Uncommon Romance (18 page)

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Authors: Jove Belle

BOOK: Uncommon Romance
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Jude gasped, fisting her palms at her side to keep from grabbing Hollis and pulling her closer. The pressure increased steadily until all Jude could think about, all that mattered, was the urgent thrum of hot, lustful energy running from her breasts to her cunt. Her knees trembled and she felt herself slipping. She forced herself upright and braced herself. She would not fall over.

Just as the pressure reached the hard-enough-to-make-her-come level, Hollis released her. Before Jude could orient herself, return to a semi-normal state, Hollis slipped a clamp over her left nipple, then her right. The pressure rocketed, too painful, too decadent, too immediate, too jarring, too delicious, too…everything. Jude wanted more and she wanted less. Unable to decide, she whimpered and leaned closer to Hollis.

“I want you to make me come.” Hollis slid out of her shorts and panties as she led Jude around the desk. “Then I’ll decide on a suitable punishment for you.” She reclined into her chair, forcing Jude to her knees and guiding her head between her legs in one smooth motion.

Jude eased her hands over Hollis’s thighs, working her way up and inward, delighted to be allowed to touch.

“Ah-ah, hands behind your back.” She rapped the ruler over Jude’s knuckles.

“I’m sorry.” Jude slipped her tongue between Hollis’s lips. She fought to keep her balance as she stroked and swirled, experimenting with pressure and motion. She was determined to make Hollis forget her own name.

Hollis gripped the back of her head, the constant weight of her hand holding Jude steady. She thrust her tongue into Hollis, pushing as deep as she could, reaching to find Hollis’s threshold for pleasure. She retracted and thrust again, building a steady rhythm that Hollis matched, her hips jutting into Jude’s face. She wanted to grip Hollis around the waist, drag her close, pin her down, and tongue-fuck her until she came.

The tugging pressure on her scalp increased sharply in sync with the rising volume of Hollis’s praise. “Fuck…God…Damn.” Over and over, the same three words that started as a low, barely there whisper, then grew into a proud, desperate mantra.

Jude dragged her tongue up, applying direct pressure to Hollis’s clit for the first time. She grazed it with her teeth, then sucked it hard between her lips, flicking the tip of her tongue over the tight bundle.

Hollis gripped her head tighter, her fingers tangled in her hair, pulling and pushing at the same time. She tensed, her body perfectly still, yet shaking from the strain as her body tightened. She teetered there on that edge, body quaking, until Jude couldn’t take it any more. Fuck obedience. She slammed two fingers into Hollis’s cunt, fucking her hard and fast.

“Jesus…Fuck…Fuck.” Hollis buckled into the chair and tugged Jude up by her hair, covering her mouth in a demanding, invading kiss. “Damn, you’re good at that.”

As quickly as the kiss began, it ended. Hollis tugged on both nipple clamps, shooting fire to Jude’s center. She almost collapsed in Hollis’s lap.

“I want you on the floor, face down, ass up. Now.” Hollis’s voice held none of the languid recovery Jude expected. Her recuperation time was record fast.

As Jude moved into position, Hollis shoved the cushion from her chair under Jude’s head.

“Keep your hands behind your back this time or I’ll put the cuffs back on.” She took a set from her top drawer and plopped them on the desk. “I have a hobby that you are likely unaware of.”

Jude could hear Hollis moving around as she spoke, and she struggled to keep her head down. What else could she possibly have in her office to use on Jude? Either the ruler or the hairbrush would work nicely.

“I like to ride.” Hollis’s smile infused her voice, and Jude would have worried if given enough time. “English style.”

A sharp crack from, presumably, Hollis’s riding crop tore into Jude’s rear end, and she bit her lip to keep from crying out. A second and third quickly followed.

“Feel free to count if it helps.” Two more rapid strokes. “Or cry if you need to.”

Jude ground her teeth together as another sharp blow caught her low enough to sting her pussy lips. “Six.”

Jude counted fifteen before Hollis stopped. The cool counterpoint of Hollis’s hand as she comforted the reddened skin relaxed Jude, and a tear slipped from her eye.

“So beautiful.” Hollis praised her, her voice reverent and soft, as she massaged Jude’s ass, alternating between gripping and pulling, and gliding softly. “You were splendid.”

Hollis stretched her cheeks apart and a jolt of cool air hit Jude’s anus, followed almost immediately by a slick, probing tongue. Hollis pressed into Jude, rimming her, as her hands continued to knead the abused flesh. Jude squeezed her muscles tight, all of them, her fingernails digging into her palms, her toes digging into the hard floor. Her tits dragged against the floor, amping up the fire from the clamps, as she strained against Hollis’s tongue.

One last swipe and Hollis sat back on her haunches, still holding her cheeks open. Jude held herself rigid, fighting against the feeling of being exposed, vulnerable.

