Twisted Oak: A Sexual Odyssey (39 page)

BOOK: Twisted Oak: A Sexual Odyssey
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“Open your eyes and look at me.” His electric eyes opened wide and searched for mine. “Good boy, Greg, that’s a good boy.” He was stone-still except for his eyes; they followed my every move. I crawled up his body, my breasts and clit brushing against him as light as a feather. I was delighted when he let out a small audible groan.

When my head hit the headboard, I sat back on his chest. My insides were turning with pleasure and I knew I was wet all over him, but it was my party and I could come on his chest if I wanted to. I decided to come all over his face, the thought of which almost brought me to climax.

“I’m going to sit on your face now, boy, and I want to feel your tongue inside me.” His eyes widened. “Do you understand?”

“Yes, ma’am.” He lifted his chin in preparation. I could tell he had been here before, but I was delighted to see that he did not seem to be expecting it from me.

I moved my knees above his shoulders and held on to the headboard. I lowered myself down on his face carefully so I would not suffocate him. My body quaked as he so diligently and obediently found my opening with his experienced tongue. “Oh,” I moaned, “good boy.”

I lifted myself up to present him with my clit. “There you go, boy, lick my clit fast.” I spread my legs so he could reach easier. His tongue moved quickly across my most sensitive spot. The orgasm came quickly, violently, and with such waves of pleasure that I feared I could not go on. I moved back to the original position.

“Lick it like an ice cream cone, nice and slow. Drink my come, boy.” His tongue, so adept, moved from back to front and stopped periodically to suck the opening of my vagina. My body shook with orgasmic intensity.

“Did that taste good?” I asked as I pulled off him.

“Yes, ma’am,” he said as he worked to catch his breath.

I kissed his forehead and backed down his torso kissing his chest, belly, and his hips that moved ever so slightly up and down. His hard-on had doubled in size. I got up, found the bottle of lubricant on the nightstand, and put some on the outside of my anus. I went to the armoire and found beads that were slightly bigger than the ones he had used on me before.

“You okay, boy?” I untied his wrists from the headboard and handed him the beads.

“Yes, ma’am,” he said meekly.

I straddled him facing his feet this time. “You watch me, boy. Don’t take your eyes off me.”

“I wouldn’t dream of it, ma’am.”

“You know what to do with the beads.” I raised my ass for him to put them in.

“Yes, ma’am,” he said, his voice low and abject. I felt him slowly begin to deposit the beads into my anus. When he finished, I thanked him. “My pleasure, ma’am.” His voice was thin and breathy.

“Now I’m gonna sit on your dick, Greg. Do you understand?”

“Yes, ma’am.”

“Do you want me to?” I asked.

“Yes, ma’am.”

“Beg, whore!” I yelled.

“Please, ma’am,” a low breathy growl, “please sit on my dick, ma’am. God, please, my goddess. Please,” he begged, and his voice cracked. I plunged down on him with a short moan of my own when the head of his penis crashed into my cervix. He grunted and sighed. “Thank you, ma’am.”

“You’re welcome,” I said as I rode up and down in even cadence, “but don’t come, Gregory. If you do, I’ll be terribly disappointed.”

“Yes, ma’am,” he moaned. “Oh god.”

“I’ll tell you when to pull the beads,” I reminded him.

“Yes, ma’am.”

“You will come at the moment you pull the beads, boy, and not a moment sooner or later, do you understand?”

“Yes, ma’am,” he said, straining with the effort to hold back.

“You like to be fucked, don’t you?” I asked.

“Yes, ma’am.”

“Sometimes you’d rather not be the fucker?” I asked in a sharp tone that made me giddy.

“Yes, ma’am.”

I stopped moving up and down, leaned back, put my hands in my hair, and ground onto him frontwards and back. The head of his penis against my cervix brought joyous pain. I felt the quickening inside me. “Don’t come yet, boy. Not yet.” I bucked faster and then changed to the up-and-down motion again. I leaned forward with my hands on his thick, hard thighs and my insides turned.

“Now, boy, pull the beads now.” The orgasm began and with perfect timing and quick motion, he followed my command and groaned as his orgasm exploded inside me. My body, like the twisted oak, swirled and bent in winds of pleasure. I was securely and deeply rooted and free to bend and twist at will. I knew I had found my root; I knew this was the only place I would survive.

