Read Undeniable Love - Journey of Love Book 2 Online

Authors: Kelly Elliott

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Undeniable Love - Journey of Love Book 2 (25 page)

BOOK: Undeniable Love - Journey of Love Book 2
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One single tear fell from her eye as she pressed her lips to mine and whispered against them, “Tristan.”

Ryn and I had been driving over a two-mile radius as we checked out possible building locations. When I asked Ryn what she was thinking about for our house, she smiled and said, “I don’t know. This is all so crazy! I have a million ideas floating in my head.”

“What are you thinking you want to do with your house in Austin?” I asked.

“I’m not sure I want to sell my house in, Austin. It’s in such a great area and I think I could rent it out for over two thousand a month. I have some money saved up in my savings, so I guess we’ll have to come up with a budget we are both comfortable with. This is a huge step, Tristan, and we just got back together so I’m trying to process it all.”

Nodding my head, I took her hand. “I know, baby. I don’t want you to give up anything. I realize this is huge, I mean, I basically asked you to move in with me, in the middle of South Texas. And oh yeah, we have to build a house. I’m doing one hell of a good job scaring you away.”

Laughing, she punched me lightly in the stomach. “You could never scare me away. I finally feel like I’m home and I never want to leave.”

Placing my hand on the side of her face, I gave her smile. “Ryn, you know you don’t have to worry about money, baby. I can afford to build the house no problem.”

Nodding her head, she barely said, “I know.”

She looked a million miles away and I wanted to know what was making her pull back. Ryn knew I had money, a lot of money, but she never asked me how I came into it. My parents were well off, but both sets of my grandparents were very well off. Lark and I both received a good chunk of money from them when they passed away. After we each bought expensive-ass condos in down town Austin, we treated ourselves to the shop and our toy cars. The rest we have invested in real estate and other ventures.

“Talk to me, Ryn.”

Pursing her lips, she looked away. Placing my finger on her chin, I turned her face back to me and pulled her lip out from her teeth. Leaning in, I gently kissed her. “Please don’t pull away, baby.”

Smiling weakly, she began talking. “I know you have money, Tristan. I know Lark has money. Azurdee mentioned once y’all getting some from your grandparents but I never questioned or asked anything else, it wasn’t my business. This is such a big step and I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t scared. You pushed me away once when things got to serious, what if—”

“I’m not going anywhere, Ryn. I swear to you. I know what life was like without you and I don’t ever want to go there again. Ever.”

Smiling, she nodded her head. “Okay. I believe you. If we do this though, build a house and move in together, I want to feel like I’ve contributed to it. I don’t want you to have to foot the bill for everything just because you can. I don’t want you to think I’m going to take advantage of that.”

Placing my hands on the sides of her face, I tilted her head back, exposing her neck to me. Running my tongue along her neck, Ryn let out a moan. “You taste so damn good, Ryn.”

“Don’t change the subject, Tristan.”

Laughing, I placed a gentle kiss on her neck. “How about I let you decorate the entire inside?”

“All of it?”

Hmm . . . that got her attention. “Yep. All of it. It’s your blank canvas to do what you want.”

Giving me an incredulous stare, she raised an eyebrow up at me. “I can pay for decorating the inside of the house?”

Letting out a chuckle, I said, “Well, since you’re in charge of the inside it’s only fair you can pay for decorating the inside of the house.”

The smile that moved across her face caused my knees to wobble. “How does this happen? How do we go from pushing each other way to building a house and moving in together?”

Pulling my head back, I said, “You forgot the part where we are having great sex.”

Making a face she slowly nodded her head as she pointed to me. “That’s what it is. The sex. You won me over with your high-performance dick.”

Laughing, I said, “Hell yeah, I did!”

Ryn gave me a small push and caused me to lose my balance. Grabbing her, I pulled her to me. The look in her eyes told me she was thinking the same thing I was. We wanted each other.

“Are you cold, baby?”

Looking at me funny, Ryn shook her head. “No, it’s seventy-two degrees outside.”

Moving my hands to the bottom of her T-shirt, I quickly lifted it over her head and tossed it to the ground.

“What are you doing?”

“I’m going to take you now, Ryn. Take off your clothes but not your bra and panties.”

I watched as Ryn’s mouth slowly parted open. I was pretty sure I heard a whimper come from her lips as she stared at me. “You want me naked? Here? Now?”

Giving her a sexy grin, I said, “I want your clothes off, except your panties and bra, yes. Here. Now.”

Ryn’s eyes sparkled with excitement as she began to unbutton her jeans. “Keep your boots on, baby.”

Ryn reached for my arm as she removed her boot from her foot and then her leg from the left side of her jeans. Slipping her boot back on her left foot, she repeated the process with her right side.

After she had removed her jeans, Ryn stood before me in nothing but her bra, panties and cowboy boots.

“Fucking hell. You’re body drives me crazy.”

Pulling my shirt over my head, I tossed it on top of Ryn’s clothes. Unbuttoning my jeans, I pulled them down just enough to let my hard cock out. Grabbing it with my hands, I started sliding my hand up and down.

“Tristan,” Ryn whispered as she pushed her legs together. I knew from her reaction last night she liked seeing me play with myself.

“Take off your bra, Ryn.”

Moving as fast as she could, Ryn reached behind her and unclasped her bra, handing it to me with a girlish grin.

Reaching down, I took the bra from her hand. “Walk over to the ranch Jeep and put your hands on the hood.”

Raising her eyebrows, she gave me a slight smile. I watched her turn and shake that fine ass as she walked toward the Jeep. Turning, she looked over her shoulder and slid her finger into her mouth and smiled bigger.

Following her, I kept stroking my hard as a rock dick. Fuck I wanted to take her in the ass so damn bad.

