Read Twisted Online

Authors: Rebecca Zanetti

Twisted (10 page)

BOOK: Twisted
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That’s all.”

“Hmmm.” With quick steps they exited the lodge and went to the truck.

They made the drive back to the cabin in silence. Irritation and determination filtered across Terrent’s face, while guilt and dread filled Maggie’s stomach. What was she going to do? If Felix was as crazy as Terrent had said, then he’d chase her forever. She couldn’t put the Raze pack in danger and had no doubt Roger would make good on his threat. The jerk didn’t care about the pack.

Though Terrent did. Even though he tried to remain dis-tant, he seemed at home with the wolf-shifters. Maggie was at home with him. “I don’t want to live in Roger’s pack.”

“Don’t blame you.” Terrent stopped the truck at the cabin.

“Where do you want to live?”

“With you.” She studied his strong profile. Maybe it was time for her to live her life, memories or not. Limbo sucked.

“I think I’d like to relearn physics as well as military strategy. You know, actually go to school.”

“That’s a wonderful idea.” His hands tightened on the steering wheel.

“So, I thought maybe I’d find an online degree program, or several . . . and then I could travel.”

He studied the dark night outside the truck.

She cleared her throat. “The only time I’ve felt at home has been with you. It doesn’t matter where we are. We need to stick together.” The idea of not being with him made something hurt in her chest. She’d been alone for too long.

“No long-distance nonsense.”

“I track and kill werewolves.” He sighed.

“I know.” Jeez. It wasn’t like she hadn’t seen the beasts in action before. “You understand my position on this. Right now, we have a more immediate problem to deal with. How do we keep the Raze pack safe and yet keep me from heading to Scotland?” There had to be a solution.

“That’s an easy one.” Terrent turned his head, his eyes blazing through the darkness. “Mate me.”

Chapter Nine

Maggie swallowed. “Oh.” She thought she had more time to figure things out, to try and remember her life. Her feel-ings for the wolf were strong, but were they strong enough?

He shoved open his door and reached for her, unsnapping her belt and tugging her across the seat. “Do you love me?”

She clutched his arms as he swept her into the night.

“Yes.” The time for coyness, indecision, and insecurity had passed. “I love you.” Her brain didn’t remember him, but her heart was full of him. But was love enough? What if her brain really wasn’t functioning right?

He tucked her close. “I’ve loved you for eleven years . . .

and the last ten have been hell. No more distance, I promise.”

She snuggled her face into his neck. Without memories, she’d be leaping on faith. Maybe this type of decision needed to come from the heart, and not from the brain. “Mating is forever.”

“Yes.” He strode toward the house. “Forever.”

Her heart was full of him. She was a wolf, and wolves lived on instincts. She could trust hers. God, she hoped she could trust hers. “Won’t that cause war?”

“Maybe. But if we mate, you’re no longer subject to the Vaile pack’s laws. You’d be subject to my pack’s.” Terrent kicked open the door. “I mean, if I still had a pack. Anyway, you’d be free of the Vailes.” He dropped her to her feet, both hands threading through her hair. “More important, you’d be mine.”

She tilted her face to meet his dark gaze. Five years ago, when he’d kissed her, she’d wanted to claim him. Somehow, she’d known he was hers. Her emotions mattered, and she could trust them. “I may never remember my life from before.”

“I know.” His fingers tightened his hold. “Don’t think I don’t know how brave and strong you are to even think of mating me when your memories are gone. You humble me, sweetheart.”

Warmth slammed through her heart. The man knew exactly what to say. And she knew exactly what to do. Time to follow her heart. “I plan to bite you, too.”

Heat flared in his eyes. “Is that a promise?” Reaching for the hem, he tugged her shirt over her head. “I’ve wanted to do this all night.” He dropped his head, letting his lips wander along her collarbone. Her shirt hit the floor, followed by her bra. She kicked off her jeans and boots.

She pushed him and yanked his shirt over his head, flattening her palms against his abs and gliding up. Up over muscle and male to grip his hair. Rising up to her tiptoes, she pulled his mouth down to hers. Heat cascaded down her body. His tongue swept inside her mouth, taking and explor-ing. Strong hands gripped her hips and lifted her against the wall.

Thunder echoed outside, and rain began to slash down.

