Twisted Desire (The Twisted Series) (37 page)

BOOK: Twisted Desire (The Twisted Series)
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Continuing with his casual lack of concern, Edwin reached
around me and under my outstretched arms to retrieve the toothpaste and his
brush.  I closed my eyes and inhaled his scent, totally disarming my anger
and arousing my budding curiosity.

I took a deep breath, as I ran my toothbrush under the
water.  "What are you doing?"

"Brushing my teeth.  Obviously."

"Hah!" I replied, with a mouthful of paste.

Edwin began to fight me for the sink bowl, playfully hip
checking and trying to shove me out of the way.  I defended better than a
seasoned veteran, boxing him out with my hips and rear-end.

"I’d better warn you," Edwin mumbled, with paste
foaming around his lips.  He nudged me aside and emptied his mouth into
the sink.  "I may try and kiss you again when you're done

I sputtered into the sink, reacting to his terrifying
words.  "Don't even think about it!"  I was feeling
extremely uncomfortable with the notion.

"You asked for notice and service is effective,"
he taunted, dipping his mouth to the tap.  He slurped up some water and
swished it around in his mouth as I took a mouthful of water myself.

I rinsed out my mouth and dried it on the towel as Edwin
spewed out the last of his mouthwash.  I wanted to be mad.  I tried
to be mad.  But how could you be mad at that handsome face?

"Don't say I didn't warn you," he said, winking.

There was no denying that spending time like this with Edwin
made me feel a lot better about everything.  Playful was doable, and I was
pleasantly surprised that he was being so good about it so soon.  Taking
my good old time, I flossed every tooth and gargled with mouthwash.  Edwin
watched me intently.

I acknowledged his presence, but tried to act
emotionless.  It was extremely difficult.  An overpowering
inquisitiveness hung thick in the air between us as I dried the wetness from my
mouth.  I found myself in desperate need of oxygen, the room entirely
starved of it as Edwin stepped up beside me.

"We're going to be okay," he said, his low, sexy
growl cutting through the hazy air.

I reached past him to put the bottle of mouthwash back where
it belonged, and he didn't move out of my way.  My sensitive sniffer
caught a whiff of him again, as I nudged him aside to open the vanity
Mmm.  That scent.

Edwin stood, unmoved, blocking my path to the door, making
me brush past him to make my exit.  As I walked away, he slowly followed,
but stopped when he reached the hall.  I pretended not to notice.

"You are pretty messed up," he said, stopping me
in my tracks.

"Excuse me?"  I spun around to face him, my
expression cold and conceited.

"Did you forget already?"  He hoped for a
stunned response and so I acted clueless, as my eyes locked onto his heated

"I have no idea what you’re talking about." 
If he only knew, I wanted him to try me on for size, something fierce. 
But I knew what was good for me.

I should stick to my original plan: evade, retreat and
regroup.  If I stayed away from Edwin I could move on a lot faster.

So, why won’t my feet move?

"Oh, you know exactly what I'm talking about," he
growled.  His arousal swarmed the air around me, like a group of angry
bees, and burned, fiery hot, through my lungs.

He took two long deliberate steps toward me, as I took one
hesitant step backward.  "I told you I would try again," he
said, his voice sounding smooth and sexy, as he progressively got closer.

I should have turned and ran screaming for the stairs, but I
could hardly make a peep.  "I thought I had some time," I
breathed, as his face drew near mine.

He brushed past my cheek, his breath on my neck and his lips
against my ear.  "You thought wrong."

My lashes fluttered shut, as Edwin slowly pulled away from
my neck, his hand gently skimming across my cheek.  I waited for his sensual
attack, but it never came.  I slowly opened my anxious, emerald eyes and
looked up into his.  His smile was soft and tantalizing, and his lips
parted as he closed his eyes and titled his head for a kiss.

I gasped for air and pulled back, stunning myself with my
own willpower.  "I can't, Eddie.  We can't do this
Though I so wish we could.

"I realize we can't do this as a couple.  But
we’re both single, consenting adults.  We’re free to do whatever we

I cocked an eyebrow at him, preparing to playfully test his
crisis negotiation skills.  "Do I look like that kind of girl to
you?  I don't just sleep around with random men like that.”

He returned inside my zone, his lips delivering an
enticingly cunning smile, shaking my confidence.  "I'm hardly some
random guy."

Yes!  Yes! 
I thought, as Edwin’s cologne
doused my senses.
At that moment, with my own hormones raging, I
was unable to formulate a sentence, let alone verbalize one.

"It'd be just this once," he insisted. 
"No one even knows that we’ve split.  I want to… no I need to feel
you, Abs.  One last time.  Admit it.  You need it too.”

