Undeniable (4 page)

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Authors: Delilah Devlin

BOOK: Undeniable
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His gaze bored into hers. “We should set some ground rules.”

She nodded, her mouth suddenly dry. Rules? “For the trip?”

“For what happens between us.”

A fine trembling started deep inside her. He'd shot straight past business into intimacy. “All right. Shoot.”

“First, you tell me everything I want to know. No secrets.”

“Will you do the same?”

“In time.”

She snorted softly and gave him a derisive look. “I'm supposed to give you my trust, but you won't reciprocate?”

“It's a little complicated. There are things best left alone for now. Can you live with that?”

It was perverse, but the mystery surrounding him was a huge turn-on. “Depends.”

He lifted one eyebrow in question.

“On whether you follow through with your promise to provide safe passage to the people at the ranch.”

He canted his head and stared like he was trying to see inside her. “Don't you want to ask anything for yourself?”

She licked her lips. “I think I'm going to get it.”

His lips curved, and his dark eyes crinkled at the corners. “I think you're right,” he said, his voice a deep, smooth rumble—like a panther's purr.

Her cheeks burned beneath his scrutiny. “What else?”

“I'm in charge. No questions. When I'm not there, you'll follow my next in command.”

Her teeth ground in frustration. “Will I have any say?”

“I'll listen. But I make the decisions.”

“Will your next in command have power over me?”

“He'll give the orders, but you're mine. He won't touch you.”

The way he said it, flatly like an already recognized fact, rankled while at the same time tripping a thrill that heated her body from the inside out. She didn't know how to respond.

“Does anyone else have a claim on you?”

The deep, dark texture of his voice upped the tension building in her core. “Why?”

“Just wondered if I might have a fight on my hands.”

She shook her head, ready to deny, but remembered his warning about no secrets. “My foreman, Sam…he's the only one. Sometimes. But he won't interfere.”

“When was the last time you slept with him?”

She jerked at the crudeness of his question and dropped her glance, unable to hold hers steady beneath his steely gaze. “Weeks, and we don't sleep together,” she muttered.

“Take off your hat.”

His tight, roughened voice drew her nipples instantly to aching points. She closed her eyes and slowly took off her hat.

“Your hair. Let it down.”

Her fingers trembled as she fought the elastic band, but finally her hair fell around her shoulders. She knew it was longer than had been fashionable, but her dad had loved her ponytail and had tweaked it often.

She gave him a quick glance to gauge his reaction. The flare of his nostrils seemed a good sign he was pleased.

Her hand rose to smooth down the flyaway strands.

He reached out, and tipped her chin upward to study her features. “Green. I thought they might be.”

“Do we still have a bargain?” she asked, trying to sound cool, but knowing he heard the nervous quaver in her voice.

His response stole her breath away. He stepped so close the heat radiating from his body warmed the space between them. As she tilted back her head to hold his gaze, his head dipped and his mouth covered hers.

Now she'd been kissed plenty, but she'd never been devoured. He ate her lips, slanting over her mouth, sucking her lower lip between his teeth to nibble and then sealing their mouths to thrust his tongue inside. He swept behind her teeth, stroked over her tongue and curled his to tug and tease until she groaned.

Kate grasped the corners of his shoulders, holding on for dear life as he circled and prodded and told her without words how he'd fuck her. Hard, relentless—leaving nothing undiscovered.

She'd never known the likes of the lust that arose inside her—so strong her whole body shuddered with need. She closed the distance between them and pressed her breasts against his chest.

Ty's hands dropped from her face and parted her coat to reach inside. He smoothed around her waist to her back, and lower, to cup her bottom and draw her hips close.

His erection, thick and hard as a post, ground into her belly, building a fire that swelled her pussy and drenched her panties—she was more than ready to keep the bargain.

He lifted his head and dragged in a deep breath. “I won't take you here.”

“Why not?” she asked and glided her lips along his firm jaw.

“It's too open.”

