Unbridled and Unsaddled [The Double Rider Men's Club 9] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (17 page)

BOOK: Unbridled and Unsaddled [The Double Rider Men's Club 9] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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“Does that mean the show is about to start?” Drew asked.

“Yes.” Sabrina leaned forward and looked down at the stage. “Why don’t we watch the players for a while, and then we can reenact what we see.”

They both nodded and all of them put their focus on the stage below. Less than a minute later two men and a woman entered the stage. The woman was lovely and fairly thin, with strawberry-blonde hair gracing her shoulders. She wore a semi-see-through garment in a filmy blue that was hard to turn away from. Parker wasn’t usually attracted to redheads, but she was very attractive. Especially since he could see her nude body fairly clearly through what she wore. And here was yet another example of something he’d have to get used to.

Watching other people have sex meant seeing other women naked. Parker felt a little guilty that he found the redhead attractive. He turned and looked at Sabrina. She was hands down the most gorgeous woman he’d ever met.

She turned to him and smiled. “She’s beautiful, isn’t she?”

“Who?” He knew exactly who, but didn’t want to say it.

She nodded her head at the stage. “The woman onstage. Her name is Olivia.”

Parker shrugged. “She’s okay. I like you better.”

“That’s so sweet of you, but don’t feel bad if you think she’s attractive. I do. I also think the men she’s married to are gorgeous. And the three of them are really great together.”

Parker looked down at the stage again with a smile. Sabrina was seemingly reading his mind. Or perhaps she’d already considered what issues he and Drew might have as they moved forward into this unusual lifestyle.

The two men with the redhead were tall and wore only towels slung around their hips. When she looked at the two men following her she looked like a woman in love. That was what really made her beautiful in Parker’s eyes.

“Thanks. You’re right. She’s attractive. I’ll take your word on the men. And I appreciate that you understand some of my apprehensions.”

Drew leaned forward in his seat and also watched the trio onstage prepare. “As I understand this club, two men spend their time pleasuring one woman in an exclusive ménage relationship. And those trios watch others have sex or sometimes allow others to watch them have sex, but they don’t ever trade any partners, right?”

“Right. Although I have seen a few shows where a third man is brought in for a special triple penetration evening, but that’s totally up to the trio involved. Personally, and for my tastes, I think two men are plenty enough. And I believe I’ve found the perfect duo of male specimens to keep me happy for the rest of my life.”

The sexy music coming from the speakers above got a little louder. Parker took note of her declaration regarding
the rest of her life
, but didn’t respond for now. He had to admit, it was what he’d also been thinking.

One of the men below suddenly grabbed and kissed the redhead. He ran his hands all over her body with the sheer blue negligee still in place. He kissed a path down to one of her nipples and started sucking. The other man stepped in behind her and nuzzled the back of her neck. He also ran his hands up and down her sides and over her ass.

The redhead cried out when the man in front of her slid his hand between her legs. Parker was surprised to hear her voice over the speakers. He didn’t know why he thought they’d only watch and not hear what happened below, too.

His cock throbbed in anticipation. He couldn’t wait until they made love to Sabrina tonight. A future with her seemed inevitable. He hoped Drew was on board.

Parker decided this would be the first night in a long procession of nights to come.

Chapter Eleven


Ohmygod, fuck me harder
,” came the low–toned, cultured voice of the woman onstage over the box speaker.

Drew had to forcibly keep his mouth from dropping open as he watched the live sex show on the stage below. The woman with the red hair looked like some high-class debutant stripped of her regal clothing and set upon by muscular, well-hung male models so they could make all her vivid sex dreams come true.

Sabrina had her hand on his thigh, squeezing him every so often. Her rapt attention was on the stage.

The redhead was doubly penetrated, gripping the brass pole with one hand as the two men she was with pumped their cocks in and out of her pussy and ass in a sideways, seesaw rhythm. He’d already done this with Parker and Sabrina, but watching the satisfying act was an entirely different situation. And he liked it a lot.

His cock pulsed with each thrust and retreat the men below made. Drew had watched people have sex on film before. It had turned him on. However, watching a live sex show with three people performing a double penetration up close like this was a singular level of extrasexy.

Sabrina moved her hand to his cock and started squeezing. The sound of the drumbeats from the music combined with the panting of the men and shrieks of pleasure from the woman made this the absolute best sex show he’d ever seen.

He hoped he wouldn’t come in his pants before making love to Sabrina tonight. But it was so very arousing to watch this stage show and not be impacted by it. To say he was turned on was a grossly underestimated statement.

The man fucking the redhead’s pussy reached between them and started rubbing her clit. She suddenly tilted her head back and screamed to the open ceiling. Drew’s entire body tightened the moment she came. In the next second, the man moved his hand, grabbed her hips, thrust deeply into her pussy, and groaned loudly.

She then slung her free arm around his neck as her buried his face at her throat. The man fucking her ass stroked his cock between her butt cheeks only a few more times before stiffening against her and pushing out a long, deep, satisfied-sounding breath. He pressed the side of his head to her neck, and the three held that pose for a couple seconds before the lights went dark onstage.

The music continued and the thumping beat still registered in his chest. Drew pushed out a deep breath he hadn’t realized he’d been holding.

Good heavens, that had been so fucking sexy to witness.

Parker turned and kissed Sabrina hard and fast on the mouth. Her hand remained attached to his cock, and she still squeezed him frequently. Drew wasn’t going to last long if he didn’t calm down.

Sabrina suddenly stood up breaking the exuberant kiss with Parker. “I’m about to explode. I need some sex soon.” She started peeling her clothes off.

Parker glanced at him for only a second before he also started pulling his shirt off. Drew didn’t waste any more time gawking. He stood up next to Sabrina, started removing his clothes and was undressed in record time.

