Twisted Pieces (10 page)

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Authors: London Casey,Karolyn James

BOOK: Twisted Pieces
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I get changed at least?

Jace looked Jordyn down and back

Yeah. No panties
though. They only get in the way.

Jordyn was blushing again as she
ran to her apartment building. She stormed inside and rushed to find something
to wear. She stripped down to her bra and, well, nothing else. As she stood in
her room, she stopped for a second to think about what she was doing. Was she
chasing a fantasy? Was she chasing something bad? Or

maybe it was such a bad fantasy it was too
tempting to pass up.

that I like.

Jordyn jumped and whipped around.
Jace stood in her bedroom doorway.


you always leave your door wide open?


m rushing around.

free to continue.

Jordyn grabbed a pair of jeans, a
shirt, and a hoodie. She dressed and then walked to the door. She put a hand to

s chest.

I don

t know why I

doing this.

do I,

Jace said.

You should be running right now.
As far away as you can. Doesn

make sense why you want that job with Strokner so bad. Or why you

re listening to me. But I

ll take it.

Jordyn saw herself telling Jace
everything about her grandmother but she stopped. It was bad enough she already
babbled like a baby about her parents being killed.


m ready,

Jordyn whispered.

She took a step and Jace put his
hand out, touching her stomach. It was instant fluttering and it made her toes

touched you?



Jordyn looked at Jace.

Where do you think?


my legs.

fingered you?

of. He kind of touched and I wasn't

s cheeks were on
I wasn't wet. So
he pushed hard until he was inside. Then he pulled away.


Jace growled. He
slid his hand up Jordyn

body until he cupped her cheek.

promise you, you

ll be
taken care of for this. I

protect you myself. The club will protect you.


Jordyn said.

She didn

t know what else to say. She wasn

t in any position to question
what Jace had to say. She was simply following him with the dumb side of her
heart. The side that couldn

stop thinking about how hot Jace was and how amazing it had been to have him
tearing her clothes off, kissing between her legs, and then thrusting himself
deep inside her.

Outside, Jace gave Jordyn his
helmet. They got on the motorcycle and Jordyn slid her hands around Jace

s hard body and felt a sense of
peace come over her. She started to understand the excitement of being on a
motorcycle. The freedom of the road. The rumbling of the engine.

Jordyn caught herself breathing
calmly and even smiling.

That was, until another motorcycle
came up alongside Jace. The leather cut the guy wore was different than Jace's.
But what caught both of their attention was the gun the guy pulled out and
pointed at Jace.




Jace felt Jordyn instantly tense
up. She was scared. Rightfully so. Under normal circumstances, Jace would pull
his gun out or run the guy off the road. Having a gun pointed at him didn

t bother Jace all that much,
because if someone wanted to shoot him, they would just shoot him. Showing the
weapon was merely a threat and way to get attention.

He had made a promise to Jordyn to
protect her, so Jace cut to the right - gently - and moved toward the side of
the road. He really wanted to hit the throttle and take off, but then the
asshole's gun would be pointed not at Jace

back, but at Jordyn


As Jace slowed, he turned his head
to the right and yelled,

with me no matter what!

The guy on the motorcycle didn

t need to have a patch on his
back for Jace to know he belonged to the Coast Road MC. Probably one of their
prospects. The guy was jacked to the nines, which was very obviously steroid

Jace looked ahead and the road was
clear. He slowed to a crawl, letting the other motorcycle get close to him.


Jace yelled.

your fucking ride,

the guy


m going to put a bullet in your

that so?

know everything


s good,

Jace yelled.


m not stopping this motorcycle,


ll kill your girl first then.

Now that was a threat Jace couldn

t let go. He took a risk and
threw a fist at the guy. He knew if he missed, the prospect would probably pull
the trigger.

But there was one thing Jace was
damn confident in and that was he never missed his mark. He hit the guy in the
wrist with such force, his hand opened and the gun fell. Jace swung again, a
cheap shot without too much power, hitting the man in the face.

Then Jace hit the throttle and took

He knew the guy wasn

t going to give up that easily
though. There was no way he

go back to his club and tell them Jace punched the gun out of his hand and got
away. Jace glanced in his mirror and the asshole was right on his tail. At
least the guy didn

t have a
gun. At least Jace hoped not.

The motorcycle pulled up next to
him again. Jace looked over and smiled. The guy growled and Jace could see the
blood on his front teeth. Jace underestimated the power of his own punch.


ll fucking kill you!

the guy screamed.

Jace felt Jordyn grip him tighter.
She was still scared. He really didn

want to do what was going to happen next, but he needed to end this right now. It
was crucial that Coast Road received his message loud and clear. The shit with
the judge

s kid hadn

t gone as planned, so Jace
couldn't afford to mess up again.

Jace moved to the left. The guy did
the same. Jace repeated the same motion until he had the guy forced into the
oncoming traffic lane. That wasn

the entire plan, however. It was merely a distraction for what Jace would do

Jace had one chance and timed it
out. He kicked his foot and hit the front of the guy

s motorcycle. The guy quickly started to twist and
turn the front wheel of his motorcycle. Jace braked and gave room, waiting for
the motorcycle to drop. When it finally did, the guy slid on the ground for a
good while, spinning with his motorcycle. He and the motorcycle ended up on the
side of the road. The motorcycle rolled a few times and was destroyed. The meat
neck rolled and ended face up, unsure what wound to reach for first.

Jace pulled to the side of the road.
He climbed off his ride and Jordyn did the same. She grabbed his arm and when
Jace turned, he saw how white Jordyn

face was.

is my life,

he said.

You wanted to know? This is it.

s always an enemy
waiting to kill me. But I'm not going to let that happen."


re going to kill that man?

man? He just tried to hurt you. To hurt me. If he shot me, babe, what do you
think he would have done to you?

