Unbridled and Unjustified [The Double Rider Men's Club 11] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (15 page)

BOOK: Unbridled and Unjustified [The Double Rider Men's Club 11] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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“Okay, then both of you shut up. You’re distracting me.” She bent to her task again. She sucked his cock and enjoyed every second.

There was something completely sexy about having a man’s full attention when her mouth was wrapped around his cock. She had no doubt he wanted this. Each time he moaned. Each time he stiffened his hips. Each time he bunched her hair in his hand and pushed her head down on his cock a little harder was so exhilarating, Ava was getting wet again.

The vehicle suddenly swerved to one side and pushed her mouth over his cock a little deeper than she originally intended. A quick grunt and a quietly spoken, “Oh, god…” was the only warning she got before spurts of his cum shot down her throat. He steadied his hand on the back of her head gently and groaned long and loud.

She swallowed twice as her pussy pulsed like a geyser and flooded her panties. She pulled her mouth off his cock and rested her head on his thigh. He stroked his fingers through her hair for several moments. In a very satisfied tone, he finally asked, “Are you okay down there?”

“I’m fine. How are you doing?” She twisted to rest on her back. His hand landed on her chest. She wore only her bra, but undid the front closure to see if he’d take the hint and play with her.

He did.

Troy’s fingers found and teased first one nipple and then the other. She was breathing hard after only a few seconds. “Haven’t you had enough?” he asked with a chuckle. “Aren’t you tired?”

Her pussy squeezed, wishing his cock was buried there. “Guess not. After sucking your cock, I find that I’m filled with…longing.”

“Then let me see if I can’t help with that.” His hand slid from her breasts to beneath the waistband of her saturated panties. He glanced a finger past her clit without stopping and slid a finger into her very slick pussy. “Wow. You
wet. Blow jobs make you hot?”

Ava parted her legs to give him easier access. “Yes. Everything you do makes me hot.”

Troy zeroed in on her clit and started rubbing hard and fast. Ava sucked in a deep breath. Each stroke brought her higher and higher to a pinnacle she ached to get to. Her nipples hardened. She reached up and started tugging at the tips of her breasts. A low moan came from her own lips as spirals of pleasure wound from her nipples to her clit and back again.

Even without a cock to fill her, she was so close to release with his finger steadily rubbing her sensitive clit, she wouldn’t last much longer.

Her eyes slid open to see Troy staring at her playing with her nipples. She glanced down and saw his hand buried between her legs. Each stiff stroke of his finger across her clit brought her closer and closer to climax.

After miles and miles of darkness, suddenly a light intruded into her blissful climb to orgasmic delights. Her eyes opened a bit more. Out the window a truck passed by going the opposite direction and an odd thought occurred to her. What if the trucker had looked into the backseat at the exact time they passed and seen her playing with her nipples as Troy had his hand buried between her thighs, stroking her clit? It was one thing to have Declan watching them. It was another thing entirely to have another stranger possibly seeing her having sex.

Her libido nearly hit a crescendo at the naughty idea of allowing strangers along the highways and byways to watch as Troy stroked her clit to orgasm. So sexy.

Another truck passed, and the lights along the side of the road became more frequent. She squeezed her nipples hard. Troy stroked his finger hard and fast against her clit.

Someone might see me.

Two semi trucks went by one after another, and Ava hit her high note. Back arching in the most gratuitous pleasure she’d ever known without a cock being buried deeply in her pussy, Ava wailed as her orgasm hit her like a fire hose to the face. Shocking, breathtaking, making her wetter than she ever imagined possible.

Troy kept her from falling to the floorboards, amazingly enough, as she writhed and bucked through the most satisfying orgasm she’d ever thought to experience.

“My heavens. That was amazing.”

“I’m so glad you thought so.”

“I started imagining the truckers passing by could see us and what we were doing in the backseat, and that set me off like the mother of all firecrackers during the Fourth of July.”