Sabrina turned toward him and pressed her luscious naked body to his. He kissed her lips, kissed a path down her throat to one nipple, and sucked hard. “Oh god, that feels so good.”

Parker pushed against her back, and his arms soon wrapped around her waist. Drew wanted to bury his face in her pussy and bring her off until she screamed. He went to his knees on the carpet and positioned his mouth at the apex to her thighs.

Sabrina shifted them around until her palms could rest against the glass and widened her stance to give him room to work. Drew positioned his head between her legs with his ass facing out and pretended any number of people could see them even though he knew the window was set to privacy. He grabbed her hips and started with one long stroke of his tongue along her slick, tasty pussy lips.

Parker wandered away for a moment, presumably to gather what they’d need for double penetration. Drew shoved his tongue deeply into her pussy. He then licked the musky, sweet flavor of her.

She writhed against his mouth with each and every move he made. His cock was so hard and ready to fuck, it was a wonder he hadn’t just exploded in climax. He figured one thrust inside and he’d be done.

Parker returned and dropped a condom next to him on the floor. Above him, Sabrina started chanting, “Oh, god. Oh, god.”

He heard the lube container fall on the floor and assumed that Parker was about to make his way into her ass.

“Parker,” Sabrina whispered, “That feels so amazing.”

Drew waited until he felt Parker fully thrust inside her ass before he centered his mouth around her clit and started rubbing the tip of his tongue against the small bud. Parker started slowly fucking her ass and Drew continued licking her clit until she climaxed, screaming his name. He drank from her juicy pussy until she stopped quivering and quieted.

Parker kept moving in and out of her body with measured thrusts. Drew grabbed the condom and kissed his way up her body. He stood slowly until he plastered her mouth briefly with a kiss. He put the condom on and thrust his cock between her legs and deeply into her pussy. She was hot, slick, and tight as his cock entered. Drew had to concentrate to keep from letting go with his first push inside.

He clenched his jaw and stilled to get control before moving again.

Parker was breathing hard. They took turns thrusting inside her body until Parker groaned deeply and stopped moving moments later. Drew couldn’t hold his release any longer. He tightened his fingers into the soft flesh of her hips and drove his cock hard and fast in and out of her pussy.

A sensation of pure bliss exploded from his cock in a matter of seconds. His legs trembled with the force of his climax. Stiffening against her, Drew shot his cock deeply one last time and fairly growled against her throat in utter and complete gratification.

The three of them were magic together. He couldn’t imagine his future life without Sabrina and Parker in it.


* * * *


The Saturday night informal stadium event had been a monumental success as far as Sabrina was concerned. She had wanted to bring Parker and Drew here, but hadn’t wanted to push them too fast. She was delighted that Parker, on his own, had called and arranged this evening with Clay. She was so happy, the smile couldn’t possibly be wiped off her face.

They didn’t stay in the Stadium box for very long after the amazing sex. The cabin was so much more spacious, and she longed snuggle up in front of a cozy fire. Perhaps their next sexual interlude could be on the rug in front of the blazing flames in the fireplace.

Sabrina led Parker and Drew from the Stadium to the small cabin Clay let them borrow again. Once inside, as she’d desired, they built a lovely fire and watched the flames consume the wood while seated on the sofa.

Now more than ever, Sabrina was glad she’d taken a chance and brought these two men together for an invitation into the DRMC lifestyle.

Curled between them right now, she’d never been happier in her life.

“Clay told me that if this evening went well—and as far as I’m concerned, it has—that he’d help process and expedite our entry membership into the DRMC if that was the direction we wanted to go.”

“I certainly want to go in this direction,” Drew murmured.

“Where will we live?” Sabrina asked.


“Well, my apartment is only a one-bedroom and one-bathroom setup. Generous in size, but not really big enough for three people to live in on a regular basis. Drew, I know you have a house on your acreage, but I don’t know if it’s big enough for us, or if you even want anyone to live with you there. While Parker has a nice-sized ranch house on his property, perhaps he doesn’t want to advertize his ménage relationship to his ranch crew.”

Parker laughed. “Yeah. That would make for interesting conversation at the corral.” He scanned the room. “I sort of like this cabin. Maybe we could rent it.”

Sabrina shook her head. “It’s owned by one of the DRMC members. I don’t even know who. But they use it part of the year.”

“Too bad. This would be a perfect place.”

“Maybe we could build our own place here on the DRMC property once we are official members.” Parker gestured around the room. “We could ask for the blueprints for this place, build a cabin of our own, and live happily ever after together.”

Sabrina leaned her head back on the sofa. “Perfect. The only bad news is that it could take a long while before we were actually living together under the same room. Membership will take some time even if Clay is supportive and expedites the paperwork. Building our own place will also take some more time. The thing is, I hate to not spend every waking hour together with the two of you.”

“We could wear disguises and head to out-of-the-way motels each weekend.” Drew pretended to twist the corner of an imaginary mustache.

“I’m not pushing the two of you, am I? This isn’t a standard relationship, and as much as I’d love to jump in and never look back, I want to ensure you two aren’t feeling pressured.”

Drew grabbed her hand. “Here’s the thing. I’m totally and completely in love with you. I can’t imagine my life without you in it. If you’d asked me a month ago about ménage relationships I probably would have given you a very different answer, but I can’t imagine not living this way from now on.”

Parker grabbed her other hand, placed a gentle kiss on her knuckles, and quietly said, “Ditto.”

Drew rolled his eyes. Sarcasm soon filled the air around them. “Again with the elegant and expansive verbal recitation. Holy hell, Parker, do you ever shut up?”

BOOK: Unbridled and Unsaddled [The Double Rider Men's Club 9] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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