Unconquered Sun (13 page)

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Authors: Philipp Bogachev

BOOK: Unconquered Sun
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Analyzers informed at once that in air unusual mix with strong allocation of radiation is poured. They could not identify completely so far it, but, seemingly, that it is exhausts of some strange fuel. One of fairies got the small black container from a saddle bag and took air samples for the further laboratory analysis experts of the Award. Analyzers were ready for search, and in a moment in consciousness of fairies the probable trajectory of the movement of object was already displayed.

After a while fairies flew up and "hanged" over a forest edge around the Limit, sector No. 3. And one of them nearly gave a whistle from surprise:

- You look, sisters, this da-a-a-a … - and pointed to something by a long thin finger.

Both of her allies looked down and saw the deckle-edged big black bald spot which is burned out by something directly in the middle of the wood, curve boughs of the spoiled trees which are broken off, deprived of leaves around it.

Griffins softly landed. Fairies got down from the winged racers and, having put on protective gloves and respirators, began to investigate a clearing. The grass and branches were burned in coal, in ashes, even the top layer of earth burned down. Sisters hasty took samples of analyses.

- What could it be, sisters? - thoughtfully one of them told, sniffing. - Smells seemingly gray with pitch … Really dragons?

- You that, the sister, whether in the you mind! - the second answered right there. - Cannot be! They very long time ago are exterminated irrevocably!

- I do not know, I do not know, the sister, I am afraid, this riddle in power only Triune Knowledge …

- Listen, sisters and whose this territory? - the third asked, hiding the container in a saddle bag on a back of a griffin.

- Keepers of the Limit No. 3. The skilled fairy, on the good account, is married, two children, has thanks from Triune Knowledge, has no the communications discrediting it, received increases in a rank ahead of schedule, study at School - strictly naotlichno … - mechanically accurately reproduced the first these files which is on each fairy in Collective Memory of "STING".

- Perhaps we will interrogate then her? Whether she noticed anomalies on the site recently? - the third asked again.

- No, the sister, is impossible, our operation is strictly confidential - ordinary fairies should not know about it. Elder sister gave the accurate directive - privacy of the highest category.

- And what then to do to us?

- That-what? To follow in the tracks, of course! And well, we start Analyzers on search, we calculate a trajectory of the movement and - in a pursuit! - with a smile the first told, having touched with a finger of the right hand amber yellow stone on a silver rim. The stone flickered, and fairies saw before the mind's eye Tselestiya's card with the calculated trajectory of the movement of the object which released such strange substance into the atmosphere. And then fairies, in a military way built at the same time jumped on the winged horses and promptly gained height.

Of course, they would not lack forces of usual grifonovy wings for anything to catch up with the object which far came off them. It was necessary to pomanipulirovat fairly spells from area of the highest magic.

The matter is that fairies of "STING" skillfully were able to find by means of magic gaps invisible to an eye in matter of which Tselestiya consists. Knowing their arrangement and interrelation, it is possible, passing through them, in a flash to cross huge distances. The principle turned out approximately same as though one person ran to a circle of stadium, and another would run across stadium not on perimeter,
not on a racetrack, and the middle, across.

Of course, the theory of explosive space and calculation of an arrangement of points of a gap is an aerobatics of scientific magic which is known only to intelligence agents of "STING". Only their heavy-duty analyzers are capable to make such difficult calculations. It is connected with the fact that gap points continuously change as Tselestiya's matter continuously "breathes" and if to be mistaken in calculations of an arrangement of a point of an exit, it is possible to leave "not there", say, on the South Pole instead of northern. Or, it is worse than that, not to leave absolutely …

But this patrol managed to carry out calculations unmistakably. Having dived into one of uncountable invisible points of a gap, they literally in a moment appeared just steps to a pyatist from object. Having come up, sisters mentally rendered thanks to the Creator that they did not program an exit closer to object. Even at such distance they nearly choked with a suffocating sulfuric smoke, and skin them nearly got serious burns from the heated gases escaping from back part of object.

Telepathic the sent signal - and all three sisters were divided. Having imposed on itself a glazootvodyashchy spell, they departed different courses. One began to bend around object from the left flank, the second - with right, the third - from above. What surprise of sisters of "STING" when they saw that the object really was a dragon, however, not real, and made entirely of the polished gold plates was. Now it became clear, and here sulfur and gases … At the expense of what, it is asked, such heavy vast object will fly how not at the expense of some engine in it using energy of the burning-down fuel? Something similar is used by dwarfs, doing smart cars for drilling of rocks. It was known to warriors of "STING". Means, and dwarfs are involved here! It is necessary to remember …

Besides, on a back of a dragon the gold golem holding in hand some levers by means of which it operated flight of a vast object and behind weak-willed motionless "bag" sat some person lay.

- Scan "freight", the sister, look in Collective Memory, maybe, it is in base, - elder sister of patrol sent a telepathic signal.

That that flew from above, directed the Analyzer beam to the lying person and began to scan it. Here, accurately we remove a visible range, here, it is gradually released invisible radiation … Oh, Creator, radiation of pink color! This is our, this person - the member of our Community! The moment - and intensity of radiation is driven into Collective Memory of "STING".

- The sister, is the husband Hranitelnitsy of the Limit No. 3. The father of two children, character balanced, quiet, in the discrediting communications is not noticed, drives, however, suspicious friendship with mermaids, but without political implication, composes fairy tales, walks in the woods, idles … Generally, the ordinary representative of man's part of Community, is harmless and does not constitute danger to the Sacred Principles of the Order and Prosperity.

- What does it do here?

- In blood the high dose of morphine, and on an integument bruises and bruises is found … It seems that the sister, he is taken prisoner.

