Read TYCE Online

Authors: Shareef Jaudon

TYCE (7 page)

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I grinned a little, "Ahh, Simone. Yeah me and her got along well together." I thought about her and had a pornographic flashback.

, she told me." She teased.

Dallas uncrossed her legs and stood. She took a sip of her drink and walked slowly over to me. Standing in front of me, she unpinned her hair, letting it tumble down. She licked the tip of her finger and pressed the off button on the TV remote. She slowly began moving to her own rhythm as she peeled her dress off. Her body was stunning. Her waist and hips formed a lazy S down her sides. The princess cut diamond pierced in her

belly button matched the ones in her ears. She moved her hips left to right slowly wiggling out of her tight ass dress. Letting it fall to her ankles she stepped out and formed the letter A with her legs. Dallas just stood there open for business and completely naked. She took a long sip from her glass again and pushed the dark liquor passed her lips using her tongue. A little stream of bronze liquor flowed over her chin and trickled down her neck. My dick was pushing against my zipper trying hard to escape. I stood up and placed my hands on her waist, the tip of my tongue was traveling to her neck like an arrow. I tasted the liquor as I worked my way up to her chin. I stood back a little and looked down at her face.

"Damn you fine! You look good as hell…but I can't do it baby." I said shaking my head side to side.

She gently grabbed the back of my neck, pulling me down to her and outlined my lips with the tip of her sweet tongue.

"Baby don't sweat the money, we'd be doing each other a favor. Shit I'd fuck yo sexy ass for free." She placed her hand on my chest.

"Excuse me baby, I'll be right back." I escaped from her sexy grip.

I walked in the bedroom grabbed a robe and three g’s out my bag. I returned to a naked and confused Dallas still standing in the front room. I put the robe around her and gave her the money. I guided her hand inside my jeans and let her grab my throbbing and disappointed dick. I wanted to show her that it wasn't her stopping me at all. Plus that's how gay rumors got started!

She massaged my dick, "Well what's the problem Tyce? I can tell you want me as much as I want you. I aint met a nigga yet that can resist me. And trust me baby...I won't let you down." She said sarcastically.

I backed up and looked in her eyes. "That's exactly why I can't fuck you. I don't mix business with pleasure and I have somethin’ else in mind for you." I said calmly. "Since I paid for your company tonight, let's talk. I want your attention, not your pussy."

I grabbed my drink and lit a cigarette, offering her one. She took it and leaned in my direction so I could light it for her. She sat back down on the couch and crossed her legs, ignoring her wide-open robe. She put the cigarette to her lips, tilted her head back, and blew smoke in the air.

"What's on your mind?" She asked smiling at me.




Guess Who's Coming To Dinner



Angelique stood out on her balcony sipping a “
When she was 18 years old she'd moved in with Biz, after learning more about his personality and herself, she decided to secretly rent a condo just in case she needed to get away. Standing there in the evening sun, alone, she was glad she did. However, she knew her name was in the streets. Biz wouldn't tell anyone what she did, for fear of losing respect. What he would do was have people looking for her. She had to figure out her next move. She had plenty of people too turn to, but none she trusted and not one that could handle a situation like this. There was one person that she thought she could trust. She downed the rest of her beer snatched her keys and left as the sun was fading; 20 minutes later, she was in front of his house. She reassured herself silently that this was the right move as she parked in the driveway.

Angelique stood in front of the door, debating if she should knock, "Fuck it," She said knocking on the door.

"Jus’ a minute." A female voice sang.

Moments later a woman wearing a G-string bikini

opened the door. The woman just stared at her with piercing eyes, bulging with attitude.

Amused, Angelique asked, "Is Omar here?"

"Who tha fuck are you?" The doorman snapped.

Holding back her laugh Angelique answered, "A friend."

"What kind of muthafuckin’ friend!" She asked crossing her arms.

"Look bitch, I don't want him, I wanna see him. Now get ya fake “
ass in there and get him."

"Tasha, who is it?" Omar yelled from the back yard.

Angelique struck a model pose as Tasha stepped aside so he could get a better look. Omar instantly recognized the woman he dreamed about fucking since high school. Dreaming was all he would do; he still thought Angelique was bad news.

"Yo baby, let her in." He ordered.

Angelique walked pass Tasha looking straight ahead.

"Bitch." Tasha hissed.

"That you
wanna fuck with," Angelique retorted.

