Tyler (19 page)

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Authors: C. H. Admirand

BOOK: Tyler
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Emily grabbed a hold of the shoe, spiked heel pointed out, intending to do major damage. “Ready.”

“You go first,” Jolene nodded toward the still dark hallway.

Emily stopped and glared at her cousin. “Throwing me under the bus already?”

Jolene shook her head. “My elbow’s still stiff. You’ve got the use of both arms and can swing your weapon to inflict maximum pain.”

Their gazes met and held. “OK,” she agreed.

Jolene nodded but didn’t move out of the way. Side by side, as they’d faced more than one enemy in the past, the cousins walked toward the kitchen.

As they drew closer, Emily moved to stand in front of Jolene. “You’re supposed to be behind me, Jo,” she whispered. “I’ve got a better chance of clocking them on the back of the head.”

Worry creased her cousin’s forehead. “And if that doesn’t slow them down?”

Unease skittered up Emily’s spine, chilling her to the bone. Ignoring the goose bumps, shaking off the feeling, she rasped, “Then you run like hell for help.”

Jolene grabbed a hold of the strap of Emily’s chemise. Em paused, waiting. Jolene whispered, “I’ve got your back.”

And just like that, Emily’s fear melted. Clutching her weapon, she pushed the door open and rushed at the figure. Determined to make her one shot count, she raised her arms up over her head and brought her weapon down.

The intruder spun around, grabbed her wrist, and squeezed it hard, forcing her to drop the stiletto before pinning her arms behind her. Adrenaline sprinted through her system. Panting from exertion and fear, she couldn’t quite catch her breath. Squinting to see in the darkness didn’t help until she was yanked forward against a rock-hard chest. Recognition slammed into her with the force of a blow.



With the flick of a switch, the room was bathed in the soft glow of incandescent light. Jolene stood with her hands on her hips and a pair of black velvet stiletto pumps at her feet.

“What the hell are you doing?” Tyler demanded.

With her breathing semi-normal, Emily bit out, “Protecting our club.” Glaring up at him, she turned his words back on him. “And what the hell are you doing sneaking up here in the dark?”

Still plastered against him, the hard planes of his body set off a series of sparks beneath her skin that threatened to flare out of control. Needing to calm down, she looked up at him and asked, “Well?”

“I was halfway to the ranch when I realized I didn’t want to spend the night without you, Emily.”

“Damn,” Jolene swore. “Good answer, cowboy.” She turned and walked back to her room. “See y’all in the morning.”

Emily reached for Tyler’s hand and looked up at him. “Hey there.”

He smiled. “Hey yourself.”

Noticing the shadows beneath his eyes, she reached out to cup his cheek in her hand. “You look dead on your feet.”

When he shrugged in answer, she tugged on his hand and smiled. “Come on, let’s go to bed.”

Tyler stumbled and caught himself before tripping. He’d been this tired before, but the need to touch her, press up against her until they were flesh-to-flesh and heart-to-heart overrode his need for sleep.

Following where she led, he looked at the door as she closed it and grinned. “If that door could talk.”

Her laughter was low and sweet. “The tales it could tell.”

He sat down on the bed and pulled off his boots. They hit the floor with a thud and just lay there. For a heartbeat, he wished he could do the same.


Emily’s hand on his arm, shaking him, woke him. “Shoot, Em. I’m sorry. I—”

“Let me help you with that.” She unbuttoned his shirt and helped slide his arms free. “I don’t know how you can work all day at the ranch and then come into town and work for us. How long do you think you can keep this up?”

She’d urged him to his feet and had managed to get him out of his jeans while he’d been wondering where he’d get the strength to manage the task alone. “Thanks.”

Her smile did things to his insides that he wished he had the energy for.

“Come on over here,” she coaxed. “I’ve got this need to hold you tonight.”

“Em,” he rasped. “I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I’m too tired—”

She touched the tip of her finger to his lips. “Shhh. I just want to hold you.”

With Emily’s help, he made it to the bed before he fell asleep on his feet. Good as her word, she wrapped her arms around him and pulled his back against her soft, sweet skin. “So good. Lord, you feel like heaven.”

Pressing her lips to his shoulder, she soothed, “Close your eyes, Tyler. I’ll be here when you wake up.”

When Tyler opened his eyes, the sun was shining and Emily was smiling down at him. “Good morning, lover.”

