Tyler's Undoing (16 page)

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Authors: L.P. Dover

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Women's Fiction, #Contemporary Women, #Romance, #New Adult & College, #Romantic Suspense, #Contemporary Fiction, #Mystery; Thriller & Suspense, #Sagas, #Mystery & Suspense, #Suspense, #Sports, #Gloves Off Series

BOOK: Tyler's Undoing
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Which was true, I wasn’t. Between me and Bree, we only needed about twenty thousand more. After the extra money from Nana we actually had enough to get started, but we wanted to make sure we had plenty of money to keep us comfortable. We didn’t want to be bankrupt before we even got off the ground.

“What will I be doing? Answering phones?” Working with him could quite possibly be the smartest, or the stupidest decision ever. Seeing him every day would definitely be a perk.

Tyler smirked and winked at me. “Yeah, that . . . among other things. I figured you could also help some of the females who come in here, if they need help.”

“What about the men?” I interrupted him, teasing. “They might need help too.”

“Not from you they don’t,” he snarled, his jaw clenching tight.

“But what if they strained a muscle and needed it massaged? Am I supposed to just let them suffer? What kind of person would I be if I didn’t help?”

It took all I had not to smile or laugh, at least until the topic backfired and his mischievous grin came back. “Well, then I guess if one of the ladies comes in and needs a massage I’ll just have to rub them down, won’t I?”

“Ugh . . . fine, you win. I won’t touch any of the men.”

“Now that’s what I like to hear. So are you in?”

“How much will I get paid? I have to know you’re not going to be using me for free labor,” I joked.

Taking my hand, he pulled me up to my feet and put his arms around my waist, drawing me in. “Well, we might want to talk about that. I’m sure there’s going to be times when I need you to stay after hours to help me train.”

“Oh wow, then I’m going to request at least a thousand dollars a week. Not to mention the fifty extra dollars an hour I’m here after hours. Are you sure you can afford that?”

“Is that what you want?” he asked seriously.

When he didn’t smile, I felt like an idiot. “No, I was kidding. I don’t expect you to pay me that much. I want you to pay me what you would with any other employee in the same position.”

His deep chuckle in my ear sent shivers down my body. “Don’t worry, beautiful, you’ll be more than happy with the pay. And if not, I’ll personally make sure to supplement with some extra perks.” He bit his lower lip and pressed into my hips.

“And that right there has me sold. Something tells me I’m going to like your perks.” I stared at his lips and wiggled my hips against him. “So, are you going to show me what to do, you know, how you
things? I don’t want to screw up on my first day.”

Sliding his hands up and down my back, he smiled and let me go. “Don’t worry, I’ll train you well. Tonight, however, we’ll finish the afterhours stuff at my house. That is, if you’re ready. Does that sound good?”

My heart thudded unbelievably hard in my chest as Tyler stared down at me, with the promise of a passion-filled night in his eyes. Everything inside of me clenched, even the spot between my legs that hadn’t been touched by a man in almost two years. I was nervous and terrified, but also excited to take the next step. I wanted him and he wanted me.

“Yes,” I breathed. “I’m ready.”



TYLER SHOWED ME around the gym, where they kept their supplies, and how to work all of the exercise machines. So now, if anyone needed help working them, I knew exactly what to do. The fun started when Bree and Cole showed up. Cole smiled and said hello before strolling off to the practice ring where Tyler stood, wrapping his hands and getting ready to train.

My man was dressed in a pair of green and black fighting shorts, completely bare-chested, showing off his tattoos, and definitely drawing the attention of every female in the gym. I waited on him to acknowledge the ogling stares, but he never once did. Instead, his gaze landed on mine . . . all mine.

“Girl, what are you doing? I’ve been trying to call you all afternoon,” Bree scolded, snapping her fingers in front of my face. “I guess you’ve been too busy with lover boy to remember lil’ ol’ me.”

Breaking our stare, I batted my eyelashes innocently and smiled. Her pigtail braids looked cute framing her glowing face. She was still a little angry about me quitting the bar, but once I told her about the money my grandmother left me, she lightened up quite a bit.

“Tyler’s been a big help, Bree. He and I took a helicopter ride over the Grand Canyon and scattered my grandmother’s ashes today,” I told her somberly.

Gasping, she covered her mouth with her hand. “Oh, my goodness, Kace. I know that couldn’t have been easy. I didn’t mean to sound like a bitch. It’s just I haven’t seen you very much in the last week. I’ve missed you.”

“I’ve missed you too, Bree. Look on the bright side, I got a new job and I’ll probably be seeing you every day.”

“Really? Where?”

“Here,” I chuckled. “Tyler asked me to work for him today.”

“I thought you didn’t want to ever come back here again?” she teased.

“I didn’t, but things have changed now. I can’t describe it, but it honestly feels like things are looking up for once. Not to mention, by the end of the year, we’ll have the money we need to get our restaurant up and going.”

Bree smiled and placed her hand over mine. “I can’t believe it’s about to happen.”

I know.

Over her shoulder, I watched Cole get into the ring with Tyler. Other than watching him on the video a few weeks ago and with his last fight, I hadn’t actually seen him fight in the flesh.

“Your boyfriend’s about to get his ass beat,” I stated, pointing behind her.

Bree groaned and peered at them over her shoulder, shaking her head. “They do this every single day,” she complained, “and every single day, Cole gets hammered. When he fights some of the other fighters he kicks ass, but against Tyler he loses. I don’t know when he’ll ever learn.”

I had yet to formally meet Mr. Rushing, but he was walking around the ring, studying Tyler and Cole’s moves, tapping his finger against his lips in deep thought. When Bree and I approached, Tyler quickly glanced down at me and winked before taking Cole to the mat, grappling with him.