Soon. Very soon I would start training that ass for my cock. Moaning, I watched her rest her hands on the hood. My heartbeat had sped up and I couldn’t help but notice how excited I got every time I thought about having sex with Ryn. I had never been like this with any other girl. It has always been about sex. Sure I wanted to pleasure them, and I always made sure they came at least once, but with Ryn it was so much more. I wanted to touch and feel every inch of her body. I wanted to feel her come hard on my tongue, fingers, and cock.

Running my hand down the middle of her back, Ryn moaned.

Grinning, I asked, “Do you want me, baby?”

“Yes. Tristan, I want you so much I can’t take it.”

“Tell me what you can’t take.”

“The wait! The need to come is incredible. It’s pulsing.”

Leaning over, I kissed her back. “Tell me what’s pulsing.”

“Oh God, Tristan. Don’t make me say it.”

Smacking her ass with my hand, Ryn jumped and let out a small scream. “Say it, Ryn.”

“My pussy! My pussy is pulsing.”

Rubbing my hand along her ass, Ryn let out a deep rumbled moan. “Tell me what you want, baby. I want to hear you tell me you want my cock buried in your pussy.”

Looking over her shoulder, Ryn’s breathing had increased. She was turned on and I knew if I stuck my fingers into her, she would be soaking wet. My dick was painfully hard as I continued to slide my hand up and down.

“Does it turn you on to hear me talk like that, Tristan?”

Smiling, I said, “Yes.”

Giving me a sexy grin, Ryn purred, “I want you to bury your cock deep inside my pussy, Tristan. I’m so wet and I need you to fuck me. I want you balls deep inside me.”

Holy fucking shit. My girl knew how to talk dirty. Dropping my dick, I grabbed her arms and pulled them behind her back. Tying them up with her bra, I pushed her legs open.

“I want to taste how wet you are, Ryn.”

“Oh God, Tristan. I’ve never. I’m so close. Oh God!”

I loved how responsive Ryn was to me. Dropping down, I placed both my hands on her ass. Her thong panties were made of lace and I knew in one pull they would fall apart in my hands. Thinking Ryn would think this was hotter, I moved her panties out of the way and pushed my fingers inside of her. My eyes about rolled in the back of my head as I felt how wet she was. Getting my fingers good and covered with her sweetness, I pulled my fingers out. Slowly moving up I pushed my index finger against her ass and slowly pushed in. Ryn let out a long moan as she stood there with her hands tied behind her back.

“Ohmygod!” she called out. “Tristan! Oh God!”

Smiling, I moved my finger in and out of her ass as she fell apart.

Beautiful. Fucking beautiful.

Standing, I slowly leaned her against the Jeep as I grabbed onto her tied hands.

“Ryn, if I hurt you, you have to tell me.”

Nodding her head, she frantically panted out. “Yes. Yes. I’ll tell you.”

Pushing her ass against me, she mumbled, “Again! Tristan, do it again.”

This girl was killing me. With each time we were together, I grew more hopeful that Ryn would love my playroom.

“Please, Tristan, I’m so horny. Please!”

Reaching between her legs, I pushed my fingers in deep and began working her up. Pulling out she let out a frustrated sigh, but moaned when I pushed my index finger into her ass again. “Yes!” she yelled out as I placed my dick at the entrance to her pussy. I couldn’t wait to fuck her. Feel her cunt pulsing and covering my cock with her sweetness.

As I pulled back on her hands, I pushed my dick into her, balls deep like she asked for. Ryn let out a scream.

“Baby, are you okay?”

“Give me a second. I just need to adjust to you like this. It’s . . . so . . . deep. So, deep!”

Smiling, I pulled back on her bra some. “Go. Tristan, move!”

Pulling out slowly, I pushed back in as I followed the same pattern with my finger in her ass. I knew Ryn had three different sensations going on at once. The feel of my finger in her ass, my cock in her pussy, and the pain of me pulling her arms back as I fucked her.

“Oh God. What’s happening?”

“Talk to me, Ryn.”

Slowing down some, she shook her head. “Feels so good. Tristan, don’t stop. Harder! Give it to me harder.”

“Fuck yeah, baby. That’s it.”

It didn’t take long for Ryn and I to both fall apart. I quickly untied her bra and began massaging her arms. It took a few minutes for our breathing to get under control.

Ryn smiled and wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed my nose. “I have to say. I like this side of you . . . a lot.”

Closing my eyes, I pulled her to me. I knew just because she liked rough fucking wasn’t going to mean she would be into everything. The flogger was fun, but what would she think when I showed her everything else?

I decided in that moment, I needed to entertain the thought of possibly giving up my other lifestyle if Ryn would not be into it. I was falling more and more in love with her as the seconds ticked off the clock.

I would not lose her again.

Tristan and I had come back from his parents’ ranch. Things had been blissfully wonderful between us. We were beginning to settle into a routine of being together again. Tristan’s stress level was up though as he prepared to head back home and permanently take over the ranch. Peter had hired on two guys Tristan had known since high school to come and help with the ranch until Tristan could get everything back in Austin squared away. He was keeping his downtown condo that I had yet to go to. I had always thought it was strange he never brought me there, but hadn’t really given it too much thought.

Tristan’s house went up for sale yesterday morning and this afternoon he was meeting with his realtor to look at an offer. Round Rock was a very sought out area of Austin and Tristan didn’t think he would have a problem selling his house. It had been completely remodeled. My favorite part of his house was his backyard. It was amazing. The stone patio pretty much took up most of the yard with a giant fire pit in the middle that was surrounded by built-in stone benches. More than once we had made love on those benches.

BOOK: Undeniable Love - Journey of Love Book 2
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