Tyler's Undoing (22 page)

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Authors: L.P. Dover

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Women's Fiction, #Contemporary Women, #Romance, #New Adult & College, #Romantic Suspense, #Contemporary Fiction, #Mystery; Thriller & Suspense, #Sagas, #Mystery & Suspense, #Suspense, #Sports, #Gloves Off Series

BOOK: Tyler's Undoing
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By late morning, I was dressed and ready to go to the arena, but Kacey was still asleep. She had gotten up in the middle of the night to drink another bottle of water and went straight back to sleep, without saying a word. I could still feel the tension between us.

Her skin looked normal, not pale and definitely not clammy and cold like it was last night, which made me feel a little bit more comfortable. I still hated leaving for the arena without talking to her.

“Do you want me to wake her up?” Bree asked. “She’s going to be pissed if we leave without her.” Bree and Cole had been sitting in the living room for the past twenty minutes, while I kept watch over Kacey, hoping she’d open her eyes.

I didn’t want her angry, but more importantly I didn’t want her being miserable in the stands with screaming people all around. “Yeah, but she needs her rest,” I interjected. “If you’ve ever been dehydrated before I’m pretty sure you’d choose rest over sitting in a crowded arena. I can only hope she’ll understand why we left her.”

In her hands, she held a black and green MMA Pride T-shirt that matched the one she was wearing. Setting it down on the coffee table, she agreed, “I understand. If you don’t want her mad at you, you can always suck up by ordering her favorite Godiva chocolates. It is the way to win any girl’s heart.”

Cole snorted and threw his hands in the air. “And why didn’t you tell me this sooner?”

“Because,” she explained, smiling wickedly up at him, “I had to make you work for it.” Laughing, she kissed him on the cheek and then turned back to me, her smile waning. “I just know she’ll want to see you fight, Tyler. But I understand that we need to leave her alone.”

“She’ll get plenty of chances to see him fight, Bree,” Cole replied, putting his arm around her shoulders. “You, however, are going to get to see me kick Pax’s ass tonight.” By the excited gleam in his eyes, he was ready for his fight against Paxton Emerson, one of Kyle’s friends.

“Let’s hope so,” Bree agreed. “I’m tired of seeing your ass get handed to you by Tyler every day.”

“Have you seen this guy?” Cole asked, pointing at me, laughing. “He’s fucking huge, just like his father. There’s no way in hell I’ll ever beat him.” He turned his gaze toward me. “Speaking of which, is he coming tonight?”

“Yeah, he’s in town. He called about thirty minutes ago to tell me he was on his way to the arena. My agent’s going to meet us there too.”

Both had just landed at the airport and they were going to ride over together. Instead of staying overnight, my father decided to get a flight home directly after the fight so he could get back to my mother.

“Why don’t you guys head on and I’ll see you at the arena in a few minutes. I need to do something first,” I told them.

“All right, man,” Cole replied, slapping me on the shoulder. “We’ll see you there. Don’t be too late because you know how your dad gets.”

I knew all too well that my father wasn’t a patient man. Regrettably, neither was I. “I won’t be late,” I promised.

Putting his hand on the small of Bree’s back, Cole nodded and winked before opening the door, and shutting it silently behind them. Everything was quiet when I waltzed over to open the door to the bedroom. Kacey was buried underneath the covers and had a hand tucked underneath her cheek as she laid on her side.

Knowing she needed to eat when she woke up, I called room service and ordered an assortment of fruits and crackers with various cheeses. I even added in a special request; something I knew she would like.

Grabbing a small pad of paper and a pen, I sat down on one of the bar stools to write a note. I quietly left it on the pillow beside Kacey. This way, when she woke up she’d see it. Slowly, I bent down to kiss her cheek. Her skin felt warm as I trailed my fingers down the side of her face, hoping she’d wake up.
No such luck.

Her food arrived just as I was ready to leave, so I tipped the young lady and put the tray in the refrigerator to keep it cool. Hopefully, the special request I ordered would soften her up from being angry at me for leaving her. Now all I had to do was handle another situation. Reaching for the phone in my pocket, I pulled it out and dialed the number I needed.

“Hey, Tyler.”

Taking a deep breath, I let it out slowly and replied, “We need to talk.”

The line went quiet for a few seconds. “Okay, when?”

“Tonight after my fight. Come to my room.”

“I’ll be there.”



I HAD FELT his hands on my face, and wanted to wake up, but my body didn’t let me. It wanted more time to rest, to rejuvenate for the past couple of years of no sleep and constant working. There always came a breaking point and I think I’d hit mine. However, now I had never felt so refreshed in my life, but I was starving, my stomach growling and cramping from lack of food.

“Tyler,” I called, rubbing my eyes and feeling my mascara crumble beneath my fingertips. As I sat up in bed and pulled off the covers, I looked down to see that I was still in my white skirt and blue shirt from yesterday. What the hell? There was a note on Tyler’s pillow so I snatched it up and got out of bed.

“Tyler,” I called out again. Opening the letter, I sat down on the edge of the bed and read it.



I’m sorry to leave you like this, but I didn’t want to wake you when I knew you needed the rest. You can be pissed at me all you want. As long as you’re better, that’s all I care about. I ordered you some food to eat because you’re going to want it when you wake up. It’ll be in the refrigerator. Rest up and I’ll see you tonight when I get back. I love you, beautiful.



“You have
to be kidding me,” I growled, looking over at the clock on the nightstand. It was closing in on seven o’clock. “Holy shit, I’m going to miss his fight!”