Jordyn stepped back.


re going to shoot him.

have to send a message. You don

have to watch.

Jace shook Jordyn away. Deep down,
he hoped she would watch. He wanted her to. It was insane to believe that
Jordyn would stick around the clubhouse like Emily, Avery, Kaity, and Ava. But
until the time came for Jordyn to leave, she needed to see the big picture

When Jace took his gun out, he
stretched his neck and smiled. It had been a long time since he fired his
weapon at another man. He walked to the asshole on the ground and bent down to
put the gun between his eyes.


Jace said.

You talk or I blow your fucking
brains out. Hear me?


the guy groaned.

It hurts. It burns.

it fucking sucks dropping a ride like that. Now, why were you here to kill me?

told me to do it.





t know

Jace lifted the gun and brought the
butt of it down to the guy

nose. It exploded with spraying blood.


ll ask again


The guy nodded.

know what I saw?



that way

assholes dealing drugs now? Is that how you make your cut?


m a prospect, man,

the guy moaned.

I have no decision power. I

m just


m done with you,

Jace said. He stood up and
pointed the gun at the man


See you around.


said I wouldn

t blow your
brains out. But you

going to die, man. That

the way it works.

Jace shot four times. Each bullet
tearing through the guy


He was still alive as Jace walked

Jace went right to Jordyn and put
his hands to her hips. He pulled her close and leaned his forehead against


s a man bleeding to death behind
me. Does that bother you?

But I feel safe with you. I understand why.


s good enough for me,

Jace said. He gave Jordyn a
nice, long kiss and then groaned.


re making me fucking hard, babe.

me to your room again,

Jordyn whispered.

better yet

drop to your
fucking knees and take care of me right now.

is an open road

and that

Jace kissed Jordyn gently.

You either say no and risk
whatever happens

or you do
as told


m not
. I

m not weak. I

m not afraid. I

ll let you down. I

ll hurt you. But you do what I
ask and I swear on my life that I

protect you until I



Jordyn said.

She moved to her toes and kissed

s neck. Jace knew
there would be no traffic on this road. That

why the asshole from Coast Road chose right now to come after him. Jace had
been in Frelen his entire life. He knew every road, every rock, every square
inch of the town.

Jordyn cupped between his legs and squeezed.
She let out a whimpering moan and kissed his neck again. Jace gritted his
teeth. She definitely knew how to play the seductive card. It made him wonder
if these were the kinds of tricks she pulled with Strokner.

The thought pissed Jace off.

He grabbed Jordyn

s hair and pulled it. She cried
out and he looked at her. Gently, he moved her hand out of the way and he
pulled his zipper down. Jace grabbed Jordyn

hand and guided her into his jeans. Her fingertips found his hard skin and then
her hand was around him. She squeezed and let out a shaky breath.

With one nod, Jace gave the orders
again. Jordyn slowly dropped to her knees. Jace made sure to turn so that

s back was to the
road. More so, it was so they both could see the guy from Coast Road just feet
away holding his bleeding stomach. His gasps for air were wet, gurgling, and
very infrequent. He

probably be dead before Jace could come.

Jordyn pulled Jace

s cock from his jeans and
lovingly stroked him root to tip. She then slid her soft little hand back down
him and squeezed. Jace watched as Jordyn brought her sexy mouth forward. Her
lips slid right over the head of his cock with ease. The warmth and wetness
made him groan. He thrust a little, not wanting to fight his body

s natural reaction.

Jordyn came down a few inches and
pulled back. Her teeth touched the sensitive skin of Jace

s erection and he hissed. Jordyn
looked up at him, her big, brown eyes so tempting. Her hand then slid up his
shaft as her mouth came back down. Her lips and hand met halfway down Jace

s cock.

Everything was so pretty and slow at
first. It was good, but only for a minute. Jace wasn

t here to pretend he was in a romantic porn scene.
He wanted to come.

Jace put his hand to the back of

s head and pulled.
He thrust forward. Jordyn

eyes squeezed close and he tested the depths of her throat. She put her hands
to his legs, her nails digging even through his jeans. Jace smiled. It felt so
fucking good. He released his hand from the back of her head and moved it to
her shoulder. She was so good. So thorough with each suck up and down. When she
pulled back, her hand came with her. When she needed a breath of air, she made
damn sure to stroke him as hard and fast as she could.

After just a few minutes, her lips
were pouty and red. It made her look even more wild and seductive. Jace groaned
and thrust back at her mouth. He felt the wet softness of her tongue against
the bottom of his shaft. As she took him deeper, the pressure and pleasure
increased. Jace took a few deep breaths and started to feel the rush through
his body. He looked down at Jordyn and held the back of her head again. He
guided her faster and faster. Jordyn stayed with him. He wasn

t going to let her take a break
now. No way.

As he reached the point of no
return, he pulled on Jordyn's hair. She opened her mouth and let out a whimper
just as Jace started to come. Jordyn kept her mouth open wide for the first few
releases. Then she closed her mouth tight and slid back down Jace

s shaft. Jace groaned and hissed
at the intense pressure he felt while he came again and again inside Jordyn

s sweet mouth.

She accepted every drop before
pulling back and off his cock. She licked her lips and remained on her knees.
Jace grabbed his cock and tucked it away. He looked to his left and saw the man
was still taking very short breaths.


Jace whispered.


Jordyn asked.

came too soon. He

s still
alive over there. We just gave him a show.


s one way to go I guess,

Jordyn said.

Jace smiled. He pulled Jordyn to
her feet.

Now that

s the kind of talk that drives
me mad.

Jace stroked

s cheek.

Now, are you ready to meet the
President of Back Down Devil?

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