Undeniable (17 page)

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Authors: Doreen Orsini

BOOK: Undeniable
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Shadows cast by the citronella torches surrounding them
slashed across his face and sharpened the outline of the muscles flexing along
his jaw as he chewed. A nightingale sang a melancholy song from a nearby maple
tree. A light breeze threatened to extinguish the votives covering the table.
Slivers of moonlight floated across the pond, merging with each other for brief
moments before going their separate ways.

Other than kissing her neck, Sebastian had been a perfect
gentleman. Too perfect for her taste. Reaching down into the cooler beside the
table for another soda, she wondered how she could loosen things up a little.

“Smells like it might rain,” he said, waving a moth away
from the candle.

Diana nodded and continued to rummage through the ice for a
diet coke. Her hand wrapped around the can, then froze. Biting her lip, she
jiggled the can. Letting out a long sigh, she brought the can to the table,
aimed it in his direction and lifted the tab.

Soda shot out, drowning the votives, the pizza and
Sebastian. Diana gasped in shock. She’d expected a slight spray. “Oh, I’m so—”
A bark of laughter escaped. “I’m so sorry!”

Soda dripped from Sebastian’s chin as he stared at his
drenched shirt. A low growl rumbled from his side of the table. She leapt up
from her chair. When Sebastian raised his head, then blinked as a drop fell
from his eyebrow into his eye, she clamped a hand over her mouth to stifle the
giggles tickling her throat.

“You don’t look sorry,” he said, rising slowly from his
chair and revealing just how much soda had landed in his lap.

She pressed both hands over her mouth, but the giggles burst

“No. You don’t look a bit sorry.” Sebastian started to inch
his way around the table towards the cooler.

“You wouldn’t!” Diana took a step back. She nearly bolted
when he leaned over the cooler and once again growled, sounding uncannily like
a tiger. “Sebastian, don’t you dare! Drop that can. Sebastian!”

Diana’s eyes widened when he straightened and shook a can of
Sprite in each hand.

“No. I wouldn’t say you look the least bit sorry.” He shook
the cans more vigorously as he stared at her exposed stomach.

With a flick of his thumbs, a thin stream of ice-cold soda
shot out from each can directly at her bare skin. Shrieking, Diana ran down the
steps. His impeccable aim had her screaming all the way down to the slope
leading to the pond.

Sebastian grasped her hips with hands still cold from the
cans. She sucked in a sharp breath, then, with a swipe of her foot, knocked his
feet out from under him and burst free. She could hear his startled laughter
and grinned as she turned back towards the house. Sure that she had enough of a
lead to get away, she yelped in surprise when his arms snaking around her waist
halted her progress. This time, when she unsettled him, he held on tight and
took her down with him. They rolled across dew-covered grass, then down the
muddy slope into the shallow water at the pond’s bank.

A strand of muddy hair clung to Diana’s lips. Her hands were
useless trapped between their stomachs. She tried blowing the hair away but
only succeeded in giving it a chance to slide deeper into her mouth.

“You’ve got a killer leg there, goddess,” he said, grinning.

Diana shoved against his chest with all her might and sent
him tumbling further into the pond.

“Oh, now you’re going to be really sorry!” he said, swiping
dripping hair from his eyes.

He stood in the knee-deep water chuckling. Diana giggled at
the sight before clambering up the slippery slope. She lost her footing and
slid on her belly back down to the water’s edge. Realizing she’d landed at his
feet, she rolled onto her back as he approached and swung her leg at his
ankles, then gasped when he easily avoided contact.

The twinkle in his eyes clashed with the predatory stance he
took just before he rushed her. Diana dug in her heels and tried to shove
herself back up the slope, but only succeeded in digging herself deeper into
the mud.

The muddy hem of her short tank top had risen during her
struggles, exposing her wet lace-clad breasts to the cool evening air. Feeling
her nipples pebble in response, she covered them with her hands and, with a
chuckle glanced up at Sebastian. He stared down at her chest, and although she
had every intention of keeping her hands where they were, she felt them slide
away. Sebastian licked his lips. His burning eyes seemed to devour the sight
and Diana couldn’t help but moan in response.

