Tying One On (3 page)

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Authors: Wendi Zwaduk

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

BOOK: Tying One On
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The boys liked her because she didn’t intrude on their sexual relationship—or at least she hadn’t until now. When she’d introduced Steve and Ronan, she swore she wouldn’t put her heart on the line or play the jealous role. She’d be the best friend they needed. The whole time she’d been lying to herself. The romantic relationships with each of them weren’t going to happen, but her heart was very much involved. She’d never fallen out of love with either of them—Steve or Ronan.

Tears pricked behind her eyes. They wanted to make her their third, but for how long? She wanted longer than a simple night, but who the hell was she to want something she couldn’t have? They were the match made in heaven. She only served as the interloper.

She cleared her throat to keep the tears at bay. They wanted her as a friend and, damn it, she’d be the best friend she could be. She’d also cherish this evening for the rest of her life.

Trista didn’t say much as Ronan and Steve bedded the horses down. She should’ve helped. When she tried to jump in and remove the saddles, one of the boys would nudge her out of the way. If they wanted to do all the work, then fine. She’d let them.

She plopped onto a bale of straw and rested her head in her hands. She’d been doing too much over-thinking and worrying. Their time together was about having fun and making memories.

“There you are.” Steve sat beside her. “We couldn’t have worn you out that much.” He nudged her, bumping shoulders. “Did we?”

He’d always been the more sensitive of the pair. She smiled and forced herself to tamp down the sadness growing in her gut. “Nope. I’m good.”

“I don’t believe you.” He held her tight. “But the second part will make you happy.”

“Second part?” She liked that they hadn’t forgotten their plan.

“Sure,” Ronan replied. “You didn’t think we’d fuck and run? We’ve got the whole night.”

“I believe we do,” she said.

“Up.” Ronan offered his hand. “I don’t know about you two, but I’m starving. Let’s get some chow.” He strode ahead of them and left the barn before Trista and Steve reached the main aisle.

“Chow it is.” Steve shrugged. He clasped her hand and walked beside her to the doors. “Give me a moment to lock this. The coyotes are bad this time of year. I hear they got a foal at the Sauters’ place.” He frowned. “I don’t want to do the critters harm, but the horses aren’t dinner.” He twisted the key in the lock then rattled the door. “Perfect.” He offered his arm. “Ready?”

“As I’ll ever be.” She fell into step beside him. The house wasn’t far from the barn, but in the moonlight the buildings seemed miles away. Her thoughts got the best of her. “I know we’re all still friends, but what changed?”

“What do you mean?” Steve stopped in the clearing, the moonlight illuminating their faces. “About the sex?”

“That and including me. You and I had a decent break-up—if you can call any break-up decent—but there were some seriously hurt feelings between me and Ronan. I don’t want to jeopardize what you two have because you feel sorry for me.” Her voice caught and she stared at the ground. “I’d better go.”

“Not a chance.” Steve cupped her face in both hands, forcing her to look into his eyes. “Tonight is a special night. We didn’t ask you here out of pity or because we wanted to dick around with a woman. You’re our best friend. If there’s any pussy we want, it’s yours.”

That statement made her feel so much better. She sighed. “Steve.”

“Ever since Ronan and I got engaged, he’s been freer. He’s open to more and definitely not as tense. I don’t know what changed but I’m not complaining.” Steve rested his forehead on hers and encircled her in his arms. “We’ve talked about bringing you into our bed for a while. I brought the idea up.” He chuckled. “Guess I never quite got over you.”

“I didn’t get over you, either.” She smoothed her palms up his muscular chest. “Being friends has been murder.”

“On all three of us.” He paused and drummed his fingers on her lower back. “I dropped the suggestion of you before Ronan popped the question. I figured there wasn’t any sense in asking for something he couldn’t give. Then he changed his mind. Like I said, I don’t understand all of what’s going on, but I’m also not questioning it. He’s the man in my heart. You’re our best friend. It’s not a bad pairing.”

Not yet.

“We said we wanted all night with you. Give him that time. He may tell you what the deal is and he may not. At least be open if the chance comes along.”

“That I can do.”


Ronan stood in the shadows of the kitchen and watched his lover and his friend in the yard. If he’d been a jealous man, he’d have worried about them lingering so long. He knew his boyfriend too well. Steve liked men and women, but his heart belonged to Ronan. But when they embraced too long, his heart broke a little. Steve and Trista’s connection was still strong. He felt that connection deep in his gut. She said she’d moved on, but none of the men she dated made her happy—especially Chad.