“God, I wish I had a strap-on here. I’d fuck your ass so hard you’d come for weeks.”

Before the words could cool in the air, before Jude’s pussy could stop clenching from the promise, Hollis pushed three fingers into Jude, so hard and so deep Jude wondered if it really was a strap-on. She set a fast, steady pace, increasing to four fingers before Jude was ready, and the stretching pressure-pain almost made her come instantly. She wasn’t allowed yet, and she gritted her teeth and waited for permission.

Hollis grasped her hair, tugging her upright, flush against her, back to front, as she continued to fuck her. The new angle and increasing urgency brought Jude closer to the edge until she was staring down, trying not to fall into the vast chasm before her. She was barely hanging on, her grasp on solid ground tenuous and failing fast.

Hollis released her hair and wrapped her arm around her chest, toying with her nipples, one after the other, not letting either rest for more than a second before returning her attention to it. Then, blessedly, she licked the length of Jude’s neck, still thrusting hard inside her cunt.

“Do you want to come?”

Jude’s shoulders burned and ached, and her fingers itched to dig into the flesh of Hollis’s belly. Her head swam, furling and dark.

“Answer me.” Hollis tugged on one of the clamps, pulling and squeezing it tighter. “Do you want to come?”

Yes…yes…God, yes. Jude couldn’t form the words. Her body was on fire, originating in her pussy and burning outward. She licked her lips. “Y…” She licked them again. “Yes, please, yes.” She begged and cried, unable to think beyond the pounding fist in her cunt and the lightning-sharp pressure on her nipples.

Hollis released her hold on the clamp, leaving it in place but no longer adding to the pain. She moved her hand swiftly to Jude’s mound, circling her clit with one soft, determined finger. “You can.” She bit down on the meaty flesh of Jude’s shoulder as she spoke.

Jude froze. Permission. She opened herself to the pressure in her cunt, her clit, her nipples, and the sharp tear of teeth at her pulse point. The dark, blurry edges of her vision overpowered the light and she surrendered, falling headfirst into the abyss.

Chapter Four

When Jude came to, Hollis was dressed and staring at her intently. The polished leather of her riding boots sat in stark contrast to the dull carpet. A tight, secret smile graced her lips.

She reclined on the sofa, one leg draped over the other, with the riding crop in her hands. She twirled it between her fingers and regarded Jude thoughtfully.

“You did very well.” Hollis was a demanding lover but always remembered praise when they finished. It made Jude try that much harder. As much as she enjoyed the harder edge of sex, at her core, she wanted to please. Being punished when she failed, then praised when she did well fed her need at an absolute base level.

Jude pulled herself upright. She’d been out, sprawled unattractively on the carpet, long enough for Hollis to collect her toys and put them away. The hairbrush and ruler were no longer on the desk. And her nipples, while incredibly sore and sensitive, were decidedly clamp-free. After far too much effort, she positioned herself appropriately on her knees with her hands palm down on her thighs.

“Thank you.” Her voice came out clearer than she expected. Jude was ruffled, destroyed by the demands Hollis placed on her body, first in class, then later in her office. Sweat had cooled on her body, and her inner thighs were tacky with leftover sex. She needed a shower desperately, but she held herself carefully, striving for placid beauty. For her part, Hollis looked completely put together.

“I hate to leave, but unfortunately I have a standing appointment.” Hollis said it like her departure was eminent, but she didn’t move.

“I understand.” Jude felt shaky all over, her muscles weak and her ass screaming. It was a delicate balance to kneel appropriately and keep the pressure off her bottom and not tax her jellified thighs. She wanted to lie back out on the floor and take a nap, give her body a chance to process and enjoy what Hollis had put her through.

“But I want to take care of you first. There’s a jar on my desk. Bring it to me.”

Jude had missed it earlier, a small white plastic jar without a label. She rose carefully, thankful for the change in position, and collected the jar as requested. Hollis took the jar when Jude offered it, then held her hand out, beckoning Jude to come closer. Her touch, the smooth skin of her hand, was soft and gentle. She set both feet squarely on the floor, then guided Jude to lie over them, like a child awaiting a spanking. She clenched, fearful that Hollis was going to follow through on her promise to punish her for touching earlier when she’d been directed to keep her hands behind her back.

“Relax.” Hollis soothed her hand over the sensitive flesh, and Jude tensed further.

The touch was tender, kind, and very arousing. And Jude had no idea what Hollis had planned next.

“This will help.” She removed her hand, and Jude missed the cool touch immediately. When the touch returned, her fingers were covered in ointment. She massaged carefully, working the balm into Jude’s flesh. By the time she finished, Jude was squirming with renewed excitement. And wet all over again.

