Uncovered by Truth (11 page)

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Authors: Rachael Duncan

Tags: #Uncovered by Truth, #Lies and Truth Duet

BOOK: Uncovered by Truth
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She shrugs nonchalantly. “Eh,” is her only response. She wants to play? I’m down.

I grind my hips into her, earning a small moan. “Looks like I’m not the only one ready to snap, am I?” She bites her lip, refusing to admit to me that she desperately wants more. That’s okay, I’m a patient man. I’ll have her begging me in no time. “Don’t move your hands from this spot. Understand?” She nods in acknowledgment.

My lips find her neck and kiss down it ever so slowly. She gasps when my tongue traces her collarbone. Fighting back the smug smile that threatens to take over my face, I continue sucking, kissing, nipping, and licking her skin. I push her shirt open to uncover her large breasts. Sneaking a glance up, I see she’s watching my every move with clouded eyes that are filled with lust and desire. My finger traces a circle around her nipple, careful not to touch it. I flick it, causing her to arch her back and throw her head back on a moan.

“You want more?” I ask, my own restraint being tested to the limits.

She swallows hard before bringing her gaze back to me. “Eh,” she says again with another damn shrug. A low chuckle leaves my mouth at her stubbornness.

My tongue traces the same path my finger took around her nipple. Looking up at her while I do it, she squeezes her eyes shut and presses her lips together. I drop to my knees quickly, causing her to look down at me as I grab one of her legs behind her knee and drape it over the back of my shoulder. I raise my eyebrows at her in expectation, but she’s still holding back from me. Time to make her beg for it.

I kiss her thigh, her stomach, everywhere but where she wants it. While I do this, I rub my hands up and down her legs and cup her ass. She whimpers in frustration, but I’m not giving in. My fingers skim over her core softly and her hands go to my head and fist my hair.

“Uh, uh, uh. Hands up top,” I chastise.

“Please, Alex.”

“Please, what?”

“I want more. I
more.” She tries to pull my head to the apex of her thighs, but I’m not done toying with her yet.

“Are you sure?”

“Yes. Please. Make me come. I need to come,” she says breathlessly. In a flash I’m standing on my feet, pick her up, and have her pinned against the wall. She lets out a small yelp in surprise. I unbutton and unzip my pants quickly before pulling out my throbbing cock. Positioning it at her entrance, I slide into her in one, hard thrust. I don’t stop fucking her until she’s screaming my name and begging for her release.

We walk to the front door hand in hand. Before opening it, I turn back toward her and kiss her on the nose. “I’ll see you soon, okay?”

She nods her head, tears pooling in her eyes. “Okay. I love you.”

“Love you, too.” I place a soft, lingering kiss to her lips and then leave. Hurrying down the driveway, I have to fight not to turn around and go back to her. I feel off when I’m not with her, like a part of me is missing. And I guess it is. She holds my heart, giving me a greater purpose in this life.

Once I’m shielded by some of the larger bushes at the edge of the yard, I look over my shoulder toward the house and see her standing in the large window. She waves and then blows me a kiss. I couldn’t stop the grin that spreads across my face if I tried. I wink at her and continue my way toward the street. Yeah, it’s going to damn near kill me to try and stay away from her for a few days.

NO ONE SAYS a damn word to me when I get back. Where did Cal find these dumbasses? If I didn’t have a bunch of shit on the line right now, I’d be out of here so quick. I’m trying to hide it, but I’m starting to feel really anxious and getting impatient waiting on Turner to put the pieces together. Each minute that ticks by is another minute closer to my deadline, and puts me further away from Elizabeth.

I hate sitting here feeling like I’m not doing anything, so I decide to try to get some information from Rodney and Bruce. “So, how long have you guys worked for the Senator?”

“A few years or so,” Rodney offers up. From the information we’ve been able to gather, we’re estimating Cal started taking illegal campaign funds around four years ago, so this would match up with our timeline.

“Do you guys always hang out and watch people that are forced to do his dirty work?” I pretend to be engrossed in doodling on this scrap piece of paper.

“What’s it to you?” Bruce interrupts sternly. Looking up, he glares at me and I know I need to watch it.

I shrug. “Just curious.”

“Don’t fucking worry about it. You do your job and that’s it.” I nod slowly and continue drawing on my piece of paper. That wasn’t exactly what I was looking for, but I can’t interrogate the assholes and chance blowing my cover, so I drop it.

