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Authors: Cassie Graham

Tags: #New Adult

Unable to Resist (42 page)

BOOK: Unable to Resist
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Unrolling our sleeping bags, I sit down and gesture for Ann to join me. She glides into the tent and skirts next to me. I wrap my arm around her and she sighs.

“This is perfect, Red.”

She snuggles closer to my side, and I hold on tighter.

“It really is,” she chimes in, sounding utterly relaxed.

Suddenly, her head snaps up. I jump a bit, her abrupt movement shocking me.

“What’s wrong?” I ask.

She smiles and jumps out of the tent.

Curious as to what she’s doing, I follow her outside. “What are you doing, crazy?” I ask.

She smirks and shakes her head as she steps around the tent untying straps. “Do me a favor, go lie back down and close your eyes. I want to show you something.”

I obediently go back into the tent and do what I’m told.

“Okay, now close your eyes,” Ann calls out.

Again, I do as I’m told. A few seconds later, I feel Ann crawl beside me.

“Alright, open your eyes,” she urges.

As I do, I look straight up to find Ann had removed the protective screen and we have the perfect view of the night sky. The moon is peaking, just about to fall below the fabric of the tent, but the stars shine brilliantly across the sky. They twinkle and dance, leaving me breathless. I haven’t just sat and watched the night sky in years. My jaw drops, and I turn to stare at Ann, she’s looking at me with tears in her eyes.

Sitting up, I move closer to her. “Hey, what’s wrong? Don’t cry, Darlin’,” I say while I wipe a few tears away before she gets a chance.

Ann shakes her head. “I’m sorry, I don’t know why I’m crying.” She pauses. “It seems you bring out interesting emotions in me. Seeing you happy, staring up at the sky, it…it makes me happy.” She looks at me. “These are happy tears, Duane.”

A wave of relief washes over me. Slumping into my pillow, I pull Ann close to me.

Resting her head on my chest, we take in the night. The peacefulness I feel is the most astounding feeling in the world. I need more of this in my life. The calmness that Ann brings is very addicting. She is the tranquil feeling in my world of chaos.

“We’re kind of in our own little world out here, huh?” I ask Ann.

She sits up, but leaves her hand on my chest and smiles. “That’s why this is my favorite place in the world. I can escape out here and feel free. I would try to escape from the darkness that used to plague me.”

I know she’s talking about the guilt and worry she had over Kyle and her dad. Knowing this is where she would find solace makes this place even more special. I nod my head in understanding and kiss her forehead.

Happy to change the subject because I don’t want to make her cry again, I sit up and retrieve the wine glasses. “How about some wine?” I hold the glasses up in one hand and dangle the bottle in front of her eyes.

She sits up and tucks hair behind her ears. “Yes, please.” She smiles, her mood changing.

She takes a glass from my hand. “Let’s do a toast.”

I pour the dark liquid into both glasses, and raise mine in the air. Ann smiles and does the same. “To forever,” I pronounce.

Ann’s breath hitches and her eyes grow wide. I’ve said the word before, and I know she knows I mean it, but we’ve yet to tell each other we love one another.

I can never be sure how she’s feeling. I also know with having lost Kyle, she might be more skittish to the thought of love, and I don’t want to push her. So until then, I’ll use forever to tell her how I feel.

Ann clinks her glass to mine, and says, “And always.”

I catch her face in my hands and bring her close to my face, almost kissing. “I’m going to kiss you now, Ann.”

“Thank God.” She gasps for air as she crushes her lips to mine.

A groan escapes my mouth at the intensity of the kiss. We move in unison and a small moan radiates in the back of Ann’s throat.

It’s the sexiest sound I’ve ever heard.

Tangling my hands in her hair, I sit up and she straddles me. Running my hands down her back to rest on her hips, I brush my hands under the bottom of her shirt to touch her bare skin. She shivers, and I smile against her mouth.

Pulling at my shoulders, she brings us closer, trying to make us one. My hands drag down her back, and she arches in my grasp. The contact sends signals to my dick, making me push into her. She ‘ahhs’ into my ear and I have to breathe through my nose to settle down. How this woman can bring me to an explosion by just kissing is beyond me, but I’m not complaining.

Bringing her lips back to mine, I coax her mouth open so I can explore more. She automatically accepts my invitation, and my tongue meets hers, tangling together. We both moan, loving the sensations. The passion of our kiss grows greedy. I suddenly can’t get enough of her, and I find myself pushing her into the sleeping bag.

Smiling, she grabs me so I’m lying on top of her putting all of my weight on her. Damn, I’m heavy. “I’m probably crushing you,” I laugh.

She shakes her head. “No, this is perfect, you’re perfect, kiss me,” she says, breathlessly.

She doesn’t have to ask me twice.

Catching her bottom lip in my teeth, I tug a little, and Ann giggles. Yes, another perfect sound. As I reach for her again, she pulls my hoodie off and tosses it to the side of the tent. Eyes smoldering, she reaches for me again and hums a sound of pleasure the instant our lips touch. Parting my lips, I slip my tongue into her mouth, and we find the most marvelous rhythm.

We kiss for a long while, and I find myself wanting more. As I pull up for air, Ann blushes, almost like she’s thinking the same thing. We are both having trouble breathing, and finding it difficult to get a lungful of air.

Ann sits up. “I guess we were getting a little hot and heavy.” She laughs, wiping her mouth.

I nod. “Emphasis on the hot part,” I say as I catch her lips again. “Kissing you is earth shattering, Ann.”

She kisses me again, furthering my point, and I smile into her mouth.

“Back at you, sweet boy.”

