Unbind My Heart (9 page)

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Authors: Maddie Taylor

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Bdsm

BOOK: Unbind My Heart
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Thrilled with her response, Jonas continued his lecture, addressing his students but never removing his full attention from her. 

“With a less endowed model, the ties don’t always make the breasts stand out prominently, or have to be tied tight to make it so.  With larger breasts, the contrast between the rough taut ropes and the soft, full curves is stunning.  The ropes have more to compress and the curves are further accentuated.  No offense to any ladies here; as I said, it is just my preference.” 

Jonas noticed the distant look in Lexie’s eyes, her parted lips and the shallow rise and fall of her chest, her breathing a bit erratic.  She looked like . . .  Pausing, he questioned his assessment—surely not this soon.  Still, he’d seen a sub flying before, and if she wasn’t there, she was close.  A rare occurrence with a simple breast tie, with no kissing or caressing, no nipple or clitoral stimulation, no spanking, flogging or impact whatsoever, only simple touches and softly spoken words.  Damn.  She was perfect. 

“Next, we’ll add a simple wrist restraint.”  He turned Lexie’s back to the audience, providing them with a clear view of his technique.  “This position will arch the back and display the breasts even more prominently.  If you add a hair restraint, you immobilize the head and expose the vulnerable throat.  We’ll get to that in future sessions.” 

Moving behind her, Jonas presented his back to the class.  His body was responding to Lexie’s arousal, and his cock was fully erect.  He was fortunate the tie required that he stand behind her because it helped hide the noticeable hard-on he was sporting.  As he prepared the next length of rope, he angled his head to speak softly in her ear.  “Lexie, are you still with me?”

“Yes, Sir.”  Her voice was husky and low.  The throaty sound sent a frisson of excitement through his system, causing his balls to draw up tight against his body.  Exercise some control for God’s sake, Mitchell.  But all the scolding and cursing in the world wasn’t going to alleviate his condition.  He wanted her, and soon his entire class would know it. 

“Place your arms behind your back, elbows bent, wrists parallel.”  Stepping to the side, he directed his students.  “This type of binding can be used on wrists or ankles.  In this case, the palms are facing each other.  You can reverse the position with the palms facing away, just be careful about bone-on-bone positioning, which can cause pain and injury.  Either way, it’s important to cross coil between the wrists to separate them and create a buffer zone that reduces friction on the skin.”

As he coiled and knotted the rope around her wrists, he also bound her upper arms, adding another piece to connect them firmly to her wrists, joining the two bindings with a quick release knot.  Lexie swayed slightly as he finished.  His steadying arm snaked around her waist, prompting him to check in again.  “How’re you doing, Sunshine?”

“I’ve never felt like this before.  I think I’m gonna come, Sir.”  Whisper soft, her voice quivered. 

Damn, she’d gone from zero to sixty with just a few, simple ties—so responsive. She was a natural.  He needed to slow her down before she climaxed in the middle of the demonstration.  If they weren’t in class, if it had been a scene at The Club, he would have enjoyed watching her first rope orgasm.  That wasn’t what this was about…not yet.

“Easy now, just one more simple tie and we’ll be done.  Can you hang on?”

“I don’t think so.” 

Her body was trembling such that he could feel the vibration against his side.  His eyes lifted from the fully aroused sub before him and swept over the rapt faces of his students.  They watched with eager anticipation, knowing something was happening, most unsure what.  If she climaxed in front the group so easily during this first class, he was afraid she’d be embarrassed and may be too self-conscious to let go in the future.  Jonas knew he had to help her regain enough control to finish the demonstration and then quickly get rid of the group.  

Against her ear, he murmured firmly, “I want you to listen to me, dorei.  You are not allowed to come.  Do you understand?  Concentrate on your breathing, slow it down and take deep breaths.”

“I’ll try.”

“No!  You will do more than try.  You will obey.  Do you understand?”

“Yes, Sensei, I understand.”  She breathed heavily, responding at once to his dominance and the commanding tone. 

