Twin Cities

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Authors: Louisa Bacio

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Twin Cities



Nate fantasized about a ménage á trois with two hot sorority sisters, but he
never expected it to come true. On a business trip to Kansas City, reality
becomes even better than fantasy when Desiree and Sherrie, a buxom blonde duo,
get down and dirty. When the threesome get into bed, Nate discovers the ladies
share a mutual lust, and not just for him—and two is not too much to handle.


contemporary erotica
story from Ellora’s Cave


Twin Cities
Louisa Bacio


Chapter One


The plane jerked to a landing, a shrill whine as the wheels
reeled back from a smoking one hundred and seventy-five miles per hour. Nate
relaxed and checked out the woman clutching the armrest between them.

“It’s all good,” he said. “We’re on the ground now.”

He turned on his cell, reading the text messages, and then posted
on Facebook that he’d made it to the airport in Kansas City, Missouri. His
business partners would know he’d arrived.

The minute the seatbelt sign flashed off, he unbuckled, grabbed
his suitcase from the overhead and picked up his laptop case. Considering how
much he traveled, he packed light so he didn’t have to visit baggage claim.

Some clients of his firm were looking to expand business
ventures in the area, so Nate was scouting ahead of time. Although he had a few
meetings set up, there’d be a fair amount of free time in the two days, giving
him an chance to get a feel for the area.

Outside, the air clung to his skin, dense, unlike the dryer
climate he was used to in Southern California. He was thankful for the
lightweight, short-sleeved shirt, but the way his jeans clung to his thighs was
annoying. The taxi line moved fast, and soon enough he was on the way to the

On the drive, he opened up Facebook and noticed Mom and his
brother Mike had already liked his post, and it had a few comments. He glanced

: BBQ & beer!

: No way! Sherrie and I are here too!

Her name sounded familiar. He clicked on her picture and
pulled up a busty blonde hottie. Oh yeah. He remembered her, a sorority girl
he’d met in college. Seeing her photograph jogged his memory. There was that
one Halloween party in college where Desiree gave him head in the bathroom.
Where there was Des, there was always her bosom friend Sherrie. They looked so
much alike, anyone would think they were twins. He might be able to fill up
some of that extracurricular time on this trip with some fun.

After liking her response, he sent her a private message
with his cell number. By the time he reached the hotel, she’d replied and they
made plans to meet for dinner.

He checked in to his room, an executive suite with a
separate bedroom. When he opened the door, he was more than pleased with the
accommodations. From the entranceway, he stepped down into a living room area
with bright blue pillows and a wet bar.

He opened the drapes and gazed out on the landscape—bricks
and greenery. One of the best parts about traveling was experiencing the taste
of the region. Next, he moved on to the bedroom, which featured a California-king-size
bed. Plenty of room for action there. He unpacked quickly and ordered room
service of light snacks and champagne to be delivered later.

Before his guests arrived, he hit the shower. Hot water
cascaded over his body and Nate lathered, wiping away the airport grime.
Opposite the shower was an oversized bathtub and he could easily imagine
getting clean in there with his guests later that evening. He did a mini-squat,
cupping his balls, and soaped up. As he massaged his cock, he imagined the feel
of Desiree’s mouth on him. That feisty pirate wench had gotten down on her
knees and sucked him hard. He’d held onto her hat with both hands as he fucked
her mouth. Oh yeah, his hard-on stiffened. What did she look like now? Her
pictures online were sexy, but who knew what lurked behind. He rinsed off a bit
and then gripped himself tight, stroking firmer and moving faster until streams
of come shot out, hitting the wall.

Knees shaking, he leaned against the tile. There were no
guarantees they’d get physical that evening, but if he had it his way, they’d
be replaying that scene.

The luxurious oversized towel reminded him to upgrade at
home. Since he’d bought a condo, he hadn’t made a run to a home store. No
reason to keep using those worn, threadbare towels from when he had roommates.
It was about time he started manning up. Not like he was talking about getting
married. No fucking way. He wasn’t even dating anyone seriously at the moment.
After living in a household with two brothers and a sister, the frat house during
college, and roommates after graduating, he was enjoying some solo time. It
didn’t mean the place had to look bad when he brought guests home.