Ronan groaned. He hated thinking about her lousy ex. She deserved better.

Memories of his own romantic relationship with Trista filled his head. He’d lied to her and said he didn’t know what he wanted. What a crock of shit. He knew all along what he needed—two people to share his bed. Most women didn’t want to share and most guys only wanted to share for a night or two. Those who might have accepted his proposition would’ve told him to pick one person in the end.

Not Trista—or rather, he’d never given her the chance to say yes or no. He’d given up in order to spare her feelings. At the time he’d told himself he was doing the right thing. Yet another farce. He’d been protecting himself.
Don’t let anyone too close so no one gets hurt.

He’d dealt Trista the harshest blow of all by leaving her.

Then he’d met Steve. Trista said they’d be great together. She wasn’t wrong. He and Steve connected right away and he convinced himself just one person would be enough in his heart and his life.

But Trista and Steve had broken off their romantic relationship in an amicable way—probably the same way she would’ve treated Ronan.

He never did understand how she remained friends with the both of them. She should’ve hated their guts.

Ronan scrubbed his hand over his forehead. He’d been crazy to leave her. He’d be even crazier to dump Steve. Steve swore the three of them could be the best he’d ever had. Their love could last…but for how long? She had to love both of them first.

He walked away from the window and headed into the darkness of the living room. He’d never been the one to over-think. Make the decision, plow ahead and eyes on the prize. What the hell was the prize in all of this? A hot night to remember?

The back door clicked then creaked. Two sets of footsteps thunked on the wood floor. Ronan sighed. He wouldn’t have to think for a while. For the rest of the night he’d be in the arms of the two people he cared about, the people he trusted.

Love would happen later.

“There’s our guy.” Steve tugged the tiny pull on the lamp. The running horses on the base of the light fixture glowed, filling the room with soft yellow light. “Thought maybe we’d get a shower. Rinse the day away and start fresh.”

Trista hung back in the doorway. She gripped the wooden frame. “At least get the smell of horses and sex off our bodies.”

Ronan nodded. “Sounds great.” He left his perch on the couch and strode past Steve and Trista.
Keep the calm exterior.
Don’t let them see him crack or worry.
He took a deep breath then let it flow out of him. “I meant to show you the new showerhead I installed. You’re going to love it.”

“So that’s what you were doing this morning.” Steve snuggled up behind Ronan, stopping him in the hallway. “You made it rain, didn’t you?”

“I did.” Ronan beamed. He enjoyed treating Steve from time to time and installing the expensive showerhead from the ceiling, made to rain down on the user, fit the bill. He walked his lover into the master bedroom. “I want to see you strip. Both of you.”

He folded his arms and watched the show.

Trista stepped behind Steve. She grinned over his shoulder and reached around his body. She kissed his bicep. While she kept her gaze on Ronan, she popped the button on Steve’s jeans. At the same time, Steve rubbed his palms over his bare chest. He closed his eyes and groaned.

“Take off his pants,” Ronan coaxed. “Show me everything.” He wiped his sweaty hands on his jeans legs. The two people he craved were performing for his enjoyment—what could be better.

Trista nodded. She whipped Steve’s shirt over her head. Her breasts jiggled and her hair fell in tousled hanks about her face. She sashayed past Steve and when she grabbed the front of his pants, she yanked.

Steve’s nipples beaded and the muscles in his chest tightened. His cock twitched. He kicked out of his boots, socks and jeans, leaving him totally bare.

“Yeah, baby.” Ronan stepped forward.

He wrapped his fingers around the back of Steve’s neck and kissed his lover. The feel of his hard body turned him on. While he kissed Steve, he reached for Trista. She dug her nails into his forearm and nuzzled his shoulder.

His heart beat for Steve, but having the both of them in his arms…he felt complete.

Her hair tickled Ronan’s arm. He broke the kiss with Steve and cradled Trista to his chest. “We should head into the bathroom if we’re going to shower.” He walked the three of them into the room adjacent to the bedroom.

Steve untangled first and made her way to the shower stall. He twisted the knob, turning on the water. “Good thing we had the rain installed.”

“Rain?” Trista’s gaze vacillated between them.

