Two Cabins, One Lake: An Alaskan Romance (13 page)

BOOK: Two Cabins, One Lake: An Alaskan Romance
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When we slid up to my dock, I pulled The Big One out of the
bottom of the boat.  At the moment, I didn’t give a damn about anything else. 
I carried it up and flopped it, whole, into the chest freezer at the side of my

My brothers and I banged through my door, the mood subdued
by borderline hypothermia.

I was about to shut the door behind us when I glanced out,
and realized Gary was still standing out there on the beach, in the dark.  Alone.

I watched as he shook his head and took a step toward his

I thought about asking him to come in, I really did.  Rory
was already starting a fire, Zack was raiding my linen closet for blankets, and
J.D. was firing up his Xbox.  After I made hot chocolate, I guessed we’d
swaddle up in blankets, plant ourselves in front of the TV, and play video
games until we warmed up and/or passed out.

But I didn’t open my mouth, and instead of inviting Gary, I
watched my canoe-buddy blend into the shadows on the other side of the lake.



r Ten


big, strong hand over my mouth woke me up.

My eyes snapped open with a gasp I had to suck through my
nose.  Something was on top of me, trapping me under my blankets.  That
something was pinning my arms to my sides and my hips flat to the mattress. 
That something was big, and heavy, and…

The dark shape hovering over me sharpened into a face, and
the dull moonlight coming through the window glinted in through a bottle-green

The devil raised his brows as if to ask, ‘You figured out
who it is yet?’

I nodded slightly, still undecided as to whether or not I
was going to scream if he took his hand away.  My brothers were downstairs.  If
I screamed, they’d find him.  Then they’d kill him.  Yeah, it was tempting.

He must have seen it in my expression.  He left his hand in

He leaned back a bit, and reached down and grabbed something
with his free hand.  He pulled it up into my field of vision and it produced a
faint rattling sound as he shook it.  It was a shiny box, maybe the size of
your standard tea box.  I squinted in the darkness, and finally made out the
roman helmet symbol on the side.  My eyes flared wide.

With that same hand, he reached over, pulled open my
nightstand drawer—the same one with my pink bunny-eared vibrator—and tucked the
box inside.

What the…?

He sank his knuckles into the mattress next to my shoulder
as he leaned down over me.  I smelled his shampoo as his stubble brushed my
cheek, and felt the tickle of his nose against the shell of my ear.

I wiggled under him, sucking air through my nose.  My
neighbor breaks into my cabin—I cut my eyes to my window, confirming it was
wide open, the curtain rippling slightly in a night breeze—by climbing in
through my second-story window, pins me to the bed so I can’t move a fucking
covers my mouth so I couldn’t scream if I wanted to, and then shows me a box of
condoms—effectively telling me my excuse from the other day would no longer
hold water.

What did it say about me that I was quickly becoming more
aroused than I’d ever been in my life?  Heat and moisture blossomed between my
thighs.  My nipples were hard as beach pebbles on breasts squashed flat under
the blankets.  I strained upward, chafing against them, wanting more.  I wanted
those blankets gone, and his strong hands on me, rough, squeezing my breasts,
shoving my legs apart.

If Gary’s hand hadn’t been there, my moan would have been
loud.  He laughed softly against my ear, and tilted his hips so the bulge of his
erection pressed down against my belly.  I only strained up harder, turning my
face to look at him, thinking about biting his hand. 

His head was practically on the pillow with mine.  His eyes
were crinkled slightly with amusement, and yet the look in them was intense as
they flicked back and forth between my own.  His breath, when he spoke, wafted
across my cheek.  “Yes or no?” he asked, his voice somehow managing to be both
deep and soft.

He was asking me to tell him I wanted him.  Which I didn’t
want to do.  Even though I totally did.

I was breathing faster now, straining to free my arms.  Some
deep part of me seriously objected to having him on top of me, holding me
down.  But this was easily the hottest thing I’d ever experienced, and I
honestly wasn’t sure if it was despite it, or because of it.

I bent my knees and thrust my hips up, trying to unseat
him.  Or press up against him.  Maybe both.

My efforts barely moved him, and then his tongue and breath
were on my ear, making a wet-and-cool trail that sent shivers from my scalp clear
down to my toes.  He played with my ear until I was gasping, my hips shifting
hungrily beneath him, and my toes felt like they might never uncurl.  He
pinched my lobe between his teeth, gave it a sharp, delicious tug, and then
released it on a shaky exhale.

