Twisted Boss (Dark Romance Series) (8 page)

BOOK: Twisted Boss (Dark Romance Series)
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Chapter Three

         Standing at well over six foot with the whole tall, dark, and dangerous going on, James could have just about any woman that he wanted. It took a certain kind of woman to peak his interest though.

James liked a woman that had an under currant of ‘dirty girl.’ Not a slut in public, but a classy woman with a deviant side. A side that cried out, “Take me and make me do dirty girl things.”

Amanda had that and James saw it. No matter how well she hid it from her public
; she couldn’t hide it from him. James had the innate ability of being insightful. He could read his opponent and he could read Amanda. He had every intention of using it against her; just because he could and just because the little bitch deserved it.

One thing that James did not factor in was the fact that he had done what so many
men before him had; he had underestimated Amanda.

James was not the only person gifted with
insight, Amanda had been on her own much of her adolescent life and insight was not only something that was innate, it was a trait that Amanda had honed in on and perfected. James would have his hands full with Amanda. He just didn’t know it yet due to his underestimation of her. He was also blinded by the revenge that he sought to seek on her.

Chapter Four


      “I can’t get out of it John, just shoot TV on Thursday, it isn’t that big of a deal.”

“See, I knew it, this job is going to get in the way of what we are doing. You have a job here Amanda, and that should be your priority. I let you get that job.”

turned around glaring at John, “You let me get this job? I am a grown ass woman, John. You need to stop while you are ahead, before this becomes a full blown fight. That would be the smart thing to do.”

At that point I did what I always do when someone is getting on my nerves, I disconnected.










            Amanda was an odd sort she stumbled and bumbled around but always got the job done. To an outsider they might even wonder how on earth she managed it.

Today was no different and
she was late. She had dressed casually and basically ran onboard the plane to get her seat in first class next to her boss.

Normally James would have been an ass and made his assistant ride in second class seating
, but why waste a chance on toying with Amanda? What better way to do so than on a first class flight to Mexico?

James wasted no time getting started.

“Amanda, you are dressed inappropriately for business.” James reached over with an air of contempt and fingered the threads on her ripped jeans.

“And a blazer, Amanda?

That pissed me off. Who the hell did this guy think that he was?

“Excuse me!?!”

          James lazily eyed Amanda as if he resented even having to expound on the issue. “It means, either dress like a bum, or dress business, but please don’t have the audacity to mix the two.”

I leaned over and hissed, “Hey buddy, I don’t need this job! You have been provoking me from the first day that I arrived. What is your problem?”

“Well Amanda, the fact that you tried to embezzle me out of millions of dollars could have something to do with it.”

“Hey buddy;
it isn’t my fault that you two didn’t seal the deal.”

“Paper work is how I caught you Amanda. You tried to play beat the clock and you lost. Now instead of owning Images, I own you.

“I own 49% of it, James.”

James glared down on me
, “My 51% trumps your 49%.”

“Hmm, whatever, James.”

“You need discipline, Amanda.”

“Yeah, and I bet you are just the guy to deliver
it aren’t you?”

I glared as I awaited an answer and the only thing
that I got was a sardonic rising of one brow. I sure as hell wasn’t going to waste my time trying to figure out my boss’s body language.

The rest of the flight was spent in silence. I stayed on my laptop as soon as they permitted it.
Fuck him, I didn’t like him anyway!

Really to be honest with you, I’m glad that I finally stood up to him. I have every intention of quitting this job after this weekend anyway, John’s whining I can put up with
, but this guys arrogance; no way! He was forcing me to be his gofer as payback for trying to sabotage his company, ‘Images.’

I mad
e my way into my room and carelessly tossed my luggage on the bed. I have always had a tint of rebellion beneath my surface and for some reason this guy; brings it out.















I eyed myself in the mirror and was quite pleased with what I saw. If this jerk wanted dressed up, then so be it.

I had dressed in a navy blue pinstripe suit, with a white button up shirt that showed just enough cleavage to be sexy. I wore burgundy heels which accented the split in the front of the skirt, a split that went high enough to be c
lassy and sexy at the same time; a term that I call ‘sapiosexual.’ (Google it)














         I saw her as soon as she entered. Hell, every man in the place did. She was so fucking hot. I squirmed in my chair in order to ward off the stiffening that was beginning to occur within my well tailored suit. Visions of burying my nine inch cock down into that hotness of hers, was becoming a distraction.