“New shower head.” Ronan opened the fly of her jeans. He eased the tight denim past her hips. “When you’re in the stall, it feels like you’re standing in the middle of a rainstorm.”

“Ooh.” She shivered and grasped his shoulders.

Ronan removed her riding boots, then her jeans, socks and panties. The sweet smell of her arousal filled his nose. He’d tasted her juices. Soon he’d be balls deep in her cunt once more. He slid his middle finger between her nether lips.

He nodded to Steve. “Climb in,” Ronan instructed. “Don’t want to waste water.”

“Wouldn’t want that,” Steve replied, a smirk on his lips. He twined his fingers around Trista’s wrist and helped her beneath the spray.

Good thing he’d built the shower for more than two people. Ronan hefted his shirt up over his head. The farmhouse had been built over a hundred years before, but the open layout suited his purposes to a tee. The master suite took up nearly the whole second floor. When he and Steve had renovated, he insisted on lining the shower stall with granite tiles, and a bench along the far wall. He stepped out of his pants. The bench would be mighty handy tonight.

When he joined Steven and Trista, his partners were already soaped and glistening. “You started without me.”

“A small head start.” Trista shrugged.

A dollop of soap slipped down her shoulder and over her breast. She reminded him of a shimmering goddess. Steve shook his head, sending droplets of water from his hair onto the shower walls. The man embodied the looks of a god. Where the hell did he fit into this twosome? He wasn’t good looking—not by a long stretch. His time with the horses showed in the various scars on his body. The divot above his right eye marred his brow. He wore his hair to cover the mark, but the memory remained. Would the painful past he shared with Trista come to mind and ruin things?

“Come here, stud,” Trista purred. “We want to show our appreciation.”

She and Steve knelt at Ronan’s feet. Both gazed up at him.

Ronan threaded his fingers into Steve’s hair then massaged the top of Trista’s head. His demons and self-doubt could wait. He had the people he cherished wanting to please him. “Appreciate away,” he murmured. “As long as you’d like.”

Chapter Four




Trista and Steve massaged Ronan’s aching muscles beneath the heated spray of water. Ronan braced his shoulders against the wall. He couldn’t have asked for more.

Except maybe Steve’s mouth on his dick.

Steve lathered a washcloth then rubbed the bubbly soap over Ronan’s lower belly. He took care to scrub Ronan’s aching dick and balls. Ronan’s skin tingled. The sensual touch turned him on and made him crave more.

He stood silent as Trista and Steve rinsed his body. Instead of a playful shower, the steam between the three of them matched the warmth billowing from the water. Trista licked her lips then kissed Ronan’s upper thigh. She wrapped her fingers around his erection.

The gentle pressure spiked the temperature in Ronan’s body. He gripped her hair. “Suck me.”

“I will.” She smiled up at him.

First, her breath fanned over the length of his dick. When she reached the bulbous head of his cock, she flicked her tongue. The soft velvet of her mouth resonated to his core. She sucked him into her wet heat.

Ronan couldn’t think. He closed his eyes and groaned. He’d forgotten how she felt when she gave him oral sex. Trista scraped him with her teeth then moved to his balls. She curled her tongue along his sac and hummed.

“Holy shit,” he murmured and opened his eyes. Ronan glanced down at her, entranced by her.

Trista attended to Ronan’s testicles and Steve flattened his tongue along the bottom side of Ronan’s erection.

Another groan ripped from Ronan’s throat. He’d been in his share of ménages, but nothing compared to Trista and Steve. The two worked in perfect harmony. When one took a break from sucking his dick, the other swooped in to keep Ronan hard.

Steve nibbled on one side of Ronan’s cock and Trista kissed his dick, too.

“Touch each other,” Ronan coaxed. He couldn’t have all of the fun. Besides, seeing the two of them between his legs turned him on and on.

Trista rested on one knee and slid her right hand between Steve’s legs. She pumped her fingers on his dick in time with bobbing her head on Ronan’s shaft.

“Fuck,” Steve moaned. He tipped his head backwards. “That feels like fucking heaven.”

“Come here.” Ronan grabbed Steve’s hand and hoisted him to his feet. He wrapped his arm around his lover. No delicacy, just raw passion. Ronan captured Steve’s mouth in a kiss. “I love you,” he said then feathered more kisses over Steve’s face.

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