Uncontrollable (3 page)

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Authors: Shantel Tessier

BOOK: Uncontrollable
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“I don’t want to go back to work tomorrow,”
Courtney says, coming up behind me. I turn to face her.

“Me either,” I sigh.

“Then quit.”

“I can’t do that,” I respond.

She places an arm over my shoulder. “Why? It’s not
because of money.”

I shake my head. “No. Money doesn’t have anything
to do with it.” I just need to keep myself busy, although I hate my job at the
bank; it’s so boring. It is still my job, and I won’t quit.

Courtney pulls her arm off of my shoulders and
turns to face me. “There are other places you can work, Sis.”

“I know.” But until I decide what I want to do with
my life, I will continue to work at the bank.

“Your mother left you that money…” She trails off
when I narrow my eyes on her and throws her hands up in the air. “You could use
that money and start your own business like she always wanted you two to do
together,” she finishes.

I place my hands on my hips. I quit thinking of
that business the day I left after my high school graduation. “That dream died
a long time ago, Court.” It comes out more hateful than I meant it to.

She lets out a breath. “She would want you to be

I look her in the eyes as I play with my engagement
ring on my finger. “I am happy.”

She looks as if she wants to say something, but she
just hangs her head and turns to walk away.

“Ready to go home, Angel?” Slade wraps an arm
around me, distracting me from the conversation.

I look up at him, and he gives me a small smile,
but I can tell from his stiff body that he’s fuming about something.

I offer him a smile in return. “Yes.”



Once we arrive home, I run
over to the neighbors and grab our puppy, Peaches. After spending several
minutes thanking them and trying to pay them, which of course they refused, I
walk back over to our house and place her down in the hallway before I walk into
our bedroom. As soon as I enter, Slade grabs my hips and spins me around. I
place my hands against his chest and grasp his shirt to help stable myself on
my heels. He pulls me closely, slamming my body into his. My breath quickens
with the memory of what he promised on the plane. I love it when he drives me
wild, and he knows it.

I give him a small smile as I look up into his baby
blue eyes. They roam my face like they’re looking for something, and it reminds
me of when he woke me this morning.

“Slade, what were you worried about this morning
when you woke me up? Did something happen?” I ask.

If my question catches him off guard, he doesn’t
show it. It’s almost as if he was expecting me to ask.

“Nothing is wrong.” He reaches up and pushes a
stray piece of hair behind my ear as he brushes my question off.

there something wrong?” I continue to

He shakes his head. “Can I not just want to make
love to you?” he asks with a frown.

We don’t make love often. We both like the more
intense ‘dirty play’ which is what I have come to call it. But it had nothing
to do with the fact that we made love. It had to do with his words and body
language. I can read him very well, and something was definitely wrong.

“No. It’s not…” He places his finger over my lips and
quiets me. He then leans down and gives me a deep kiss.

“Lie on the bed,” he says, effectively ending the

I lie down on the bed, and he crawls up my body and
straddles me. I reach up, placing my hands in his hair, and pull his lips down
to mine. I let out a moan when he runs a hand up my outer thigh over my jeans
to my hip. He presses his erection against me, and my hands tighten. He pulls
his lips away and reaches up to remove my hands from his hair. He holds them in
front of my chest as his eyes move from mine down to my hand. I look at my left
hand and watch him slowly run his thumb over my engagement ring.

My eyes move back up to watch the expression on his
face. It holds something I can’t quite place. His eyes are soft, yet he’s frowning.
“What is it?” I ask, worried once again.

His frown turns into a soft smile. “I still can’t
believe you’re going to be my wife.” He shakes his head as if in awe. “I’m
going to be your husband,” he says quietly to himself. “All that worrying…” he

My eyes look from his hands holding mine up to his
eyes. “Worrying?” I think back to him in our hotel room right before he asked
me to marry him. “You were nervous,” I say softly.

Was that what this morning had been about?

He was afraid that I was going to change my mind
and walk away from him?

His eyes flicker up to mine, and he says, “I wasn’t
nervous. I was terrified.”

“Why?” Did he really think that I would tell him
no? That I’m not serious when I say I love him?

He lets out a long breath. “I have always had a
plan.” He pauses. “You blew everything I ever wanted out of the water when I
met you. You changed my world, my wants, and my needs. I would give up
everything I have for you, Angel. I tell you that you are my forever and the
rest of my life was hanging on your answer.” He looks up at me. “We hadn’t
talked of marriage, and we haven’t been together for very long. I know you love
me, but I also remember you telling me once that ‘no two people love the same’.
I’ve known since I met you that I wanted nothing but you. I wasn’t positive
that you loved me the way that I love you.”

I pull my hands out of his and place them on either
side of his face. “I never knew what love was until I met you, Slade. I
promise; never doubt how much I love you. I want to spend the rest of my life
with you.” It’s true that we had never talked of marriage. I even tried to
convince myself that I would never get married. Did I want that with Slade?
Absolutely. Did I think he wanted that? No.

He gives me a big smile, and I feel all the worries
of this morning leave me. “And you shall, Angel.”

He takes my hands and moves them to hold them down
on either side of my head as he gets that mischievous smile on his face. “Now
what was it that I whispered to you earlier on the airplane?”