He grinned up at her.

“How’d you sleep?”

He laughed. “Like a rock.” Running his hands over her shoulders, he rolled and pulled her beneath him, nuzzling her neck. “Thanks for not making me feel like I was a disappointment.”

She snorted. “News flash, babe. I’m not such a nymphomaniac that I’d expect you to perform when you’re so obviously dead tired.”

“Good to know, Em. I’m glad we can share these intimate details of our lives without hurtling accusations at one another.”

She tilted her head to one side and stared at him, wondering if he was being straightforward or sarcastic. “That wouldn’t be productive.”

He shook his head. “No, ma’am.”

Straightforward. Good. “Soooo,” she said, squirming so that the hard, hot length of him was lined up right where she wanted him. “You up for a quickie before breakfast?”

“I love a woman who can read minds.” He kissed her, a long, deep, drugging kiss and reached for the foil packet she held in front of his face.

Sheathed and ready for action, Tyler gripped her hips, marveling at the womanly curves he’d had the pure pleasure of sleeping with last night. There was something more intimate about falling asleep in your lover’s arms that rushed through him like a hit of whiskey. “Hang on, darlin’,” he warned. “This is gonna be a wild ride.”

Later, over breakfast, they laughed and teased one another like old friends. When Jolene joined them, he got up and cooked eggs for her too.

She thanked him and asked, “Have you heard the latest about Take Pride in Pleasure Day?”

He shook his head and scooped up another forkful of eggs.

“The town council’s voting to change the name of our town.”

Tyler laughed. “Not happening in this lifetime.”

“That’s not what Mavis and Ronnie told us yesterday.”

Tyler sighed. “If you heard it from Ms. Beeton, it’s the truth.”

Emily frowned. “That’s what we were afraid of. Is there anything we can do?”

Tyler thought about it. “I could spread the word to the ranchers. We’ve been known to change a few minds when we get together and ride into town.”

“You’ll help?”

“I’ve lived in Pleasure all my life. Garahans have worked at the Circle G for over one hundred and fifty years; you can take my word to the bank, we’ll help.”

“Thank you, Tyler.” Jolene’s smile was nearly as bright as Emily’s. “I’ve got some paperwork to finish up. You coming, Em?”

Emily turned and smiled at Tyler before answering, “I’m going to be tied up most of the day.”

“See you tonight.” The sound of Jolene’s laughter followed her down the hallway.

“Were you serious, Em?” Tyler didn’t think he could stand working all day with the image of Emily tied to her bedposts stuck in his head.

She grinned. “What if I was?”

“Man.” The burn in his gut matched the ache in his heart. “I’ve got to get back to the ranch.”

Emily stood up and walked over to where he was sitting, leaned down, and kissed him. He pulled her onto his lap. She sat down, shifted to get comfortable, and got his full attention. “Think about me while you’re working,” she whispered, letting her tongue trail around the edge of his ear before nipping at it.

“You know I will.” He groaned as she licked a spot of skin beneath his ear. Fire shot from his neck to his lap. “You’re killing me, Em.”

She chuckled. “But what a way to go.”

“Seriously,” he mumbled, squeezing her to get her to stop, “I can’t be distracted working with the stock. I have to pay attention.”

“Hmmm… OK! How about an image of me wrapped in burlap mucking out stalls.”

His groan came from his heart. “Burlap or cellophane, it doesn’t matter what you wear, darlin’, I’ll already be thinking about you too much.”

Contrite, she apologized. “I’m sorry, Tyler. I don’t want you to get so distracted that you get hurt.”

Mollified, he nodded. “But you still wouldn’t mind if I thought of you while I was taking a break?”

Her smile warmed him from the inside out, and all he could think about was the long hours in between now and tonight when he’d see her again. It wasn’t soon enough for a man about to go under for the third time.

Recognizing the look in Tyler’s eyes, Emily shook her head. “I don’t have time to get busy with you, Tyler. I wouldn’t be able to think straight, and after I balance the books this morning, I’ve got to take inventory.” She slid off his lap and stood up.

“I thought you were going to be tied up?” His confusion was sweet.

“I just hinted at the literal meaning to get a rise out of you.” When his face flushed, she couldn’t keep from laughing. “I just love the way your eyes get all dark and dangerous when you’re feeling hot and bothered.”