Sweet fucking victory. My smile can’t be contained. I pull the back of her neck, and we kiss the rest of the night, further exploring each other’s bodies—without breaking my vow to wait.

I don’t know if I’ll ever look at stars the same way again.

The sun shines bright through the top of the tent, and I sling my arm to cover my eyes. Groaning, I shift and seek Ann with my hand. When I locate her, I slowly open my eyes to find her lying on her side, facing me. Our legs are in a tangled mess, and she exhales a lazy breath when I brush my foot against her calf. I bring my hand to her hip at the exposed skin and skim my fingertips in circles. Her shirt has bunched up just around her breasts and I let my hungry eyes devour all of her. Her smooth, silky white skin shines in the sunlight, and I resist the urge to push her shirt up further so I can discover more of her luxurious flesh.

Ann’s eyes flutter open, as if my thoughts were so loud I woke her up.

“You staring at me, Cowboy?” She asks, groggily.

I don’t deny it. “Yep. Good morning, Red,” I say as I lower my mouth to her forehead and give her a feather-light kiss.

She sits up and stretches her arms above her head, working out the kinks from our night of sleeping on the ground.

I’m sore. As fun as the night had been, sleeping on concrete isn’t ideal. Regardless, I’d do it every night for the rest of my life if it meant Ann was next to me.

Ann pulls at the sleeping bag and brings the fabric to her mouth, eyes expressive.

I laugh. “What are you doing, Red?”

“I have morning breath, but I want a kiss.” Her voice muffled behind the sleeping bag.

I hadn’t even considered morning breath, but knowing my girl, she’d care. Humoring her, I sit up and bring my mouth to her fabric-covered lips. With a smack of her lips, her eyes sparkle and she throws her hands down in a huff.

Something clanks against her hand, and she investigates her surroundings to see what made the noise.

Picking up the tray of cheese and fruit, she sputters, and says, “Well shit. Looks like I didn’t feed my man last night and I ruined a tray full of goods. Crap.”

On cue, my stomach grumbles. Her eyes shoot to my stomach, and I shrug my shoulders. She pulls down her still-bunched, tight shirt and pivots toward me.

“Come on, Cowboy. Let’s go inside,” she entices.

We leave the tent and things outside and head downstairs to eat breakfast together.

“Where the hell is Liv?” Ann asks, after sitting down at the table next to me, carrying two plates of steaming eggs.

Picking up my fork, I listen for any kind of life beyond the kitchen, but it’s quiet. I take a bite of the cheesy goodness Ann prepared, and wonder out loud, “You think they went to my house?”

Taking a bite of her own breakfast, Ann makes an accusatory face and heads up the stairs to Liv’s room. She proceeds to bang on the door and I smile shaking my head. I hear the word “karma” and “bitch” mumbled under her breath and I keep my mouth shut, shoveling in food.

Ann huffs and turns back to the table, plopping down heavily in her chair.

“So, nothing?” I ask.

She shifts in her seat, thinking. “Not even a breath. Maybe call Aiden?”

I set my fork down, and Ann’s eyes move to my empty plate.

“Nice.” She nods at my stomach.

I pull my phone out of my pocket and slap my core. “I told you. I’m a growing boy.”

“I guess so,” she remarks sarcastically, but glides her foot up and down my leg under the table.

Licking my lips in her direction, her eyes darken and she looks hungry. Hungry for me. Can’t say the eggs taste as good as I imagine she does.

I find Aiden’s number and hit the send button. It goes straight to voicemail, which means the asshat pushed the ignore button. I’d be mad if I didn’t know that he and Liv were probably together right now. That Liv is a mad woman, I tell you. She’d be good for him. Plus, Ann’s foot is still making its way up my leg, and I’d have to be an idiot to be angry for having more alone time with her.

I shrug my shoulders and return my phone to my pocket, letting a lazy smile settle on my face. My eyes are getting heavy with need, distracting my thoughts, I break free of my mind for a moment and force myself to look at her.

“He didn’t answer.”

Ann’s eyes flicker and she deadpans coyly, “Shame. Whatever will we do with our time?”

The chair screeches across the wood floor as I kick it behind me and Ann’s foot hits the floor with a thud. Eyes wide, she knows exactly what I’m thinking. Without permission, I grab her face and plant my lips on her mouth. My hair must be her hands’ favorite place, because the second she lets go of her fork they plunge into my growing hair. The tug she gives it sends pangs to my heart and, my dick.

As gracefully as possible, I pick her up. Wrapping her legs around my waist, I tightly grip her ass and lead us up the stairs to her room. We don’t make it far up the staircase when I stop, and push her into the wall.

Ann lets go of my hair, gripping my shoulders and grinds her sweet heat against my cock. Straining to keep the small bit of composure I have left, I attempt to breathe through my mouth. Her smell engulfs me. It wraps around me like a blanket.



Breathe through your damn mouth, Rynard.

I swear I can taste her smell. Breathing through my mouth isn’t helping, so I decide to throw caution to the wind and breathe her sugary smell in. My nose welcomes the scent, fucking loves it, and craves more. I break the kiss to trail my nose up and down her neck, relishing in the little moans that fall from her mouth.

“Take me to bed, Duane?” Ann wantonly begs in my ear.

Without a second thought, I turn us around and head for her room again. Making it up only a few more steps, the front door flails open, banging against the wall.

“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” Ann repeats, with her head banging against my shoulder with each fuck.

I can’t help but laugh at our constant predicament.

“You’ve got to be kidding me!” She yells down the stairs. “Liv, I’m going to kick your ass. You have the worst timing in the history of the world. I might actually kill you!” She threatens, making me hoot out a cackle that radiates in the stairwell.

BOOK: Unable to Resist
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