“Who's gonna watch?” God, couldn't he tell she didn't care? She nipped his chin.

“It's almost dark. The moon's rising.”

“You think werewolves need moonlight to prowl?”

they're more vicious when the moon rules them. We go inside.”

Kate jerked away, and his hands fell to his sides. Maybe he didn't want her as much as she did him. Maybe he'd just been playing with her to see how far he could lead her. She drew the edges of her duster tight around her and swept her hat from the floor where she'd dropped it. She placed it on top of her loosened hair and gave him a look that anyone who knew her would say meant war.

“We still have a bargain,” he reminded her.

“I still don't follow orders well,” she said through gritted teeth.

“Like I said, I'm gonna take care of that. Let's get back inside. I need to check on the men.”

Kate wiped her mouth with her forearm and cursed under her breath. Her lips still throbbed. Anyone looking at her would know she'd been kissed. She shook her head. Since when did she care? She'd been ready to fuck him where they stood.

Her body hummed with frustration, but she put one foot in front of the other, ignoring the moist heat between her legs and the man at her back.



Ty curled his hands into fists as he followed her inside. Frustration rode his cock still crammed behind his zipper. He was grumpy and aching, and the woman was a hard-ass.
, how he'd liked to have laid her on the floor of the gazebo and rode her until she hadn't the strength to open her mouth again and argue.

Diego stood just inside the door, his face expressionless, but his eyes glinting with mirth. He sniffed discreetly as Kate passed and raised an eyebrow. “That was quick,” he said, soft enough for only Ty to hear.

Ty growled and stomped past. Diego's soft laughter followed him down the corridor. A hum sounded from the distance and lights flickered into life throughout the hallway and the rooms lining either side.

A glimpse of a couch in an open doorway to his right clinched it. He grabbed Kate's arm and swung her around, lifting her off her feet and into his arms. He carried her through the doorway and kicked the door shut on Diego's laughter.

“What the hell do you think you're doing?” she said from between tight lips.

A good fight or a good fuck was the only thing that would satisfy him now. That Kate would give him both only sweetened the need pooling in his groin.

He set her on her feet, knocked her hat from her head and tore the duster down her arms. Then he stripped her gun belt from her hips and reached for the T-shirt hugging her slender curves. He pulled it from where it was tucked inside her pants and roughly shoved it up. Her arms remained at her sides, her expression sour as a bulldog's.

“We have a bargain,” he reminded her.

— he'd tell her later he hadn't meant a word of his offer. He'd have helped her without the exchange of favors. Right now, he had to be inside her, fucking deep into her tight cunt, burying himself in warm, wet

She lifted her arms slowly, defiance riding the curve of her jaw. But her nipples told a different story. They sprang against the thin fabric of her bra, round hard knots he wouldn't ignore for even a moment longer.

With her arms and head trapped in her T-shirt, he ducked down and clasped one little bud between his teeth and bit softly, surprising a gasp from her. Then he sucked it through the fabric, pulling hard until it ripened further. He pulled the edge of the cup beneath her nipple to expose it and groaned. The hard, pink bud beckoned him, hardening and scraping his tongue as he circled on it.

She wriggled against him, struggling to free herself, and he let her nipple go to drag her shirt over her head. He broke the clasp of her bra in his haste to free her breasts.

They were small and round and tilted upward, the nipples like budding flowers seeking sunlight. Although her chin tilted in defiance, she didn't offer another objection as he backed her to the leather couch and lay her lengthwise on it. He bent to sip at one breast while he palmed the other, squeezing.

Her legs moved restlessly, sliding sinuously on the leather, pressing together and apart. The aroma of her arousal scented the air, making it impossible for him to ignore the tightness of his jeans one minute more.

He stood and removed his jacket and raised his own T-shirt over his head, then reached for the button at the top his waistband.

Her gaze clung to where his hands worked. Her flushed face was tight, her lips swollen from his earlier kisses. He pulled down the zipper and reached inside his underwear to draw out his cock, sighing when cool air washed over it. Her gaze raked him. He couldn't wait to finish stripping and simply shoved his pants low enough to free his balls.