“Which part?” I ask arching my back up to his
chest. “The teasing? Licking? Begging?” I lick my lips. “Or the part where you
are gonna tie me down and drive me crazy?”

“All of it, baby. I want all of it.” And I know he
means more than what I just asked. He wants me forever, and I won’t give him
anything less.

He releases me and climbs off the bed. He goes into
the closet and returns with a scarf and the handcuffs.

I arch an eyebrow at him as he just stands by the
bed staring down at me with an expressionless face. “What are you waiting for?”
I finally ask.

“You.” He nods his head at me. “Undress,” he orders
in that sexy deep voice.

“You don’t want to do it?” I ask with a frown.

He shakes his head with a smirk. “Remember how I
told you that you were going to be begging?” I nod. “This is just the
beginning. Now. Undress yourself.”

I take in a deep breath as I get off the bed. I
undress myself rather quickly. I half expect him to tell me to ‘stop’ or ‘go
slower’. I’m not trying to be sexy, I just wanna do what he says.

Once I’m completely naked I lie back on the bed and
look up at him.

He tosses the handcuffs, and they land beside me.
He then places the scarf beside me as well. “Put them on,” he demands as he
stands there still dressed.

I look at the handcuffs then back to him. “You want
me to put them on?” I ask slowly. My heart beats frantically in my chest as it
rises and falls quickly.

He nods and crosses his arms over his chest. It has
me wondering what in the hell he’s thinking.

I sit up and grab the cuffs. I look down at them as
the heavy, cold metal sits in my hands.

“I would suggest placing the blindfold on first,”
he says making me jump just a bit at his hard tone.

I look up at him, and I can tell in his eyes that
he’s trying to hold back a smile at how nervous I am all of a sudden. And he
wasn’t suggesting anything. That was his way of telling me what to do.

I swallow nervously and pick up the long dark gray
scarf in my hands. Very slowly I place it over my eyes and tie it tightly in
the back. I sigh and place my hands on my thighs when all I see is total
darkness. My chest continues to rise and fall quickly, and I throb between my

“Now the cuffs,” he orders.

I turn my head to look to the side of the bed and
speak. “I can’t see anything. How am I going to put them on?” I ask placing my
hands on my hips. I’m starting to get irritated.

I suck in a breath when the cold metal lands on my
legs. “Turn onto your stomach.” He continues giving me orders. “And then cuff
your hands behind your back. Don’t make me tell you again.”

I tighten my legs and almost moan at how much I
want him inside of me already. His voice. His commands. He’s torturing me, yet
making me wet with excitement of the unknown.

I place one cuff around my right wrist and then
roll over onto my stomach. It takes me a few tries to get the other one on. My
heart beats fast, and I’m panting trying not to look like an idiot. He’s
probably laughing at me, but I get it done.

I let out a shaky breath and try to calm my
breathing down. With no sight and my hands now cuffed behind my back, I’m
trying to hear what he’s doing. When several seconds tick by, and I hear
nothing, I speak. “What are you doing?”

I hear him walk to the other side of the bed. It
sounds like he sits down in the chair that sits in the far corner over by the
tall dresser. “Exactly what I said I was going to do,” he says casually. “Have
you begging. The part I didn’t mention is that I want you so fucking wet with
need that you come the second I finally decide to touch you.”

“So, you’re just going to leave me like this?” I
ask pulling on the cuffs.

He chuckles, and it sounds evil. “I want to watch
you as you lay there helpless. You can’t move, you can’t see. All you can do is
imagine what I’m going to do to you.” He pauses, and I let out a long breath.
“Let your imagination run wild, Angel,” he adds, and I can almost hear the
smile in his voice.

Oh shit! This is most definitely going to be


Monday morning comes way too
quickly. I rush into my office trying to fix my tie, since I half-assed it in
my car on the way here.

I’m pretty sure waking up with my cock in Angel’s
mouth was her retaliation for what I put her through last night. She knows I
can’t function when she wakes me up like that.

Waking up with her mouth tightly wrapped around my
cock does amazing things for my mood, but it also makes me want to be a lazy
son of a bitch. She literally drains me, and my head is in the gutter the rest
of the day. Work was the last thing on my mind this morning.

And of course she didn’t protest when I held her
down and ate her for breakfast either. Then she jumped me in the shower,
wanting to have ‘actual sex’ is how she announced it. When I told her we
couldn’t, that I was already late, she promised it would be a quickie. And I
swear that woman has no idea what a ‘quickie’ really is.

Just as I take a seat at my desk, my office phone

“Slade Long,” I say, picking it up and frantically
shuffling around papers on my desk. I’m usually more organized than this.

“Meet in the conference room in five.” My father’s
voice is on the other line.

“Okay,” I reply before hanging up.

I give up on the mess of my desk and reach into the
pocket of my black slacks to pull out my cell. I smile as I look at my screensaver
and see the picture of Angel and me in Central Park. I’m sitting on a bench and
she is standing behind it with her hands wrapped around my shoulders. She looks
so beautiful. The snow on the ground makes her look even more beautiful in her
white button-down jacket and dark gray scarf. They make her green eyes look
like two jewels. I slide my screen over, scroll down to Angel, and start typing
her a text.

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