He chose a new pair of jeans and a black polo shirt, and
decided to go commando. The denim rubbed against his cock, adding a nice
friction. He adjusted himself. Maybe the ladies would get a bit of a surprise
if they unwrapped this package.

Yeah, right. Keep dreaming. Although it never hurt to set

At 6:20, a knock sounded on the door with room service
delivery. He popped open the champagne and had it on ice, and added a few
strawberries to the champagne flutes. He could do classy. Ten minutes later, a
flurry of giggles floated down the hallway, followed by an overly loud “shushing”
right outside.

His company had arrived.

Breasts. Those were the first things that caught his
attention when he opened the door. Two perfect sets. He glanced up into
matching smiles. In the five years since he’d last seen them, they hadn’t aged
at all.

Desiree bounced in first, throwing her tits against him.
Umm, her arms around him. “Oh my God! What are the odds we’d all be here at the
same time?”

Each jump resulted in playful corresponding movements. Her
low-cut shirt didn’t hide an inch of cleavage.

“Just crazy,” he said. Her hair smelled like flowers, not
overwhelming but noticeable.

Over her shoulder, he grinned at Sherrie and raised his
eyebrows as if to ask, “Is she always this crazy?”

She returned his smile. “Good to see you, Nate.”

Desiree released her hold on him. “Oh, so sorry. I was so
excited. You remember Sherrie, right?”

How could he forget? She might have been the quieter of the
two, but she was an equal stunner. While Desiree didn’t hesitate to partake in
bathroom blowjobs, Sherrie had hung with the sorority sisters more, and then
got a long-time boyfriend. Some blowhard he didn’t remember the name of. Didn’t
matter. He checked her ring finger, and it was clear. So she wasn’t married, or
wasn’t wearing.

“Oh course I do.”

He hugged her for good measure, and her breasts pressed
pleasurably against his chest. He told his little head to stay chill and not
get all happy quite yet. Chicks didn’t appreciate that type of attention as
soon as they walked into a guy’s hotel room.

“Come on in,” he said, ushering them inside. He’d forgotten
how much they looked alike, as if it was more a figment of his imagination—true
sorority sisters. Both were blondes, but while Desiree’s hair was platinum and
flashy, Sherrie’s was more honey-toned.

“Look at this place!” Des said. She placed her purse on the
couch and did a spin. “It’s huge. You must be doing quite well for yourself, Nate.”

“I can’t complain. It’s not bad to travel when you get to
put it on your expense account.” He moved toward the bar. “Can I offer you two
a drink?”

They exchanged a look and Sherrie nodded yes. “We’d love
one. From this spread of goodies, I’d think you were trying to keep us in

Her words trailed off, leaving the meaning open. She rubbed
his shoulder, a sense of familiarity between them.

“Who, me?” he said. “Well, with you two beautiful ladies,
would you blame a guy for trying?”

“You might not need to try all that hard,” Desiree said.

He sucked in a breath and poured the champagne. The bubbles
built up and threatened to overspill. “Drink fast,” he said.

Desiree sucked at the bubbles and giggled. She came up with
a mustache of foam. She licked it off and he watched.

Had she said what he thought she did? It couldn’t be that
easy. He hit play on his iPhone, and some light music streamed over his travel

Nate handed Sherrie a flute, and sat between them on the

“To old friends.” Desiree raised her glass.

The three came together, clinking, and he took a long sip.
The bubbles hit his nose, making him choke on the sweetness. Ugh, give him a
beer any day. He bought this stuff for them.

Sherrie patted on his back and he raised a hand. “I’m okay.
Just went down the wrong pipe, that’s all.”

As Desiree leaned back, her denim skirt hiked up, showing a
fair amount of silky, smooth and tanned thigh. He resisted running his hand up
it. He shouldn’t push things too fast.

“So what are you two doing in Kansas City?”

“Do you remember Genevieve? She’s having twins,” Sherrie
explained. “The baby shower is this weekend, and we decided to come out a few
days early and catch up.”

“You’re not staying with her?” he asked.

“No way. She already has a three-year-old.” Desiree’s nose
wrinkled up. “He’s cute and all but way too much work for me.”

From her comment, he figured she didn’t have any children of
her own yet, which added one major plus. He wouldn’t have to worry about one of
them looking for a substitute daddy.

