Two Cowboys in Her Crosshairs [Hellfire Ranch] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (14 page)

BOOK: Two Cowboys in Her Crosshairs [Hellfire Ranch] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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They both groaned.

He pulsed but didn’t move. She groaned and tried to suck him deeper inside with her pussy muscles.

“Oh, fuck,” he murmured.

“That’s what I’m hoping for,” she said. Olivia slid her hands to his ass. He had tight, taut buns that filled her palms. She squeezed and trailed her fingertips along the skin.

He jerked and chuckled. “Tickles.”

She hadn’t known he was ticklish. The idea made her smile. She pushed backward with her hips until she felt his head sliding from her then shoved upward.

“Ah, damn, woman. Why are you so impatient?”

His jaw clenched and sweat beaded at his temple.

“Because I’ve waited three years to have you again.”

The words ripped unintentionally from her throat. She held her breath and prayed he wouldn’t roll off and leave.

He didn’t.

Something shadowy flitted in his blue eyes, but he quickly chased it away.

Jake didn’t say a word. He tightened his hold on her buttocks and slowly, inexorably thrust into her hot, aching pussy.

She couldn’t breathe or think. She could only feel.

“Olivia,” Jake said. He buried his face in the crook of her neck. His warm moist breath sent more shivers over her.

She ran her hands all over his body from ass to shoulders and back as she lifted her hips. With small, maddening movements, Jake filled her body. When at last their pelvises meshed, she could not contain her gasp of exhilaration.

Jake throbbed in response, and she clamped down on him. They stayed like that for a long moment. His weight was heavy and hot against her. His breath sounded ragged and demanding in her ear.

She twitched her hips, and he groaned. Jake rose up on his arms. His face was a mask of sensual agony.

Without a word he slowly drew back until he reached the edge of her pussy then pushed back in. His slow, languid pace made her lose her breath and grapple at his skin.

But it wasn’t enough. She bucked beneath him, her hips demanding more.

“Faster,” she whispered.

Jake’s jaw pulsed. “I don’t want to hurt you.”

“You won’t,” she said.

He laughed shortly. “Sweetheart, you have no idea how much I want you.”

She wiggled and clenched her muscles until he groaned and his eyelids drooped.

“Yes, I do. I’m a marine, Jake, not a porcelain doll.” She took a deep breath and framed his face with her palms. “I want you to fuck me. Hard.”

His eyes narrowed, and his dick pulsed deep inside her. He nodded sharply and pulled back to the very edge of her heat.

Their eyes clashed and met, and in that instant she saw all the wild desire he was bottling up.

“Fuck me, Jake. Fuck me now.”

A tendon on his neck stood out, and he growled as he plunged into her.

The impact was immediate and incredible. Sweet desire pulsed inside her pussy and along her clit with each jolt. Again and again his lean hips whipped in and out of her body. He drove her higher and higher. A nebulous cloud of pleasure wrapped around her and she clutched at him—the only stable thing in her world.

The bed rocked with the rhythm of their movements, and Olivia slammed her hips up with each downward thrust. She panted and gasped as she battled the rising orgasm. She wanted him to crest with her. Wanted to give him as much pleasure as he was giving her.

“God, Jake. Gonna come,” she muttered.

His hip-slam increased, and she squeezed her eyes shut. Jake’s head dropped to her shoulder. Olivia concentrated on the slap of skin and the waft of his warm breath at her neck.

He felt good buried inside of her. He felt right.

The wave increased, and the heat soared to new levels, pushing her closer and closer to the edge.

Jake whispered in her ear, but the words were lost in the rising tide. She thrashed and bucked as she reached for the elusive explosion. Just as she turned her head, Jake gently sank his teeth into her shoulder.

The entire world shattered in a prism of colored lights and the absence of sound. She froze with his name on her lips as the orgasm took her. She shook and shuddered and clamped him tightly to her.

He was as still as she and still buried deep in her body. As she came, she could feel him pulse and throb.

“Jake,” she finally whispered. “Jake.”

He grunted and pulled back. The wet sounds of her pleasure echoed in the room.

She clenched involuntarily as she tried to keep him seated inside of her. He groaned but didn’t stop. Once more he thrust in and out. His pace was fast and electric, and soon she was spiraling upward again.

“Livvie,” he rasped.

She met his gaze. His normally blue eyes were nearly black with desire. His jaw pulsed as he worked to control himself.

“Come for me, Jake,” she said.

She reached up and licked a bead of salty sweat that trickled down the column of his neck. She wrapped her legs around him and thrust back. “Come now.”

He shuddered and plunged as deep as he could go. “Aah!” he yelled.

Hot warmth flooded her as he came. The sensation of his orgasm set off another round for her, and she convulsed on his still-spurting dick.

At last her arms and legs splayed wide, and he collapsed on top of her.

His breath surged like a storm-tossed sea in her ear. Her entire body trembled, and tears stung her eyes.

What is wrong with me?

A wave of sadness crashed on her, and she whimpered. Olivia pushed at his shoulders. She would not cry in front of him.

Jake slid to her side and lifted so she could pull her arm out from under him. He tugged her into his arms and snuggled her close.

The wave grew into a tsunami. Jake nuzzled the top of her head. “What’s wrong, sweetheart?”

“Nothing,” she said.

His arms tightened, and he yawned. His entire body straightened then went lax, and he mumbled softly, “Bullshit. Gonna talk when I wake up.”

And just like that, Jake Logan fell asleep in her bed.

Olivia remained cocooned in his arms and fought the crescendo of emotions battling for dominance inside of her.

Making love with Jake had been better than she’d remembered.

But it had been a one-time shot.

For both their sakes, it
to be.

Chapter Seven


Jake woke slowly. Olivia was on her side with her butt nestled against his cock. Like a randy teenager, he felt himself harden instantly.