“You really are insatiable, aren’t you?” Hollis trailed her fingers through pooling moisture between Jude’s legs and swirled her fingers at the opening of Jude’s cunt. Teasing, but not really touching.

Jude nodded and pushed her hips back, encouraging Hollis to do more.

Hollis lingered there, her fingers stroking Jude with no real intent or purpose, and it was maddening. Jude drew tighter, the ball of heavy energy pulsing and expanding.

“Please.” She gasped the word without really meaning to. So far, Hollis had wanted her vocal, but that didn’t mean she wanted her to beg.

“Hmmm, you feel wonderful.” Hollis pushed inside with what felt like only one finger. She withdrew just as quickly. “Tell me what you want.”

She returned to the same lazy pattern as before, circling, dipping in, but never really touching Jude. She’d draw close, tease at something more substantial, then shift course. Once again, Jude was well past sloppy wet, and yet she had no idea what she wanted beyond just to come.

That wouldn’t be enough for Hollis, she knew. Hollis was the type of woman who wanted specifics, details, and Jude was too fractured for that level of coherence. But she was damn well going to try.

“I want…” Jude swallowed, her head swam from the teasing pressure. “I want you to touch me.”

Hollis laughed and the vibrations resonated through Jude. “I am touching you.” She pressed inside again, still not enough to truly fill Jude. Just enough to make her yearn for more. Then she went back to her arrhythmic play, swiping her fingers, then massaging with her knuckles, always moving but never taking purchase.

“My clit. Please.” Instant pressure on her clitoris, firm but unmoving, made Jude gasp, and her hips jerked.

Hollis pressed against her low back, holding her tight against her lap. “Don’t move.” She did not, however, move her fingers against Jude’s clit.

The pressure grew but didn’t shift, and it took all of Jude’s willpower not to squirm. The slightest shift and she’d be gone, completely blown apart.

“What else?”

Jude was submissive by choice. She’d learned long ago that her body responded better to sexually aggressive and dominating partners. She didn’t want to think. She only wanted to respond, to do as commanded without worrying about the right or the wrong of it. She didn’t want to think about if she should do it, or if her body could handle it. She trusted her partner to take on all that burden. All she had to do was say yes and let go of her control. It was glorious and freeing.

And yet, prostrated emotionally and physically to Hollis, she struggled to do what was asked. Not because she didn’t know what she wanted, but because she was afraid of how very much it excited her. She didn’t know how much saying the words
touch me
would turn her on. She’d never been a dirty talker. Often gagged, sometimes literally, but most often figuratively, she wasn’t accustomed to hearing her own voice in the middle of sex.

She groaned loudly but couldn’t speak. What did she want? Hollis had asked the question, and she needed to find the words to explain her desires. “Please.”

The pressure eased, then pulsed. “Please what? I want to give you what you want, Jude, but you have to tell me what that is.”

Jude was absolutely certain Hollis knew what Jude wanted without Jude saying the words aloud. She took a deep breath and gathered herself. She could do this.

“Circles. Please.” Said aloud, it sounded absurd, and decidedly unsexy. Jude tried again. “Make circles with your fingers.”

Hollis massaged the muscles of her back with the hand that pinned Jude to her lap. She made tight, probing circles that felt amazing, but were nowhere close to what Jude needed. She sobbed with frustration.

“Like this?” Hollis didn’t laugh aloud, but Jude could hear the amusement in her tone.

“No, your other hand, on my clit.”

“Oh. You mean like this.” All the laughter disappeared from Hollis’s voice. She was suddenly all dark and intense and incredibly seductive.

She moved over Jude’s clit with slow, deliberate movements, circling just like she asked, but never quite pressing hard enough.

“More, please.” Jude tried to push against Hollis, to force more contact, greater pressure, but Hollis moved with her. She adjusted her legs and pressed even harder against Jude’s back. It put amazing pressure on Jude’s low abdomen that worked in tandem with the touch against her clit, and her arousal jolted through her.

“God, yes.” Jude gasped. The sensation was unexpected, the pressure coming into her cunt from the wrong place, but it felt so very good. It overwhelmed her.

“Can you come like this?”

“Yes, I think…maybe.” Jude shook her head and focused on the feeling building inside her.

“Rock against my knee.”

Permission to move and so she did, humping frantically into Hollis as she continued to play with her clit. She teased it with her fingers—circling, flicking, massaging, and drawing it out—but her attention and pressure didn’t wane.

“So good.”

“You can come now.”

Hollis twisted her clit between her fingers, pinching and tweaking hard, too hard, and Jude shouldn’t have been able to come, but she did. In a great overpowering wave, her orgasm consumed her, starting low in her belly where Hollis’s knee still drove into her, and radiating out until all she could do was shudder and whimper.