- Interesnenko, sister, interestingly … Business becomes very curious. Why it to the golem was required to abduct the husband of one of our sisters? Business obviously political, perhaps, some diversion of enemies of Community and Sacred Principles. It is necessary to give the urgent report of their Knowledge!

- Wait, the sister, it is necessary to track where they fly …

- … And, in my opinion, and so everything is clear - look!

And sisters saw in the distance, in beams of a rising sun brilliant teeth of unusually high tower from the polished gold brick, and at once everything became clear to them.

- Everything, sisters, a release, we fly on base - business takes a serious turn. She began to move again! Their Knowledge needs to be informed urgently. As my intuition, sisters prompts to me, something outstanding approaches. There can be a new war, or perhaps even worse … Let's go, for me!

- And unless we will not beat off the kidnapped person? It will be simple to be made … - objected mentally flying from above.

- And we have on that instructions, the sister? No. Entirely prospecting and the mission we executed our raid. Obedience, the sister, implicit obedience - the main virtue of the Award, do not forget about it! And then - if we beat off it, we never learn those intentions for the sake of which she made stealing. In this IT party has to make the first course!

On it telepathic communication of warriors of "STING" was interrupted also all three quietly lagged behind a course of "object" and sharply gained height. They should fly directly on Fey's Island - the capital of Skies.


The residence of their Knowledge - "The Pink Hall" - was located on the high pink mountain, directly in the center of the Island of Fey.

Fey's island was big, miles 50 in the diameter, space go on, soaring directly in air, is much higher than usual atmospheric clouds. Thanks to the glazootvodyashchy spells of the strongest Fey's Island level imposed on it it was absolutely invisible to the Lower Tselestiya's inhabitants as, for example, ultra-violet or infrared radiation in a light range.

The Island was similar to a fragrant paradise garden. Each span of the blessed earth was covered with the blossoming exotic plants inhabited by the inhabitants blowing the mind.

Exactly there - and only there - the strange three-headed speaking parrots flying by air winged snakes were found. Here Oblivion Flowers in which huge buds the adult fairy entirely could be located grew. Grow there and other magic flowers, one of them tell fairy tales, others - sing songs, the third - dance. Depending on contents of the fairy tale, a song or a dancing melody they change color scale on petals: from crimson-red to salad-green. Thanks to them in the evenings Fey's Island becomes similar to a huge New Year tree with its multi-colored fires of garlands blinking in the dark. So wonderful flowers shine.

On the Island also the fantastic trees soaring in air which move live, making a start roots from the earth as fishes fins and many other strange things which. you will meet anywhere any more

But the most important miracle of the Island is, certainly, a Pink Hall, the enormous palace labyrinth.

The hall was not something artificial. He breathed, he felt, he moved. Its walls, columns, balconies and balustrades moved and pulsed. Each of them was twined the fresh flowers feeding on life-giving juice of porous pink fiber of which the Hall consisted. And glasses, windows and doors there were not at all so fresh pink air without ceremony got into its rooms, filling with a fragrance of marvelous flowers whose names have no analogs on the earth.

If to look at the Pink Hall from height of bird's flight, then it was set of the narrowed concentric circles so from where you came into it - all the same you will come to its center - to the Hall of Meetings. General Council of Community - the Supreme authority of a family of celestial empresses sits at this the Hall from a century.

The hall of Meetings, in turn, consisted of high stands which, rising above and above, surrounded a pedestal with three purple thrones.

Now stands were empty, but thrones were occupied. Three eternally young fairies in gold diadems and purple cloaks stiffened on them like stone sculptures entirely shipped in mental conversation, inaccessible for mere mortals, with each other. Though usually only the Second of Three aloud spoke, but any her statement was coordinated and considered by all Three. And therefore those words or orders that proceeded from lips of the Second, were, actually, expression of a single will, uniform thought, uniform Knowledge.


In pre-dawn hour when the sun rising because of the horizon only just began to gild tops of columns of the Pink Hall, in a throne hall the fairy dressed in a pearl-white tunic with the sparkling ash-white hair and a pearl-white stick in hands flew. On a sleeve and on a breast of its tunic signs of belonging to the Award "STING" were clearly visible.

- Yes your boundless triune Knowledge stays for ever and ever! - having thrown out the right hand in authorized gesture of a greeting, cried out the ritual phrase of a greeting Pearl-white. Then bent the head before three thrones.

- Get up, the sister, we here one. Let's do without formalities. Well investigation informed? - quietly and majestically the Second said.

- Results of investigation - curious. She began to move again. We marked the fact of kidnapping of one of associates by IT.

- This is the man?

- Yes, man, husband Hranitelnitsy of the Limit No. 3.

- What here surprising? As far as we know, she from time immemorial kidnaps them to turn into the gold slaves …

- I will dare to report that this time she began to act differently. Earlier she burned soul and reason of the person at once, and then already ruled will be to her. Now what undoubtedly follows from the report of our investigation, it for some reason kept his soul and reason whole.

- What such conclusion is based on?

- She dared to run big risks, having sent behind it the slave astride an equipment miracle earlier not known to us - the artificial dragon equipped with the heavy-duty engine. Not only that she risked that its new secret weapon will fall to us into hands, so she still sent it for many thousands of miles from the permanent base! It it increased probability of its loss even more. And the most important, in blood of the person the high dose of morphine is found.

- Your version, sister?

- My version such is. She for some reason is afraid to burn soul and reason of the new victim ahead of time, and therefore resorts to impact on his consciousness carefully, shchadyashche. From here - notorious morphine and need of the organization of risky stealing.

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