“Come on, Cole!” Bree yelled. “I’ll give you a blow job if you beat him!”

Instead of fueling him to win, it caught him off guard and Tyler took that moment to lock him in an arm bar. Cole reluctantly tapped out and collapsed onto the mat.

“No BJ’s for you,” Tyler joked, picking on him. “Maybe she’ll give you a consolation hand job, bro.”

“Oops,” Bree mumbled, “Cole’s going to be pissed now.”

Snarling, Cole got to his feet and got into position. “Again,” he snapped. “One of these days I’m going to make you tap out.”

Sweaty and looking sexy as hell, I couldn’t look away from Tyler even if I wanted to. He was so confident in the ring, focused. Watching him fight was thrilling and erotic. I could picture those bare arms wrapping around my naked body, holding me on him . . . claiming me.

My center clenched just thinking about it.

“Do I need to pick your mouth up off the floor?” Bree whispered, chuckling. “Haven’t you had sex with him yet?”

“No, not yet. I think it’s about time though. He’s been patient with me. Besides, after watching him fight just now, I think my vag would disown me if I didn’t give her something to play with.”

“Oh my God, girl! You are so bad.” We broke out in laughter, leaning on one another. After calming down, she continued, “Yeah, Cole’s been really shocked with the way Tyler’s been around you. He says Tyler has
been like this with a girl, not even Gabriella. I think you’ve got something there.”

I think so too, but . . .

“What about his past? I can only imagine the types of things he’s done. Do you think that kind of stuff really molds a person? I mean, you don’t think he’ll want to go back to fucking a bunch of women for fun?” I asked hesitantly.

“Not if he finds the right girl, Kace. And it’s looking like he’s already found her.”

It still didn’t help with my situation. I hadn’t slept with a bunch of men, but I had a brother who was Tyler’s ultimate enemy. Would he be able to look past that and still believe I am who I am? That I’m not the same as my brother.

Tyler’s father, Steven, kept his trained eyes on the guys but also managed to meander over, side by side with me and Bree. He was dressed in a pair of dark denim jeans and a navy T-shirt with the gym logo on it.
I wonder if I’ll have to wear those when I really start working.

Taking his eyes off of the guys, he smiled at me, extending his hand. “Kacey, it’s good to finally meet you. Tyler’s been telling me all about you.”

Firmly, I took his hand and shook before letting go. “I hope it’s all good things,” I replied with a chuckle. “Thank you for the opportunity to work here. I really appreciate it.”

“You’re welcome. I’m assuming he’s told you about his fighting?” he asked, pointing up into the ring.

“Oh yes, of course. He looks good up there.”

“That he does,” he remarked. “For the past week he’s been doing even better than usual. I don’t know if it’s because of you, or if he’s finally getting his head on straight. Either way, it’s a good thing. Make sure he keeps it up, would ya?”

I wish Tyler could’ve heard those words. “I will,” I promised. “He’s an amazing fighter. I have no doubt he’ll win the title this season.” Steven stared longingly at the ring and then at his boxing gloves hanging like a shrine where the trophy cabinet sat. There were at least fifteen trophies in there, all glistening and shiny underneath the soft glow of the lights.

“I hope so,” he murmured, smiling over at me. “I truly hope so.”

As if the moment was over, Steven shook his head and climbed up into the ring. “Come on guys, stop being pussies and attack.

Tyler chuckled and rolled his eyes. I could tell he was trying to take it easy on his friend.

Steven, however, smacked Cole on the head. “Wake up, Cole! If you ever want to beat my son, you have to work harder than this,
than this. Focus!”

Cole was spent, breathing hard, and just trying to keep up with Tyler’s movements. It was all over when Tyler took him down to the mat. Two seconds later, Cole tapped out. They both got to their feet and smacked gloves, laughing now that all was said and done.

If that was my brother up there, he’d be looking for the easiest way to land a cheap shot. He wasn’t a fair fighter with his opponents, or his friends. It was refreshing to see Tyler and Cole be able to beat the shit out of each other and stay on good terms.

While Tyler stayed behind to talk to his dad, Cole jumped out of the ring and scooped Bree up into his sweaty arms, giving her a quick kiss. “I’m going to hit the showers really fast and then we can go if you want.”

“But I haven’t even worked out yet. I was too busy watching you,” she exclaimed.

Cole squeezed her ass and then smacked it. “No worries, babe. Your ass is perfect the way it is. In fact, it could probably stand to be a little bigger. More cushin’ for the pushin’.”

After smacking him on the arm, Bree pushed him away and gasped with mock surprise, “I don’t think so. Is that why you keep bringing me those homemade apple turnovers?”

Taking her arm, he pulled her back to him and captured her chin, tilting her face up. “I buy them because I know you love them.” Not caring who was around, he kissed her. “I’ll be out in just a minute.”

Why couldn’t my relationships be as easy as they made it seem? In a way, I was jealous of what they had—they didn’t have the secrets that I did. When Cole left to head to the locker room, Bree watched him the entire time with a sparkle in her eyes.

“My God, I love him, Kace.”

“Yes, I can see that. It’s been so long since I was in love.”

Bree nodded up into the ring at Tyler with a smirk on her face. Even though his father was talking to him, Tyler kept sneaking glances my way. “Well, it looks like you’re about there again, but Tyler definitely beat you to it. The way he looks at you is unreal.”

Rolling my eyes, I bumped her in the shoulder. “Oh whatever, Bree, it’s only been a week and a half.”

“So?” she objected. “It was just last week when I figured out I was in love with Cole, and it’s been less than a couple of weeks since we officially started dating. Guys like Cole and Tyler are used to getting what they want—they’ve never had to work for a girl. While you were taking a break dealing with your grandmother’s affairs, I made Cole do something that ultimately proved he would do anything to make me happy.”

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