He narrowed his eyes and stared at her. She knew he wasn’t happy with that last statement, but she wasn’t finished. “And the way your nostrils flare out when you grab a hold of me right before you—”

“Damn, Em.” Tyler pushed to his feet and reached for her.

Emily shook her head and pressed a hand to his chest. He pulled her to her feet and she sighed. “I didn’t mean to make you crazy.”

“Lord have mercy, darlin’, you’re killing me.”

He laughed, and she was totally taken with this side of him. They were relaxed in each other’s arms, and at ease sharing bits and pieces of their lives, working together toward a common goal. Amazing.

“You’re a complex woman, Emily Langley.”

Charmed, she smiled. “Likewise, Tyler Garahan.”

“So will you let me kiss you goodbye?”

She sighed and smoothed her hands around to his back and pressed against the broad chest she spent the night snuggled up against. “What are you waiting for?” she teased.

He dipped his head and captured her lips. His tongue traced the line of her bottom lip, and she sighed. When his tongue tangled with hers, she fought to keep control or else they’d wind up back in bed and wouldn’t have the time to spend together later. Focusing on just kissing him, she eased her hands up higher on his back. When he groaned, she eased her hold and stepped back.

“We really need to say goodbye.”

“I wasn’t finished saying goodbye,” he grumbled.

She shook her head. “You weren’t talking—”

“Why use words, when deeds are more effective?” Taking her hands in his, he brought them to his lips. “Save some of your sweetness for me, darlin’.”

Emily sighed and leaned into him. “You’re a hard man to walk away from.”

“Not if you’re planning on coming back.”

“One last kiss,” she whispered, pulling him close.

Tyler packed a punch. By the time they’d parted, her legs were weak and her mind was muddled.

“See you later, darlin’.”

“I’ll be there.” Watching him walk away, she shook her head and looked up at the clock… she was already counting the hours until she’d see him again.



He turned around and groaned. He didn’t want to be here today with Linda Lee, but a Garahan always kept his word. Opening the door to the Tasty Freeze, he flinched when his ex brushed against him. He should have told Emily about this.

“Hey there, Tyler,” a gray-haired man called out. “It’s been a long time.”

“Hi, Joe. I’ve been working.”

The old man nodded. “Your grandfather would be right proud of what you and your brothers have accomplished out at the Circle G.” He paused and nodded in Linda Lee’s direction. “I don’t believe I’ve met your girl.”

Tyler shook his head. “We’re just friends, Joe.”

Joe shrugged and said, “If memory serves, you’re partial to butter pecan.”

Tyler grinned. “Still am, but I’m not sure what the lady’ll have.”

Linda Lee spoke up. “I’d like two scoops of the same, please.”

“Coming right up.”

While Joe scooped ice cream into tall sugar cones, Tyler rubbed a hand along the back of his neck to ease the tension building there. Not telling someone something was the same as lying… wasn’t it? The stiffness in his neck was radiating down to between his shoulder blades. When Joe handed them their cones, Tyler thanked him and paid the man. “Where do you want to sit?” Linda Lee swirled her tongue around the top scoop and eyed him suggestively.

He sat down at the first empty table. “Linda Lee,” he bit out, “stop it.”

Tyler couldn’t believe the overtly sexual way his ex was pulling the top of the cone into her mouth. It didn’t have the effect she obviously hoped for. It was a complete turnoff.

“Stop what?”

“I want your word that you won’t stop by the ranch anymore.”

She pouted. Damn, she was going to be difficult. “And I want you to stay away from The Lucky Star.”

She lowered her lashes and looked up at him coyly, then leaned forward trying to distract him.

He shook his head. “Give it up, Linda Lee. I’m still waiting for you to give your word.”

Her eyes met his over the tops of their cones, challenging him.

Tyler shook his head and got to his feet. “I’ve got to go, Linda Lee, and I don’t have time for your games. Just tell me you’ll steer clear of the ranch and The Lucky Star.”

“Whatever you say, Tyler.”

The sugar-sweet tone was more of a warning than the challenge in her eyes. She wasn’t going to go away or give up without a fight.

Damn. He turned on his boot heel and walked away before he said something that would get her going. Once she started harping on something, she wouldn’t let it go. Best to retreat for now. She’d give up eventually… wouldn’t she?

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