Just the fact that I was thinking about it was stressful
enough, and Edwin thought that was his answer.

“What's the big deal?” he asked, smirking.

"It's not healthy!" I stammered.

"Get over it."

"But I have to go to work."  I partly hoped
he would give up, so I could stick to my guns.

"We don't usually leave for another half hour, at
least.  You know there's plenty of time for what I have in mind.  Now
quit with the excuses."

On a harsh exhale, I let my guard down only for a second,
and Edwin didn't waste the opportunity.  He kissed me, his hot lips on
mine.  He kissed me again, his icy cool breath in my mouth.

Stunned, I accepted the string of tantalising nibbles and
devouring mouthfuls.  Just last night I was worrying to myself that I may
never find myself in this place ever again, and here I am the very next day
wrapped in his amazing arms; his thorough hands exploring me with unguarded

My mind was done fighting, my body begged me to stop
fighting and I couldn't fight Edwin off anymore, even if I wanted to.  Did
I want to? 
Hell no.

I pushed Edwin off of me and he froze in confusion, until I
started to slowly, seductively, unzip the back of my long, fitted skirt. 
After it slipped to the floor, I kicked it aside.  I was standing there in
the hallway, with my breasts bursting from my lacy push up bra and my g-string
barely covering anything, and yet Edwin's gaze was still locked on my
face.  He was speechless.

I knew this would be my last opportunity to touch him and so
did my body.  Together we intended to take full advantage of him.

A devious giggle tickled my throat, as I stepped toward
him.  His eyes grew wide with excitement as I yanked his pressed shirt
from his pants and tore open the rest of his carefully buttoned shirt. 
The buttons sprinkled onto the floor like candy, as I stared up at him through
dark lashes.

My hands smoothed over the rise and fall of his chest. 
They were cold compared to the heat radiating from his firm skin.

Edwin’s lips turned up into a smile, finally revealing his
arousal and forgetting about his surprise.  I grinned back, provocatively,
all anxiety piled back with my skirt on the floor.  My hands scoured his
bulky physique and my tongue found his hard nipple.

His eyes closed and his pants tented, as my aggression made
him thicker and harder.  Edwin licked his lips and gripped onto my behind
with his large hands, letting out an excited moan as I nibbled at him.

My fingers skimmed over his rock hard abs, and then deftly
unclipped his leather belt.  Dropping to my knees, my lips trailed down
his body to where my fingers left off.  Being slow and sensual, I trimmed
the band of his fitted briefs with kisses and then pulled his belt off with a

"Hey, I didn't say you could rip all of my clothes
off," he said, his wicked grin being his demise.

Channeling all control, "Oh, are you making the rules
now?"  I stopped, acting like I could actually control my sexual
rage.  "Suit yourself."  Yanking on his pants, I lifted
myself to my feet and spun away from him.  With one dainty step, my body
trembled with an all-consuming ache for Edwin.

"No more playing, Abs.  I need you."

I froze in place trying to shake the delicious chill chasing
up my body.  His serious response made my anxiety return full force though
none of the excitement dwindled.

Stealing a few more steps away from him, I was met with the
top of the stairs.  I glanced down to our front foyer, reason returning to
me, as I frantically reconsidered my options: fight or flight.

"Oh, no you don't," Edwin said, reading my
mind.  Then, out of nowhere, he was just there; pulling me back and
lifting me in the air like a doll.  "You're mine," he ordered, looking
up at me through deep, dark eyes.

Breathless, I wrapped my dangling legs around his waist, as
he pressed me against the wall.  He slowly drew my lips into his mouth,
but when he grinded against me, we both became instantly frantic and obsessive.

We moaned in unison, desperate to fulfill our own fanatical
desires.  Edwin pulled me off the wall and turned for my room, his fly
open and ready, his business attire flagging loosely from his hips.

"No!  Take me now.”

Edwin obeyed.  He dropped his pants to the floor, laid
me where he stood and boldly took me right in the hall.  Arousal,
pleasure, love and passion were among the many feelings blasting around me like
a violent whirlpool as I quickly found my climax.

"Oh, Edwin.  Oh God!" I wailed, as he thrust
deep and exploded inside me, rocking me in a glorious second wave of pleasure.

He crashed on top of me, breathless and amused, his heavy
chest driving the air from my lungs.  Noticing my silent discomfort he
lifted himself with a push up and kissed me gratefully on my lips.  My
head still swirled with ignorance and harmony.

"Now that's what I'm talking about," he growled,
sensually.  “We couldn't have done that if we had kids."

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