Unbridled and Unbroken (8 page)

Read Unbridled and Unbroken Online

Authors: Elle Saint James

Tags: #Erotica, #Fiction, #Romance, #Adult, #Menage a Trois (m/f/m), #Menage Everlasting, #Western

BOOK: Unbridled and Unbroken
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Veronica’s mouth fell open. Johnny hoped it meant she was intrigued and not appalled.

* * * *

“Doubly penetrate,” she murmured the words as all sorts of things flew through her mind. “Explain that to me.”

Johnny leaned forward. “In our case it means that I’d sink my cock into your virgin ass as Adam fucked your pussy.”

The words he whispered formed a vision in her mind. She wanted to do it. Her heartbeat kicked up a notch in her chest at the very idea of sex with two men.

“I never even knew that was possible.”

“It’s a rather unique lifestyle.”

She opened her eyes and looked first at Adam and then at Johnny. “But you two enjoy this lifestyle.”

They both nodded. “Sometimes,” Adam said. “But we don’t have a permanent companion, as of yet.”

“Are you looking for one?”

“Of course,” Johnny murmured. He kissed her mouth with tender care. “Perhaps you’d like to join us and see for yourself how it works. Then you can decide if you’d be interested in pursuing this way of life.”

Veronica inhaled a deep breath and with it came the scent of spicy sex. She was intrigued.

“I’ll go with you tonight. But what if after I see the show I don’t want to continue?”

“No harm, no foul. We’ll still have a nice evening together. And we can do whatever you’re comfortable with.”

“I really liked what we did today.” She searched their eyes for their reaction.

Adam leaned up on one elbow. “So did we. We like a wide variety of sexual positions. Go with what feels good to you. But don’t ever feel pressured to do anything you don’t want to do. “

Veronica didn’t feel pressured. She was excited. This unusual experience was like an adventure. It was an exciting vacation away from the dreary hum-drum life she’d been leading hidden away and humiliated. She definitely needed a break from her current reality.

The plans for tonight sounded like the perfect sojourn from mediocrity directly into a higher level of fantasies.

“Okay, I’ll go.”

Veronica spent a little bit more time with them before heading home. She needed to get a little bit of sleep before heading out for the evening.

She called her boss, Mr. Feeney, who wasn’t at all pleased she was taking a day off. She didn’t lie and claim to be sick. She simply told him that she had something to take care of. That much was true. He didn't need to know the specifics or that her own self-esteem was what she tended. He reluctantly agreed to her request.

After an hours-long nap, a long shower, and a drastic clothing change, Veronica left her car behind and took a cab back and met them in the lobby of their hotel. She was dressed in her best slinky, black dress with the side slit almost to her waist and the sexiest fuck-me black stiletto heels she owned.

Johnny kissed her and whispered, “I’m glad you decided to join us. You look beautiful.”

“Wouldn’t miss it.”

Adam hovered close by, but didn’t try to touch her. Although by his expression when his gaze finally caressed her body, he wanted to do more than just touch.

Johnny grabbed her hand and led her to a waiting taxi. Adam followed behind and she swore she felt his gaze on her ass, but didn’t turn around to check.

The taxi ride didn’t take long, but being pressed against two delectable men in the backseat of a narrow cab made it seem like an eternity.

Adam’s leg rested along one of her uncovered thighs and Johnny’s pressed the other. Veronica kept her hands in her lap until Johnny grabbed one and laced his fingers through hers. He licked the tip of each finger. Her mouth fell open at the seductive visual. Adam’s palm brushed her knee briefly as he slid his hand beneath her skirt, eased by the slit in her dress, and distracted her from Johnny.

Adam whispered, “Let me play with you.”

She was about to ask what he meant, but his fingers suddenly slid all the way up one thigh and teased the edge of her thong panties aside. One finger wiggled its way beneath the barely there fabric to caress her pussy lips. Her gaze went to the driver, who seemed occupied with driving and not what his customers were doing.

Adam stroked her clit as Johnny sucked one of her fingers into his mouth. She pushed out her breath in a rush as sultry sensations coursed through her body. Her nipples hardened beneath the sheer top of her dress as Adam fingered her clit even faster and planted a kiss on her shoulder. Johnny kissed her cheek. She turned her head toward him

Veronica’s intrigue level zipped into the stratosphere as the taxi glided to a smooth stop in front of an upscale club she’d never seen before. Adam removed his hand from her as if it had never been there, opened the door and was outside before she took her next breath.

Johnny had his wallet out to pay for the ride as Adam’s hand reached into the cab to help her out. Veronica decided she’d have to be on her toes with these men. One second they seemed ready to “do” her in the back of a taxi and in the next second they were ready to jump out and head for the club as if nothing had happened.

The club they were about to enter was in an up-and-coming area of the city. A long, two story, red brick building with a single set of black double doors with sleek silver handles was manned by a single large, well dressed man. It was likely the bouncer. Although it was the middle of the work week, Veronica expected the place to be much busier.

“Ready to go in?” Johnny asked.

She nodded. “It’s surprisingly quiet tonight. What sort of club is this?”