    I couldn’t help but get some self satisfaction out of seeing my boss’s reaction to my attire. No matter how well he tried to hide it, I could tell that he was checking me out. I made my way to the table to sit by our client and James stood and commanded me sit by him. “Odd,” I thought, but whatever.

The producers of my TV show
had told me that dark colors always commanded a room, I would have to thank them for that little bit of info, I could use having some control right now, I was outnumbered by the male species three to one.








       I watched the Latin men at the table drool over Amanda. She was every Latin man’s fantasy: Tall, blonde, big boobs, full lips and still classy. You have to admit that is a hard role to pull off, but man did she ever.

To be honest it had been one of the reasons that I hired her
, well blackmailed her. (You say tomato, I say tamato)

She would disarm my competitors and I would come in for the kill. Yes, I had every intention of keeping Amanda around.

The meeting was over without any hitches and I watched Amanda glide back over to the table after exiting the restroom.

My eyes followed her skirt as it fell open revealing the lace at the top of the thigh highs that she wore.









       I made my way back over to the table and sat back down. I followed my boss’s eyes and noted that he was eyeing my legs where the split of my skirt had opened.

I heard his voice cut through my thoughts.

“Indulge me.”

“Excuse me

“You heard me, indulge me. I wasn’t aware that you wore lingerie Amanda. I thought that only bad girls wore lingerie, are you a bad girl Amanda?”

“You know what James I have had about enough of your shit.”

His cold black eyes held mine with a steady gaze, “That’s Mr. Madden to you.”


I almost knocked the table over getting up to get away from him. The meeting was over and I didn’t owe him a damn thing.

I trotted to the elevator knowing that he still had to pay the bill and it would give me time to avoid riding up with him.

I could feel my hands shake as I swiped the magnetic card to my room. I couldn’t
understand why this guy affected me like this. I couldn’t remember a time when anyone got me as ‘flustered’ as he did.

I jumped through the tub, ordered room service and settled down to get some media work done.

I pulled my robe tight around me as I made my way to answer the knock at the door. I was in no way ready to see my boss standing there. It was evident that he had a couple of drinks in his system. His dark hair was tousled and his neck tie had been loosened and his top button undone.

He had a distressed look about him, like something was eating away at him. Mix that with the feral predator aura that he brings to the table and its enough to make any girl nervous.











          I loosened my tie and moved my neck back and forth as I unbuttoned the top button of my dress shirt.

I ran my hand through
my hair as I eyed her opening the door.

“You’re rude,” I stated
, as I eyed her in a bathrobe. She went to shut the door and I stuck my foot in it preventing it from closing.


“Whatever?” See you’re rude,” I grabbed her arm and pinned her to the wall with my body.

I ran my hand through my hair again as I stared her down.

“Fuck it,” I growled, as I pulled her robe open.

I grabbed her hands as she went to close it.

“Stop!” I hissed. “You are so fucking beautiful.” My mouth made its way to a nipple and sucked at it flicking my tongue over it. My hand slid between her thighs, “So wet, Amanda, so, so, wet. You can’t deny chemistry, Amanda”

I began pumping my finger into her and manipulating her clit with my thumb

“You fucking brat, cum for me.” As if on command her body convulsed against the wall.

“Don’t you dare take your eyes off of me, don’t you dare. You will be in more trouble than you can imagine.”

I watched her contorted face
, never allowing her to look away.

I left her peeled to that wall after she finished cumming and went back to my room. The smart ass little bitch got what she deserved. Let her ponder that all night.















       I don’t know how long that I stayed peeled against that wall.

Well actually I do, it was until I heard room service knock. I opened the door grabbing the wine and throwing a tip at him. I needed to get control over this situation and the only way that I knew to do it was to research my boss.

So that is what I did for the rest of the evening. I drank wine, researched my boss, and stayed up too late.


          I paced like some wild caged animal. What the fuck was wrong with me? This woman brought out some feral predator in me and I didn’t care if she was married; I had to have her.

I could still smell her scent on me. I threw back the bourbon that I had been drinking and made my way into the shower; a cold shower.

I don’t make a habit of breaking up happy homes, but Amanda wasn’t in a happy home, so fuck it!




Chapter Five


     I awoke the next morning with the same thought running through my head over and over, like some unwanted mantra playing relentlessly, never letting up or showing mercy.

“Oh God, Oh Jesus, what have I done!?!”

Ok coffee and a shower and then I’m getting out of here. I would do what I always did when things got too intense…Run…

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