Omar was sitting in the hot tub on the patio. Angelique spotted a chair and sat. Tasha threw her hips east to west harder than she had to as she approached the hot tub and slowly climbed in. She possessively rubbed Omar’s chest and kissed the lion head tattoo on his neck.

"What brings you here girl?" He asked enjoying the attention.

"I need to ask you somethin’."

"Wasup?" He said curiously.

Angelique was suddenly nervous. Maybe it was because she didn't know what he would say after she asked.

She licked her lips, "I need to know where Tyce lives. I also need his phone number. Trust me, I wouldn't ask if it wasn't important."

Angelique was aware that Tyce never let anyone know where he rested. The only person that knew the address to the bat cave was Omar. Biz kept Tyce's phone number private, so she didn't have that either. Tyce was the only person she could think of when it came to trust and who she knew wasn’t afraid of Biz. Therefore, she had to ask Omar and hope he cooperated.

Omar studied her, "You good?" He questioned.

"Yes, I jus’ need to see him that's all." She offered.

“Ok…I was jus’ askin’ ‘cuz you got a bruise on your face.” Omar cocked his head to the


Tasha giggled, “Yeah bitch who whooped yo


Angelique didn’t flinch a bit, “It’s nothin’ I can’t handle…are you gonna help me or not, I really need to talk to him.”

"Yo, I can't give you tha spot, but I'll give you his cell number. If he wants you there, he'll let you know. That's the best I can do ma." Omar said sensing her drama.

"Thanks O." Angelique said relieved.

Tasha tried to kill Angelique with her eyes. How the fuck is this bitch gonna come up in here and get Tyce's number, just like that. She had been crushing on Tyce for months and he never paid her any mind. So she snagged the next best thing, his best friend.

The black Jag pulled up slowly and rolled to a stop in the circular driveway. As soon as she left Omar's, Angelique quickly dialed Tyce's number and asked could she come by. He immediately gave her directions without any questions. Now she was nervous as she looked out her window and seen him standing on his porch. Her pussy smiled as her eyes took in the gorgeous view; he was wearing red sweats and a red wife beater. The tattoos on his thick arms were highlighted by the

overhead porch lights; it was like he was on stage

in front of his own house. The tight fitting shirt grabbed his muscular chest and tapered along his torso. One-carat studs sparkled in his ears trying to compete with his smile. He walked down the steps and opened her door for her. As soon as she stood up, he gave her a huge warm hug lifting her off her feet.

"What was that for?" She asked pleasantly shocked.

"That was for the vests! That shit was a life saver...literally." He said sincerely.

"I aim to please." She said girlishly.

He grabbed her by the hand and walked toward the house, "You know you're the first woman to be at my crib." He said pointing at the house.

"I know." Angelique said grinning.

He looked at her once they were under the light of the porch and appreciated her sexiness. She wore tight ass jeans with slits in the back and front thighs. Her 34C's were covered by a blue and white shirt that said DIVA in rhinestones and her body was elevated by cream and blue stilettos. Sexy yet simple. He moved his attention upward and paused.

"What the fuck happened to your face?" He asked turning her cheek.

 Angelique forgot about the bruise on her cheek

and turned her head in embarrassment. She wasn't the type of chick to be abused and she was not happy about it.

"Biz had a pimp moment and hit me. I left his ass right after though. But not before I made his ass pay!"

"That muthafucka! What you do, stab his ass?"

"No I robbed his ass!" She said hatefully.

"That's what the fuck I'm talkin’ ‘bout. Don't hit him in his face, hit em in his pockets." I approved.

"So you kinda get why I'm here? I know he's looking for me, and I didn't want to be alone. Do you mind if I stay here for a few days to clear my head?"

"Naw I don't mind, take as much time as you want. As a matter of fact, I'm glad you came. I need to talk to you about somethin’."

"Okay." She said easily as they walked inside.

Standing in front of him, she finally granted her pussy's request and kissed his cheek.

"Thank you Tyce."

"It aint nuthin’ girl. Now let's put a beer in ya hand and one on ya bruise. We gotta get that swelling down. I got plans for you."

The two sat at the kitchen table eyeing each other admiringly. Deep inside his chest, he was pissed that Biz had hit her but his emotions were expertly concealed.

"So, you really left that nigga huh? You sure you aint jus’ mad at what happened? Maybe you still got your door open for an apology with some shiny shit attached to it?" I tested.

"Hell naw! Fuck Biz, I
trying to shake his ancient ass...he served his purpose, now I'm ready for somethin’ new." She shot back flirtatiously.

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