She sat up and swung her legs off the sofa and leaned toward him, her face level with his cock. He held his breath while she slanted her head and ran her tongue from the base of his cock and up his shaft.

He raked her hair with his fingers and guided her toward the head.

Her tongue curved and licked the underside of the ridge surrounding the crown—teasing strokes that had him flexing his buttocks to push his cock between her lips.

She relented and opened wide, swallowing him whole as though she were starving.

He stroked inside her hot mouth, feeling the light scrape of her teeth and the soft suctioning of her lips as she drew him deeper.

He couldn't remember it ever feeling this good. Endless nights of stroking his cock inside his palm, of tamping down the memory of a woman's mouth sucking his cock to orgasm, had killed his expectations of ever knowing this kind of elation again.

Wild, unfettered—hot as hell. But he didn't want to come in her mouth. Not the first time. He wanted to empty his balls inside her soft body. He pulled away and helped her stand.

Her eyes were bright, her cheeks reddened, and she reached upward to kiss his mouth while he shoved her pants past her hips.

“Sorry. I'll make it up to you later.” He turned her, pushed her down and bent her over the couch. “Gotta be inside you, Kate. Can't wait.”

“Please hurry,” she whispered.

He didn't know if she was telling him to get it over with or she was just as excited. He was desperate enough not to care.

His fingers sought the moist opening between her legs and thrust inside.

Her inner muscles eased and clasped, urging him deeper. With her legs trapped in her blue jeans, she hiked her bottom higher—seeking a deeper penetration.

Ty slid his thumb lower and found the hard little knot at the bottom of her slick folds and rubbed it, pressing gradually harder as her breaths shortened, punctuated by thin, feminine moans.

Withdrawing his fingers, he positioned his cock at her entrance, watching the wet, swollen lips swallow the head as he pushed forward.

Kate's lean, muscled ass quivered, and she pressed her forehead to the cushions as she groaned. “God, Ty, fuck me.”

Spreading his legs as wide as his bunched jeans would allow, he straddled hers, placing his hands on the sofa cushion then starting to pump his hips slowly, working himself inside her tight cunt—cramming deeper into her moist, hot passage, one stroke at a time.

“Faster, please,” she said, her voice tightening like the grip of her pussy on his cock.

Faster, harder, he thrust in and out, loving the way her cunt rippled inside, caressing his shaft as he fucked her. He grew more excited as other sensations built. Silky, humid heat. Pressure surrounding him, milking him.

He pistoned into her, his balls banging against her clit. His breaths came shorter, his strokes sharper.

Her bottom slammed back to take him deeper, and more moisture drenched her channel, easing the friction and his movements as he pounded at her womb.

“Ty!” she gasped, then her whole body went rigid, straining against him, clamping hard around his dick.

She made it impossible for him to hold back one second longer. His balls erupted, come exploding from his cock. He cried out, unable to temper the anguish that burned his throat. When the storm passed, he continued rocking against her, unwilling to leave the heat surrounding him and the soft ass that cushioned every stroke.

He leaned over her and laid his cheek against her shoulder while his heart and breaths slowed.

“You'll get my people out?” she asked, her voice muffled against the cushion.

The bargain. He snorted, too drained to laugh. The contrary woman was a single-minded little bitch. “Yeah, I'll take them to fucking China if you want.”

Chapter Four

Even as she lay limp as a dishrag on the cushions of the couch with Ty blanketing her back, a niggling thought entered her mind—something wasn't quite right. She wondered if it was just her mile-wide pessimistic streak that wouldn't let her fully enjoy the moment.

Ty had been wild and forceful, everything she'd ever craved in a man. The bigger-than-life hero come to the rescue she'd always secretly dreamed of.

But she didn't believe in fairy tales.

She could have cried with disappointment. Ty was too perfect, too magnificently honed—too well-hung to be entirely human.

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