Unbreakable (4 page)

Read Unbreakable Online

Authors: Amie Nichols

Tags: #romance, #love, #suspense, #mystery

BOOK: Unbreakable
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I hear the faint sound of an old truck at the
end of the lane and my heart skips a beat knowing that it’s Luke. I
decide to meet him so I start walking down the lane through the
hundred year old live oak trees that line either side. Their limbs
arch over the road shutting out any moonlight making it hard for me
to see. A few yard lights give me enough brightness to see where I
am going. Within minutes, I see him walking toward me and I feel
weak in the knees at the sight of him. He is wearing Levi’s with
holes in the knees and a t-shirt that is tight enough that all his
muscles show through the thin material.

We reach each other and Luke takes my hand to
lead me down the lane. I follow him, my fingers tingling from his
touch, not saying a word. It’s not long before we reach his old
beat up truck.

“I want to show you something,” he says
finally speaking while opening the driver’s side door of his

“We’re leaving?” I ask him with apprehension.
I’ve never left the grounds with anyone, other than Miss Finnegan,
and that was very seldom, only for the occasional doctor’s

“Don’t you trust me?” He says as sadness
fills his eyes.

“Completely,” I say and climb up in the tall
truck, scooting over the ripped vinyl seat to the passenger side.
The passenger door has no handle and it’s held closed by a bungee
cord. He climbs in after me with a huge smile on his face.

“You need to sit closer to me. I don’t want
you falling out of that door.” He smiles, patting the middle
section of the bench seat next to him. “It’s not exactly what I
would call secure,” he says motioning to the make shift door handle
of the passenger side.

I scoot back towards him stopping when my
shoulder touches his, making my heart speed up with his touch.

“That’s better.” Reaching over me he grabs a
seatbelt strap that is tucked into the crease of the seat and
fumbles down between us for another strap. He ties the two broken
pieces together at my waist in a secure slipknot. My belly tightens
when the back of his hand brushes my lower abdomen.

“Sorry. This is kind of cheesy, but at least
you’re buckled up.” He smiles at his handy work.

“I think it’s perfect.” I grin looking
straight ahead as he starts the truck and it roars to life. As he
starts down the road, I turn to him. “Where are we going?”

“Some place very special to me that I have
never shown anyone before,” he answers giving me the sexiest wicked
grin. He has such a gorgeous face, and I think to myself that I
want to kiss every inch of it. My face burns red at my thoughts and
I look down bashfully not wanting Luke to see me.

“What?” He says looking at me. I can see him
tilt his head so he can see my face.

“Nothing, I’m just really excited to be out
of the house,” I say to him.

“I’m excited too,” he says taking my hand in
his and resting them on his thigh. We sit in silence while my hand
is in his, my breath quickening from his touch. I can feel the
warmth of his leg through his jeans. My thoughts start to wander
and I think what it would be like to touch his strong thigh without
the denim barrier. The thought makes my heart skip a beat and I
intake a sharp breath. Luke turns to me and shows me that wicked
grin again making me blush. I wonder if he is reading my mind.
Giving my hand a tight squeeze, he lets go leaving my hand to rest
on his thigh. I feel his muscle tighten as his leg moves to touch
the brake when he slows to turn on a dirt road. I quickly move my
hand into my lap. My mind is in overdrive from all these

The dirt road is overgrown with trees and
brush. It looks like no one ever drives it. I am forced into Luke’s
shoulder as we hit a large bump in the road.

“Hold on baby, it’s a bumpy ride,” Luke tells
me. His eyes do not leave the road. Both of his hands are planted
firmly on the steering wheel.

I grab the dash of the truck since it’s the
only thing I can hold on to besides Luke. He just called me baby. I
already can’t seem to keep a calm head, so touching him is not a
good idea right now.

I’m distracted by the road that seems to go
on forever, and I can feel my bottom starting to get sore from it
bouncing up and down on the hard seat. Just when I think it will
never be over, the truck slows and we are in a clearing. The full
moon illuminates the body of water in front of us. I am taken aback
at the beauty.

