Twisted (40 page)

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Authors: Jake Mactire

BOOK: Twisted
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“Feels good, don’t it? My hands on your cock, me holdin’ your balls, your manhood.” He moaned, and I took my finger and traced it around the ridge on the head of his dick. With my other hand, I made a ring of my forefinger and thumb and grasped his balls at the base. I tugged gently and used the other three fingers to rub and massage him. I ran my thumb over his piss slit and then rubbed the back of the head of his dick gently, just a whisper of a touch.

“Fuck! Jeff, it feels good, so good. I love your hands on me.” I leaned forward and we kissed. I began a very slow sliding of my hand up and down his shaft, stopping each stroke at the top to finger his piss slit and the ridge of his head. He whimpered into my mouth. I felt him move around and all of a sudden his lubed hands mimicked me, touching me like I was touching him. I groaned as I broke the kiss. I stared into his tawny-brown eyes, getting off on the mixture of love and lust I saw reflected back at me. I groaned again with pleasure.

“Feels good, buddy. So good, real intimate. You like that, knowin’ you’re the only man other than me who touches that? You like my big dick, don’t ya? You’re the only man it fucks, the only man to suck on it, the only man to touch it like you’re doin’ now.”

“Uh, good, feels good. Big fuckin’ dick, Jeffy. You like this?”

“Hell yeah. I love you touchin’ me, buddy. Love you pumpin’ my cock, tuggin’ my balls.” I moved my hand up and down his shaft, slowly working it, making it almost an exquisite torture, getting him to the edge but not letting him go over. “You close there, Mike?”

“Yeah, I’m on the edge, but you’re not lettin’ me come.”

“Good. We’re gonna keep it that way for a while.”

“You’re gonna make me get blue balls, make ’em ache. Ya know, two can play at that game.”

“Go for it. Make me ache. We’ll give each other blue balls. I want you workin’ me until I can’t stand it anymore. I’m gonna work you until you’re screamin’ at me to let you shoot.”

“Fuck yeah! That’s so hot, Jeff.” We looked at one another, enjoying the intense pleasure and intimacy of our mutual touch, feeling an aching need to come, but not wanting to stop what we were doing. He was whimpering constantly. I was making what he called little porn noises. I felt so hard, so stiff. His hand moved up and down my cock slowly, maddeningly slowly. I felt my piss slit gaping as I leaked precum. I looked down at Mike’s cock. He was also flowing out precum, his piss slit gaping and closing as if he were having mini-orgasms. This was one of the most intense things I’d ever felt.

“My balls ache, Jeffy.”

“Mine do too. It’s a good ache though, ain’t it?”

“Yeah, I wanna come and I don’t wanna come. I don’t want you to take your hands off me.”

“Yeah, let’s see how long we can keep this goin’. How much achin’ can you take, buddy?”

“I can take what you give. Let’s see how much you can take, Jeffy.”

“Your balls are tryin’ to pull up. I gotta keep tuggin’ on ’em. How’s it feel?”

“Good, real good. I need to come though.”

“You givin’ up already? A little case of blue balls is gettin’ the best of you? You don’t like what your Jeffy’s hands are doin’?”

“I fuckin’ love it. Keep it up. The ache feels real good. I really do love it when you touch me.” I could see it in his eyes. I was enjoying the hell out of this. I like it when Mike gets his aggressive side on. I love to fuck, and he loves to get fucked. But this was something special, something else, a challenge, but a good one. I understood exactly how he felt. My balls ached something fierce. I needed to come bad. My cock felt bigger and harder than it had ever gotten before. His slow and gentle touch as he moved his hand up and down the shaft almost hurt, since I was getting so sensitive from the prolonged activity. At the same time, I didn’t want this to end.

“Fuck, buddy, this hurts good!”

“It does, don’t it?”

“It’s startin’ to feel like I’m havin’ mini-orgasms or something, I’m pumpin’ out so much precum.”

“Me too, Jeff. I reckon we’re gonna have to change the sheets.”

“Hell, we’re gonna have to dry out the mattress.” We continued stroking and fondling each other. Both of our dicks were so red they looked purple. Mike was all flushed and red in the face. I reckoned I was too. Even the gentle touch he was giving my balls began to ache. My whole body below the belt was all tensed up. I could feel the muscle behind my balls, hard as rock, throbbing, ready. The ache had become pain. An exquisite pain that both of us reveled in. The sexual energy around us was so strong it seemed to be almost audible. I was opening my mouth to say, “Let’s go for it,” when Mike groaned out a question.