“Oh god, Nezzie,” he said. I lifted off him and turned like a lynx on all fours.

“You will address me properly, boy! I’m not through with your fucking ass yet, son.”

His eyes widened. “Yes ma’am.”

“Once more and you’ll be in more trouble than you could ever imagine.”

His breath was ragged and shallow. “I apologize, ma’am.”

I ignored him and untied his ankles. “Turn over. Show me your ass, boy.”

Without complaint, he complied beautifully and I retied his limbs. “Just keeping you honest, Gregory,” I said as I bound his left wrist. “Just making sure you know who the hell’s on top.” I got off the bed and leaned over him.

“Yes, ma’am,” he said with a muffled voice, his face sunk into the mattress. I shoved the pillows under his midsection, raising his ass into the air. It was a glorious ass, round pure muscle without a single blemish. I could see why Jackson loved it so much. It was so perfect that it begged for a handprint. I wound up and hit him as hard as I could. My palm stung. He let out a yelp as every portion of his body tensed. I held my breath waiting for him to protest, but he did not. He let out a long, soft, moaning sigh and lifted his ass higher.

I was shaking and I knew my voice betrayed my dominance when I said, “My dearest Greg, you give so completely.”

“Yes, ma’am, everything I have.”

“I’m gonna fuck your ass now, do you understand?” I asked quietly.

“Yes, ma’am.”

I went to the armoire and found a dildo about the size of his own cock and filled his anus with lubricant. “Open up for me, boy. Spread your knees and open up for me.” I gently tickled his ass. My handprint was obvious, red and hot. His sweet, perfect ass lifted and opened and I slowly pushed the dildo inside him. He arched his back.

“I love you, boy.”

“Ma’am, I love you more.”

I spanked him again, harder. He grunted and then let go a long, broken sigh. I slowly moved the dildo in and out. He got louder with each inward motion.

“Are you okay?” I asked.

“Yes, ma’am.”

“Do you want me to stop?”

“No, ma’am.”

“Good boy, Greg, there’s a good boy now.”

In and out, I went slowly for a few minutes. He received the tool gladly and hungrily. I moved it quicker for a bit and he groaned louder. As he had done to me previously, I shoved it in deep and left it there. “Stay, boy, don’t you fucking move a muscle.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

I sat back in the kitchenette chair and watched him work at keeping still and keeping open. His work was noble, but his strong legs eventually strained under his own weight. His muscles quaked with the intensity of keeping control.

“Who’s weak now, boy?”

He did not respond.

“Who’s weak, Greg?” I raised my voice.

“I am, ma’am, I’m weak.”

“Keep working, boy. Show me how strong you really are.”

“Yes, ma’am,” his voice cracked.

I sat and watched for another minute or two and then smacked his ass again, making him moan audibly as the dildo slipped out. He collapsed into the pillows. I left him there, took the beads and the dildo to the bathroom, and washed them thoroughly with soap. I took my time, as he had done so many times to me. If he wanted inequity, he got it.

He was beautiful lying there on his stomach, sprawled out and vulnerable. It was difficult to imagine untying him. I entertained the thought of keeping my party going for a while longer, but the urge to fall into his strong arms overrode any more ideas of domination. I was ready for things to be back to normal again, so I untied his limbs.

“It’s done, my lord.”

“I should say, Nezzie. Jesus, that was fucking amazing.” His smile was big and bright. “You were fucking amazing. You
fucking amazing. Fuck.” He shook his head as if coming out of a stupor.

“Just following my desires, my lord,” I said and fell to my knees. “Nezzie, are you okay? Didn’t you like it?”

“Yes, sir, I loved it, but I love being under you more.”

“You’re so sweet. I’m on top, baby. I am way on top, so don’t worry. Now you know how easy it is to miss being on the bottom.” He caressed my head with his strong hand as he reclined against the pillows. “There’s something to be said for being nothing, but for god’s sake, you’re really something.”


Neige Blanche Monique Delacroix.

I thought I was dreaming. His whispering voice called to my heart, saying my name, that name, giving me his name. I opened my legs and he found my erect nipple.

