Two Minutes (Seven Series Book 6) (6 page)

Read Two Minutes (Seven Series Book 6) Online

Authors: Dannika Dark

Tags: #Fantasy

BOOK: Two Minutes (Seven Series Book 6)
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Chapter 5

Because I wasn’t a big drinker, my body didn’t know how to handle a pitcher of beer.
When Naya realized I’d surpassed my limit, she called a cab. I might have been singing REO Speedwagon on the drive home, but I’d never confess to it. We were about halfway there when the driver stopped at a red light and the engine died.

“What do you think is wrong with it?” I asked Naya, pressing my face against the window to cool my cheek.

She peered between the seats, unable to see the driver because the hood was open. “I’ll give him five minutes to figure it out, and then I’m calling Wheeler. Let’s step outside for some fresh air. It’s too stuffy in here and smells like dirty underwear.”

“Smell that often?” I asked with a lazy smile.

Naya pinched my nose. “You’re cute when you’re drunk. A girl should let her hair down once in a while, but don’t make a habit of it. We’re so glad to have you home, chickypoo.”

Before I stepped out of the car, I kicked off my sandals and tossed them on the seat.

“I’ve got to call it in,” the man said gruffly. “Looks like it might be the battery. It’s going to be a long wait before we can get someone else out here.”

“That’s all right, darling,” Naya said. “I’m going to call someone to pick us up.” She let out a melodic sigh and strolled back to the car, sliding into the back to get her purse.

Just then, an expensive car glided past us and slowed down after the light. Since there wasn’t any traffic, they backed the car up and then pulled it ahead of ours on the corner. I sat on the curb, admiring the sky that stretched overhead like black velvet. It wasn’t easy to see the stars within the city because of all the lights and smog. A face suddenly eclipsed my view, one with a broad smile.

“It seems you’re having a bit of car trouble. May I offer my assistance?”

“Stranger danger,” I said in a tone that said
no thanks

Naya stepped out of the car with her purse and phone in hand. She glanced up at the man and smiled. “Well, it looks like we’ve been saved by a Prince.”

He gave a slight bow. “Naya James. It’s a pleasure to see you, although not under these unfortunate circumstances. I noticed this lovely young woman sitting on the side of the road.” He glanced at his watch. “At this time of night, I couldn’t in good conscience drive by, even if she is a human.”

“This is Maizy. Don’t you remember her?”

Prince looked down at me, and boy, was he blurry all the way up there. When he knelt down, I got a better look at him. His dark hair was pulled into a handsome ponytail, just as I’d always remembered. Prince had a regality about him that didn’t fit in with most of the Shifters I’d known. Maybe it had to do with old wealth. His eyes were two different colors, but in the dim light on the street, I couldn’t see them very well. Especially when my own were zooming in and out of focus.

“I know you,” I said, my grin widening.

He pursed his lips for a moment and tilted my chin up. “I remember those dimples. You must be the little one.”

“I’m not so little anymore.”

“My apologies for not having recognized you. I’m usually good with faces, but yours I haven’t seen in quite a long time. The little girl has grown into an enchanting young woman.” He briefly looked up at the cars speeding by. “This is quite a familiar situation. At least this time you’re not kicking me in the shin.”

Naya jutted her hip out and smiled naughtily. The wind ruffled some of her big curls, and she swept them away from her face. “This blasted thing will never be fixed, and Wheeler won’t be able to make it here for another fifteen minutes. Would you be able to offer us a ride?”

Prince stood up and towered over me. “I insist. Is she inebriated?”

They both stared down at me as if I were a bug beneath a microscope.

“Celebratory drinks,” Naya replied, a smile in her voice. I could tell she was enjoying my impaired condition far too much. “Maizy has returned home from her travels abroad. Drunk isn’t the word I’d use. Let’s just say she’s full of spirits.”

He reached out his hand. “Let me offer you a ride home. I would enjoy hearing about your travels.”

When I took his hand, he pulled me up, his grip strong. It suddenly made me aware of how I didn’t want to behave like a buffoon, so I carefully watched my words and tried not to slur them. Keeping my eyes open was a different story. They were getting heavy-lidded, and all I could think about was crashing in my bed.

“Thank you,” I said in a soft breath.

“Do you remember me?”

“You ask me that every time we meet. How could I forget?”

His finger slid down my cheek. “You are an intriguing creature. One without shoes,” he said, his gaze sliding down to my bare feet.

“Oh, they’re in the car. I can—” I squeaked when Prince suddenly bent down and lifted me into his arms.

Naya’s eyes widened and filled with all kinds of playful thoughts she kept from rolling off her tongue.
Thank God
. I held on to his neck as he carried me toward his car, a thin smile adding a curve to his mouth.

“My apologies, but in your condition, I can’t chance your taking a spill on the hard concrete.”

“Let me assure you, Prince, that I may be human, but it would take more than a tumble on the street to shatter me.”

I glared around his shoulder at Naya, who was following behind, swinging my shoes between her fingers with a catlike grin on her face. She winked and I gave her my best narrow-eyed scowl. One that cautioned her not to say anything, because everyone knew that Naya wasn’t a woman who liked to keep her mouth shut when mischief was on her mind.

“You really know how to sweep a girl off her feet,” she added.

I felt more than heard the deep rumble of laughter in Prince’s chest. His alpha aura wrapped around me like a cloak—an undeniable energy that made my hair stand on end and my pulse race a little faster.

Prince helped me into the passenger seat and buckled my seat belt. He smelled like expensive cologne, and I knew this because when he leaned down to latch the belt, my nose rubbed against the side of his neck.

“Wow. This is an elegant car,” I said, marveling over the interior. The seats were leather and the car smelled new.

He turned his head so our noses almost touched. “It’s just an Audi.”