“Come? Together?”

“Yeah. Come. Together.” I increased the pressure and the speed slightly. Mike whimpered, and I could hear myself groaning. We had gotten in the habit of looking at each other as we came. His face was red, and his eyes were glazed. His whole body seemed to stiffen. I could feel myself doing the same. I tensed up. We both shouted out at the same time. I felt myself explode, as a searing jet of hot, thick liquid hit my face and chest. I saw cum coating Mike’s beard. We both kept shooting. We each must have fired ten or twelve shots. There was cum everywhere, and we were both panting as a calm feeling of relaxation overtook us. The ache was gone, replaced by a warm feeling as we collapsed into an intertwined heap. We just held on to one another for a few minutes. Finally Mike spoke up.

“Holy fuck, was that intense. When I came, it felt like I used every nerve and muscle in my body.”

“I’m right there with you, bud. That’s gotta be the most intense thing we ever done. I felt the same thing, just like I shot with my entire body.”

“You ever see so much cum?”

“No, I ain’t. Hell, Mike, it felt like we were shootin’ for minutes.”

“I reckon we were. I never felt anythin’ like that.”

“Me neither. I reckon a big part of it was we did it. We fit together real well.”

“We gotta do that again sometime.”

“Yeah, just not too often. I reckon just every so often is gonna keep it special. You wanna hit the showers?”

“I do. I’m covered with your juice.”

I laughed. “I reckon we baptized one another there.” We both laughed as we headed to the shower.



like you guys really cleaned up on buckles.” Smitty shook his head as he listened to our tales of the rodeo.

“Well, Smitty, that’s what happens when real cowboys compete.” Sandy stuck her tongue out at Mike, and Smitty just chuckled.

“Mike, amigo, I want to see the pictures of boss man here in a wig and dress.”

“You will, José. I’ll make sure of that.”

“You guys participated in the wild drag race?”

“Yep, Jason, we sure did.”

“Okay, so you and Mike were in it, and who was the cowgirl?”

Jeanette looked at Jason. “Duh….”

“Sorry, Jeanette. It makes sense. I thought it might have been you, but you never know.”

“José, I had to do it. Jeanette refused and Mike was too afraid.” Mike punched my arm lightly.

“Mike, amigo, I am with you. I don’t think I would go in a wig or dress either.”

Maria giggled. “Why not, José? I think you would look very cute in a rebozo and skirt.”

José blushed, and I translated to Mike. “Rebozo is a ladies’ shawl in Mexico.” Sandy and Maria looked at one another and giggled together.

“Smitty, maybe we can get the wild drag race started here at the Winslett Rodeo on Memorial Day. I bet you’d look awful cute dressed up like an Old West madam. You kind of like Dolly Parton’s character in
The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas

Smitty took my jest in good humor. “Hell, I’d do it if José would.” We all laughed.

“I think that’s a great idea. Don’t you, buddy? We could have two teams. Me, Maria, and José could be one. Maria could dress like a charra, I could dress like a charro, and José could dress like una señora vieja.”

Maria laughed. “You are right, Jeff, we would be a good cowboy and cowgirl, and José would look very cute as an old lady.”

“You got somethin’ there, Jeffy. I could dress like a cowboy, Sandy like a regular cowgirl, and Smitty like the madam of a whorehouse.”

“Now those are the pictures I’d like to see. Maybe we could send some back home, Smitty, get some in the town paper.”

“Only after we get you dressed up in a Tinkerbell costume, Jason, and show the pictures with mine.” Jason stopped a minute and then laughed.

“Guys, it is really nice to be home, ain’t it, Mike?” Mike nodded and I raised my mug of beer. “Cheers! To good friends.” Everyone raised their mugs.

We were all sitting at a large table in the corner of the Schoolhouse Brewery. It was Friday, karaoke night. We enjoyed coming, and several of us could sing quite well. A couple of times we’d gotten free pitchers of beer from the owners. Folks had heard some of us singing from the outside and come in and ended up staying.

“Jeff, would you like to sing with me?”

“Sure, Maria, what did you want to sing?”

“How about ‘Jackson’, by Johnny and June Carter Cash?”

“Sounds good to me!” We headed up to the little stage and after a few minutes began to sing. Maria and I sing really well together, and being such close friends, we play off of each other real well. We got quite a bit of applause when we finished. We’d just gotten back to the table when Mike grabbed my hand.