“Nez, I like it that you’re always ready for me.” He ran his hand down my tummy. “I didn’t even have to teach you that, did I?”

“It comes naturally to me, my lord.” I spread my legs further. “My body reacts now to the sound of your voice. When I hear your voice, even if you’re in the other room speaking to someone else, my body reacts. Marie said something the other day, something that Jackson told her about being conditioned. Am I conditioned?”

“Jack thinks he’s so smart sometimes, but yeah. It’s a behavioral term that means you learn to react a certain way to specific stimuli.”

“Is that a bad thing, my lord?”

“No, it’s a good thing.”

“Why, sir?”

“Once you’re conditioned, and I really hate that term—I prefer the idea that once you’re trained for comfort, pleasure will come more easily—you’ll be more comfortable and things will feel good to you. Even the smallest things become more pleasurable because you won’t have to work so hard.” He moved his hand lower. “What happens when my hand is on you like this?”

“I get tingly inside. I’m getting wet for you, my lord. My hips want to move, but I know you like me to stay still.”

“Is feeling this way a bad thing?” he asked.

“No, sir.”

“You receive pleasure simply by hearing my voice. It’s a good thing; good for you and good for me. I think the biggest challenge with you is to get you to stop overthinking and allow the conditioning to take place.” His mouth moved toward my breast.

“My lord, I’m not so sure about that,” I said and he lifted his hand and got out of bed.

“Not sure?”

“Sir, please, I’ve had to think for myself since I was a little kid. It isn’t easy for me to stop thinking.”

“I know. I knew this from the beginning, that this would be the biggest challenge with you. You’re smart and strong-willed. That’s why I love you so much. This is why I need you here. It’s just a matter of finding your balance. You need to figure out when to surrender your mind and when to hold back. You’re getting it, but it’ll take time.”

“I suppose, sir, but I’m not sure I get it.”

“Just now, your body reacted properly to my voice and you behaved accordingly without thought. I spoke, your pussy tingled, your nipples got hard, and you physically behaved in accordance to those stimuli without having to think about it.”

“Yes, sir.”

“Those reactions and behaviors are expected of you, and with further training, they will become automatic, involuntary, like your heartbeat.”

“Yes, sir.”

“Then what happened when you started to overthink it? What happened, Nez?”

“The sensations went away. Well, they didn’t go away all together, but they weren’t as strong, my lord.”

“Exactly, and so now here we are with you over there thinking your pleasure to death and I’m over here explaining the whole thing to you. Is this pleasurable to you?”

“In a way, sir, yes, because I’m curious about what’s happening to me.”

“Aw, Nez, just let yourself go. It’s me. I got you, and don’t think for a second that I’m not going through some changes as well. How about you just give it a rest. Give over to your conditioning. Don’t you trust me?”

“Yes, sir.”

“It comes down to that, ya know, trust. I’m not gonna set you up to go to hell like Jack did to Marie, okay?”

“No, sir, I don’t think that at all. I guess up till I met you, I’d become conditioned to think because if I didn’t,” I paused, “well, I had to because no one was ever there to think for me.”

“Nezzie, baby, I’m not asking you to stop thinking. I’m just training you to allow me to take over sometimes, especially when we’re in the bedroom. When we’re here, you have to let me own you unless, of course, I give you the privilege of running the show for a while.” He smiled. “You’re already getting it to some degree, or at least your body is.”

“Yes, sir. I’m becoming nothing but a pussy for you.”

“As it should be. Not only that, you’re my ass, my throat; your hands are mine and your arms and your legs. Doesn’t it feel good to be in a situation where you can just let your mind go?”

“Yes, sir.”

“Really, it’s no different than hitting on that damned cocaine of yours except this won’t kill you or get your ass thrown in jail.”

“Yes, sir, I agree with that.”

“Then let it go, Nez. Enough of this shit. Stop overthinking it. If you like it, go with it.”

“But, sir, your reactions with me last night, are they conditioned reactions?”


“And you’re totally okay with it?”

“Yep, one hundred percent, and I’m not a brainless fuck hole either. Well, unless I’m required to be. See what I mean?”