“My pack drives nothing but muscle cars and pickup trucks, so this is a step up.”

Prince leaned back and slammed the door, then took a slow stroll around the front of the car. He was handsome, tall, and had a distinct European look about him I couldn’t place. While I knew he was an ancient, he didn’t look older than his late thirties or early forties at most.

Naya hopped into the back and leaned forward. “Honey, I’ve
seen him look at you that way.”

I snorted and glanced back at her. “I certainly hope not, considering I was a child.”

As soon as Prince got in the car and shut the door, Naya piped up. “I was just telling Maizy about the date I’m setting her up on.”

What the heck?

His eyes settled on mine and it made me shiver. “Is that so? Breed?” The look he flashed me was enigmatic—a look of concern I couldn’t decipher. Maybe it’s because I was drunk and he was afraid I’d get sick in his car.

“A woman like Maizy can have
man she desires,” Naya continued with a provocative purr.

I wanted to recline my seat back on her.


By the time we reached the house, my system was shutting down fast. I remembered only a few snippets of our conversation during the drive, which kind of scared me because I thought at one point I might have been singing REO Speedwagon again. Naya had carried most of the conversation, although about what I couldn’t remember.

“Are you feeling well?” Prince asked, brushing my hair back as he studied me beneath the interior light.

“I just need to lie down.” My stomach gurgled, my head spun, and a flush of heat touched my face.

When I shifted my gaze toward the house, I wanted to crawl in a hole. Denver was standing in the doorway—well, more like leaning against it. His date must have gone well since he wasn’t wearing a shirt and looked rested.

I pushed open my door and got out of the car.

Prince approached me with his arms extended. “Wait a moment. Let me help you inside.”

“Really, you’ve done more than enough.”

Ignoring me, he lifted me off the ground again. Only this time it didn’t feel so romantic. My stomach cramped up and I pressed my hot face against his shoulder. The world was spinning, and my head felt as if it weighed a ton. I’d always been a lightweight when it came to alcohol and never had the good sense to say no after the second drink.

“What the train wreck is going on here?” Denver’s voice was laced with irritation.

“She’s a little tipsy. Nothing to worry about,” Naya said.

Prince walked up the porch steps with ease. I could hear his feet hitting each step, but my eyes were closed and my hair covered my face. I think I also had my arm draped over his shoulder, but the world was spinning and the only thing I wanted to focus on was sleep.

I heard a door creak open. “Spartacus!

“Hey, what about me?” Wheeler complained from inside, shortly followed by the sound of kissing and moaning. “That’s more like it,” he growled in a low voice.

“You can give her to me,” Denver said.

Prince’s grip tightened just a fraction. “Nonsense. Lead me to her bed.”

Denver’s voice thickened and lowered an octave. “I’m not letting you take her to bed.”

“It seems we have a standoff then. She’s in no condition to walk. Would you prefer that I lay her down in the grass so the mosquitoes can feast on her?”

“Give her to me.”

There were a few beats of silence before Prince spoke again. This time his tone was impatient and scornful. “I believe your watchdog duties have ended. She’s of age and no longer requires your protection.”

“Hell will also freeze over before I let you tuck her into bed. You may outrank me, but this is a respectable pack.”

“Let him,” Naya suggested from inside.

Fingers snapped. “Shut it.”

Wheeler cut in. “Watch how you talk to my woman.”

“Wait, wait,” I murmured. “Put me down before you start a pack war.”

I opened my eyes and looked up at Prince, noticing how smooth his shave was. Yet I could still see dark whiskers beneath the surface of his skin.

“Are you sure?”

I nodded lightly.

He drew in a deep breath and set me down. “Very well. Tomorrow I’ll call and check on your condition. Drink water and sleep well, little one.”

Prince bowed and turned away. I hadn’t noticed until that moment he was dressed in a nice grey suit, and that combined with the cologne and clean shave made me realize I must have interrupted his evening plans.

A wolf rushed up the porch and almost knocked me down.

“Hi, Trevor,” I said, letting his wolf lick my hands. He wagged his tail excitedly and then darted across the property until I couldn’t see him anymore. A moment later, a joyous howl filled the night air.

“Have fun?” Denver asked, tapping his fingers on the doorjamb.

“Actually, I had a memorable evening.”

“Sounds like it from your text.”

God, why did I send that?

I stumbled past him and my knees buckled. Denver hooked his arm around my waist and helped me stand up straight. He didn’t carry me like Prince, but let me lean on him while we went up the stairs.

Terrific end to my evening
, I thought to myself.

Halfway up, I sat down on the steps and pressed my face against the cool wood of the banister. “Just leave me here. I’m a mess.”

Denver spoke, amusement in his voice. “You’re a mess all right.” He lifted my right arm and draped it over his shoulder as he leaned down to pull me up again. I groaned, wishing he’d disappear and leave me to my embarrassment. Then I thought about how I needed to get to bed before my mother or Austin found me in this condition. It wasn’t as if the pack hadn’t had their own moments while out at the bar, but I didn’t want them to get the wrong impression of the kind of person I’d become.

“I don’t like the way you smell,” I murmured, my face pressed against his chest.

“Oh yeah? And how’s that?”

“You smell perfumey—like dead flowers. It doesn’t smell like you.”

“You’re talking nonsense.”

“You have a smell! You do,” I said, looking up at him and smiling. “It’s indescribable. I guess everyone has a scent, but Shifters are different.” I drew in a deep and very obvious breath. I didn’t mean to release a moan right after, but it kind of slipped out when my hand rested on his firm abs.

When we reached the top of the stairs, I resisted. “Wait, I need to stop a second. The earth is spinning like a top.”

He chuckled softly. “You’re a lightweight. I thought all they did in England was drink.”

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