She drew back her head. “I hope that’s not a bad sign,” she panted.

Rain splashed inside the open door. Terrent cupped her ass, pressing hard against her sex. “Rain is good.”

Lightning burst outside, highlighting his predatory eyes.

Sexy and determined, his face was as solid as the mountains around them.

Maggie shivered, even as desire sparked her nerves. How was it possible to want somebody this much? She gyrated against him, her body aching. Then she kicked free, her bare feet slapping the wood floor.

He toed off his boots.

She yanked the button on his jeans loose and pulled them off his muscular thighs, finally tugging them away. His cock sprang free, large and impressive. She couldn’t wrap her fingers all the way around. Dropping to her knees, she licked the tip.

His gasp coincided with his body going rigid.

Female power flushed through her, more enticing than any aphrodisiac. Angling her face, she ran her tongue from the base to the tip.

His hands smacked into the wall. Chips of wood flew.

She grabbed the base, and closed her lips over him.

His low growl vibrated right into her mouth.

He tasted like salt and male, and she hummed in appreciation.

The world tilted, muscled arms yanked her up, and he slammed into her with one incredibly strong thrust.

She arched her back in surprise. Her body trembled, so much need cascading through it her mind blanked. He stilled, his forehead dropping to hers. That broad chest moved as he breathed in and out, obviously struggling for control.

The dick inside her pulsed with a demand that had her feet clasping at his waist. She clutched his flanks, trying to get him to move.

“Just a second,” he murmured, heated breath brushing her cheek. “Give me a second.”

His head rose. He looked at her from under heavy lids, desire lightening his eyes to a glowing amber. The wolf deep

inside him stretched awake as she watched. A matching heat flared inside her. Her heart pounded. Heavy and strong with anticipation.

Leaning forward, she ran her tongue along his bottom lip.

Anything and everything she could ever want stood right in front of her.

His hands flexed and cruised from her hips to cup her ass.

His thumbs pressed on her inner thighs, widening her.

Spreading her open for him.

Her lids dropped to half-mast, fire heating her skin. Sharp fangs slid free in her mouth. She scraped them down his jugular, across his clavicle, to the pectoral muscle over his chest. With a soft sigh, she pressed a kiss against his flesh.

Strong fingers tightened on her butt, leaving bruises.

Slowly, with determination, she bit down.

A growl rumbled from his gut, shifting muscles against her.

Opening her lips wider, she cut through flesh until her teeth met. Spicy blood exploded on her taste buds. Solid and true. Making him hers.

Triumph roared through her along with an odd sense of peace. Of being complete. Finally.

Her canines retracted. She licked his wound, leaning back to appreciate the clear bite mark. Her bite. He’d forever wear the marking. Against his impressive chest, the bite looked small. But absolute.

Pleasure curved her lips as she glanced up. The smile froze.

Desire carved predatory lines in his face. Hunger lit his eyes a golden amber—the eyes of a wolf. The muscles in his body shifted and vibrated as if barely held in check.


Her eyes widened to let in more light like prey would in a darkened forest. Her heart stuttered. Oxygen slammed around her lungs, ensnaring her breath. Liquid need coated her thighs.

He was more than male—more than an Alpha. A combination of hunter, protector, soldier. Determined, he wiped her bottom lip, gaze dropping to the blood he’d captured on his thumb. He inserted his thumb in her mouth.

She sucked. Hard.

He inhaled sharply, crimson spiraling across his cheekbones.

She released his thumb with a soft “plop.”

As he kept her pinned with both his gaze and his body, his hands flexed, tilting her hips.

He withdrew and then slammed back inside her.

She gasped, a dangerous need uncoiling in her abdomen.

He stretched her, his hold absolute, the wolf shimmering beneath his skin.

This was one memory she’d never lose.

Tossing her curls out of the way, she exposed her neck.

Deadly fangs dropped low.

Anticipation fired the nerves along her spine.

His arm encircled her waist while his free hand tangled in her hair. He ground against her clit. She swallowed a gasp as mini-explosions fired inside her. Slowly, deliberately, he enclosed her shoulder with his mouth.

Her entire shoulder.

She opened her mouth to protest when those fangs pierced her flesh.

She cried out. Pain shot through her. Her entire nervous system short-circuited, sending a demand for her to fight or flee.