Smooth, calming strokes worked over her back, and she knew peripherally that Hollis was comforting her, easing her down.


“You liked that?” Hollis eased Jude into a kneeling position on the floor in front of her.

“Very much, thank you.” Jude bowed her head, not as a matter of training, but out of pure exhaustion. Hollis stroked her hair.

“I’m going to get you a set of Ben Wa balls.”

Jude clenched with anticipation. She’d used them one other time, and it had been a life-changing experience.

“I really do need to go.” Hollis sighed and then stood. “Take your time and pull yourself together. You don’t need to rush.”

“Okay.” But she really did. She had homework, of all things.

“Tomorrow,” she said as she turned on her heel and headed out the door, “try not to disrupt my class again.”

The door closed with a solid, final click, and Jude roused herself enough to begin getting dressed. Her body felt battered and spent. She pulled her shirt over her head, taking inventory of the tender and sore places.

Hollis was right. Tomorrow Jude would be the model student. But the next day, or perhaps the day after, when her body had recovered…well, that remained to be seen.

Jude slipped out of Special Agent Beverly Hollis’s office and took one final glance around the room before closing the door. She wasn’t too worried about the details of the room. She would be back again soon enough.




Jude stretched and yawned. She still couldn’t sleep as well as she did at home in her own bed, but the sound of Reeva’s breathing machine no longer kept her up at night. She awoke damn close to refreshed.

Reeva’s bed was already made and she was singing in the shower. It was her thing. She sang loud, off key, and with absolute joy in her voice. Jude would like to somehow replicate her enthusiasm for the day, but snarky cynicism had worked for her for this long. There was no changing it now.

A light knock sounded at the door, more a gentle
than an actual answer-me-now knock that she’d grown accustomed to here. Everyone, it seemed, had an agenda, something to prove, and they were determined to start with their knock. It was obnoxious.

When she answered the door, Jude found a short woman she’d never seen before. She held both hands behind her back and glanced up and down the hall before speaking. “Are you Jude?”

“Yes,” Jude answered reluctantly. This woman was skittish, which usually resulted in all sorts of bad things.

Before she could ask why the woman wanted to know, she thrust a package into Jude’s hands, turned, and literally ran away. Jude was too tired to chase her to find out what in the merry hell that had been about. She shook her head and shut the door.

The box was small, maybe six by four by three, and covered in shiny red paper with a satin bow on top. In fine, solid penmanship, the words
Open Me
were written below the bow. She recognized the writing as Hollis’s. She didn’t find that comforting at all.

Still, she recognized a command when it occurred, even in writing. She pulled the lid off and stared, probably open-mouthed, as she was too dazed to really control herself. Inside lay two perfect silver globes, stainless steel, actually, each about an inch and a half in diameter.

Ben Wa balls. As promised.

Jude was so stunned she didn’t notice Reeva had finished her shower until she asked, “Hey, what’s that?”

Her voice was far too close, and Jude slammed the lid back on the box and shoved the whole thing under her shirt. “Nothing.” She sounded like a guilty teenager, and she absolutely couldn’t change that image with the box-shaped protrusion sticking out beneath her top.

“Okay.” Reeva drew the word out and smiled, clearly confused and uncertain. She’d learned, however, that no amount of prying would convince Jude to talk if she wasn’t in the mood. “Bathroom’s open.”

“Thanks.” Jude grabbed her clothes, which she’d laid out the night before, and scooted into the bathroom.

Locked safely in there, Jude set the box on the vanity. She’d done a lot of truly debauched things in her life, and frankly Ben Wa balls weren’t particularly scandalous. Unless, she realized, they were delivered to her room before breakfast with the possibility her roommate could have answered the door instead of her.

The ridiculous deviance of it all made her giggle. From Reeva’s point of view, she probably looked and sounded like an idiot. That made her giggle harder.

A few deep breaths later she finally got hold of herself and stopped. She eased the top off the box, prepared this time for what she’d find inside. Along with the stainless-steel balls, she discovered a note, a piece of plain white printer paper folded into a tight, small rectangle with her name penned neatly on top.

She unfolded the note, clearly a communication of expectations from Hollis. It’d been a long time since she’d received directions in writing, and the process always thrilled her. It showed great forethought and care. There was nothing spontaneous about purchasing a gift, then printing out careful instructions for how to use it.

She spread the paper on the countertop, pressing the creases flat with her palms. The message was brief and simple.


Put these in now. I will remove them later.


Such benign, innocuous words had never excited her so much. The thought of going through her day with the balls rolling and shifting inside her made her squirm in anticipation. They should be easy to insert, but their size could be a problem if the day held too much physical activity. Easy to go in meant that they were also easy to come out. If Hollis had another seven-mile run planned, Jude would lose them before the first mile marker.

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