Two Masters for Alex (11 page)

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Authors: Claire Thompson

Tags: #Fiction, #Erotica

BOOK: Two Masters for Alex
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Hurriedly she dried herself and combed her hair back. She brushed her teeth, spritzed on some perfume and rushed into the bedroom, assuming the inspection position with only a minute to spare. She stared at the clock in front of her, willing her breathing to slow in time to its steady tick-tock. Six thirty-four. The no-doubt punctual Liam would stride through her door in a moment, probably already dressed in his suit and tie, ready to inspect the new slave girl. As the minute hand moved to six thirty-five she tensed, holding her breath, straining to hear his steps along the hallway, but all was silent.

Six forty-one. Where the hell was he? How long was she supposed to stand like this? Had they forgotten her? She thought about peeking out her door but decided against it. Patience was a virtue she knew she needed to cultivate.

All at once the sound of footsteps along the hardwood floor of the hallway caused Alex to jerk to attention. A moment later Liam came into the room. Though Alex tried to keep her eyes on the clock, she couldn’t resist a glance at his handsome face, the eyes dark as they bore into her, his cheeks pale and freshly shaved, a hint of lime aftershave lingering in the air.

“Good morning,” Liam said. “Sleep well?” No mention of her stolen orgasm or subsequent punishment. Perhaps her slate was wiped clean. She hoped so.

“Yes, Sir,” Alex said, the “Sir” slipping off her tongue with surprising ease. There was something about Liam that seemed to invite the term. She tried to control the small sigh that escaped her lips as he reached down between her legs, his fingers gliding over her labia and back toward the cleft of her ass. It took all her concentration not to thrust herself against the thick, hard fingers. They didn’t linger, moving down her thighs and calves before brushing her smooth underarms with his thumb.

She waited for him to order her to bend over, grab her ankles as she’d done during the interview, so he could inspect her more thoroughly and maybe mark her! He would see the lingering evidence of the welts he and Daniel had raised on her skin the night before. It would spur him on to mark her again, perhaps making him late for work as he became lost in sensual torture. She waited for him to call to Daniel, who perhaps even now stood eagerly just outside the door, a whip or crop in his hand.

“You’ll do. Let’s hope you have a better day today. Get dressed and meet Daniel in the kitchen. I’ll be along in a few.” Alex stared at his retreating back, her sexual fantasies evaporating as he disappeared from sight.

* * * * *

Breakfast of pancakes with homemade raspberry syrup and crisp bacon on the side was served, eaten and cleared away in short order. After kissing his lover goodbye at the door, Daniel watched as Liam drove his car down the long graveled drive, heading toward the train station.

Their first day with Alex had been pretty intense. Daniel had been incredibly turned-on by the whipping, thrilled by her cries and the subsequent orgasm. He’d been proud to kneel and worship his Master’s gorgeous cock in front of her and prouder still when Liam had kissed and suckled him, leading him quickly to a steamy orgasm. He’d nearly forgotten the girl as Liam gave him a hard, sexy spanking. His cock had sprung back to life, caught between Liam’s strong thighs as he reddened his cheeks before taking him to bed. There Liam hadn’t permitted him to touch his own cock until he had shot his hot offering deep into Daniel’s ass. By then he was so turned-on he’d only needed to stroke himself a few times before begging, “Please, Sir, can I come?”

Afterward they lay together in a comfortable embrace, Daniel resting his head on Liam’s chest, soothed by the slow, even beating of his heart as Liam stroked his hair. Liam asked, “Do you want her to stay? I mean for the rest of the week. We won’t make any decisions past that until the time comes. But is this working for you? Do you like having her here?”

Daniel thought before answering. Clearly Liam enjoyed having her there. He had been the one to bury his fingers in Alex’s pussy, his eyes hooded with lust as he made her come while bound to the table. Despite himself, Daniel had felt a whisper of jealousy, unused to sharing his Master’s attentions in such a supremely personal way. At the same time, he’d been riveted to the scene, watching as Liam turned the girl to jelly, breaking down every inhibition while he brought her to what was clearly a very powerful orgasm.

