Two Loves for Alex (3 page)

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Authors: Claire Thompson

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He stared impassively at her, waiting for her to assume the position. After another moment’s hesitation she did so, locking her hands behind her head and spreading her legs. Daniel moved close in front of her and ran his fingers under her arms.

She shivered slightly but otherwise held still, her eyes straight ahead, a flush spreading over her cheeks and neck. He moved to her pussy, which he was pleased to note was smooth as satin. He let his hand move lower, pressing his fingers into the cleft of her heat.

Alex closed her eyes, her lips parting, her hips thrusting ever-so-slightly forward. She was wet. He pulled his hand away, resisting a sudden desire to stroke her until she moaned.

“Tell me how your broke the rules.”

Alex didn’t respond immediately. He waited. This was the test and he found himself silently rooting for her. Yes, she’d messed up, not that he was surprised, but the test was in how she handled herself now. If she could admit her transgression with humility and accept her punishment with grace there was hope for this would-be sub girl.

“I, uh…I touched myself, Sir. Without express permission.”

“Did you come?”

She nodded and looked down, though she kept her hands laced behind her head and her luscious breasts thrust out. “I’m sorry,” she whispered. “I was lonely.”

His heart contracted with pity but he ignored it. She needed a firm hand. “What happens to subs who break the rules?”

“They’re punished, Sir.” Her voice was no more than a whisper.

“That’s right. And you will be. We have eight hours until Liam gets home. You can spend that time atoning for your inability to keep your hands where they belong.”

He went to the broom closet. Pulling out a pail, some cleanser and a large sponge, he returned to Alex. “You can start with the bathrooms. Top to bottom. Then you can tackle the baseboards. There’s also dusting to be done and the silverware needs polishing. You can weed too. I have some flowerbeds with your name on them.”

He watched with amusement as her face scrunched in horror. He knew she’d been expecting something more along the lines of being tied to the spanking stool and erotically tortured, but he well knew that was no punishment, not to a submissive slut girl like Alex.

A diabolical idea entered his head. “Wait here. I’ve got something to help put you in a more submissive mindset.” He returned a moment later with a short length of chain that had an ankle cuff on either end.

He placed the cuffs on Alex’s slender ankles. She looked very sexy in the chains and Daniel’s cock stirred with appreciation. He had half a mind to add high heels for an especially erotic look but decided against it her first day back.

Instead he said briskly, “Being hobbled while you work will slow you down but at the same time it will remind you of your place.” Alex took a few uncertain steps and frowned. Daniel raised an eyebrow. “You have a problem with your punishment?”

Alex swallowed and shook her head. “No. No, Sir.” She took the offered bucket. “Thank you for punishing me, Sir.”

“You’re welcome.” He waited until she had hobbled her way out of the room to smile.


Liam stepped inside and shut the door behind him. His two blond subs were kneeling up, knees spread, palms turned upward on their thighs, eyes on the floor. Alex looked so small next to broad, strong Daniel. Liam controlled an urge to scoop her up into his arms and cover her with kisses, surprised at how very glad he was to see her.

He turned his gaze to his lover, whose cock was jutting invitingly toward him. Setting down his briefcase, he walked over to Daniel and tapped his shoulder. At this signal Daniel rose and moved into Liam’s arms. He held him close, running his hands over Daniel’s bare back and reaching lower to cup his muscular ass.

They kissed briefly and separated. Daniel’s cock remained fully erect but he spoke in a soft, respectful tone. “Did you have a good day, Sir?”

“Yes. Busy but productive. How about you?”

“It went well. I have a rack of lamb roasting in the oven and I made some fresh peach cobbler. Alex was helpful with the chores.”

Liam looked toward the kneeling girl with a knowing smile. He’d been both pleased and amused when Daniel called him, bubbling over with barely suppressed excitement to say she’d returned to them while at the same time telling him she’d come without permission, just as he’d feared she would.

Liam had reminded him she’d only had a week’s training and was very highly sexed. “I’ll stop by the Dungeon Boutique and pick up a chastity belt,” he had suggested. “Take the temptation away from her altogether.”