His hold made both impossible.

The sharp points mercilessly cut deeper through muscle, tissue, and flesh. He took his time, making the moment last.

Stating his claim with deliberate intent. Finally, those killer teeth met in the middle.

Then he began to thrust.

Hard, fast, strong.

Tethering her with his mouth, with calloused hands, he pounded into her.

Pleasure melded with pain, leaving her bombarded with sensation. Grabbing his shoulders, she closed her eyes, her body tensing.

The orgasm broke over her, within her, all around her.

She screamed his name, the waves battering her, the world exploding.

He ground against her, his body shuddering as he came.

Silence fell.

Withdrawing his fangs, he licked her wound. He released her hair, lifted his head, and met her gaze.

Possessiveness and male satisfaction curved his lip.


Chapter Ten

Dawn held the chilly bite of fall as Maggie followed Terrent into the clearing. Growling clouds contained the sun and shot sparks of lightning into the far mountains. A storm was coming. Soon.

She shivered and stopped alongside Terrent.

Roger stood on the lodge porch, legs spread. Gerald sat in a rocking chair, sadness darkening his faded eyes. Three men stood next to the porch—different ones from before.

Wiry, alert, they moved like graceful animals. Yet they didn’t smell like anything.

One strode forward. Green and gold colored his eyes, while thick blond hair was cut short over an angled face.

“Hi, Maggie. I’m Felix.”

“Hi.” She swallowed.

“Are ya ready ta’ come home?” he asked, his tone conge-nial and gentle, as if speaking to someone ill.

“I am home.” She fought the urge to take Terrent’s hand.

If things got nasty, he’d need it free.

“No,” Felix explained slowly, patiently. “Yer home is in Vaile.”

Irritation heated her ears. “Listen, buddy. You don’t need to speak slowly to me—I’m not brain damaged.” Okay, tech-nically, her brain had been damaged. But her IQ was probably higher than his.

Terrent grinned.

At that smile, she relaxed. For the first time since being rescued from the Kurjans, she had somebody. She wasn’t alone. “I appreciate your traveling all the way here for me, but I’m not going anywhere.”

Felix lost his smile. Purple mottled his face. So not handsome. “Listen, ye’r ours, and ye’r comin home so we can strengthen our lineage. Get rid of the weaklings.”

So maybe Felix wasn’t loved as a leader. Maggie shook her head. “No, thanks.”

Terrent waved his hand. The wolves instantly smelled like wolves.

She frowned. “Wait a minute.” The other times that the wolves had been masked and then revealed flashed through her mind. “You have quite the talent there.”

“I’ll explain later,” he said.

“Yes, you will.” She breathed out and focused on Felix.

Her chin lifted—along with her hand. Tugging her shirt down, she revealed the angry, red teeth marks on the front of her shoulder. “I’d have to turn around for you to see the other set.” She cut a glare at Terrent.
Her entire shoulder!
“But, as you can see, I no longer belong in your pack.” Something told her she’d never belonged there.

“You mated a Skene wolf ?” Felix’s nostrils flared. “You stupid, stupid bitch.”

Terrent growled and stepped forward.

Thunder rolled high above.

A tingling wandered up Maggie’s legs. A roaring filled her ears.
Not now.

One of the men with Felix jerked his head at Terrent.


“So?” Maggie glanced at Terrent. “I don’t know what that means.”

“It means nothing,” Terrent said quietly.

Felix spat on the ground. “We wiped out most a’ the Skene wolves three hundred years ago. We missed one.”

Maggie pivoted to face Terrent. Her shoulder ached like a raw wound. “My people destroyed yours?”

“Yes.” He kept his gaze on Felix.

“Why?” she breathed.

“We were natural enemies. My people reviled yours. So when the war broke out, a Vaile raiding party took advantage of the situation.”

“You lied to me,” she said to Terrent. Flames heated her face, her spine.

Felix bared his teeth. “The Skene counter our masking abilities—they were our competition for centuries ’til we wiped ’em out. He hunted you to kill you.”

She coughed out, “Is that why I can’t mask my scent?”

“No.” The wind whipped through Terrent’s thick hair.

“Did you hunt me to kill me?” She kept her gaze on the new wolves while she threw the question at Terrent.

BOOK: Twisted
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