He grinned and edged his hands around her hips and up to her bare breasts.

She sighed in her sleep and rolled to her back.

Jake teased a soft nipple into hot stiffness.

He leaned down to take her into his mouth when a flicker near the window caught his eye. He froze then sat up.

“Livvie, wake up,” he whispered.

Her eyes snapped open. “What’s wrong?”

Jake slid from the bed. “I don’t know. I saw a shadow or something.”

She lifted up on one elbow and shoved a swath of black hair from sleepy eyes. “Really? You woke me up for a shadow?”

He crept across the moon-shafted room, nearly tripping over his boots. He kicked one out of the way and inched toward the window. The curtain fluttered from the rush of air coming from the AC unit. The fabric was so old there were spots thin enough to see through. He peered out but didn’t see anything.

Behind him, Olivia groaned and flopped loudly on the bed.

“Come back to bed, Jake. There’s nothing there.”

He waved her to silence. He crouched low then flattened to the floor and elbow-crawled to the end of the air conditioner. He lifted his head and eased the bottom of the curtain up.

The parking lot was dark and silent. Two lamp posts stood sentry on either end, but only one emitted a flickering yellow glow.

Just as he dropped the curtain he saw another shadow dart out from behind a car and run to Olivia’s SUV. It was long enough to see the weapon in its hand.

“Gun,” he whispered hoarsely.

“What?” Olivia rolled to the far side of the bed and crawled next to him. She turned off the air conditioner, and it stuttered into silence. “Are you sure?”

The shadow materialized at the end of the building. The lamp light glinted off the barrel of a high-powered rifle. The person holding the gun froze as Jake stared right at him. Jake sucked in a breath and ducked back down. He couldn’t tell if it was a man or a woman. Whoever it was had been slight, but the weapon they bore was long and lethal.

Jake looked at her and nodded. “Yep, I’m sure.”

“Maybe it’s a hunter.” She bit her lip and peeked out again. She frowned. “He’s gone.”

The hair on the back of his neck raised, and Jake jerked her away from the window just as a bullet shattered the thin glass. He covered her body with his, wincing as tiny shards bit into his bare shoulders and butt.

“We’ve got to get out of here,” she said.

Jake brushed glass from her hair. “We’ll be sitting ducks. You know he’s just out there waiting to pick us off.”

Olivia bumped her bare butt against his hip. “Someone had to have heard that shot and contacted the sheriff. Mr. Whitcombe might come by, and he’ll be an easy target. You need to call Tag and tell him what’s going on. I’m going to get dressed.”

Jake gritted his teeth at her orders, but he knew she was right. Unless they acted quickly, civilians could get in the way. He reached for the jeans he’d left on the floor just as she made it to the foot of the bed.

Another loud burst of breaking glass sounded in the small room. Jake heard a thud and then the metallic clink of something rolling.

His eyes widened in horror. “Grenade,” he yelled and surged to his feet.

Olivia was beside him in a second. He tore the chair from beneath the knob and wrenched open the door. Jake pulled her out and shoved her to the side just as the explosion rocked the back of the hotel room.

The concussion wave blew him to the pavement. Thick, black smoke poured from the shattered window. Glass, feathers, and bits of wood rained down on them. Jake groaned and rolled to his side. “Olivia?” He turned and saw her slumped against the wall. Blood oozed down the right side of her temple.

She coughed and jerked. Her eyes fluttered then shot wide.

Jake rose and ran to her side. He pulled her up, holding her tight as she swayed. “Are you okay?” He kept his body between her and whoever had tossed that damn grenade. “Can you walk?” He searched the parking lot for their assailant but didn’t see anyone.

“I’m fine,” she said. “We need to get out of here.”

Jake scanned the lot again. Still no one. People filtered out from their rooms with sleepy, disgruntled expressions. Any second he expected to hear sirens wailing toward them.

“I don’t have my keys. They were in my jeans.”

“I grabbed my purse. Let’s go.”

He nodded then hustled her down the side of the building, keeping to the shadows as much as possible. A woman on the sidewalk did a double take when they hustled by then whistled.

Olivia chuckled as she dug in her purse for her keys. “She likes your ass, too.”

He scowled. He’d forgotten he was naked. His only concern had been ensuring Olivia’s safety.

Her SUV chirped, and the interior lights lit the car like a beacon. He grabbed her arm and pulled her to a halt by the corner of the motel.

“Why isn’t he taking a shot?” he muttered. “The bastard is still here. I can feel it.”

“Too many people?”

“Maybe.” But he hadn’t given a damn about the people in the motel when he tossed that grenade.

“We could wait until Tag gets here,” she said. “Surely he won’t be too long?”

He still didn’t hear any sirens. What the hell?

“No, we need to get out. Back to the ranch.”

She nodded. “Ready?”

Jake took a steadying breath. “Stay low and zigzag. We’ll get in, crank the car and take off.”

“Sir, yes, sir.”

He managed a grin at her flippant reply.

She gave him the keys. “You drive. My depth-perception is shit.”

“Good to know.” Jake took the keys. “Let’s go.”

The twenty yard dash across the lot was the longest of his life. He kept expecting to hear the report of the rifle firing.

But he didn’t.

They reached the car at the same time and tumbled inside. Jake stabbed the key into the ignition and slammed the car into reverse. The SUV screeched as he hit the brakes, and Olivia braced herself against the dash.

When he lurched forward, he left the acrid burn of rubber on Whitcombe’s parking lot. Jake looked back through the rear window. Flames danced in her motel room, and the other inhabitants were now all wild and panicked. Just as they hit the blacktop, Whitcombe’s office door flew open, and he ran outside. His white robe flapped behind him as he sprinted down the sidewalk to the edge of the building.

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