I had slept for almost a whole day and didn’t realize it. Tyler had a lot to make up for once all of this was over. Quickly, I rushed into the kitchen and opened the refrigerator to find a tray of fresh fruits and cheeses, along with a box wrapped in silver ribbon with
written on top

Pulling it all out, I set the tray down on the counter beside the MMA Pride T-shirt I assumed was mine. I ate a few blocks of cheese with wheat crackers, along with some fresh ripened strawberries. Afterward, I opened the box of chocolates and ate one of my favorite truffles filled with caramel, and then another one for good measure.

“You’re a smart one, Tyler Rushing. But chocolate can’t get you out of everything.” Once I swallowed the chocolaty goodness, I closed my eyes and moaned. “Well, maybe it can.”

After eating a few more strawberries and grapes—and of course, a couple chocolates—I rushed to the bathroom and took a quick shower. Knowing I didn’t have much time, I put on the black MMA Pride T-shirt with its bright green logo, a pair of jeans, and black flip flops. Sadly, there wasn’t much I could do with my hair so I threw it up into a high ponytail and brushed some mineral powder on my face along with some lip gloss on my lips.

I was ready to go.

I tried to call Tyler, but got his voicemail. I also tried to call Bree and got the same result. The chance of them hearing their phones in the loud arena were slim to none. With my phone in my hand, I grabbed some money out of my purse and the hotel room key before rushing down to the front desk so they could call me a cab.

It didn’t take long for the taxi to show up. It was a yellow, Chevrolet HHR with a bald man in the front seat. “Where you off to?” he asked as I got in.

“The U.S. Airways Center,” I told him. “I’m going to watch the UFC fights tonight.”

“Ah, yes, I love watching those on television when I get the chance. At least you’ll make it in time for the last couple of fights.”

“That’s what I’m hoping. I have some friends fighting tonight. I don’t want to miss them.” Usually, the Heavyweight fights were toward the end so hopefully I’d make it in time.

“Don’t worry, sweetheart, I’ll get you there in no time. It’s just a couple of minutes. If you need a ride back to the hotel, call this number.” He passed back his business card with the name of the cab company and his number.

“Thank you. I appreciate it,” I said, taking the card. About five minutes later, he pulled up as far as he could to the front and I slipped him some money for the ride and put his card in my back pocket.

“Have fun,” he called as I shut the door.

I rushed up to the top of the stairs and waited in line at the ticket counter. Hopefully, I could give them my name and be let in.

When I got up to the counter, the young employee gave me her best forced smile. She had bright blonde hair just like me, but her dark roots were grown out about an inch and she was wearing way too much makeup. “Just one admission?” she asked.

“Actually, I’m wondering if my name is on a list somewhere. I’m with Tyler Rushing—he’s one of the fighters. I was supposed to come with him earlier, but due to circumstances out of my control, I couldn’t make it.”

The girl lifted her eyebrows and then burst out laughing. “I swear you women need to come up with better lines. Do you have any idea how many people say the exact same thing?”

Mouth wide open, I stared at her in shock. First, I couldn’t believe that people actually said that, and second, I was being serious and I didn’t like being laughed at. “I’m being serious,” I said, clenching my teeth. “I’m with Tyler.”

She stared at me for a moment before looking pityingly at me. “Look, lady, I’m sorry, but it doesn’t work that way. Usually, the fighter’s guests go in with them. There’s no way I can track down your seat.”

The group of people behind me in line snickered and I knew they were laughing at me, at how pathetic I must look trying to say I was dating one of the most highly sought after MMA fighters.

Knowing Tyler wouldn’t have his phone with him, I had no choice but to suck it up and buy a ticket. I didn’t care if they thought I was a liar, just as long as I got into the arena.

“Fine, I’ll just buy one then,” I grumbled impatiently.

Quickly, I gave her the money and got my ticket, only to find my seat was in the damn nosebleed section. Great, they would look like pissed off ants from this vantage point. I would see him on the monitors, but surely at the end, I’d be able to find him and the others.

“Ladies and gentlemen,” the announcer began, his voice echoing throughout the arena. “The next fight of the evening is in the Light Heavyweight division. The winner of tonight’s match will fight for the title next weekend in Las Vegas.”

The crowd rumbled, hooting and hollering their excitement. Picking up my pace, I rushed through the throngs of people and found my section, stepping on a few feet as I tried to get to my seat. Cole’s fight was next.

The announcer waved at the people to get them calmed down. He was older, probably in his mid-fifties, his light brown hair slicked back. Once the noise leveled off he continued, “Okay, so let’s introduce our next fighter. Coming all the way from Las Vegas, Nevada,
Cole . . . The Bruiser . . . Beeennnnnnnneeettt!

Jumping to my feet, I screamed out Cole’s name and whistled as loud as I could when he walked down the aisle toward the ring, strutting to his fight song,
I Will Not Bow
by Breaking Benjamin. From what I could tell, he was wearing a pair of blue and yellow shorts and a pair of blue gloves wrapped around his hands. I was hoping to recognize Bree down by the ring, but there were too many people. Once Cole got into the ring and did his rounds, the announcer called out the next fighter. My mouth dropped open when they called out . . . Paxton Emerson.

“Oh my God,” I breathed, sitting down in my seat.

I didn’t know Pax was fighting tonight.
I hadn’t seen him in so long, not since I moved away from our hometown.
Dressed in his usual black shorts and black gloves, Paxton looked like a dark angel with his black hair and tattoos down both arms. One word came to mind when I looked at him . . . dangerous. Out of all of my brother’s friends, he was the only one I cared about. He had been
friend before he joined up with my brother. Actually, we were more than friends at one time. I never understood why he chose to hang around my brother because he wasn’t evil like Kyle.

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