Daniel had been enthusiastic. “I like that idea. No more constantly checking on her to make sure her hands didn’t end up where they shouldn’t be. And it would heighten her sense of submissive vulnerability—a constant reminder she’s owned.” They decided not to mention their plan to Alex yet.

Liam turned toward the young woman and knelt in front of her, bringing his face close to hers. To her credit she didn’t look up or move. She smelled of soap and he saw the tips of her hair were still wet from a recent shower.

He pulled on her right nipple and twisted it, watching her reaction—a slight wince and the quick inhalation of breath. With his other hand, he touched her smooth labia, sliding his finger between them to the small, tight tunnel, predictably slick with her juices. She was unable to control the small shudder he felt ripple through her body. His cock uncoiled and rose like a snake but he paid it no mind—for the moment.

“Welcome back, Alex.” He kissed her cheek.

Alex raised her gaze to meet his and he noticed, not for the first time, the gold flecks in her very green eyes. “Thank you, Sir.” A wide smile burst over her face.

Liam assumed a stern tone. “Daniel tells me you had to be punished the minute you got here.”

The smile fell away. “Yes, Sir.”

“Tell me.”

She pressed her lips together and he recalled her second day there when Daniel found her masturbating while weeding the flowerbeds. Daniel had soundly punished her. When Liam came home, he asked for a full accounting. She’d balked, retorting in a decidedly unsubmissive fashion he already knew so why was he making her say it again.

He’d had a long serious talk with her then about obedience, about the importance of answering all questions with honesty and without reservation, no matter how uncomfortable or embarrassing the questions made her. He waited now to see if the lesson had stuck.

“I, um, I…” She trailed off with something unintelligible.

“Speak up,” Daniel snapped. Liam realized with a start he’d forgotten Daniel was beside him. He glanced at him with an approving nod and turned back to Alex.

Alex flushed. “I touched myself without permission this weekend. Just once though.”

Daniel and Liam exchanged amused glances. “Once is one time too many. I understand you spent the day atoning for your transgression.”

“Yes, Sir.”

“Good. Then we’ll hear no more about it. I’m going to shower and change. Then we can have dinner.”

He left them and went up to the master bedroom where he removed his suit and tie and laid them over the clothes rack. Daniel would hang them properly later. He went into the bathroom and turned on the shower.

He could smell the tantalizing aroma of the roasting lamb. His mouth watered and he realized he was hungry, though he was even hungrier for what lay ahead.

He showered, lost in thought. He and Daniel had been together for over a year, and during that time, Liam had been completely content with Daniel and Daniel alone. He had finally found his soul mate. Beyond Master and slave, they were lovers and best friends.

It was Daniel who had first suggested they bring someone new into their D/s play, someone with whom he could explore his own rising dominant impulses and urges. When Alex turned out to be a woman instead of the man they’d expected to arrive for the initial interview, Daniel had balked at first, though he’d come around quickly enough.

In the space of that one short week Alex had come to mean more to them than just a toy for Daniel’s amusement. Somehow she’d slipped firmly into their affections. Liam had missed her more than he’d expected this past weekend and knew Daniel had missed her too.

At the same time he felt a vague unease now that she’d actually returned to them. The dynamic of three was still largely an unknown to them. Though she fervently claimed her desire to serve as their submissive, would a woman like Alex really be content as the object rather than the subject of their attentions?

When Liam stepped out of the shower, Daniel and Alex were waiting for him, each holding a large towel. Daniel had put on white shorts, his broad, tan chest bare the way Liam liked it. Alex had been permitted to wear pink lace thong panties and a matching demi-bra.

Daniel moved behind him and began to dry his back while Alex knelt in front of him, using her towel to dry his feet and legs. Though he was hungry, he was tempted to skip dinner altogether and take his two sexy charges directly to the playroom. The thought of roasted lamb and peach cobbler was too much to pass up, however. After all, they had all night.

Liam leaned back against Daniel, who wrapped his strong arms around him from behind. He looked down at Alex with a smile, his cock hardening while she dried the lower half of his body. Not for the first time, he marveled at his incredible good fortune.

Alex had come back to them and life was good. “Man, it’s great to be home,” he said with a contented sigh.

