Two Shades of Seduction (4 page)

Read Two Shades of Seduction Online

Authors: Monica Burns

Tags: #Romance, #Historical

BOOK: Two Shades of Seduction
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“And you’re willing to put yourself completely into my hands?”


“Are you certain of that? I’ve not earned my title without a great deal of wickedness.” He bit back a smile at the flash of trepidation in her wide eyes.

“Your sexual prowess has always been widely touted in social circles. I doubt you’ve acquired any worse deviant practices while in America.”

The pulse at the side of her neck fluttered beneath her skin. He excited her. A smile tilted his mouth at the knowledge, and he leaned forward until his lips were just a hairsbreadth away from her shell shaped ear.

“I believe you’ll find the social circles are only half accurate. I’m far more decadent than any rumors you may have heard.”

“But since you are not interested in my offer, you’ll not be able to confirm that,” she said in a breathy voice.

“I don’t recall refusing your proposal.” He lifted his head to study her startled expression. “In fact, I think I shall take you up on your offer.”

“You will?” Eyes widen with surprise, her throat bobbed as she swallowed hard. Quentin smiled.

“Yes,” he said with a nod. “I accept your offer to avenge myself in exchange for my family name
my experience.”

The moment his words crossed his lips, the voice of reason shouted its objection. What the hell was he doing? A wife? He’d actually offered to marry one of Townsend’s offspring? He shoved his thoughts aside as he observed Sophie Hamilton closely. She blushed again, clearly at a loss for words under his intent gaze.

Perhaps it was time to try for an heir, and he could do much worse that this delectable creature. And if the woman didn’t give him a child, then his cousin’s brat could inherit for all he cared. A smile tugged at the corner of his mouth as he watched a quick flash of excitement and apprehension cross her face. Her heart had to be pounding fiercely in her breast from the way the pulse on the side of her neck fluttered so quickly. He glanced down at the snug fit of her royal blue habit, which emphasized the size of her bust.

Lust crashed through him as he imagined caressing the firm, plump mounds. It was difficult to believe she was nine years older than him. The thought of all the decadent pleasures he wanted to introduce her to as his wife made him grow hard as a rock. His lips curled into a deeper smile as he pinned her with his gaze.

“So?” He waited patiently as her mouth moved in the most enticing way before she nodded her acceptance. Anticipation snagged his entire body as he smiled at her. “Then we’re agreed. Revenge, in exchange for nights of sinful pleasures. A decidedly decadent proposition.”

Chapter 2

he was mad

Sophie stared into the features of the man who’d just agreed to marry her. What had possessed her to storm the devil in his keep with the outrageous notion that he marry her in exchange for the chance to exact his revenge on her father and Eleanor? Her tongue darted out to lick her dry lips, and Devlyn growled low in his throat. It was a predatory sound.

Arousal skimmed its way through her blood, and she put several feet between them. Not because he intimidated her of course, but because…
Of course, the man intimidated her, not to mention disturbed her. Something about the Earl of Devlyn said his kisses would be potent and heady. Completely unlike the one or two caresses she’d received from Shively.

Devlyn’s mouth tilted upward on one side in that dangerous smile of his. It emphasized his scar, making him look every inch the wicked scoundrel people claimed he was. It also emphasized he was quite capable of breaking her heart if she were to let her guard down. But she would ensure that wouldn’t happen. This was strictly a means to escape her father’s tyranny and experience what it was like to be made love to by a man of Devlyn’s experience.

“Are you having second thoughts, Miss Hamilton?”

“Most certainly not.” She straightened her spine and tilted her head at a proud angle.

“You don’t appear all that certain.”

“And exactly how do I look?”

“Like you’re afraid I’m going to take a bite out of you.” His wicked smile made Sophie scowl at him.

“You exaggerate, my lord,” she snapped.

The swiftness with which he moved caught her by surprise as he pulled her against him. The scent of sandalwood teased her senses as her face came within inches of his. Hard muscles rippled beneath her palms as the white linen of his shirt grazed her fingertips. Even through her riding habit, she could feel the heat of him warming her body.

Her gaze dropped to the buttons running from the base of his throat downward. What would his bare skin feel like against her hands if she were to unbutton his shirt? His forefinger traced her lips, and she trembled at the intimate touch. Was he going to kiss her? The green eyes staring into hers took on a lazy gleam.

“Exaggeration is for the timid, my dear Miss Hamilton, and I’m
from timid. But be assured of one thing. When I take a bite out of you—and I will take a bite, my sweet,” he murmured in a voice that was like sinful velvet against her skin. “I promise you’ll never forget my doing so.”

The words weren’t just an invitation to sin. They held a promise of something she wasn’t sure she would survive. Good Lord, if she didn’t take care, this man could easily rule her heart with just the sound of his voice. His lips brushed over hers in a feathery caress, and she trembled at the touch. She had to do something to restore the balance of power between them.

“And I’m sure you’ll never forget my
you to do so, my lord.” Her words brought a laugh to his lips as he eyed her with amusement.

“Should I be worried your given name is Kate as in Shakespeare’s
The Taming of the Shrew

“No,” she said with irritation. “My name is Sophie.”

“I like how eager you are, Sophie. I suggest we dispense with the formalities of an engagement and marry three days from now.”

Three days
. I don’t think—”

“I have a feeling you think far too much,” he murmured in a voice that made her breath hitch.

His features blurred as he captured her mouth. Hot like a summer day, his lips singed hers. The heat of his kiss simmered and melted its way into her limbs, leaving her with a craving for more. An unfamiliar sensation spread its way through her body, igniting a fire inside her that she didn’t know how to quench. No one had ever kissed her like this before. It made her weak at the knees, and she fought to keep her senses from reeling.

