Twisted Affair Vol. 3 (3 page)

Read Twisted Affair Vol. 3 Online

Authors: M. S. Parker

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #Coming of Age, #Contemporary, #New Adult & College, #Romantic Comedy, #Romance

BOOK: Twisted Affair Vol. 3
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She leaned forward, her breasts brushing against my stomach as she flicked her tongue across my nipple. When her teeth scraped over it, I cried out, my hands tightening on her hips. My eyes rolled back in my head as she began to suck on it, never losing her rhythm. When she straightened, I managed to focus on her again, watching as she cupped her own breasts, her fingers teasing her nipples as she increased her pace.

I slid my hands up her sides, over her ribs, and removed her hands from her breasts. My eyes locked with hers as I began to roll her nipples between my thumbs and forefingers. She moaned, her head falling back. I could feel the pressure inside me building and knew I was close. I released one breast and moved my hand to where our bodies were joined.

“Fuck!” Her entire body jerked when I pressed my thumb against her clit.

I gritted my teeth as she squeezed me like a fist. She felt so good I could've easily lost it right then, but I was determined to make her come again. I rubbed her clit harder than before, my fingers pinching her nipple until she fell apart.

“Yes!” she called out, her hands flattening against my stomach. “
Ano! Ano!

I remembered that one. Definitely a positive thing. Her nails bit into my stomach and I pulled her down onto me as I came. Pleasure coursed through me as my cock began to pulse inside her and I called out her name. She collapsed onto me even as I pumped up into her, my hips moving involuntarily.

“My Kat,” I murmured against her hair as I held her tight.

I ran my hand up and down her spine, keeping our bodies joined. When I finally pulled out and disposed of the condom, I pulled her back against my chest, wanting to keep her with me for as long as possible. My fingers danced along her sweat-slicked skin, memorizing each dip and curve. I paused at her hip.

“You know,” I said as my finger traced the tattoo there. Two letters entwined, written in script. An L and a K. “I had thought it was weird for Livie to have a tattoo. I thought she'd think it was unprofessional.”

Katka looked up at me without moving herself out of my embrace. “Livie cares about her business,” she said. “But there is a side to my sister you do not see.”

“Tell me,” I said, wrapping my other arm around her. “She closes herself off so often that I don't think I can ever get to know her.” I kissed Katka's temple. “Let me see your sister through your eyes. Tell me.”

“Okay,” she said. After a moment, she began to do just that.


Chapter 3


I had spent all of the last week looking for studio space without luck. I had contacted three different real estate agencies before I found someone willing to work with me, and it had taken me two polite and one less polite discussions to convince her of what I was looking for. In both instances, I had waited until absolutely necessary to play the husband card. Part of it was my pride, still wanting to do it on my own, but I wasn't too arrogant to know when enough was enough. I hadn't even bothered to try the third one with my maiden name. As soon as they heard Westmore, they were falling all over themselves to find someone to help me out. I'd had to pull the name out again when my agent, Maggie, kept trying to take me into office spaces where I could house my non-existent staff. I didn't plan on hiring any more than a secretary and an assistant, if both became necessary. Perhaps, one day in the distant future, I would take on some young, talented designer who came from a poor family, give him or her the break I'd never gotten. But that was years away and not what I needed to think about at the moment.

Today, Maggie was finally taking me to a space I thought I could use. It was more of a loft than an office, which was what I was looking for. My ultimate goal was to use the studio to showcase a few samples of my work that could be bought as they were, but more for bringing in clients to design dresses specifically for them.

The studio she'd found was in a perfectly positioned part of the city – not in such a good part that people with less money would feel like they couldn't afford my prices, but nice enough that the high-end people I'd meet through the Westmores would feel comfortable as well.

I wanted to design beautiful dresses – some expensive and some for regular people. The money would be nice, but it wasn’t what was important. I wanted to see people wearing and loving the things I'd created.

Usually, thinking about design and creativity brought a smile to my face. If it hadn't, the beautiful space Maggie took me into should have. It was everything I'd been looking for. Stone walls and exposed piping gave it a unique feel I automatically liked. When she told me the price, I should've been thrilled. In fact, I should've been overjoyed at the whole thing. Instead, I was distracted.

By Blayne.

I silently cursed as I smiled and thanked Maggie, promising to call her as soon as I had things finalized with the bank. This was it, the perfect place, and I couldn't even enjoy it because I was too busy trying to figure out what exactly was going on with my husband.

For a week, he'd insisted we were doing things we hadn't done, behaving as if there was something between us that wasn't there. I'd been trying to wrap my mind around it, trying to figure out what his intentions were. Then, suddenly, at the beginning of this week, everything had changed. We'd gone out on what I could only call a date, even though there hadn't been anything romantic about it. After that night, he'd stopped talking about the sex we hadn't had. It was strange. He'd gone back to being the same guy I'd assured Katka was really a good guy. He didn't try to touch me and all of his conversation was friendly. It was exactly how I'd wanted things to be between us, back when this had all first started.

Except something was off. I couldn't put my finger on it. There was still something he wasn't telling me. I didn't expect him to tell me everything, but I had this nagging feeling that whatever this was, it was something important, something I should've known.

It was the first week of March and still cold in Philadelphia, but warm enough that I decided to walk for a while rather than take a cab back to the penthouse. Blayne didn't understand why I preferred to walk sometimes rather than ride. Then again, neither did Katka. Her walking had always been because of money. For me, I'd always enjoyed the alone time, the simplicity of it. In some ways, even in the city streets, when I was walking, I felt like a child again. Like the little girl I'd been back in the Czech Republic before the night when everything had gone to hell.