Her moans turned to a squeal of glee when she felt his arms
glide beneath her back and knees and lift her from the ground. “Sebastian,” she
pled, giggling, when he slung her over his shoulder and started to carry her
back to the house, “put me down!”

Sebastian’s laughter filled her ears as he carried her into
the house and up the long flight of stairs to the second floor. Halting on the
landing, he asked, “Which way to a full length mirror?”

“What? Why would— Hey!” she twisted her head and giggled
from the tender smack he’d just delivered to her bottom. “Okay, it’s at the end
of the hall.”

Once inside her room, she pointed him to the bathroom where
he carefully set her on her feet in front of the mirror before turning on the

“Oh, no.” Diana’s hands flew to her face. Mud and grass
covered her. Pulling down her shirt, she turned away from the mirror and found
Sebastian still chuckling as he leaned against the sink. “I wouldn’t look so
smug. You don’t look so hot yourself.”

“Men like being dirty. Haven’t you heard?” He glanced
meaningfully down towards her hips. “You’ve got a clump of grass stuck in your
jeans. You know, it’s amazing how many tiny,, creatures live in the mud around

“Ew. My father uses that pond to breed bait.” Unzipping her
jeans, Diana turned her back on him and frantically tried to scoop out as much
mud as possible.


She glanced over her shoulder, shocked by his serious tone.
Sebastian’s eyes caught the light and glowed, sending a chill down her spine.

“What kind of bait,” he asked, his voice cold.

“Bait worms. For fishing.” She looked at her reflection. Her
shoulders slumped. Some sexy vixen. Seeing the reflection of Sebastian standing
behind her, she tacked his reflection onto her list of…

A glob of mud slid down her stomach.

She’d had such high hopes for the evening. While she loved
the sound of his deep laughter reverberating in her bathroom as he plucked
mud-covered grass from her hair, her cheeks burned. “I look like shit.”

“You could never look anything but beautiful. Even with this
long, fat worm trapped in your hair.”

“Very funny,” she muttered. Something splashed into the
toilet behind her. “Please tell me that wasn’t a long, fat worm.” She squeezed
her eyes shut.

“Okay, it wasn’t a long, fat worm.”

Diana glanced over her shoulder, then spun around and jumped
back when she caught him lifting another worm from her hair.

Within seconds she stood fully dressed in the shower as hot
water washed over her. When a worm dropped to the bottom of the tub, she
screamed, leapt back, lost her balance then screamed again.

Sebastian appeared beside her and, wrapping his arms around
her waist, brought her descent to a halt. “Okay, just relax, Diana. They don’t

“Oh yes they do. Just get them out. Please.” Seeing her
reflection, she rued the day she installed the mirrors over the tiles
surrounding the tub. While most of the mud streamed from her hair, the hot
water pouring over her face melted her mascara. It blackened her face from her
eyes to her jaw. Alice Cooper in the flesh. “I’m so embarrassed. Some first

Sebastian turned her to face him and hooked her chin with
his finger. “I have never, and I mean never, had so much fun.” He brought his
lips to hers for a brief, tender kiss, then slid her tank top over her head.
“Don’t look anywhere but at me. Okay?”

Something slid from her bra as he removed it and landed with
a tiny plop at her feet. Whimpering, she wished she’d bothered to put on shoes
and curled her toes to avoid touching whatever slithered past on its way to the
drain. “Was that another worm?”

“Trust me, Diana, you don’t want to know.”

“There’s more. I can feel them,” she whispered.

“You don’t have to whisper. I don’t think they understand

“I’d laugh if I wasn’t so disgusted.”

Her eyes widened as the force of the shower uncovered one in
Sebastian’s hair. Raising a trembling hand, she plucked it out and dropped it
to the water rising at their feet. Tiny, slimy bodies bumped against her
ankles. She tried to ignore it, but when the water reached her calves, she

“The drain’s clogged,” she said in a small voice she barely
recognized as her own and turned to steal a glance down at the drain. Before
she could see anything, Sebastian caught her cheek in the palm of his hand and
forced her to return her gaze to his.

“No, it’s not,” he stated in a hushed voice.

“But I can—” The water whooshed down the drain.