“It’s a very exclusive and private one.” Adam’s hand pressed the center of her back as they walked toward the door. “The entire property was purchased just for us tonight.”


“Our club.”

The bouncer they approached looked very intimidating. He had to be six and a half feet tall. His shaved head and dark piercing gaze focused on each person entering the club gave him a scary aura. She didn’t ever want to get on his bad side or meet him alone in a dark alley. He opened the door as they approached.

“Hi, Clay,” Johnny said to the giant holding the door for them.

Clay didn’t speak or smile. He just nodded once.

Veronica didn’t have time to wonder if this was a good idea or not. She bounded forward into this experience ready to learn something new.

She’d never been to a strip club before. Certainly never to a place to watch a sexual act.

They came into a long hallway that opened into a small bar area. Several men and women were in attendance. Most had drinks in hand and the various snatches of conversation she heard as they walked through seemed to be focused on ranching, cattle and the conference. They introduced her to a handful on men on the way to the bar and each had eyed her carefully and completely. To say they all undressed her with their eyes was the understatement of the year.

Veronica was surprised to see quite a few women mingling in the bar. She had expected only men to attend.

“Want something to drink?” Adam leaned in close to ask.

“Do they have apple martinis?”

He nodded and smiled. “I’m certain they do.”

“I’ll have one or two to start. And keep them coming.”

It was probably a bad idea to start out double fisted drinking, but found she wanted the crutch of alcohol to settle her nerves.

“Let’s start with one. I don’t want you drunk on your ass. You might not enjoy the seductive evening entertainment as much.”

“What if I don’t?”

“Don’t what?”

“Enjoy the entertainment. I’m suddenly not so sure about this.” She stared up into his dark, delicious eyes. They hadn’t forced her to come or gone overboard explaining what would happen. Truthfully, she was having a moment of panic at the night to come.

“There’s nothing to be afraid of, okay? We’ll just watch and if you’d like to go back to our hotel for a repeat performance, good. If not, also good. I’m sure we can think up other ways to occupy ourselves in the room later tonight.”

“Okay.” She inhaled and exhaled.

Adam kissed her forehead and headed for the bar. The security guy, Clay, entered the room, headed for the bar and started talking to Adam as he ordered their drinks. Beside her, Johnny conversed in quiet tones with another man, but he kept his hand around her back and lightly gripped her upper arm as if to keep her from running.

She was being silly. She’d only come to watch. Deep down inside, she already wanted to return to their hotel room to act out the double penetration scenario they’d mentioned. At least tonight would be a visceral and visual education for what they’d be doing later on tonight.

Adam returned with their drinks and they moved through a doorway to a larger room where tables and chairs littered the space in no particular pattern. Centered on the opposite wall was a waist high stage with curtains closed across the back and a runway extending perhaps twelve feet into the room and leading out to a brass pole.

Veronica smiled to herself as she recognized the place for what it was, a strip joint. It was decorated very well with upscale furniture and expensive fixtures, but still a place where performers would take their clothes off and do wicked things for the assembled crowd.

She couldn’t wait for tonight’s performance to begin.

The dim lighting made the place mysterious and once everyone found a table and more drinks were ordered and delivered, the curtains slowly pulled back revealing a beautiful bikini clad woman. She stared straight ahead at some unseen point as if she stood alone in the room.

Sexy music suddenly swelled from unseen speakers in a steady rock and roll rhythm. The woman strolled forward bouncing and swaying to the beat of the bass drums. Her arms came up in the air, fingers snapped and she spun in a circle halfway to the pole. Two more seductive spins and she undulated down the runway toward the waiting crowd.

She latched onto the pole with two hands and swung around, one hip pushed out and both feet planted at the base of the brass fixture.

Veronica had once been invited to a co-workers home for pole dancing lessons as an exercise program. She’d been intrigued way back when, but hadn’t taken advantage of the opportunity. Watching the girl on stage made her regret not making time.

After several moves and twists around the pole, the girl took a step backward from the brass fixture. As if she conjured them from thin air, the woman was suddenly joined by two men on stage. They appeared on either side and helped her quickly undress.

The two attractive men were already completely nude, and fully erect. Veronica couldn’t look at anything but the two hard cocks up on stage, until the three started having sex.

Chapter Five

Johnny didn’t know whether he was particularly on edge because of the arousing stage show, or if it was because he and Adam brought Veronica to share the experience.

Having never brought a woman to a Double Rider Men’s Club event before, he thought it might be the newness of sharing this world with someone he didn’t know very well. Or maybe he simply wanted her to love it as much as they did for reenactment later on and his senses were heightened for that reason.

Whatever the cause, he was wound tighter than an eight day clock. His gaze darted between the amazing ménage sex on stage and Veronica watching the show. He wanted her to be excited by it. Wanted her to love it so they could show her up close and personal how they’d do it together later on. Her gaze never wavered from the three on stage acting out their love.

Adam leaned over and whispered something in her ear. Her eyes widened at whatever he said. Johnny silently hoped it wasn’t anything that would scare her off.

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