Troy and Declan traded a long gaze in the rearview mirror. She wondered what that was all about, but soon after her orgasm, the overexciting day finally took its toll on her energy level.

She had scarcely pulled her clothing back in place before dozing off against Troy’s chest. As dawn broke and started brightening the sky, Ava only barely woke up temporarily when Troy carried her from the vehicle and into the small rustic cabin. Their new safe haven smelled a little musty, but she was so tired she didn’t care. The amazing sexual calisthenics in the hotel that continued in the backseat on the trip had finally relaxed her enough to sleep soundly.

When Ava opened her eyes again, harsh afternoon daylight streamed onto her face. She was curled up next to Declan on top of a quilt-covered bed in a modest wood-paneled bedroom with a low ceiling.

She sat up quickly, blinking away the sunspots seemingly burned into her eyelids. Declan stirred but didn’t seem to wake. Looking around, she saw a simple dresser with a mirror hung on the wall above it to her left and a small bay window to her right. The comfy-looking padded bench seat below the window made her want to curl up with a good book and stop worrying about the current bevy of problems she faced.

She took a deep breath that turned into a yawn and then stretched to help herself wake up. Declan didn’t move. She put her head down to his chest and listened to his steady heartbeat. Once she was assured he only slept, Ava lifted and pondered where Troy was.

The tantalizing scent of bacon drifting into the space from an unknown source made her stomach growl. She slipped off the bed without disturbing Declan and exited the door left ajar. The bedroom opened into a larger room with an array of furniture spread throughout the space.

The ceiling was higher in this room, but not by much.

She smelled coffee, too, and allowed her nose to lead her from the living room area into the right L shape of the cabin and directly to a small kitchen with a kitchen table centered in the middle of the meager floor space.

On the other side of the table, Troy was tending bacon in an iron skillet over the open flame of a small gas stove.

“Smells good,” she said.

Troy looked over one shoulder and gifted her with a devastatingly handsome dimpled smile. The kind of smile that made tingly feelings erupt below her belly.

“You’re up,” he said. “How did you sleep?”

“Pretty well, it seems. I only barely remember you carrying me inside last night. Or rather, early this morning.” She crossed her arms, trying to hold in the sincere desire to leap onto his sexy body for a morning kiss, hug, and screw. Even though she truly wanted all three.

“Yeah. It
nearly dawn by the time we got here.” He used a fork to lift several pieces of thick bacon out of the pan onto a waiting paper towel–lined plate. He then grabbed a bowl near the small sink and poured a thick yellow mixture into the skillet.

A satisfying sizzle crackled from the stovetop as the beaten egg met the hot bacon grease. He stirred the eggs with the fork in his hand. Was there anything sexier than watching a gorgeous man cook? She couldn’t think of anything as she stared her fill.

Ava couldn’t stand the silence. She was afraid she’d say something inappropriate. Such as
watching you cook breakfast makes my pussy wet.
Instead she asked, “Why is Declan still asleep? He didn’t even move when I got out of bed.”

“He just went to bed a few minutes ago. You want some coffee?”

She nodded. “Yes. Thanks. Does he have insomnia or something?”

Troy poured her a cup from the battered and ancient Mr. Coffee carafe on the counter. “Not exactly. Probably, he drank too much diner coffee, but also he thought someone should remain awake to ensure no one followed us here. While you and I slept, he guarded us. When I got up, he crawled in bed with you, and I went out and fetched some food at Jed’s Gas and Go a half mile down the road.”

“Do you really think we need to be guarded?” She didn’t mean to sound panicked, but in the light of day, the past forty-eight hours had seemed a bit like a farfetched scary dream that didn’t seem as worrisome in the light of day. Yes. There were also two handsome men in the new cabin, but her brain hadn’t wrapped itself around the danger level of her situation.

In fact, she’d pretty much ignored threats against her life in favor of fulfilling her blatant sexual desires whenever possible since meeting the two of them.

Troy’s reassuring expression also calmed her. “I don’t think anyone is about to break the door down, but it doesn’t hurt to be cautious.”