“Good girl,” he praised her softly, lips twitching in a slight smile.  She was so quick to react—the perfect rope slave—his dorei.

Steadying her with his hand, he picked up the final lengths of rope.  “We end the demonstration with an uncomplicated crotch rope, also called Sukaranbo, or ‘The Cherry.’  The reason will be self-explanatory when I’m finished.”  Doubling one of the ropes, he wrapped it around her small waist like a belt, securing it with a larks head tie, the two long ends left to hang down in front. 

“Spread your legs.”  Her answering groan was low, not loud enough to carry to the others.  “Keep breathing.  We’re almost done.  This next step is going to require control, so concentrate on your breathing and remember you do not have permission to come.”

Speaking louder, he worked faster as he measured, tied and knotted. Connecting the crotch rope at her waist in front and pulling the ends between her legs, he then tied it off in back with another quick-release knot.
“Class, the Cherry is a highly erotic tie.  You can be as creative as you’d like by making knots that will stimulate your sub’s clit, pussy or ass; knot all three if you want to drive her insane with pleasure.”  He adjusted the rope so that the single knot pressed precisely over her clit. With her legs spread in this highly aroused state, he was sure her clit was protruding nicely and pressing against her panties. There were only two thin layers of material separating her nerve center from the stimulating knotted rope.  Applied to a naked subject, the ropes would cleave the slit for a direct and highly arousing effect.  While clothed, the contact wasn’t nearly as potent, but the students and certainly Lexie, would get the idea. 

His gaze flicked to her face, before squatting behind her to finish.  Each time his fingers brushed her pussy, she groaned softly before taking a deep breath.  He knew he had to finish quickly and moved on to the final tie, twin thigh ropes, each with a knot that rested on the inner aspect near her pussy.  The two knots in addition to the clit knot would all work to increase the stimulation of the sensitive, intimate flesh.  Lexie hardly needed more stimulation, so he finished quickly.  

Rising, he whispered, “That’s my good girl.  Hang on a few more minutes.”  Jonas stepped back in front of her, taking her weight as she leaned weakly against him, her back to the class.  He pressed her face into his chest, attempting to muffle her moans against his shirt.  From this position, he could address the class over her shoulder.

“That’s it for the demonstration.  J.T, if you will escort the students to the main studio for a break, we’ll wrap up there with a short Q&A before we dismiss.” 

Jonas’ eyes caught his old friend’s knowing gaze.  As the only other Decadence Dom in the room, Jonas knew J.T. had recognized his little dilemma and that he was unable to leave Lexie unattended.  J.T. was a Dom with years of experience and could easily identify subspace when he saw it, as could his wife. 

He immediately took control of the other students, moving them out into the corridor.  This brief respite would give Lexie the privacy she needed. 

As soon as the door closed quietly behind them, Jonas adjusted the crotch rope, tugging until it pressed more firmly against her and tying it off tighter.  His broad hand slid between her thighs and cupped her, at once feeling her eagerly press forward and begin grinding wildly against him.  “You were magnificent, dorei.  It’s just us now and you can let go.  Come for me.”

Lexie immediately arched into him, pressing her aching nipples into his chest, her throbbing clit demanding solace from his wickedly torturous knot.  The next instant, she was convulsing¸ groaning as the intensity of her first rope orgasm overcame her.  She melted into the hand that rose to her breast—stroking a hard nipple—as his face pressed against her throat and nipped gently with his teeth.  The pleasure ignited her core and unbelievably, she came again.  Whimpering and moaning helplessly, he caught her just as her knees gave way and she collapsed weakly against him. 

She floated, limp from her climax, barely noticing as her body was jostled and shifted, then lifted by strong arms.  She opened her eyes long minutes later, head lolling listlessly against his shoulder, and whispered in confusion.  “Jonas?”

“I’ve got you.”

“What happened?  I feel drugged.” 

“Subspace or in this case, rope space.  You’re drunk with pleasure, Lexie.  I’ve never seen anything like it.  You were perfect.”

“I came . . .” She swallowed against her dry throat.  “In front of everyone?” 