“Yes,” he grated, shifting his weight onto his elbow, free
hand sliding along my side. “Or no?”  He squeezed my hip through the blanket,
his thumb rubbing downward.

I was practically panting.  I couldn’t believe this was
happening.  Him, in my bedroom, in the dark, asking for my consent.  With my
brothers downstairs!

If I said the word, I could have him, tonight, right now.

What the hell was I waiting for?

The word tore out of me, buoyed up on a sea of need.  “Yes. 
Yes,” I said into his hand.  Though it was muffled, my words were unmistakable.

He rolled off me so fast, I didn’t know what to do with
myself.  But apparently he did.  Cool air wafted as he threw the blanket back. 
Still stunned and gasping like a fish, I lay there in my night shirt and nothing
else, and waited to see what he would do.

There was a flurry of motion in the dark.  And then he was
on me again, pushing my legs open, wedging himself between them as if he had
every right.  I discovered the bare skin of his hip sliding against my inner
thigh.  His shaft pressed directly against my wet folds.

I pushed up against him automatically, wanting him inside me
.  I reached for him, but he grabbed my wrists.  As he leaned
forward, pinning them beside my head, his cock ground against me.

My mouth opened on a moan, and he claimed that, too.  He
simply wedged his way in and plundered.  He didn’t ask; he took.  And, as I’d
noticed on my lawn, he wasn’t sweet or gentle.  Our teeth clashed.  He drank my
sounds as he ground his hips against me.

But I only wanted it harder.  I sucked his tongue with a
hint of teeth, enjoying his groan, the way he grew even harder in that hot,
tight space we’d created between us.  I hooked my legs around him, digging my
heels into his bare ass, pulling him as close as he could get.

His hands tightened on my wrists as his hips rolled, making
fireworks go off in my head.  Our breath hissed and the slippery, aching heat
at my center intensified until I wanted to scream.  But I couldn’t, because of
my fucking brothers.

Gary pulled back suddenly, leaving me lying there cool
Now that he was no longer holding me down, I lost
the need to move my wrists—something which totally confused me, too—and so I
kept them there, lying next to my head.

He pushed up and away, and I wondered if he’d changed his
mind.  Maybe he’d realized what he was doing, or he liked waxed girls, or he
thought I made weird sounds…

I stared up at him, wanting him back with a desperation that
surprised even me.  If I’d been pretending he was someone else, I most
definitely couldn’t now.  The moonlight coming in from the side gilded his
torso, all those lovely muscles, the gorgeous chest that expanded with each
quick breath.  That silvery light glinted in his eyes, and then his black hair
fell over his face as he looked down.

Foil tore.  His hands moved along his shaft, unrolling a
condom over the cock I was seeing for the first time.

Oh my

His eyes lifted until they met mine.

Fire.  It was in his eyes, and it was what swept through my

This is gonna be so fun…
  I almost laughed out loud
as he came back down to me.

Any sound I’d been tempted to make was quickly aborted when
he pushed inside of me.  I was ready for him—so damn ready, so friggin’ wet—but
I was
ready for him,
pussy swollen with arousal, and I felt every inch
of his thick cock as he pushed into me.  Pushed, and pushed.  And
stretching me to my limit, leaving me trembling, and so very full.

He reclaimed my wrists.  And then he latched onto my neck.

With one hard draw, I was cumming.

Remember how I said I didn’t do silence well? …Yeah.  A thin
sort of wail left my lips before he shifted that big, strong hand back over

He thrust, pushing through my squeezing muscles.  I balled
up my fist and hit his shoulder.  I was trembling under him, every single
muscle straining, my knees riding his sides as he pushed into me again, and
again.  I was already cumming, and as his pelvis ground against my clit, the
feeling intensified beyond any sort of reason or measure.  He was making it
worse, so I hit him again, and this time my hand stayed on his shoulder,
pushing, my nails digging into him.

My neck arched on a scream he was forcing to be quiet.

“Shh-shh-shhhh,” he said.  I was honestly only partially
aware of what he was saying as he continued to do what he was doing, and I rode
out the longest orgasm of my life.  I must have made some more sounds, probably
a lot more sounds, because he was suddenly chuckling next to my ear, his chest
pressed to mine through my shirt.  “Are we going to have to get you a gag?” he

I was gasping through my nose, my vision going dark, and yet
I’d never felt anything so divine as his thick cock spearing to the depths of
me, his hard body pinning me to my sheets, his hand tight on my wrist and face.