“Does Jed knowing we’re here jeopardize us?”

“I’d call it more of an acceptable risk. This is a small community. People watch out for changes and newcomers. If I hadn’t gone down there and let him know I was here in the cabin, he might have called the local sheriff to check us out. And as you know, we need to avoid any and all law enforcement.”

She tilted her head to one side. “Even though we’ve crossed into a new state?”

“Just to be safe,” he said and smiled again. “I’m sorry all we’ve come up with so far is run and hide, but I promise Declan and I will do everything in our power to keep you out of harm’s way until this mess gets sorted out.”

“Thank you.” Ava didn’t want to think about the great huge mess of her life yet. She took a sip of the coffee, wishing she had some cream and sugar to soften the bitter taste. As if he read her mind, Troy pulled a small carton of cream out of the tiny refrigerator and pointed to a box of sugar already on the table next to an unopened jar of grape jelly. “Thanks,” she said again.

He turned back to the stove. “You’re most welcome.”

She sweetened and lightened her coffee and then asked, “Do you need any help?” She couldn’t remember the last time a man she knew had cooked for her. Well, besides Mr. Tanaka at the Hibachi Grill Japanese restaurant in Little Rock that one time.

“I’m good. This is sort of a one-person kitchen anyway.”

“Do you cook often?” she asked.

“No.” Then he laughed. “Well, only when I want to eat.”

Watching Troy cook was akin to seeing an oddity at the carnival sideshow. “
Step right up, folks, see the bearded lady, the monkey boy, and most bizarre of all, the man who cooks

To the best of her knowledge, Ava’s father, a good man by all accounts, had never once cooked a day in his life. Even backyard grilling was absent from his list of considerable skills.

“I’m not used to seeing a man in the kitchen cooking,” Ava said as Troy worked.

“Really? In this day and age? I thought all men had a few necessary skills. Not even microwave cooking?”

She shook her head. “My ex-boyfriend ate takeout if I was away for a meal.”

“What about your father? Didn’t he cook on the barbecue or something?”

Ava smiled in memory. “Nope. Stepping into an empty kitchen at mealtime always put an uncomfortable and rather helpless look in my father’s eyes. The puzzle of the modern kitchen was a battle line he never chose to cross. And he never had to learn because my mama always cooked for us. My parents were as traditional as a married couple from a 1950s television show.”

Troy laughed as she spoke. “Did she also vacuum the house in a dress, high heels, and a set of pearls?”

Ava shook her head. “Not quite. But she was the only one who made food.”

“So what happened if your mom was away or couldn’t cook?”

A wistful poignant memory shot into Ava’s mind. “Well, that didn’t happen very often. But during any of the rare times my mama wasn’t able to put a meal on the table, my father would scan the kitchen cabinets with an uneasy expression on his face. Then the two of us would either go out to a restaurant, or we had food delivered.” Ava smiled in memory of those special dinners out. She missed her parents.

Troy crossed his arms and leaned a hip against the wall by the stove. His expression sobered. “I read a file on you, and I know that your parents are deceased. I’m sorry.”

Ava nodded. “They died far too young in a house fire in my first year of college, but at least they were together to the end.”

The toaster popped, and four pieces of caramel-colored toast appeared, pulling her quickly from her tragic lost-family reverie. Troy pulled the slices out one by one, buttered them, cut the whole stack in half, and brought them to the table. He then returned to tend to the eggs. After they were cooked to his satisfaction, he scraped them out of the pan using his cooking fork and onto what looked like two turquoise Melmac plates, the kind of dishware she hadn’t seen since visiting an elderly relative as a child.

“Hope you like your eggs scrambled.” He slid a plate half covered with fluffy scrambled eggs in front of her before retrieving his own plate and sitting down across from her.

Ava took a bite of bacon-flavored eggs with relish. “Scrambled is perfect. Actually, I like the idea of a man cooking for me even more. Never had that happen before.”

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