Talk turned to what they’d been doing over the past few
years, which mutual friends from college they’d seen and what they planned over
the next few days.

“Where are you living now?” he asked.

Desiree pressed her leg against him, sending a searing heat
through his pants. “Sherrie’s outside of Dallas, and I’m in St. Louis,” she
explained. “Did you ever break out of California?”

“No way,” he replied. “Born and raised, and I’ll be buried
in SoCal. I can’t imagine you two moving out of state. What’s up with that?”

Sherrie shrugged. “I work as a flight attendant. Dallas is
one of the main hubs, and we’re required to live there for a few years. It’s
not bad since I pretty much get to fly wherever I want.”

At “flight attendant”, Nate’s thoughts drifted to joining
the Mile High Club. He wouldn’t mind having her service him.

“And I was from St. Louis. I only went to California for
college,” Desiree said. “I can’t believe you don’t remember that.” She socked
him lightly in the arm.

He didn’t remember ever doing much talking with her. The
subject hadn’t come up when she was on her knees and he was stuffing her mouth.
Nate shifted his cock to the side and slipped a pillow over his lap, willing
everything to calm down.

Before long, the first glass of champagne was gone and he
got up to pour them a second one. After handing over the drinks, he took the
lids off a few of the appetizers.

Seductively, Desiree held up a shrimp, curling her tongue
around its body, and licked off the dipping sauce. She held Nate’s gaze, biting
off the main body, and moaned with her eyes shut.

No one would believe me
, he thought,
these two
gorgeous women in my hotel room and no proof.

A phone trilled, breaking his fantasies, and Sherrie
scrambled to get her cell. She looked at the caller ID. “Sorry, I need to get
this.” As she walked into the back room, she said, “Hey, what’s the emergency?”

“She’s got an insane boss,” Desiree explained. “He hates it
when she takes time off. I never see her relax. She’s always so wound up.”

“I understand that,” Nate said, watching the other woman
pace. “But vacation is vacation.”

Within a few minutes, Sherrie returned, looking sorry. “I’ve
got to go down to the business center and log into our scheduling system.”

“Do you want to use my laptop?” Nate asked. “It’ll only take
a minute to set up.”

She bit her lower lip before replying. “No, that’s all
right. I think you two might be a bit distracting, and I’ll get it done faster
down there. Don’t do too much without me.”

“No promises there,” Desiree said. “It can’t wait until

“Unfortunately not. I’m up for a promotion. A few people
called in sick—a flu hit an entire team—and I need to oversee the fill-ins.”

Nate fished an extra keycard out and handed it to her. “In
case we’re busy when you come back, let yourself in.”

Door open, she hesitated, eyebrow raised, and then nodded.

The moment the door shut, Desiree slid over on the couch,
even closer to him. “So now that we’re alone, what were you saying?”

“That I couldn’t wait to kiss you again,” Nate said. He took
her mouth, flicking his tongue over her bottom lip until she opened, letting
him in. She leaned over him. He reached under her skirt, cupping her ass, and
pulled her on top of him. Her sweet, nubile skin felt so soft beneath his

It didn’t take much persuasion, and she’d straddled his lap,
her denim skirt riding up. He pressed his cock against the heat between her
legs. How easy it would be to take her fast right here.

They kissed, long and hard and deep, like back when they
were in college and didn’t have any cares except for midterms, finals and the
way their bodies felt against each other. He burrowed his hands into her hair.
So soft and silky and feminine. Hell, he didn’t need any more chitchat. This
physicality, hooking up without worrying about the consequences, how come he’d
lost it as an adult? Now he worried about dating, dinners and if he’d get laid.
Desiree had always guaranteed a good time—without strings attached.

Her hips ground against his cock as it strained to break
free from his pants. There was no mistaking his intentions. He wanted to fuck
her, and now.

Reaching between them, she massaged his cock through the
denim, before unbuttoning the waist and zipping him down. “Feels like someone
wants to play,” she said.

“Hell yes. Oh, that feels so good.”

Her bare hand touched his skin and sensation skyrocketed up
his system. “Harder,” he directed. “Grip me.”

Always eager to please, Desiree fisted his cock, pumping as
she released him from the confines of his jeans. He lifted his ass up and pushed
his pants around his calves.

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