She bit her lip and lifted her hand to retrieve another
squirming worm from his hair.

His fingers wrapped around her wrist and brought her hand
back down to her side. “Don’t worry about me.”


“I’m fine. Close your eyes, Diana,” he softly ordered.

She did and felt his hands push her jeans and the thong she
had so hoped would entice him over her hips and down her legs. He took her
hands and placed them on his shoulders, then lifted first one foot and then the
other to remove her pants completely. She heard her clothes smack onto the tile
floor outside the tub.

Still keeping her eyes closed she whined, “This isn’t how I
envisioned the first time you saw me naked.”

“Hmmm. Tell me more.”

Her nerves tingled as his clothes brushed across her skin
when he straightened. “Well, you dressed and me not, might give you a clue,”
she murmured, amazed that her voice sounded so husky.

“I like the way you think. Turn around. I’ll wash your
hair.” He grasped her hips and nudged her to move.

Turning, Diana peeked through her lashes at their reflection
in the mirrors. She couldn’t have drawn a more decadent picture of the two of
them if she tried. Suds flowed from her hair over her breasts, slid down her
belly and gathered on the cropped curls covering her mound. Sebastian, fully
clothed, stood behind her, his eyes filled with lust as he gazed at the
reflection of her body.

For years she’d easily held men off, making them wait weeks
before they could so much as touch her breasts over her shirt, months before
they could lay their eyes upon her naked body. By the time she’d run out of
various types of foreplay to satisfy their and her needs, her body had been
screaming for release. But her mind, her very soul, had had no problem taking
control and maintaining her virginity.

Not so tonight. She prayed Sebastian was her soul mate. If
not, if she’d picked the wrong man at Cabana’s, her grandmother was going to be
very disappointed. She looked at the mirror beside her. Heat pooled in her
pussy at the sight of the bulge in his jeans.

When she saw him slide his hand between the buttons of his
shirt and pull out a long writhing worm, she started to turn around. “This
isn’t fair. You must be dying to get out of your clothes.”

“I will,” he said, turning her back around and pushing her
head under the hot spray of water.

He finished rinsing her hair, then looked at her face in the
mirror. She smiled and, holding out a loofa already covered with shower gel,
raised her trembling hand over her shoulder and held her breath.

“Tell me you’ve never done this before,” he demanded.

“Only in my fantasies.”

“Then watch closely. Someday, I promise, you’ll do the same
for me.”

His hand drew the loofa over her shoulder, down her arms,
back and legs. Diana followed his progression with her eyes, bit her lip and
held her breath until the rough sponge skimmed over her ribs. An ache that
shocked her with its intensity filled her breasts as the loofa slid higher.

Her eyelids fluttered as it swirled around a taut peak then
slid down into the narrow valley between her breasts and rose up to torture the
other peak. When the loofa grazed over her stomach, the twitch in her neck
returned. Heat radiated all the way down her legs. She let out a soft cry and
closed her eyes when Sebastian sent the loofa lower and delved between her
trembling thighs.

“Watch,” he demanded, his voice deeper than before,
vibrating through her body and echoing in her mind.

Her eyes flew open. Her knees nearly buckled.

She leaned back, not caring what lay beneath his clothes
other than the amazing heat that always seemed to rise from his body. His arm
encircled her waist and pinned her against him as his other hand moved lower,
rubbing the loofa over her throbbing pussy again and again. No matter how many
times she had imagined this as she’d washed and done to herself exactly what he
did now, her body had never grown so enflamed. Never had her knees given out,
never had she bucked uncontrollably.

She watched him lower his mouth to her neck and the vein
that seemed to jump from one electric jolt after another. When he drew it in,
the scratch there pinched for just a second before all hell broke loose in her
body. Fire surged through her veins, a vast void convulsed deep within her. Her
clit strummed, her labia flared then clenched. She let out a soft cry and flung
her head back onto his shoulder. His mouth covered hers with a possessive kiss
that took her breath away.

The now familiar taste of cinnamon mixed with that exquisite
sweet honey filled her mouth. She cried into his mouth as her orgasm
intensified and engulfed her. Drawing his tongue in deeper, she sucked greedily
as her body convulsed completely out of her control.

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