“C’mon, Jeffy, let’s sing ‘Bakersfield’ by Buck Owens and Dwight Yoakum.”

I let him drag me up to the stage, and we sang “The Streets of Bakersfield.” Actually it’s one of my favorite songs. It was fun. When we got back to the table, there were a couple of shots of tequila waiting for us from some tourists from Seattle. After shooting the tequila, the bartender called last call, and I had an idea.

“Hey, Mike, Smitty, Maria, all of us can sing. Why don’t we sing ‘Will the Circle be Unbroken’ like the Nitty Gritty Dirt Band does it?”

“That is a great idea, Jeff!” Maria nodded and walked up to the stage. We all followed. The DJ announced that we would be the last song. Maria started out singing, and then Mike joined in. After a few moments, Smitty sang along, and then I joined in with the first chorus. We all sang together through the rest of the song. The applause was pretty heavy when we finished. We did have a lot of fun singing.



of days later, Mike and I were in the shed we’d turned into a studio. I was polishing a new bronze casting, and Mike was making a horsehair belt. He’d gotten the hair from the new Akhal Teke horses, and the six or so inches of the belt he had done, shone like spun gold. I’d heard him tell Maria and Sandy it was a present for me, for my birthday coming up in April. I kept watching him as his fingers moved in a blur, tying the strands of hair together to create the shining pattern he was making. I didn’t want to say too much, in case I ruined the surprise. It was nice to be working on our art again and to forget about murder and serial killers for a while.

Chapter Eighteen


smell of coffee and bacon hit me the minute I stepped from the shower. I was hungry, so I got dressed in a hurry and headed downstairs. Mike was just finishing up making breakfast. He had a big platter of bacon, one of scrambled eggs, another of fried potatoes, a big bowl of sausage gravy, and a couple dozen biscuits, fresh out of the oven. José, Smitty, Josh, Jeanette, and Jason sat around the table. I got a cup of coffee and sat down with them.

“I reckon I musta misplaced my invitation to the breakfast party.”

Jason snickered and Mike answered. “Did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed, Jeffy? You seem grumpy this mornin’.”

“I ain’t grumpy. I’m just wonderin’ what’s goin’ on?”

“Relax, boss. It is coming very close to calving time, so I thought we should plan for that.”

“Good idea, José, that makes sense.”

“Yeah, Jeff, and when José started talking to us about calving, Mike offered to make breakfast.” Josh looked toward Mike and added, “Thanks, Mike!”

“See, Jeffy, ain’t no reason to get all grumpy.”

“I ain’t grumpy! Now get your pretty ass over here and say good mornin’ proper-like.” Mike came over and gave me a big kiss. He tasted like bacon.

“So what’s the calvin’ season shapin’ up to be like, José?”

“As near as I can tell, boss, we have about four hundred cows that are going to calve Last year, about 8 percent of the cows needed help, so I think we will need to watch for about thirty to thirty-five problems.”

“Lookit you, José, you got everythin’ figured out already. Looks like I made the right choice for foreman.” José beamed at me.

“Thanks, boss. We will have to cull out the pregnant cows and move them down to the pens near the house. That way, if there is a problem like a breech birth, we will be here to help.”

“How do you know if there is gonna be a problem?” Jason wasn’t afraid to ask questions.

“Someone’s gonna have to watch the beeves round the clock. If the person watching them sees a cow in distress, and the calf doesn’t come fairly quickly, then we gotta help.”

“How do we help, Bert?”

“Anything from using J-lube to help the calf slide out, to reaching in and turning the critter.” Jason looked as if he thought Smitty might be funning him, but when nobody laughed or smiled, he realized that Smitty was serious.

“You reckon on gettin’ the cullin’ done today, José?”

“I think that is the best idea, Jeanette.”

“I reckon we oughta finish breakfast, throw somethin’ in the slow cooker then, and get all geared up.”

José nodded at me. “That is the plan, Jeff.”



hours later, Mike, Jason, and I were in one of the lower pastures, slowly moving the cattle down toward the pens near the ranch house. We’d split up into two groups. Smitty, Josh, and José were in the other lower pasture. Jeanette was down toward the pens, ready to complete any separating of the cattle. Jason had improved a lot on horseback, but he still wasn’t quite proficient enough to cut the cattle into two herds, one of pregnant cows and one of everything else. We would have him riding along behind us, trying to head off any strays.

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