Without thinking, she kissed him back. A growl rumbled in his chest. It was a primitive sound that made her lips part slightly, and instantly his tongue swept into her mouth. The taste of brandy laced its way over her tongue. Although the liquor’s flavor held no fire, it didn’t need to. The way his tongue swirled around hers made up for the lost heat of the brandy. White-heat plundered its way through her veins, and she moaned with delight.

She wanted to sink into him. Mold her body to his and allow him to do whatever he demanded of her. Sweet Lord, this was beyond her wildest, most hedonistic imaginings. She’d never expected to feel so wanton, so eager for a man to take her into his bed. Fear suddenly knifed through her. Restraint. She needed to come to her senses. Desperate to regain control of the situation, she turned her head away from him. Hands splayed across his chest, she pushed against him in an effort to escape.

Immediately, he released her. Devoid of his heat, a chill swept over her. She didn’t like the cold sensation. A craving to feel the warmth of his touch again made her stomach lurch. Still shocked by the wanton feelings he’d aroused in her, Sophie kept her eyes averted. Her breathing was ragged, and her heart was still racing as she endeavored to control the intensity of the sensations he’d stirred to life inside her.

As she struggled with the strength of her reaction to his kiss, she shuddered. She’d responded to his touch like a woman starved for love and affection. The realization made her heart sink. He’d been in jest that they marry. What man would want a woman so much older than him? Just the way he’d pushed her away so abruptly spoke volumes.

After all, she was the daughter of the man who had ruined him. How could he possibly be serious about marrying her? No doubt, he’d merely been toying with her. He’d taken pity on her and given her a taste of what could have been for her if she were much younger.

She straightened her shoulders at the thought. She might be an old maid, but she still had her pride. Pity was the last thing she wanted from anyone, least of all this man. Head held high, she looked at the earl once more. Despite the several feet between them, Sophie noticed how his chest rose and fell rapidly, almost as if he’d been running.

There was an odd expression on his face that vanished the moment he caught her studying him so intently. Perhaps he hadn’t been completely unaffected by their kiss. She dismissed the thought as a wild fantasy.

“This is a mistake,” she said in a quiet, yet firm, voice.

“It’s not a mistake to feel desire.” A dark emotion flashed in his green eyes and made her heart skip a beat.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Don’t lie to me or yourself, Sophie,” he bit out. “You came close to letting me have you on my desk right now.”

The shocking statement made Sophie swallow hard as Devlyn’s gaze bore into her. He was right. If he’d pressed his advantage, she would have surrendered to him without any protest. Sophie shuddered and looked away from his intense gaze. God in Heaven, what was happening to her? Despite being so much older than him, the man made her feel like an innocent, and she was far from that.

She knew what went on between a man and a woman. She’d witnessed it that day in the stables when Eleanor had been rutting with a stable hand. No, the only innocence she possessed was from the actual experience itself.

Innocent or not, she’d been daft to think she could marry a man so much younger than herself. It just wasn’t done. She winced at how foolish she’d been to come here. Determined not to act the fool, Sophie forced herself to look at him again. She expected amusement, but something far darker glittered in his green eyes, and it made her heart pound wildly in her chest.

“I concede that what I felt was…it makes no difference what I felt,” she snapped “My coming here today was a mistake. The arrangement I proposed is ludicrous.”

“Is it? I don’t see how,” he said as he narrowed his gaze on her. “I think it will be mutually beneficial for both of us. In fact, I think it will be even
pleasurable than either of us expect.”

“I am sorry, but it’s impossible. I’m…well I’m far too old for you. I’m certain you need an heir, and the possibility of me…it’s highly questionable as to my ability to…provide you with one. I’m sure you’ve plenty of younger women to select from when it comes to your choice of a bride. One of them would be more capable…suitable when it comes to providing you with an heir. And as I’ve said, there’s the age difference between us. While I’m certain it would be pleas—it’s impossible, it simply won’t work. I can’t give you an heir, and I just don’t think this—”

.” The harshness of his voice scraped a chill down her spine. She would not want to anger this man. She didn’t move or speak as he folded his arms across his chest and glared at her. “I can’t abide prattling in anyone, least of all a woman.”

“I was not prattling,” she snapped then bit her lip as Devlyn arched a stern eyebrow at her. He was right. She had been prattling.

“You have something I want, Sophie. You offered me the chance to take revenge on your father in exchange for my name. We both agreed to our arrangement. You might be having second thoughts, but I don’t intend to let you
my chance for vengeance slip away.”

“But you don’t understand—”

“I understand perfectly. I excite you and that frightens you.” Despite the implacable expression on his face, it was the flash of desire in his eyes that made Sophie’s mouth go dry. She ignored the odd sensation tightening between her legs.

“Now you’re being arrogant,” she snapped. She wasn’t sure if her anger was because he excited her or the fact that he knew it.

“Simply because I’m younger than you doesn’t make me a fool. You might be older, but I have experience beyond anything you can imagine. Experience you covet.”

She flinched at his confident tone. He was right. She was a frightened spinster who was terrified he could excite her so easily until she forgot everything but the way he was caressing her. Even more alarming was the possibility of what this devastating man might do to her heart. His reputation for breaking hearts was well-known to her. It had been painful enough when her father had helped Eleanor steal Andrew from her. Somehow, she was certain that if she developed feelings for Devlyn, losing him would make the anguish she’d experience at Andrew’s betrayal a mere pinprick to heart.

More than that, she hated to admit Devlyn was right. She’d offered him something in exchange for his name. He’d agreed, and honor dictated she could not renege on the offer. The calculating gleam in his green eyes was intimidating. It made her wonder if he could read her thoughts.

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