Two Walls and a Roof (6 page)

Read Two Walls and a Roof Online

Authors: John Michael Cahill

Tags: #Adventure, #Explorer, #Autobiography, #Biography

BOOK: Two Walls and a Roof
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After calling to a lot of houses and getting many refusals, I would have the odd success and I’d make a sale, and feel great ab
out that. Soon I began to
that ‘selling’ was not so bad after all. In fact I bega
n to feel that it was quite al
right to be told ‘no’ a lot of the time, as long as now and again you got told yes as well
. B
esides that, it seemed to be a far nicer job than pulling shoes back from my friends


outstretched hands.

I collected and sold, and moved slowly along up the street, going from house to house and shop to shop, and all the time heading for the top of the town. By then it had begun to mist and turned cold and windy. My sheets were getting wet and I still had more than half the town to do. I wanted to go home, but the thought of the Nan

s sad face kept me going
I had got us some new customers and felt I could get a lot more if I tried, so on I went.

My tactics for selling were simple. I’d have a poo
l sheet in one hand
and a handful of coins clearly visible in the other. That way it looked like many people were actually buying my pools, and what’s more, it seemed to be working for me.  With my shoe bag slung over my shoulder and my pool sheets and coins showing, I looked like a regular little mobile shop.  With each new sale I grew happier and more confident in myself, and on I went. Despite the miserable weather, I began to feel really great, thinking that if one half of the town had given me this many customers, then surely the other half would do the same, and that would be brilliant indeed. I began to imagine Nannie

s face lighting up, all happy and smiling again when I arrived home, ‘loaded’ down with new pool money.

I passed the Convent of
Mercy. No point in going in there
as they never had us mend their shoes, and they didn’t need to gamble for their dinners either.  Then I arrived at the Mill Lane
and there
in the leeway of the high wall
I took shelter from the biting north wind and the rain. I was almost at the halfway point and it was time for a review of my p
rogress. I counted out my money
and adjusted my pool sheets for the final assault on the top of the town.  I can’t recall just how much money I had collected, but I know that at that moment I was very happy about it all
so on I went determined to be a success at this pool selling business, and to hell with the shoe delivering.

A few no’s later and I got to what I think was a grey door, and there I knocked. No one answered, so I knocked again, this time a bit louder as I could hear loud voices coming from inside and a child seemed to be crying as well, so the people were at home. Whether it was from the shouting or the child crying, I don’t know which, but as I knocked again, a strong feeling of unease came over me and I felt it would be better if no one answered the door.

Then suddenly the door was flung open and the doorway was filled with this huge frame of a man. He towered above me. He was big, heavyset, and unfriendly, with a large red head on him. He glared d
own at me and spoke gruffly.  “Y
es… yes, what do you want”. I held out my pool sheet and said, “Would you like to buy a pool…, I’m selling a new lot today sir”.

He looked at me for a moment with a puzzled look on his face, as if trying to recall something, and then he said. “You

Cahill aren’t you
  Then feeling rich from all my successes, I proudly announced, “Yes sir I’m John Cahill, pool seller, selling a lot today”.  Suddenly I felt a very sharp pain in my face, then a kind of blackness came over me, and
the next thing I remembered was
being sprawled on the wet groun
d outside his door. I was dazed and confused
while looking back up at the closed grey door. I recovered quickly only to find that all my sheets and my coins were then scattered all ove
r the street. That towering man was Guard Ryan. H
e had lashed out an
d hit me straight into the face, but
not a punch for sure, as I wa
s not bleeding in any way. I
t was a very hard slap, and that
coupled with the shock of it, had knocked me to the ground. Adding insult to injury, he had slammed the door shut on me and gone back inside. There he left me to search for my coins, for my soaked pool sheets, for my pride
and my self worth, which remained on the ground in Buttevant that day.

As best I could, I gathered up my papers and the scattered coins
, breaking
down into floods of tears as I did so, feeling greatly ashamed of myself for no apparent reason. I know that I cried uncontrollably as I crossed the road, feeling glad of the safety of the other side of the street. I am quite sure that no one ever saw what had just happened to me, but perhaps they did. In any case I got away from that place as fast as I could. I slunk off down the street to Nannie

s house in a terrible daze, all the while trying to un
derstand what had just happened
and why it had happe
ned. I could not figure it out. Al
l I had done
was try to sell him a pool, so
why had he struck me? What had I done so wrong?