“Yes, sir, I guess so.”

“Enough, Nez,” he said as he went to the bathroom.

“Sir, I . . .” I began.

“Nez,” he raised his voice and came back into the bedroom, “I said that is enough!” He approached the bed and pointed his finger at me. “All you need to know is that I’m on top. I own your sexy little ass and I will do with it as I please. End of story, end of conversation. You know what’s required of you, so step up.”

“Yes, sir.”

He marched back into the bathroom and closed the door. “I’d be fucking you right now if you didn’t overthink what was happening in our own bed.” His voice faded and the shower turned on.

Here he was ready to give me a glorious morning and I had to run my mouth. Never again would I want a verbal tutorial in the bedroom, another lesson learned from my faithful master.

I was sitting on the bed waiting for the sun to rise when he came out of the bathroom damp and smelling of roses.

“I’m sorry, sir,” I said.

“Not now, Nezzie.”

“I understand, sir.”

“Get in there and wash the fuck off you. We’re taking a walk this morning before breakfast. I’ve got some ideas I want to run by you and maybe it’ll help if you’re thinking about things that actually bear some thinking about. Nez, for god’s sake, the one thing you don’t have to think about is fucking me.”

“I understand now, sir.”

“You’re getting there.” He spanked my ass as I walked past him into the bathroom.

Our exchanges about thinking and sex and top and bottom had me riled up. The confusion was provocative and disjointed. I examined myself in the mirror to find my sexual points aroused. My breasts were sitting high with sore, hard nipples; my clit was swollen and firm when I touched it.

“Nezzie!” His voice made me jump. “I thought we were past my having to keep an eye on you.”

“Yes, sir, I was just making sure everything was okay after last night. I wasn’t pleasuring myself.”

“Are you not okay?” he asked in earnest concern. “Are you hurt?”

“A little swollen is all. I only have a little pain, my lord, but not the bad kind.”

“Good. I’m waiting, so get a move on.”

I dressed in white shorts and a navy and white striped t-shirt. White bobby socks with lace trim and Ked sneakers were on my feet. Mr. Delacroix wore pink shorts, white sneakers, and a light blue polo shirt with his collar turned up.

The morning was still dark, but balmy. A light breeze rustled the leaves in the trees. We were walking along the bayou near the chapel as the eastern horizon glowed orange. I was excited to see what the day had in store.

“Listen,” he said quietly, “hear that?” Something stirred in the underbrush.

“Yeah, my lord, what is it?”

“I dunno, could be a possum.” He was still and then he turned to me. “Or it could be the alligator!” He laughed so hard when I jumped and screamed.

“You just wait till next time you put me in charge, my lord. I don’t forget either,” I said in a playful tone.

“Nez, look, I know I was hard on you this morning. I guess I was frustrated because all I wanted to do was get you all tied up in knots for me.”

“And I ruined it, my lord, but I think I’ve got it now. You prefer to discuss things out of the bedroom. I understand.”

“Just think of this,” he waved his hand across the bayou, “as your classroom where you hear lectures and think. When you’re in the bedroom, consider it the lab where you apply what you’ve learned from the classroom.”

“Yes, sir, that’s exactly what I gleaned from this morning’s lesson.”

“You gotta keep that sharp mind of yours open, Nez. Observe what goes on around you no matter where you are and take cues from that.”

“Yes, sir.”

“So, my dear brainiac, I came up with a couple good ideas while I was in the shower and you were in bed thinking.” He began to walk faster as he spoke. “When we come back here this winter, you’re taking up tennis.”

“What? Where did that come from, sir?”

“It came from you constantly thinking and strategizing and wanting to figure out everyone’s next move. Tennis will help occupy that mind of yours while working your body a little at the same time. Besides, I play, and I think it would be fun to play together.”

“Okay, sir, if that’s your wish, it will be so,” I smiled.

“More immediately, I think today, with your consent, of course, I’d like to have you and Marie and Girl have a threesome for me. What do you think?”

“I . . . well, sir, I dunno.”

“Just as a mind-opening exercise for you, my love. It occurred to me that Girl is one of the most broad-minded people I know, and she has an uncanny ability to open minds and shut them off. Ya know, tune in and drop out. It’ll be fun for you to experience her.”