My eyes must have rolled back in my head or I must have
given some other clue I was about to pass out, because he removed his hand from
my mouth.  I gasped, my free hand worrying his shoulder, fingers digging into
the thick muscle there.  As I lay there gulping air, I realized he’d gone
still.  He was thick and hard inside me, still above me, but he wasn’t moving. 
Instead, he was looking patiently down at me.  Waiting for me to rejoin the

Looking up into his eyes, I melted just a little. 
he isn’t such a bad guy…

Then an aftershock squeezed me around him, touching off a
whole new round of shivers.  His hips flexed, pushing harder into me, making my
legs tighten to either side of him.

He groaned.  “You good?”  His voice was quiet, strained.

My lips formed the words ‘holy fuck’, but I had my shit
mostly back together, so I nodded.

His mouth formed a wicked grin, and then he recaptured my
wrist.  He pressed them both back into the mattress and did that crazy hip-roll
again, the move that stirred his length inside me and rubbed my clit in the
most incredible way.  He did it again, and again, and in that moment I
absolutely knew he was no stranger to a woman’s body.  He was doing things to
mine that I’d never even imagined.

I couldn’t feel my lips.

But I wasn’t taking this next orgasm lying down.  I channeled
all my strength into the right side of my body, digging my foot into the
mattress even as I hip-checked him and strained upward against his left hand. 
And I managed it.  I don’t know if he let me or if I really, momentarily
overpowered him, I wasn’t gonna analyze it.

He rolled, and I rode him over.  I straightened up on my
knees, and realized I still wore my nightshirt.  Intolerable.  I grabbed the
hem and ripped it off over my head, freeing my breasts in the moonlight.

I tightened my legs to either side of his hips, and finally
got my hands on that chest.  I intentionally squeezed him, enjoying the
resulting catch in his breath.  His dark chest hair was crisp as I sifted my
fingers through it, and traced down to where we joined.  Then I tripped my
fingers back up his abs and stroked across the hard little nubs of his nipples.

I wanted to lean down to lick him, but I liked my height
advantage too much.  I liked having him under me.  A lot.

The heat was rising again, and I started to move.  I began
with just a tilt and roll of my hips, doing what he’d done to me.  But as I
watched his expression deepen into a place of pure pleasure, my pace quickened.
 A hard, fast rhythm overtook me, driving me on him.  I threw my head back, feeling
my hair spill down my back and tickle the upper slope of my ass.

His hands found my breasts, squeezing just exactly the way I
wanted him to.  My rhythm faltered as this new source of pleasure blindsided
me.  His abs flexed as he sat up, and suddenly it was his mouth on me, not his
hands.  I gasped, hovering above him, shaking again.  I pulled his hair,
wanting to punish him for doing what he did to me.  He just sucked harder, and
his free hand yanked my hips into him, grinding us together.

Just like that, it was happening again, and there was
nothing I could do to control it.  My last act before I lost my shit again was
to grab his hand, drag it off my breast and up over my mouth.

He laughed breathlessly, and then I was cumming, and his
laugh choked off.  I pulled his hair again, yanking his head back so he had to
look up at me.  His fingers dug hard into my ass, his hips grinding him up into
me, his eyes flashing in the moonlight.

Fuck.  Fuck, fuck fuck.  Fuck me!
  That’s what I
would have been saying if his hand wasn’t obligingly plastered over my mouth. 
Heat flushed up my body, raising a fine sweat in its wake.  I rocked wildly on
him, feeling like I might shake apart in his arms.  It went on and on and on,
squeezing me around him, dragging forth muffled cries as I writhed in his lap.

I saw the moment he came.  His arm went hard around my
waist, locking us together, and he kept his eyes locked to mine, letting me
see.  His abs tensed against my belly and his cock jerked where it was buried
deep inside me.  I could feel him cum even through my own whirlwind of
sensation, and it left me feeling deeply, primitively satisfied.

The pleasure was colossally large and loud as the last of it
crashed through me, making my ears ring.  Left to my own devices, I would have
added to my body’s clamor by screaming down the rafters.  But instead, we just
sat in the middle of my bed in the darkness and near silence, shuddering.

Gary finally rolled me back underneath him, stilling my
movements with his weight.  He kissed me, pressed his lips to the tender spot
right in front of my ear.  Then his hand slid off my face.  He lifted up, his
hand went down between us to hold the condom in place, and he pulled out.

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