The stress of the last two months is taking its toll on me. Usually, I’m pretty good under pressure. Hell, I strive in it, but not when the stakes are so high. Not when the one person I love is being used against me. I don’t give a shit what happens to me at this point, but I will make damn sure that she gets out of this situation unharmed.

The next day, I tell Bruce and Rodney I’m running out to see if I can try another setup at one of his campaign stops. Hutchison has been traveling throughout Virginia a lot lately, so that works out conveniently for me. Since he’s close, I don’t have to worry about bringing the two of them with me across country.

After parking the car about a mile from where Hutchison will be, I walk a couple blocks in the other direction to this little diner. I spot who I’m looking for, walk over to a table and have a seat.

“Hey, sir.”

Turner looks up from his menu. “Matthews,” he responds in greeting. “Your email from last night seemed urgent.”

“Fuck yeah, it’s urgent,” I say in a restrained voice so I don’t draw attention to us. “What the hell is taking so long with this case?”

He lets out a tired sigh, as if the redundant question is annoying him. It’s taking everything in me not to wring his damn neck. It’s not his ass on the line. “We’re working as fast as we can.”

“It’s not fast enough. I only have thirteen days before Cal’s going to cash in on his promise to hurt Elizabeth. Then what?”

He stares at me for a minute and I can see the wheels spinning in his head trying to formulate a plan. “Prepare to go for Plan B.”

I lean forward with my arms on the table and look around before focusing my attention back on Turner. “That’s the best you can give me right now? Go to Plan B?” I ask in disbelief, my voice rising in volume.

“What more do you want from me? I don’t have a definite answer right now. You know he’s a high-profile target and will be coming at us with the best attorney money can buy. We have to execute everything flawlessly or he walks.”

My hand rakes over my face roughly. “Fine, but she’s coming with me.”

“Like hell she is.”

“Try to stop me on this, sir. It’s happening whether you like it or not.”

“You are a major pain in my ass,” he grumbles. I’ll take that as an affirmative.

“Here’s the timeline. I’ll wait it out for another ten days. If there are no arrests made, then I’m going for it.”

“Sounds good. I’ll have to give you the coordinates to the location, but I don’t want to send it through email. Once shit hits the fan they’ll be combing through your stuff, so call me when you’re ready and I’ll give you the details, okay?”

“Works for me.”

Since I’m stuck in this disgusting house most of the time, I feel pretty useless. I can’t help in the investigation much and it’s driving me insane. I might be a control freak, but I just don’t trust anyone else to get the job done, and the lack of urgency is starting to worry me.

I’m dicking around on the computer with Rodney glancing over at my screen every so often when an email comes through.


Hey Alex,

I haven’t talked to you in forever and thought I’d drop you a line. All is well here, just busy remodeling a bit and pinning things to the walls. It’s becoming quite frustrating doing it on my own. Too bad you’re not here to help me with that.


That little minx. My dick stirs remembering pinning her against the wall yesterday.


I know you’re always busy with work, but I miss you. You should stop by when you get a free minute.

Love you,



I’m surprised she knew my sister’s name. I had only mentioned it once, but the fact she remembered that small detail does weird things to me. Outside of my family, I’ve never had a woman care about me the way she seems to. It’s also a relief. I’m glad I wasn’t the only one hanging on to every word that was ever said.

TWO DAYS LATER and I’m bouncing off the damn walls. I’m fucking useless, twiddling my thumbs, waiting for something to come through. I can’t take it anymore. I need to get out of this shack before I start breaking shit.

“I’m going out to get some supplies,” I mumble before grabbing the keys and walking to the door.

“How long will you be gone?” Bruce asks.

“As long as it takes me to get everything.” I don’t wait for a response. I walk out the door and slam it shut behind me. The stress of everything has me wound up, agitated, and beyond impatient.

When I get to Elizabeth’s, I talk to Tyler and have him shut off the surveillance after his lecture about how I’m compromising the mission and all that bullshit.

Fuck him.

Right before I shut the door, he says, “I should warn you—”

“I don’t want to hear it anymore,” I say, cutting him off. I close the door, ending all discussions. No one is going to keep me away from her.

Trying my best to go unnoticed, I sneak around to the back of the house again. Looking around, I knock on the door and wait for Elizabeth to answer.

“Alex? What are you doing here?” she asks through the door, not opening it.

“What’s wrong? Let me in.”

“It’s really not a good time. Can you come back in a few days?” Her voice is shaky, like she’s on the verge of crying. Something’s wrong and I’m not leaving until I know what the hell it is.

“Open the damn door, Elizabeth,” I say sternly.

“Please, Alex, just go,” she says through a strangled voice.

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