There’s a large pond with boulders
surrounding it in what looks like a perfect circle. A small
waterfall is off to the side where a stream enters into the pond.
The water cascades over a series of rocks that stagger in different
directions making the water go this way and that. Colossal Cypress
trees surround the banks with their limbs dangling giving it a
spooky but romantic feel. A wooden dock extends to the middle and
ends with a small gazebo perched dead center of the pond.

I turn to Luke who is climbing out of the
truck and reaches for my hand to help me out. I climb down with his
assistance and we walk towards the water.

“What is this place?” I ask not able to take
my eyes off the glistening water.

“I found it. Someone obviously made it a long
time ago, but I don’t know who. I’ve been coming here for a couple
of years and have never seen a soul,” he explains. “As far as I can
tell, this is public land. I think,” he says looking my

“It’s so beautiful. Can we go out there?” I
ask pointing to the gazebo.

“Yes, it’s safe. The dock was broken up when
I found it, but I have slowly fixed it up,” he tells me as he leads
me toward the dock, my hand in his.

“I can’t believe someone would make something
this beautiful and then never come here.” I express when we reach
the gazebo. Wooden benches line the edges and there is a wrought
iron table in the middle with matching chairs.

“Well, I think whoever did is long gone. I
think it was built in the 40’s. At least that is when this table
was built,” he says motioning to the wrought iron set. “This is the
only thing that I have been able to date,” he explains sitting on
one of the benches. “The dock was rotten when I found it, so I
believe whoever did build it hasn’t been here for a long time.”

“How did you find it anyway? It’s not exactly
accessible,” I say thinking of the long drive on that bumpy
overgrown road.

“That’s probably why I’ve never seen anyone
else here. One of the things I like to do when I am frustrated or
angry at something is to find old roads and see where they lead,”
Luke says staring up at me. “I found this spot the day my father
told me I couldn’t work at the plantation anymore. I had just
gotten my truck the week before, and when I left the plantation I
somehow noticed the road,” he explains still watching me as I stare
at the waterfall. “I tore down that bumpy road. I was so angry that
it somehow made me feel better. When I found this, I knew that
someday I would bring you here,” he says softly.

I look up at him shocked by his last
statement. His eyes were staring back at me so soft and warm. My
mouth goes dry and my belly tightens at the thought of him thinking
of me when he found this place. I have no idea how to respond so I
just sit next to him on the bench, pull my knees up, and wrap my
arms around them. I rest my chin on my knees and stare out into the

Luke stands up and pulls a small flash light
out of his pocket. His back is facing me and my mind can’t help but
to start wandering again. His jeans are tight around his bottom and
I stare at the magnificent sight. He turns toward me and I avert my
eyes quickly so he doesn’t know what I was staring at. He must have
noticed, because a knowing smile forms as he looks down at me.

“Come here.” Luke motions for me to stand up
so I can look at something on one of the posts that is holding up
the gazebo roof.

My face flushes from all of the thoughts
running through my head. I stand up to look at what he is pointing
to. He shines the flashlight on the post and carved into it is a
Calla Lily that is so beautiful and detailed. Underneath is an
inscription, “
To my sweet Lilly Flower.”

“You did that? Is that me?”

“Yes and yes,” Luke answers shyly, watching
my face for a reaction.

My face flushes with warmth and excitement. I
continue to stare at the carving. I’m so confused. Does he have the
same feelings for me that I have for him? Luke walks around to my
side and I can feel him staring at me.

“I know that you don’t understand, Lilly, but
you are never far from my mind. Soon you will be free from Jane and
you can live your life. You are such a beautiful, vibrant woman,
and one day you are going to shine.” He’s standing so close to my
side that I can feel his breath on my cheek. I feel so weak and my
mind is racing with all that he is telling me.

He stops talking and takes a step back from
me, sighing heavily.

“What’s wrong?” I ask seeing a look of pain
on his face.

“I’m twenty years old and you’re only
seventeen.” His voice is deep with anguish as he steps closer to me
so I can feel his shirt brush my shoulder. “No matter how much I
want to, how much it hurts, I can’t act on what I am feeling.” I
feel heat radiating from him. I want him to act on what he is
feeling because I am feeling it too.