When I got in home I threw what money I had collected down on the Nan
’s table
and told her angrily that I was
never again selling pools; then
I immediately went upstairs and began to play with my toy soldiers as if nothing had happened. I never shed a further tear that day, nor did I tell a single soul about it later in life. It was as if by not talking about it, I could deny its reality, and I hoped that the memory might one day go away,
but it never did and never has
because it’s as vivid today as it was all those years ago. In the end I learned to accept it, but in writing this account of my life I have realized an extraordinary thing. In all the years that have since passed by, and in all the times I had later to pass that house, I never once actually walked on the pavement and passed that door again
. I
n over fifty years I have never stood on the spot where it happened.  Subconsciously I chose to walk the road or the other side of the street rather than the footpath.  One day I will face down my fears and walk that footpath again, …but not just yet.

Nannie never
again asked me to sell pools.
I did have to collect them though. Without ever knowing the truth, she felt that
I was no salesman. In her mind
I was a Cahill, and what else could she expect out of that lo
t, sure they were all ‘useless’.
ven her John, and their father, who was stuck inside in bed, was the worst of them all. Many years later, and by a sheer accident, I was to overhear the real story behind Kyrl’s house and the rows with the guard, and it all made sense to me then.

Until recently, my mother never knew what her well meaning act had done to her eldest son, but I think she would still have been against Kyrl’s unnecessary eviction. Today, I believe the memory of that single incident was, and still is, the greatest impediment I face to becoming rich. Since it happened, I have always associate selling of any kind and taking money into my hands with unexpected pain. To this day I still hate that area of my town. It’s all changed now of course and I’m sure that the guard has long since passed over, and may h
e rest in p
eace. With all that I now know about life and who we really are, I have learned that the only real way to release such pain is to forgive the perpetrator, and of course I have done that.  He was probably having a domestic argument when I arrived and he just lashed out at the seed and the breed of someone he understandably hated, and I was in the wrong place at the wrong time.

The real downside for me though
has been that
from that day onwards
I developed a terrible fear of asking for money, no matter how hard I work for it, or how much I deserve it. I know now that it

s very unlikely I’ll ever be a salesman of any kind, and that is a terrible
pity, because on that Saturday
I began to really enjoy the challenge of convincing a customer to buy my pools, and I was already preparing my mind for a second go at the ‘no people’
the following week. Fortunately
traumas like this are not hereditary, and all of my children
have an uncanny self confidence
and belief in their real worth, unlike their father, who had it taken from him many times as a child.

I honestly believe that G
uard Ryan was just like myself, a pawn in the great chess game of life
, who unknowingly
ded me with personal challenges
I needed to face throughout my life. It is said that hindsight is not an exact science, but had I known earlier what I know now, my whole life would have been very different. Then, instead of you reading about struggles, dramas, and dreams, you would surely be reading about a life mirrored on that of my greatest of heroes, Richard Branson.

Christmas t


Each year the approaching Christmas was met with a combination of excitement and dread by us all. I think to thi
s day I still feel the same way. O
f course it’s insane now at this age of my life, but that’s how it is for me. Even though we are going through the worst economic period in our history, where our little country has been bankrupt by gr
eed and corruption on all sides;
by comparison to the late fifties, we live almost in Heaven. It’s a wonderful experience to go back in my memory to some of those Christmases even though some of those times were quite bad.

My earliest memory was one year both Kyrle and I got the gift of a set of boxing men each. They were worked by a small rubber pump in the shape of a ball. The boxing men boxed each other as long as you pressed the pump, but that was the entire extent of their movement. We could not even have a boxing match between us, b
ecause each toy had its two men
on the same pump, so we could not fight each other. Pretty soon I wanted to know how they worked and I prized off the little rubber ball from its connecting pipe. I blew
into the pipe and the men moved.
Kyrle did the same thing. After a few minutes of this blowing we got tired of it, but then the pumps would not go back on the pipes and our toys were ruined and useless. That was all we got that year and the present lasted a whopping ten minutes.

Another year we got a Christmas stocking made from some kind of mesh stuff. This was great. It had card games of Ludo, Drafts and the inevitable and brilliant Snakes and Ladders with a little dice for throwing. I think also it came with a bar of chocolate and a catapult. We got immense satisfaction from these simple toys and I always loved the Christmas stockings ever since. Today of course it’s more like a Christmas sack that kids get, and it’s filled with electronics of unimaginable entertainment, yet I bet most real childr
en get more fun from the box tha
n the gift inside. One year we got an amazing toy. It was some kind of small round plastic pole that had an elastic band inside attached to a propeller. As you wound it up and let it go
it actually flew way up in the air. I loved it and so did Kyrle
but I only remember one of them. We played with this for hours
maybe days even, before it flew up onto the roof and may still be there for all I know. I tried to make one of these flying machines later but could never get the propeller right. Since then, flight has fascinated me. Just how
did this twisted plastic shape
grab the air so well as to be able to lift itself. This was a question I asked everyone over and over and never got a convincing answer either. Eventually I would find the answer in what I called my Knowledges. These were a weekly magazine that became an encyclopedia when all one hundred or so were collected. Uncle Michael religiously gave me the shilling every week to buy my book and they taught me almost everything I know, and on Christmas there was a double issue which was the best of all gifts.