I scowled. I didn't like thinking about that day, and usually didn't. Katka and I never spoke of it, not even on the anniversary of the day it had happened. In fact, we rarely spoke on that day at all. If anything, our silence was the only acknowledgement of what that anniversary meant for us. I didn't know if she thought of it much any other time and I didn't ask.

Now, I'd been thinking about it a lot, ever since I'd told Blayne about my family. It was the first time I'd talked about it in years and the memory seemed to have taken my acknowledgement as permission to stay at the forefront of my mind.

As I walked into the penthouse, I immediately walked to my room to take off my shoes and change into more comfortable clothes. Blayne was at work and I wasn't intending to go anywhere else today. I needed to polish my business proposal and add in the final information regarding the space I'd just seen.

Before I could get settled at my desk, my stomach growled, reminding me I had skipped lunch and I walked back out into the apartment. I could work and eat at the same time. It would hardly be the first time. Although, I thought as I opened the pantry, maybe I should call Katka instead. It had been a week since I'd seen her and a couple of days since I'd spoken to her. With thoughts of the past plaguing me, I had a strong urge to hear her voice, even if we'd never actually talk about it.

I was still debating whether or not I wanted to make the call when I walked past Blayne's bedroom door. Something bright caught my eye and, automatically, I looked down.

For a moment, I didn't recognize it for what it was and started reaching for it when my brain registered it. Underwear. Women's underwear. And these weren't a pair of my sensible cotton panties that had fallen out of my laundry basket. Even without touching them, I could see that these were silk. A deep, rich crimson silk.

I frowned as I straightened. Blayne had said we would need to be discreet in all of our infidelities. Leaving panties in the hallway in our apartment was hardly discreet. I also seemed to recall him stating that we weren't to bring anyone back here. Aside from the obvious awkward explanation that would need to occur if someone's date ran into the spouse, Blayne suspected that several of the building's staff spied for his father. If that was the case, then having a woman back here would certainly be ill-advised.

Why, then, had he done it? I wondered as I started to walk again, leaving the panties where they lay. I certainly wasn't going to clean up after his liaison. If his father suddenly showed up, I'd kick the garment into his bedroom, but that was as far as I was willing to go.

While a surprise visit wasn't likely, I still didn't understand why Blayne would've taken the risk that came with sneaking a strange woman into the building. I supposed he could've taken precautions to hide her identity. If she was a tall blonde, being bundled up could hide her face enough –

Oh shit.

The thought hit me hard enough to make me gasp. I put my hand over my mouth as I set my food down on the table to keep from dropping it.

A woman who could come into the building without rousing suspicion.

Sexy but not insanely expensive panties.

Blayne thinking that he and I had slept together.

His sudden change in behavior when I'd told him, for the first time, that I had a sister.

“Dammit, Katka,” I said out loud. “What did you do?”

In my mind, I knew what her sarcastic response would have been.
Not what, but who. Blayne

My sister had fucked my husband.

And I wasn't sure how I felt about it.


Chapter 4


I was going to hell. Absolutely no doubt about it.

Over the past week since I'd learned the truth about Katka, I'd felt better than I had since before my father's ultimatum. Despite the risk, Katka and I had decided that we wanted to keep seeing each other. We'd talked every day and just hearing her voice made me feel better. We'd even met up at a hotel during my lunch break on Tuesday. I hadn't said anything to her yet, but I planned on asking her to go on a trip to New York with me next week so we could go out in public together on a real date. I didn't want her thinking it was only about sex.

Things with Livie were going really well too. Since I no longer worried about strange personality shifts, I was able to go back to treating Livie the way I had before I'd first met Katka. She seemed a bit surprised by the change, but not upset by it. In fact, I was sure she was probably relieved. It must've been seriously weird for her to have me behaving as if we'd slept together. The only thing that would've made it better would've been if she'd known the truth so Katka and I didn't have to sneak around.

I considered that possibility. Since they were identical, unless they were seen together, there was no real way my dad's spies would be able to tell the difference. With Livie in the dark about the relationship, Katka and I had to be careful to make sure there wasn't any sort of issue with people seeing double. If Livie knew, the three of us could create some sort of schedule allowing Livie to have the freedom to date whoever she wanted while Katka and I were together. I wasn't sure how long things with Katka would last, but I did know there was something about her that made me want to be with her more than I'd wanted to be with anyone else.

I shook my head. Katka had made it clear that she didn't want either of us to tell Livie about what was going on. If Livie figured it out and confronted us, we'd tell her the truth about what happened, but Katka didn't want her sister to know what she'd done. I couldn't blame her. I had no doubt that Livie would forgive Katka, but the two of them were so close that it would hurt their relationship. Besides, it wasn't my place to interfere.

Plus, I couldn't exactly risk Livie getting pissed at me at the moment. I had a favor I needed to ask her.

I knocked on Livie's door and then took a step back so there would be a respectable distance between us when she opened the door.

“Blayne,” she sounded pleasantly surprised, though I wasn't sure who else she would've thought was here. She never had visitors. “Is everything all right?”

“Fine,” I quickly assured her. “I just had something to ask you.”

She nodded. “Go ahead.”

“Do you have plans tomorrow night?”

She shook her head, looking puzzled.

“It's just, my parents are having this society thing and are being pretty insistent that we be there. I understand if you're busy. I can explain that to them, but I'd really rather you come with me.” I smiled at her, loving that I could be relaxed with her again. “It's going to be miserable without you.” And I wasn't trying to charm her. I really did enjoy her company, especially now.

She gave me an eye roll that was more fondly amused than anything else, but I could see she was pleased at the offer. I'd figured she'd want to go. She'd been honest with me about how she looked forward to making societal connections that would help her with her business.

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