It was thrilling to finally whip someone and to realize he had a flair for it. Her response had been genuine and intense. The week ahead offered great potential to more fully experience his dominant bent. Surely this outweighed whatever petty jealousies he might be feeling. He decided not to mention it, in spite of Liam’s standing order that he share any concerns or misgivings regarding their D/s relationship. Instead, he said, “You know I had my doubts about bringing a woman into our home, but I think with some training and patience, she has the makings of a good sub. I’d say we have our work cut out for us though. She’s not used to obeying anything but her own libido. And her housekeeping is a whole other story,” he laughed.

Liam laughed too. “As long as she isn’t making more work for you than she accomplishes, I guess that’s a good thing. While you’re home alone with her, she’s your
personal slave. Use her as you will, command her as you wish. Just remember the cardinal rules—safe, sane and consensual. Don’t ask of her anything you wouldn’t be willing to endure yourself.”

Watching Liam drive away, Daniel smiled to himself. Liam’s speech was often stylized, almost formal when it came to D/s. His library of BDSM erotica and literature was sizable with
The Story of O
and the erotic writings of Marquis de Sade prominently displayed on his bookshelves, bound in leather, the pages trimmed with gold. Sometimes he read aloud to Daniel, selecting tracts that never failed to give Daniel an erection as he imagined himself into the stories, bound and sexually tortured for his Master’s pleasure.

That morning as Liam dressed in their bedroom he said, “I think I’ll have Alex suck my cock tonight. Why don’t you screen her for me today? I doubt she’ll be any good, but you can at least give her a few pointers.”

Daniel waited for Liam to add to the instructions. Like Alex, he too was forbidden to touch himself without Liam’s express permission. He wasn’t sure of the rules when teaching someone to suck cock. Was he allowed to come? Was he supposed to? Liam smiled slowly and Daniel felt, as he often did, that Liam was reading his mind. “Any questions?” Liam asked, watching him.

“Am I permitted to come, Sir?”

“Do you want to?”

Did he want to? What man didn’t want to come at every possible opportunity? Before Daniel had truly embraced his submissive nature, he would have been the first to espouse this philosophy. Yet since coming under Liam’s loving but firm guidance, he’d learned firsthand how much more intense and fulfilling delaying an orgasm could be.

He loved to burn for Liam—to ache with sexual desire until he nearly burst from it, spending hours, sometimes even days, hovering on the edge of sexual release, not permitted to topple over until his lust raged like a tidal wave, finally sweeping him away in a torrent of passion that left him utterly spent.

But this was different. Could he withstand a woman’s mouth on his cock, teaching her to take it deep, to use her mouth and throat muscles to milk the pleasure from a man and yet not succumb himself? He looked into Liam’s face, trying to gauge what his Master wanted of him.

He answered truthfully. “No, Sir. I want to burn for you.”

“Good boy,” Liam said, drawing his finger down Daniel’s cheek. “For your sake I hope she’s not too skilled. You’ll be punished if you come while I’m not home. You understand that, right?”

“Yes, Sir,” Daniel breathed, his cock pressing hard against his shorts.

At breakfast, Liam had turned to Alex, who was already on her second cup of coffee, her pancakes barely touched. She was dressed in a pale pink tank top and the same blue jean cutoffs she’d worn the day before. Her straight blonde hair had fallen
across her face. Distractedly she tucked it behind her ears as Liam said, “Today Daniel’s going to give you some lessons in properly pleasing a man. He’s your Master while I’m away, but he still belongs to me. As such, he, like you, is not permitted to orgasm when I’m not here. I expect you to use all the skill you possess when sucking his cock, but he’s not to come. If he does, you’ll both be punished.”

“Wait,” Alex interrupted. “You’re saying I should suck his cock and I better do it right, but if I do do it right and he comes,

be punished? That seems a bit twisted, no?”