Chapter 3

Dinner was delicious and the conversation was easy and relaxed. Alex silently marveled at how good it felt to be back at their table. It had only been two days but the weekend apart had seemed like a lifetime.

She was glad she admitted she’d touched herself without permission. She was even glad Daniel had punished her because now it was over. She had a clean slate and was determined to behave with grace and honesty going forward.

“Let’s leave the clearing up for later,” Liam suggested. “Alex, go to the playroom and present yourself, kneeling down. We’ll be up in a minute.”

Her heart fluttered with excitement as she left the table. She walked up the broad, curving staircase, stroking the shiny banister as she went. She entered the playroom and took off her bra and panties, leaving them neatly folded by the door.

She knelt on a padded mat in the center of the room and lowered her head to the floor, crossing her arms behind her back. Just assuming the position was enough to send her to a submissive place. Her heart slowed, her breathing eased as she focused on emptying her mind.

The week before Daniel had been working with her on stillness and patience, two virtues that still didn’t come naturally to her. She was by nature fidgety and restless, always moving, rarely still. She also, to quote Cheryl, had the patience of a gnat.

She envied Daniel’s ability to remain perfectly still and calm while they were waiting in the foyer for Liam to come home. Or when Liam had his cock deep in Daniel’s throat and she knew there was no way he could breathe, somehow he’d keep his position, eyes focused lovingly on Liam’s face, his hands behind his back.

She heard them coming down the hall and her pussy and nipples tingled with anticipation. In a moment she felt someone standing beside her but she didn’t move. The person squatted beside her and she knew by his scent—lime, leather and cedar—it was Liam.

“Ass higher,” he commanded. She shifted to obey. A thick finger pressed its way into her wet pussy, catching her by surprise. Reflexively the muscles of her sex clamped on the welcome finger, though she stoutly resisted the urge to thrust back against it.

The finger was withdrawn and ran roughly over her clit, rubbing for several seconds until, despite her best intentions, she wriggled against it, a soft moan wrenched from her lips.

This earned her several very sharp slaps against her spread pussy. Alex, unprepared, squealed and fell out of position. Strong arms hauled her to a standing position.

“Have you forgotten your lessons so soon?” Liam gripped her upper arm and yanked her toward the padded spanking stool. “Maybe a nice ass warming will remind you to control yourself.”

Alex’s pussy was on fire, the sting of the slaps having transmuted, as it invariably did, into burning lust. Dutifully she draped herself over the stool, gripping the legs.

“Spread your legs,” Liam ordered.

She spread them as wide as she could, forced onto tiptoe to maintain her balance. She couldn’t help the tiny shudder when Liam’s fingers grazed her sex and silently hoped he hadn’t noticed.

Daniel moved in front of her, locking her head between his bare thighs and placing his hands on her upper back to hold her steady. Liam, behind her, stroked the globes of her ass and gripped the flesh, sensitizing the skin.

He reached lower, cupping her cunt and rubbing his palm against it. “Stay still, slut girl. Let me touch you but don’t react. Still as a statue, got it? When I tell you, you can move. But not before.”

He ground his palm against her. Squeezing her eyes shut, Alex tried not to focus on what he was doing. She tried not to react to Daniel’s strong legs on either side of her head or imagine his erect cock just over her. For she knew he was naked too—neither of them was permitted clothing in the playroom when Liam was present.

She did pretty well for a while, staying perfectly still though her pussy throbbed and she knew she must be soaking Liam’s palm. But when he moved his hand so the tips of his fingers danced over her clit, Alex, who hadn’t come for two days except the mini orgasm she’d stolen two days before, lost control.

She tried to close her legs in a desperate effort to ward off the climax she could feel rising in her. Liam’s body blocked her from doing this. “Oh, oh, oh.” She began to pant, trying to wriggle away from the relentless onslaught of pleasure being wrested from her. Damn Liam, he was doing this on purpose.

The hand was withdrawn abruptly but it was too late—she had come, most definitely without permission. Daniel stepped back, releasing her head from between his thighs. She slumped down against the stool, not daring to look up or move.

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