I turn to look up at him. His eyes are dark,
looking so longingly at me. Before I know it, I step toward him
wrapping my arms around his waist pressing myself to him. I rest
the side of my face on his warm hard chest. I feel my whole body
burst. The electricity is setting my skin on fire.

Luke’s arms engulf me and I have never felt
so safe in my entire life. I look up into his eyes and I think he
is about to kiss me when he looks away.

“I need to get you home, Lilly,” Luke
whispers. I don’t want to let go. I feel his heart beating so
strong against my face.

“I want to stay here with you,” I breathe
into his shirt, but Luke pulls away from me and starts to direct me
towards the dock.

“Please, Lilly. I’m sorry. I have to get you
back. I should have never brought you here. I thought it would make
me feel better, but it has only made things worse,” Luke says
taking my hand and leading me to the truck.


We sit in silence as we bounce back down the
bumpy dirt road. I’m confused as to what has just happened. I want
him to act on his feelings, but don’t know how to tell him. I feel
like something has changed and I don’t know what or how it did. He
seems more distant now, not the same as just a few hours ago when
he picked me up.

“Did I make you mad?” I ask Luke, still
sitting in the truck after we pull up to the end of my lane. He
hops out and reaches for my hand to help me out, but I don’t take
it. I scoot across the seat and jump down without his

“No. Oh God no, Lilly.” Luke shakes his head
at me looking hurt at my rejection to his help. “I’m so sorry. I
don’t know what I was thinking. I was selfish telling you how I
felt and now I know my dad was right.” Luke’s head drops and he
stares at the ground.

“What are you talking about?” I am agitated
and my mind is racing.

“I’ve got to go. I’m sorry, Lilly. You better
get back in the house before you get caught,” Luke says climbing in
his truck and leaving me on the side of the road in front of the
mansion. I’m so stunned that I just stand there watching the red
taillights get farther and farther away until I can’t see them at

Walking up the lane to the house, I move
slowly trying to process what has happened in these few short
hours. Luke going from so happy to see me to can’t wait to get away
from me.

I am back in my room lying on my bed
replaying the events of the night. Sadness over takes me and the
tears start to fall. Before long, I have cried myself to sleep.

Chapter 4



I’m awakened by the worst sound in the world.
Jane is yelling at Mckayla to hurry up with her bags.

One freaking day, all I get is one freaking
day. I go to the door and open it a crack to catch what I can hear.
“Mrs. Sumnor, what a lovely surprise to see you home so soon,” I
hear Miss Finnegan say walking toward Jane’s room.

“Adeline had to come back to take care of
some business so we are leaving again tomorrow,” I hear Jane tell

I close the door and lean up against it
relieved she’ll be leaving again soon. I really wanted to see Luke
so I could clear this whole thing up.

After I’ve showered and dressed, I go down to
the kitchen to get some breakfast. Jane and Mckayla are sitting at
the table discussing the itinerary for their trip. Jane looks up at
me from over her teacup. “Well, it’s about time you rolled yourself
out of bed. Would it kill you to clean yourself up? Jesus, you look
like horse shit.” Jane says snidely and Mckayla chuckles.

“Thank you!” I say not looking at her.
Grabbing a bowl from the cupboard I pour some cereal and milk then
take a seat on one of the chairs that surround the kitchen island.
I’ve only had about two hours of sleep, and with all the crying my
face is swollen and splotchy. I am glad it is Sunday because
Jeffrey and Luke won’t be here. I don’t want Luke seeing me like
this, and I also don’t want him to know that I spent two hours
crying last night over him.

“Watch your mouth!” Jane shoots back at my
thank you comment and I ignore her. I can tell with the mood she’s
in and the way I am feeling that something bad is about to

“Do you really have to eat like you were
raised by wolves? Look at you slouching, making god awful sounds
when you eat,” Jane starts in on me. I don’t look up and continue

“See the disrespect I have to put up with,”
she growls to Mckayla while I ignore her comment. “You look at me
when I’m talking to you child!” She yells getting up and storming
my way. Miss Finnegan tenses and I put down my spoon and turn
toward her. Her cheek bones are high and eyes narrow. She’s wearing
her usual bright pink lipstick, blue eye shadow, bright red hair up
in a bun, and is dressed in a navy blue pantsuit.

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