“Will you be there, sir?”

“Every step of the way. Are you kidding? Why wouldn’t I want to watch three women fuck each other?”

“Yes, sir.”

“Yes, sir, what? Do you consent or not?”

“Yes, sir,” I said. “But—”

He interrupted. “Stop, Nez, don’t overthink it. It’s just a little fun.”

“Yes, sir.”

“I’ll be so hot for you after that, I’ll have to fuck your brains out.” He smiled and took my hand. “How does that sound?”

“Sounds perfect, my lord.”

“Indeed,” he said. “I have a couple of questions for you about last night, though.”

“Yes, sir?”

“Wherever did you get those ideas?”

“You mean when you put me in charge, sir?”

“Yeah, you seemed so sure of yourself and so experienced. I was surprised. I wasn’t expecting you to take to it so easily.”

“Sir, I wasn’t exactly expecting you to be so compliant.”

“Well, Nez, you commanded it so well. As you say, I’m conditioned to react a certain way in certain situations and you, my dear, gave me no choice but to comply. My body and mind couldn’t have behaved any other way. That’s where I hope to get you someday. To a place where you just react and go with it. You did exactly that when you were on top.”

“And yet I’m a natural on the bottom, sir.”

“Whatever happened last night, just keep it up. Keep your mind in the moment. Enjoy the moment, my love.”

“Yes, sir.”

The sun peeked over the treetops along the horizon, making the bayou turn golden pink with dark reflections of the trees. It reminded me of my first morning in New Orleans with Ty, watching the sun come up over the river.

We continued our walk back toward the chapel and went to the graves for Mr. Delacroix’s morning vigil. He stood silently as I read the headstones. I wondered about his grandparents, but that was a conversation for another day. There were so many stories right here in this small cemetery. I wanted to learn them and add our story, so people would know how this family survived.

“They’re going to start working on the north wing next week,” he said as we walked back up the knoll to the croquet green.

“Is there much to do other than give it a good cleaning, sir?”

“Oh yeah, I’m sure they’ll find repairs that need to be done. You’ll have to help me choose the colors. Same with the master suite. I think we decided to do a bit of redecorating before we move in, didn’t we?”

“Yes, sir. That dark color is not to my liking at all,” I said, “but I love the furnishings.”

We approached the veranda to see Marie-Louise sitting alone at the breakfast table. She was reading a book. It was nice to see her at ease.

“Go say hello to your friend. I’m sure she missed you yesterday,” he said, and let go of my hand.

I smiled and ran up the hill. “Marie, hi.”

She got up and ran to meet me. “Miss, I was hoping to see you yesterday.”

“Mr. Delacroix had other plans for me,” I said, and she and I walked hand in hand back to the table.

“I know, miss, he told me. I hope you had fun.”

“I did. What did you do?”

“I had a wonderful day. I slept in all by myself in that big bed. I didn’t think I’d like it, but it was nice to have it all to myself. When I finally got up, breakfast was waiting for me, so I ate something and then I took my shower and did my hair, all without Jackson breathing down my neck. Then I found this book, so I started reading it.” She handed me the book, an old copy of John Milton’s
Paradise Lost

“After I read for a while, I got bored, so,” she leaned in and whispered, “I played with the toys on myself,” she giggled.

I smiled as Mr. Delacroix meandered his way across the croquet green.

“Good morning, Mr. Delacroix,” Marie said.

“You’re up early today,” he said to her.

“I’m excited to see Girl, sir.”

“She won’t be here for a while. It’s a bit of a drive from Baton Rouge, ya know,” he said as he sat down.

“Oh, I know, sir, but I wanted to make sure Miss Nez got to see the agreement so she knows everything.”

“There ya go, Marie. Already you’re taking charge of things,” he said as Thomas set coffee out for him and me.

“I’m sorry, sir. Is that bad?” she asked.

“Not at all, it’s a good thing. It’s all right to have thoughts of your own and to consider others. It’s very kind of you,” he said.

“Yes, sir, it is, isn’t it?” she said, filled with pride.

“Thanks for thinking of me,” I said. “Mr. Delacroix showed me the agreement last night and I signed it.”

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