While she was flying, he’d carried her easily to a chair in the corner, where they now sat; Lexie cuddled snuggly in his lap.  She looked around the studio, craning her neck and scanning every corner.   

“No, baby, they’d all left.  You were such a good girl, you did what I asked and waited.  Then you came twice.”

Closing her eyes, she pressed her face against him.  “I’m so embarrassed.”

“Why?  It was beautiful.  You are beautiful—always—in the heat of your passion, you are exquisite.”

“I’m sorry if you had to cut the class short on my account.”

“Nonsense, you made the class.  You responded beautifully, better than I could have ever hoped.  All those newbies are going to be clamoring for more.  That means more practice and some extensive work on your control.”

“You still want me as your model, even after today?”

“I want you, as my model, my lover, my submissive and my dorei.”  Pulling a bottle of water from his equipment bag, he pressed it to her lips.  “Drink.”

She eagerly drank her fill then snuggled up against him.  “This is nice.”

“Aftercare is always nice.”

“Aftercare, I like that.” 

Knowing his soft tone would soothe her, he kept up a steady flow of encouragement, helping to bring her down and restore her equilibrium.  It was very important that she recognize and respond to the sound of his voice and commands.  Ultimately, she would associate them with safety and security, even as he instructed and trained her in submission and the bondage arts.  This was a perfect time to start.

As he spoke, he gently stroked her, brushing her hair back, his fingertips gliding over her cheek, sweeping across her shoulders and down her back.  “After our sessions, it is important that you rehydrate.  I’ll rub any sore or stiff joints and keep you warm.  Just like this.  We can talk, reflect, address questions and concerns, or we can just hold each other. You have just given up all control to me, Lexie, and it’s normal to feel vulnerable, not just physically, but emotionally and psychologically, too.  It will take time to return to where you were before, and while you do, I’ll be here for you.  How does that sound?”

“It sounds as good as it feels, Jonas.”  She wiggled uncomfortably on his lap, reluctantly asking, “Is it over when I have to use the ladies room?”

He smiled halfheartedly, thinking he’d have liked to hold her a few minutes more.  “It’s over when we say it’s over.  Let me help you up.”  He lifted her off his lap, steadying hands lingering at her waist. 

When she stood under her own power, she raised a hand to brush back her hair and

froze, looking down.  “The ropes are gone.  When did you untie me?”

“While you were flying, baby.”

Her eyes met his, awestruck, a smile warming her face, like sunbeams on a summer flower.  “That was exactly what it felt like.  How did you know?”

He simply stared up at her, waiting for her to figure that out for herself.  Trembling hands rose to soothe her scorched cheeks as realization dawned.

“What a stupid question.  Of course… you’ve done this before.”  Shaking her head, as if to clear the cobwebs, she then rubbed her temples.  “It’s strange.  I’m all muddled and feel sort of numb, as if I’ve had one too many martinis.  Maybe you tied me too tight and cut off the blood flow to my brain.”

Jonas sensed her agitation.  She should still be languid and dreamy in the aftermath of her first Shibari scene, not worrying and fretting about.  She’d have to get used to what soon would be a frequent occurrence.  Because now that he’d had a taste, he would hunger for more.  As beautiful and responsive as she was, she would spark great interest when they scened or demonstrated at The Club.  She’d have to get used to an audience quickly. 

“You’re still rope drunk.” He pulled her between his spread thighs, calming her by running his hands over her thighs and bottom, then up her back.  When she leaned into him, he pulled her closer.  “There is such a thing called top space.  Doms can go there, too, after a powerful scene like the one we just shared.  If I’m tying you, especially during a suspension or during impact play, it requires expending quite a bit of energy.  And if it culminates in sex, most likely, I’ll need some aftercare myself.”

“Jonas, you didn’t get to—uh, you know—finish.”

“Don’t worry about me.  I know how emotional this was for you.  Besides, I don’t want to be intimate here, with a dozen people waiting.  When it’s right, I’ll want to take my time and savor every moment.”

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