. The creationists themselves, on the other hand, vehemently denied that they had had anything to with it. The amazing thing about this scientific debate was the fact that the very few evolutionists who actually dared to make the trip to the Paluxy River to check out the discovery for themselves often ended up actually changing sides. People and dinosaurs at the same time? Impossible? In recent times, even the impossible seems to have become possible.

Renowned evolutionist biologist Professor Robert Martin from the Field Museum of Natural History (Chicago) is convinced that humans and dinosaurs lived at the same time: "Humans and other primates evolved around 90 million years ago. Accordingly, the ancestors of gorillas, chimpanzees and humans lived side by side with the dinosaurs and really only began their evolution after the dinosaur's extinction."21

Paleontologist Wolf-Dieter Heinrich from the Berlin Museum for Natural History actually found petrified remains from the Late Jurassic period. And he found them in the famous Tendaguru fossil layers in Tanzania-a site known for its dinosaur remains.

Professor Martin and his team conducted a number of molecular genetic tests that confirmed the extreme age of the bones. Professor Ulfur Arnason from the University of Lund in Sweden, also a molecular geneticist, has ascertained that "the most important split in the mammalian genealogical tree took place as early as the Mesozoic era."22

To conclude this short round of observations about giants in prehistory, I would like to share with you a strange story from King Solomon's times. In addition to a number of other women, the wise king-as we know-also had an intimate relationship with the Queen of Sheba (or, as she is also known in Arabic, Balqis). The last meeting between Solomon and the Queen of Sheba took place in Tadmor, the city of palms. (Tadmor was later known as Palmyra, an oasis town in the north of the Syrian desert.) The wasteful Solomon had a huge mausoleum erected in the city for his great love. Muhammed al-Hassan, biographer of the prophet Mohammed, reported that Caliph Walid the first (705-715 AD) had found a grave with the inscription "This is the grave and the bier of the pious Balqis, wife of Solomon." The caliph had the grave opened. When he saw what was inside his blood froze, and he ordered that the grave be closed and never again opened. On top of the tomb, he erected a large building as a warning. What on earth had horrified the caliph so? The tomb of Balqis was the grave of a giant! 23

Maybe the controversial giants of Horbiger's World Ice Theory were not so spurious after all. He could have taken his information from the ancient records that, after all, were all available in those days. And let's not forget-whether we like it or not-Darwin's evolution never ran as smoothly as his theory would have us believe. In their wellresearched 1,000-page work, Forbidden Archaeology, authors Michael Cremo and Richard Thompson document a whole host of anthropological inconsistencies that certainly do not fit in with the idea of linear evolution." The book has, incomprehensibly, been ignored by both archaeo- and anthropologists. The preciseness of the sources and proofs, however, is mighty impressive.

he Origin of the Moon?

Now, let's not forget that Hans Horbiger also maintained in his World Ice Theory that there had been several different moons circling around the Earth, and that the current one had only been in orbit for around 14,000 years. The various moons were the real reason for the rise and fall of the many different cultures, he postulated, including the culture from Tiwanaku. Absurd? Don't we have conclusive evidence about the Moon and its heritage? After all, Americans have even brought moon rock back home with them, haven't they? (Just for the skeptics: I know all those books that claim that the Americans never went to the Moon and that the landings shown on TV were nothing but hokum cooked up in the desert and various TV studios. That kind of anti-Americanism is easy enough to disprove. U.S. astronauts deposited a measuring plate on the Moon that is, to this day, homed in on via laser from the Earth. It is used to measure the exact distance between the Earth and the Moon. And what's more, further Moon landings are planned by the Chinese and Japanese. Of course, they will find all the junk left lying around by the Americans on their previous visits. As usual, none of the unbelievers from the "Anti-Moon-Landing League" will bother to apologize to the Americans. (I am personally acquainted with several of the men who worked on the NASA Moon Program, starting with Wernher von Braun, Hermann Obeth, Willi Ley, Harry Ruppe, Ernst Stuhlinger-all of them the proud bearers of the title of either professor or doctor-right up to chief engineer Joseph Blumrich. All of them were honorable men-without exception. Not one single one of them would have been involved with any kind of global Moon deception.)

So, do we know how the Moon was created or how old it is? Have Horbiger's fantasies finally been laid to rest?

There are a number of theories about the origin of the Moon:`

The fission hypothesis. The rotation of the proto-Earth generated centrifugal forces that flung out a large chunk of its mass into space. This coalesced to form the Moon.
The many-moons hypothesis. Several smaller satellites were caught in the Earth's gravitational field. These collided and formed today's moon.
The capture hypothesis. The Earth and the Moon arose independently of each other. At some stage the Earth "caught" the Moon in its gravitational field.
The co-formation hypothesis. The Earth and the Moon formed together from the primordial gloop at the same time and place; the Moon itself forming from the material surrounding the proto-Earth.
The giant impact hypothesis. The Earth collided with a huge Mars-sized body. The matter that was thrown out into space came together to form the Moon.

Whichever is correct, the latest research from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) and the Universities of Oxford (England), Cologne (Germany), and Munster (Germany) all concludes that the Moon was created many millions of years ago." How does one come up with such a venerable age?

It's all down to the levels of the isotope wolfram-182, which is formed as a result of the decomposition of the radioactive isotope hafnium. Hafnium decomposes completely in 60 million years. This is a physical fact. Scientists at the Institute for Isotope Geology at the ETH Zurich examined moon rocks that the U.S. astronauts had brought with them back to Earth. They measured minuscule amounts of wolfram-182, which allowed them to ascertain the age on the basis of decomposed hafnium. The larger the differences in the wolfram-182, the older the rock has to be. The result was an age of X million years27 and tends to support the "giant impact hypothesis," which states that the Earth and the Moon are two heavenly bodies that collided with each other millions of years ago.

Assuming we believe these latest results, then Horbiger was certainly wrong, and our Moon hasn't been orbiting the Earth for only 14,000 years. So it cannot be responsible for the destruction of Tiwanaku. Nevertheless, whether it was the Moon or not, it can certainly be shown that the Earth has been hit by abrupt climatic catastrophes in its past. These are revealed by examining sediments or glacial erratics (large chunks of rocks deposited by melting glaciers at the end of the last ice age; the foothills of the Alps are full of them). (By the way, those glaciers melted many thousands of years ago without the help of today's greenhouse gases-a fact that is often glossed over in current discussions.)

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