I would say I was about eight when that particular Christmas we got a big toy fire engine between us. It had a long ladder and a little fireman who would climb up the ladder by magic. The only problem was that it was one fire engine between two boys and who would be allowed drive it. Mother had some kind of lino on the kitchen floor and we soon discovered that if you raced the engine along the lino
it would somehow gather speed and fly across the floor. We couldn’t figure out how it did this. For a good bit of the day we played back and forth
but in the end the
curiosity got the better of us
and we decided to rip it up to see what made it go. Father had a drawer in the back kitchen where he kept all kinds of little tools. It didn’t take long before we got at the body of the engine with screwdrivers and a pliers, and soon we had it in bits. It was never the intention to destroy our wonderful toy
we just wanted to see what made the wheels go. We kept stripping until soon we were down to the mechanism. This mechanism was a kind of box of cogs
axels and a big heavy wheel. We studied it up and down and soon an argument developed as to what the heavy flywheel did. I was sure it was the driving force and Kyrle thought I was wrong. So I said if we take it out and it still works then I’m wrong. More ripping took place and suddenly the wheel and a load of cogs flew out all around us. I think there must have been a coiled spring buried inside the box, so now we were in trouble, because nothing we did would get it back together again. I blamed him and he blamed me and tempers flew. We started to really argue and a punch up began. At some point in the fight he grabbed the heavy flywheel which had caused all the trouble, and threw it at me. I ducked and it went clean through the glass pane in our kitchen door. By then it was definitely time for me to beat a retreat over to Nannie

s, because this was going to get very bad. The fire engine was in bits
being hardly a day
old, and the window was broken.
I don’t know how Kyrle got out of it
but I’m sure he blamed me, as mother came over in a rage to complain me to Nannie. I had spun my own tale to her and she told mother to
“Clear out of my house and don’t darken my door again
” her usual retort to my mother when she wanted to be rid of her.


Another year the father had taken up teaching music to some children. He had been at this for some months prior to the Christmas period, and it gave him some extra spending money
keeping the G
uinness family in funds via Kit

s bar. I have no doubt at all that he was a great teacher, because he was. He had an infinite patience, capable of going over and over the children’s mistakes until they got it right. One such child was a farmer’s son who could never get it right, no matter how long he played for. Even I got so fed up listening to the same scale being played wrongly over and over again that I used to shag off when that boy would arrive. Mother too would be out on purpose when that child arrived and we all wondered how the father stuck him, but he did.

Probably in preparation for the dreaded Christmas dinner, mother made a deal with the boy’s father to pay our father with a goose
, not cash. T
hat way she was at least guaranteed the Christmas dinner, and perhaps the thought of a goose for the feast was the real reason father persisted. The weeks passed
and in those days she used to do part time work as a barmaid in the same Kit Roche

s pub that father was supporting so well. By then i
t was almost owned by my father
because of his drinking habits.  A few days before the Christmas, the farmer arrived with his goose in an old canvas bag. The goose was alive and was flapping about
probably suspecting what lay ahead. Mother was over in Kit
’s working
and father was out, and as no one was at home
the farmer just dropped the bag inside the door and left. Father arrived home first, saw the goose in its bag and totally ignored it, and retired to his bed. Much later
the mother came in as well. Her arrival scared the poor goose from its sleep and once again it began flapping about in the bag. Being no farmer, my mother thought
“Oh that’s too cruel to the poor goose, sure I can’t leave him like that
” so she took it outside to our yard and opened the bag so that it could ‘get a bit of fresh air’. It got air alright and I think the goose could not believe its luck, because first chance it got, it flew off over the back wall. Our Christmas dinner, and father’s infinite patience, had literally flown away. Later still when she was taking father a cup of tea, she railed on about
the farmer
and how cruel he was to the poor goose. She’s telling her Henry all about giving it air and opening the bag in the yard, when father realizing the disaster says
“What did you say, did you s
ay you left him out in the yard? …W
ell he’s gone now for sure”
They rushed down to see, and sure enough the goose was literally gone. That year the children of two walls and a roof had a chicken from Gracie, and were very glad of it too. No one ever blamed the mother, there were no recriminations only laughter.  In spite of our adversity, somehow we could all see the funny side of what had happened and the ability to laugh at adversity has remained with us all even today

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