Daniel held his breath, waiting to see how Liam responded to her insolent tone and her audacity in questioning him. Liam only smiled, indulging her because she was new, Daniel supposed. He quashed a flash of irritation. “That’s right. It’s one of those conundrums a sub must endure. You chose to come here and live by our rules, at least for the next few days. Deal with it.” Wisely, Alex had held her tongue.

Daniel closed the front door, startled as he turned around to find Alex hovering just behind him. She looked up at him with those big green eyes. In the morning light, he could see flecks of gold. “When do we start the lessons?” she said, her pink tongue moving seductively over her upper lip. Daniel felt his cock nudge at the thought of using the lovely girl. He forced himself to recall his duties and said brusquely, “Work before pleasure. We have to finish our chores first. Hopefully you’ll be more thorough today.” He smiled to himself, aware he could find something wrong no matter how well she did. Not that he needed an excuse to punish her. After all, he owned her while Liam was out of the house, didn’t he? The thought thrilled him even more than the thought of her small mouth closing hot and wet over his cock.

“I left your list of chores on the counter. I’m going to be working outside for a while. You can come get me when you’re ready for me to check your work. Finish everything first so I don’t have to come in and out.”

He watched Alex’s face fall as she realized she would have to work again and that play wouldn’t come until later. This irritated him. Liam was treating her as if she were a true sub, as dedicated to service and obedience as he was, when in fact it was rather obvious from last night’s display she was really just a highly sexed masochist who thought she wanted to play at being a sub. “You have a problem with that?” he said sharply.

Alex sidled up to him, brushing her breast over his arm as she smiled coquettishly up at him. He felt her nipple teasing against his skin. “I was thinking maybe I should practice first, you know, like Liam said…”

Daniel glared down at her, annoyed with his body for responding to her feminine touch. He turned away. “You thought wrong. Get to work.”

* * * * *

Alex’s knees hurt as she bent over her task, rubbing a rag soaked with wood polish over the stair just above the one on which she was kneeling. She still had over the half
the stairs to complete. Who needed shiny stairs, for heaven’s sake? These guys were manic about housecleaning! Were they going for some good-housekeeping award or something? She thought about her tiny apartment, piled with old magazines, clothing and books scattered about her bedroom, her bed rarely made. She thought about her clothes even now still stuffed into the drawers of her bureau upstairs. She had made her bed at least, albeit quickly, pulling the quilt over rumpled sheets and plumping the pillows at the headboard.

After polishing the stairs, Daniel expected her to sweep and mop the kitchen floor, wash down the bathroom sinks and counters, clean the toilets yet again and strip the bedding from their king-size bed, remaking it with proper hospital corners, whatever the heck that was.

She took her time, despite her irritation, determined Daniel wouldn’t be able to find fault with her today. She hadn’t been hungry at breakfast, served hours before she was used to being up. Now she wished she’d managed to take more than a few bites of pancake since her stomach was rumbling. Was she allowed to take a break and get herself something from the kitchen? Surely if she was expected to clean the place for free, she could get herself a snack?

Giving herself permission, Alex finished the last two stairs hastily and walked back to the kitchen. She selected a banana from a large bowl of fruit on the counter. As she peeled it back and took a bite, she peered outside, spying Daniel toward the back of their property. He was bent over and appeared to be digging a hole, his strong back flexing beneath his T-shirt, already wet with sweat.

What would Cheryl think if she called her right now? She imagined what she might say. “Hi, I’m in the kitchen of this huge old house in Westport. As soon as I’m done with my chores, a gorgeous blond guy is going to show me how to suck cock like a pro so when his Master comes home, I get to do him next!”

She shook her head. What was she doing here? It was fun as far as it went, but wasn’t she behaving as she always had in these situations, trying to manipulate the men she was with to her own advantage? Because Liam and Daniel weren’t strictly gay, she realized a part of her continued to play her usual games with them, aware they weren’t immune to her feminine charms. And what did they really want with her? Had Liam been sincere during the interview when he’d said bringing her into their lives was a way of extending their lovemaking, of deepening it by adding a new dimension? Was there really room in their relationship for a third person? Could any relationship sustain the addition of another person without jealousy and misunderstanding?

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